#sorry i got darker with this than might have been expected 😅
bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
heyy! first off, happy belated birthday! 💕 this matchup event seems fun so i’mma give it a try!
my 3 choices are:
• perfume: garden of love
• good luck charms: i’d like some jewelry! in a silver color, and i’d prefer some earrings.
• love fortunes
1. i’m a female going by she/her pronouns!
2. here’s a pic crew of me (ngl, i’m not really good at making piccrews of myself ‘cause they never end up completely accurate, and this is the closest thing i got. also, my hair is actually a bit more darker than in the pic, it usually looks black but in sunlight, it might come off as dark brown). oh, and i’m 5’2!
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3. i’m straight
4. i’m 18 years old
5. starting off a bit basic, i’d want my partner to be loyal, respectful, and kind. i’d prefer them to be either a extrovert or ambivert. basically someone who’re more than willing to speak for me ‘cause i’m hella shy and i sometimes have moments where i’m too scared to talk to people. i’m also an introvert so sometimes i have days where i don’t wanna go out (i can get socially drained easily 😅), and i’d want my parter to understand that. no matter how different our interests were, i’d want my partner to at least respect them or even give it a try (like listening to a music genre they normally don’t listen to). i’m a bit of a sucker for affection, so i’d love my partner to occasionally offer me cuddles and stuff like that (not a fan of PDA, but i’m fine with holding hands, having an arm around me, or a small kiss in public). i get insecure at times (whether it’s my appearance, intelligence, etc.), so i’d want my partner to comfort me during those moments. i also want my partner to appreciate my family and friends since they mean the world to me, and even have my partner meet them whenever possible. (i’d especially love it if my partner becomes close with some of my cousins, who i consider siblings at this point). if there’s something i did that made my partner upset, i’d want them to tell me about it instead of hiding it (‘cause i lowkey get self conscious of people possibly being mad at me even if it turns they’re not 😅). i’m not too big on my partner’s appearance, but i’d lowkey prefer if they were taller than me LMAO (even if they’re just an inch taller than me, i’d be fine 😂). and lastly, while i don’t expect my partner to spoil me with so many items (‘cause for one, i’d feel guilty if i can’t buy them anything in return. and two, i’d be concerned over how much money they have left after all that, haha), some small gifts would steal my heart. i personally love anything considered cute, especially things from sanrio (if you’re unfamiliar with them, they’re the company who created hello kitty), so anything like a cute plush or keychain would make me happy 🥰
6. my favorite flowers are roses 🌹
7. i’d prefer not to be matched with diavolo, ciccolata, secco, or doppio from golden wind. i just don’t really vibe with them 😬
8. i’m fine with being matched up with a villain
9. my 2 animes are jjba: diamond is unbreakable and jjba: golden wind!
tysm for this!! i hope you have a good rest of your week. make sure to take care of yourself!! <333
Fortune Teller Match Maker 🔮 Anime Matchups 💘
omg thanks for sending your matchup but next time send it in my ask box instead. Sorry this took me a while been going through quite a bit so motivation for writing hasn’t been there. Hope you enjoy this and you take care of yourself as well. I appreciate the sweet little messages 💓
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond Is Unbreakable
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Abella looks forward to your crystal ball reading. A lot will be unfold to your bit of love story once she reveals who your potential true love is. She guides you to her small round purple table. The table is filled with various items a match maker such as herself would carry: love potions, tarot card decks, etc. You take a seat on a stack of square shaped cushions across from her. She waves her hand over the table and a puff of pink smoke appears out of no where. When it clears up the table is clean. You notice her hot pink colored crystal ball is the only item left behind. She sits across you on a orange plush stool.
"To get an accurate reading I'll need to reveal your true love."
She then instructs you how she'll need to hold your hand to get a good reading for you. Understanding, you give her your pale hand. Abella then closes her eyes and the reading begins. It becomes shocking to you since you feel a huge tug at the bottom of your soul. You weren't startled, more so confused. Her hearts across her face are lighting up a bright pink. You finally notice a huge pink symbol surrounding you both on the ground. It's in the shape of a rose. Your dark straight hair is floating above your head as is Abella's curls.
