#sorry i couldnt get this one out sooner my muscles were really sore and i was tired as hell
Homemade Girlboss Battle: Round 1, Side B
these are the matchups for side B of round 1! these polls will be released every 45 minutes starting at 2:00 PM GMT on April 15th (use this timezone converter to see when that is for you!). each poll will last for 7 days once again, so youve got plenty of time to propagandize!
Lady Ignis Solon (@containmentbreach) vs. Alice Luoja (@cantdanceflynn & @pyxehastoomanyinterests)
Cadmus (@lesbx) vs. Delilah Envie (@scrubbythebubble)
Julia Vancer (@aubadeempress / @aubadeatelier) vs. Heather Lucille Valentine (@derelictheretic)
Xoco (@selinas-ships) vs. Edgar Rennington (@pvssinboots / @pandrena)
Chris Laserbrain (@soupluvr03 / @orangebot) vs. Ms. Evenleigh AKA Evens (@kursed-curtain / @goddessoftechnology)
Purity (@poicyss) vs. Irene Witherspoon (@drebber)
Selene Cromswell (@clovenhooved) vs. Valerie Nerine Toine (@feeniehutjrs)
Odette (@catboirights) vs. Erinyes (@squideotape)
Ada (@thesaintelectric) vs. Ticketaker (@cherrycookies / @vermillionverse)
Quezal (@saturno-sol) vs. Olivia Reed (@cabooseisneat)
Patience (@cherry-spot / @cheery-spot-art) vs. Valerie Wester (@toa-arania)
Cecily (@twizzta / @cnid) vs. Heart Agnusdei (@trapdoornumberthree)
Poppy (@stobotnik) vs. Estelle Reyes (@bashirs)
Queen Medusa (@wiiabee) vs. Bianka Andromeda (@axolotlfied)
Ludovica Rossi (@raybotonline) vs. 002 (@texeoghea)
The Nameless Inquisitor/Inquisitor Whatshername (@kirjanikv6ilill) vs. Roberta Abarca (@siripedra)
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 2
Summary: reader is in a avusive relationship. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: this story has torture, smut, laguage, violence, abuse. If youre triggered by any of these i suggest not reading. Feedback is always welcome.
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When i woke i was in a hospital bed. I heard the distinct beeping of several monitors to my side. Wires and tubes were attached to me seemingly everywhere. I opened my eyes a little and the bright light above me made me shut them quickly. I groaned as the pain in my head started once again. I felt a warm hand on mine. I turned towards the touch and opened my eyes again. I blinked several times to clear my vision. A man sat beside my bed a worried look on his face. He had short hair and the most beautiful green eyes i had ever seen.
"Hey, youre awake." He said in a rough voice. I looked around confused and fear started to settle in again.
"Where.... where....." i tried to ask but my throat was so dry. He stood then and walked across the room to retrieve a cup of ice water. He placed the straw to my lips and moaned as the cold liquid soothed my dry as sand throat.
He waited patiently as i drank my fill. When i was done he placed the cup on the table beside the bed. He sat back down beside me. "Dont worry sweetheart. Youre safe. Youre in the hospital." He spoke softly and i could tell by his eyes and voice he was kind. I felt safe for some odd reason, i didnt even know him.
"Who are you?" I rasped out weakly.
"Im dean, me and my brother sam brought you here. What the hell happened to you?" He asked in a serious tone.
My heart beat started racing as the machine started beeping more and more. My breath started to get shallow thinking about parker and what he done. Not to mention what he will do when he finds me.
"Hey, hey, calm down. Its okay you dont have to talk about it now. Whats your name?" He said soothingly.
"(Y/N)." I croaked. "My boyfriend did this." I motioned to myself. His jaw clenched and i saw the muscle working overtime. His eyes changed from caring to fury. I felt fear creeping up my spine as he looked into my eyes.
"Whats that bastards name? Was he in your house? Ill kill him." Dean said standing up from his seat beside my bed. He started pacing back and forth until i spoke.
"Can you please sit down dean?" It came out as a whisper. I expected him to shout at me. Telling me i had no right to ask him of anything and worse. I expected him to hit me. After all thats what i was used to. Dean seemed to notice where my thoughts were at. He held up is hands in a surrendering motion and walked slowly back to the chair beside the bed.