Abella talks when the crystal ball is glowing a bright pink. Her eyes are still closed and she is focused. Your brown eyes widen in wonder as a figure is slowly appearing on he crystal ball.
"I see... your true love is a man with everything you're looking for. I see he is loyal, respectful, and kind. He would also be good for your shy nature especially since he finds it very attractive and cute. He's honest with his feelings and is easy to talk to as well as get along with."
You notice the image becoming more visible revealing dark hair and two scars across his face. In the crystal ball he smiles. Your brown eyes look to him with curiosity.
"His name is Okuyasu Niijimura."
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"I wouldn't see any sort of hardships with him in your romance but he does have an unfortunate living situation. I would also like to mention he is a hopeless romantic but I trust you won't hurt him. You have a kind aura to your soul." Abella smiles your direction letting go of the crystal ball.
You notice the crystal ball is no longer glowing nor are the hearts on Abella's face. The rose symbol is no where to be found. She allows you a moment to think over all she has revealed to you. Okuyasu is your true love and proves to hold all the qualities you're looking for in a man.
You request Abella of a good luck charm after you've deeply thought over what her crystal ball revealed. Abella's brown eyes light up and she walks over to some shelves to grab a stack of three wooden boxes. They're small and she scatters them across the table for you.
"Before you choose I'll need to give you instructions. Choose the box you feel is the best decision. Your heart will guide you."
The bright pink hearts on her face as well as the rose symbol on the ground are glowing. She waves her hand across the boxes causing them to turn into a purple color. She gestures to the boxes.
You hover your hand over the boxes. You felt a warmth in your soul choosing the box at the middle. Abella nods telling you chose correctly. She snaps her fingers and the other two boxes are gone once the pink smoke disappears.
You open the box and see a small blue velvet box. You open it revealing a pair of silver earrings. They dangle and have hearts hanging at the bottom. They sparkle such a lovely glimmer. You look back to the fortune teller. She understands the look you give her very well. How could these earrings possibly be good luck charms?
"Those earrings symbolize love. As you can see from the hearts. As a good luck charm these earrings will improve your chances of romance by sixty percent. They also assist in good luck but only by twenty percent."
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You try on the earrings admiring how they glimmer. You thank her for the earrings. Abella asks you of your next request to which she is happy to hear. She goes to her shelves of perfumes behind her table. She grabs a hold of one after you name the one you desire. She holds a small round bottle with a heart shaped turquoise colored lid. The bottle is decorated in painted flowers and vines.
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"This bottle is called, 'garden of love'. It has a flowery scent helps your lover realize they want to be with you. A romantic date might occur but of course this only happens if romance sparks between the both of you."
You give the perfume a couple spritz after she explains the use of the perfume. No more than two sprays since any more won't have an affect. The perfume smells of daisies, chamomile’s, roses, and fresh air. It’s very relaxing and makes you feel ready to take on the world. You’re seeking passionate love.
"It smells good." You smile her direction.
Abella seems to be happy for you. Her true happiness is directed toward the potential results of the perfume. You could get a garden date with your true love. She hopes it will be today.
Abella guides you to the center of her tent where the rose symbol on the ground appears surrounding you two again. The hearts underneath her eyes glow again, her pink painted lips encouraging you to enter the white portal with a smile. Before you enter the portal she gives you parting words.
"You might meet your true love but I must inform you sometimes the meeting doesn't always go well. Do not be disheartened if it doesn't work out today. There is still plenty of time for love to bloom. Plus those earrings are sure to help you as well. Best of luck."
You give her a goodbye before entering the portal. When you open your eyes you're located in front of a café at Morioh. You notice Okuyasu walking down the street, he seems to be in a good mood. You're unsure what to say until you feel a hand grab your wrist. You don't recognize the business suit wearing, blonde male. He has a creepy expression on his face. You become increasingly uncomfortable the more he stares. His grip on your wrist is strong, you're unsure of his intentions but you don't want to find out.