"Dont worry sweetheart, im not going to hurt you. I promise no one will ever hurt you again." I sighed a relieved sigh and relaxed back into the bed. Sleep was pulling heavily at me and i didnt want to fight it. I was just to tired.
Before i closed my eyes i heard dean say. "Im not going anywhere."
"What do you want to do about him?" A strange voice asked.
"I want to rip him apart with my bare hands. You heard the doctor, everything that happened to her." That was deans voice. He was talking to another man about me.
"I checked the house and hes not there. Probably cut and run when he realized she had escaped." The other man said.
"I dont care sam, hes around here somewhere. I wont stop until he gets what he deserves." Dean said, he tried to keep his voice restrained but i could tell his anger was getting to him.
I heard the other man sigh. "What about cas? Cant he help her?" This must be sam, deans brother.
"I havent asked her about it yet. I dont want to put to much on her. Shes under enough stress as it is."
Who is this cas theyre talking about? What could he possibly help me with?
I grrunt and open my eyes the pain in my head isnt as bad as it was but i was sure feeling it everywhere else. Dean is sitting right by my bed where he was earlier. Across the room i see a massive man sitting in the other seat. He has long brown hair that touches his shoulders and a massive build.
Dean notices that im awake and grabs my hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Like i was run over by a 18 wheeler several times." I say weakly.
Dean give a remorseful smile and then points over to the seat being occupied by the large man. "Thats my brother sam. Hes been trying to track down your boyfriend."
I swallowed hard at the fear that crept up at the mention of parker.
"Did...did you find....parker?" I stumble over my words as i begin to shake. Sam shook his head as deans grip tightend on my hand.
"Sorry, he has either left town or is hiding somewhere local. He more than likely knows someone will be coming for him now that you escaped." Sam said with a shrug.
"Hes not gone. Hes somewhere close. He isnt scared of the cops or anyone." I say with tears building in my eyes.
Dean wipes them away with his thumb. "He doesnt know real fear but ill make sure to take care of that. He will beg for death before im done with him."
I smile kindly at dean, "you dont have to put yourself in harms way for me. Hes smart, hes dangerous and he has connections all over this town and probably several more across the state. Hes not going to stop until he has me back. Hes not going to stop until im dead." The words just spill out for no reason. Im guessing its because i held it in for all these years that it felt good to actually talk to someone.
"Thats not going to happen. I meant what i said when i told you no one will hurt you ever again. We will protect you. I will protect you." Dean growled but said the last part softly. Just then the doctor decided to walk in.
"Hello (Y/N) im doctor gram. How are you feeling?"
"My head isnt hurting like it was but im really sore and hurting everywhere else."
The doctor nodded and checked the monitors. "Thats understandable considering all your injuries. Can you tell me what happened?"
I sighed hating to actually have to tell the whole story in front of dean and sam but im sure theyll find it out sooner or later.
"I was in a abusive relationship for the past two years. My boyfriend did this. He raped me, he cut me, he stabbed me and smashed my head into the walls and floor. He tied me up and ripped something in my leg. He choked me and bit me. Punched me until i couldnt see straight." I took a deep breath in and the doctor just nodded and held up his hand. The fury that was coming from dean was scary.
"Yes you tore your ligaments and muscles in your leg. Youll have to have surgery to fix that but we want you to be a little more stable to do that. Gentlemen if youll excuse us for a few minutes while i examine (Y/N)." Doctor gram said to dean and sam. Sam nodded and dean sat still for a moment. He kissed the back of my hand and that surprised me. "Ill be right outside the door. Im not going anywhere." Dean said as he stood up, him and sam walked out the door shutting it on their way out.
"So (Y/N), your skull is fractured in two places. Your nose is broken, you also have three broken ribs. Torn ligaments and muscles in your leg. We stitched up the cuts and stab wounds that was inflicted. Your vagina also had major lacerations that needed stitching. I need to check those if you dont mind." Dr gram said in his no nonsense doctor voice. I nodded and he lifted the blanket and my hospital gown as he examined me.
I shut my eyes and felt the bile rising in my throat as he was looking at me. I just had a uneasy feeling with him or anyone being that close to me. He lowered the blanket back and began writing on his clipboard. "Your stitches look good. Parker did a job on you didnt he?"
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