Okuyasu noticed the intense atmosphere and the situation you're in. He decided to punch the stranger with his stand so the intimidating male would be knocked out. Okuyasu then grabs your hand and runs away with you. You follow behind him, running as quickly as possible. You two end up at an alley, panting. No one seems to be around so you two.
"You okay? The creep had such a tight grip on your hand." Okuyasu looks to your direction.
"Yes I'm fine. Thank you for saving me back there. He gave me such a scary look."
"Don't worry. He didn't follow us."
After you caught your breath you look at Okuyasu. You wish to know who it is that saved you. You recognize his features from when he appeared in Abella's crystal ball. Your mouth dropped at the revelation. Okuyasu's mouth drops as well but for other reasons. He's thinking about how lucky he is to be in your presence since you're so cute.
You decide to introduce yourself to which Okuyasu does in return. He blushes as he offers you a milkshake or a bite to eat. You gladly agree as your kind brown eyes reassure him. His huge cheeky grin on his face appears. You giggle following him to the nearest place for food.
Spending time with Okuyasu was fun, he had a lot to say. He's also dramatic and funny. Your time spent with him was filled with himself chatting with you about various topics. Before you knew it Okuyasu took you to a date at the park. He was feeding pigeons breed crumbs but they became too enthusiastic and started flocking him. He was being chased by them. You had to help him which he was really grateful for. You brushed feathers off of him with your hands. Your short self had trouble helping him up but you managed.
Okuyasu thought it was sweet how concerned you became over his well being. He observed your features which gave him the extra courage to ask you on a date. He got the idea to take you to an abandoned garden he often visits. He remembered the location after smelling your perfume. The flowery scent giving him the desire to take you on a garden date.
You agreed and followed him to the destination. The more you talked to Okuyasu the more you realized he has all the qualities you’re looking for in a man. He was so sweet and extroverted. He held your hand on the way to the garden. It felt so comforting. He had the biggest smile on his face.
At the garden you both shared conversations and had a pleasant time together. You observed the roses as you thought about Okuyasu and all Abella revealed to you earlier. Meanwhile Okuyasu is standing next to you hoping you’re enjoying the date.
You more than enjoyed it. He was happy to hear about your family. He said they sounded lovely. He also enjoyed talking about hobbies. Okuyasu felt compelled to hold your hand again. When he looked to your eyes he was blushing and kisses your hand. His eyes light up when he see’s how you blush in return.
“You look so beautiful. I’m so lucky to be on this date with you.”
You express your gratitude for the date with positivity. Promising him another date. Though you were shy about it he thought it was cute. He picked you some roses before walking you back. You wanted to go back to Abella to thank her. Okuyasu walked you to the destination.
Before he left he gives you a kiss to your cheek. He was a bit bashful but so happy to go on another date with you. He intended on taking you to his favorite restaurant. Okuyasu left with a joyous skip in his step as he walked away.
You make it back to Abella’s tent hoping she isn’t busy. Thankfully she has no customers and she eagerly invites you inside her tent. You mention bumping into Okuyasu and going on a date with him.
“I’m so happy your evening turned out so well. Did he give you those roses as well?”
You mention the date at the garden, causing her brown eyes to light up. She thought it was so cute.
“I think you and Okuyasu will make such a lovely pair. The date sounds so romantic already.”
You two chat a bit longer before Abella walks over to a planter to get you a present. She picks a flower and holds it out to you. It’s a bright green rose.
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“This is for you. This rose is a perfect to gift in a new relationship, when a relationship is starting. May you and Okuyasu share a good relationship.”
You thank Abella before leaving. Abella watched as you left, knowing you’d share a fulfilling and lifelong relationship with Okuyasu. The green rose she gifted you has various meanings but she knew it would transmit good luck for the new relationship.
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