#sorry i just saw beheaded Isabelle and thought “huh. huh”
hey guys! i finally had the time to get this started. here was the first request:
an alice in wonderland au - malec edition
i tried my best, i was kinda young when i read the book so i don’t remember exactly what it was like but this is my attempt !!
requested by @tobeornottobetequila !
Alec woke up feeling a little dazed, and with an absolutely thudding headache. He stretched his arm out with his eyes still shut, and accidentally slapped Magnus awake.
“What was that for??”
“Sorry. Stretching.”
Now, Alec usually had great vision. It was part and parcel of being a shadowhunter. But even after he rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times, it was clear that he was not in Magnus’s apartment. Or in the Institute. Or anywhere he recognised, for that matter. He shook Magnus -who had went back to sleep- to get his attention.
“Alright, stop messing. Where are we?”
“Huh? We’re in my apartment- oh.”
“You see it too?”
They shared a glance and looked around themselves. It was Magnus’s bed, sure, but it was in the middle of nowhere. There was insanely green grass, and the trees- such an odd shape. Alec could even make out a castle in the distance. “So it’s not my headache. Whatever the hell this is is real.”
The place looked like Faerie, but more in a Fairytale fantasy way- like the pair had been sent into a book.
“You know, this place gives me insane Alice in Wonderland vibes. I’m half expecting the Cheshire Cat to pop out of that tree.”
Alec looked extremely terrified. “Is that another of your cats?” he inquired.
Magnus half-laughed, half-sighed. “Remind me to never make a reference towards anything at all with you. Alice in Wonderland is a famous book, my love,” he said, kissing the top of his boyfriend’s head. Things were going great right now- Alec had finally accepted himself and came out, and whilst the reaction wasn’t the best from everyone, he seemed happier. More free. More willing to love Magnus. Despite being in a completely foreign place with no idea how to leave, he didn’t quite want to. It was peaceful here.
“Do you think you can portal out?”
Magnus shrugged and waved his hands- with no avail. Not even any blue sparks came out of his hands.
“I’m afraid, only magic from this dimension works here.”
“This dimension.” Magnus repeated. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“Why not?” The voice gained a face, to which Magnus’s eyes widened. “Holy fu-“
“Language!” Alec exclaimed, mock offended.
“Sorry darling. But I need to use it right now. WHY THE HELL IS THE GODDAMN FUCKING MAD HATTER STANDING IN FRONT OF US?”
“Boys, boys. Calm it down. I’m simply here to tell you that you need to leave as soon as possible. People don’t like your kind here, and I can-“
Suddenly, Alec was angry. “Your kind?! Your kind as in ‘gays’? Well you listen to me, dude. We have every right to exist just like you straight people. There is nothing wrong with me not with my boyfriend and I love him so goddamn much that I’m ready to punch the absolute SHIT out of you if you say that-“
“As I was saying, your kind refers to the fact that you’re from another dimension. I was offering to help you both leave, before the Queen finds out you’re here. Also, where the hell did you get the assumption that I’m straight from? I mean, look at me.” The man gestured at himself, and Alec noticed that he shared a very similar taste in style with Magnus. Now he knew what Simon meant when he greeted Magnus as ‘the Mad Hatter’ all the time. He was still to figure out why Magnus called him ‘Edward’ though.
“Well, I’m sorry. Quite new to being out and happy, so I get defensive.”
“That’s totally understandable! Now, I suggest you two get ready and follow me,” the Mad Hatter said, ducking out of sight. This whole experience was so bizarre.
“That rant was really sexy, by the way.”
Alec flushed. “Shut up.”
“You make gay rights sound even sexier.”
“Why are rights sexy in the first place?”
Magnus rolled his eyes and got out of the bed. “You’re such a buzzkill,” he said, pouting.
Alec’s mind wandered yet again to how odd everything was. Where was this place? What was it? Why was there an insane man leading them about?
“Alrighty boys! We’re here!” The ‘Mad Hatter’ gestured toward a portal- guess some things didn’t change. “One thing before you go. You have to take these,” he said, handing Alec a small cake-like item with an ‘eat me’ tag on it, and Magnus a small vial with ‘drink me’ inscribed on the lid. “We give them to everyone who unexpectedly turns up here before they return home.”
Magnus stares at his vial in wonder. “We really are living a fairytale right now,” he muttered, downing the stuff. Alec watched him nervously, swallowing the cake bite whole before he had a chance to taste it.
And of course he started choking.
Magnus slammed his back several times as his skin became increasingly more red from embarrassment. He then stopped, and they brushed themselves off. Magnus of course giggling silently to himself.
“I didn’t quite expect you two to be so desperate to take them- are you in such a rush to go home?” the strange man said, looking sad.
“Well, yes. Plus you did say that-“
“That the Queen would be angry if people not belonging to this dimension were here?” echoed a new voice. A female one.
Magnus spun around. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Not you?!”
The Queen of Hearts raised an eyebrow. “Am I truly that bad?”
“You behead people.”
“She beheads people?!”
“Yes, Alec. It’s the- you know what, forget it. We’re in a fairytale, the book I said about. I don’t know what the hell happened or how drunk I got to be able to conjure this shit up. But what I do know is that this is the part where he,” Magnus said, gesturing at the Mad Hatter, “gets arrested, and so do we, and our heads get chopped off.”
Alec did not quite like the sound of that. As Magnus said, sure enough the Queen of Hearts ordered her guards to arrest the other man and take them as well for immediate beheading. “What did we do?” he asked in a small and vulnerable, panicked voice. Magnus’s heart broke that second; he sounded so scared. His Alec, his brave archer boy, made so small. All he wanted to do was hold him and tell him that it would be okay, but all he was capable of doing was brushing his hand against his.
“You trespassed. And this mad man here was helping you leave. He does this all the time- and gets away with it. Well not anymore, I say! Off with all your heads!”
Alec looked as if he was about to pass out.
It took surprisingly less time to get to the castle than they thought it would. As soon as they’d arrived, all three had been sent to the dungeon quarters to prepare for execution, each in three separate cells as extra added torture for Magnus and Alec. They were also brought out with hoods over their heads, meaning they couldn’t even see each other.
“Down!” The Queen barked.
The executioners shoved the three down on their knees.
Their heads were pressed against the blocks.
“Anyone have any last words?”
“Damn. You know, I really thought they’d be using the guillotine by now. It would’ve been cooler. Imagine dying, going to hell because let’s face it heaven is definitely not for me, and the other ghosts being like ‘How did you die?’ And then you get to go ‘Guillotine’-“
“Shut up, please,” The Queen yelled. Alec laughed to himself; Magnus was never short of something quick witted to say.
They were hushed, the axes lined up on their necks.
They were lifted off. The pressure being removed felt odd. Then Alec began to feel sick again. Like he was going to collapse.
Magnus felt so too. Even though they couldn’t communicate properly he could almost feel it in his veins. For a moment, he thought they were both going to die, and silently hoped that they would before the axes met their necks again. It would be less painful that way.
The whoosh of air they felt against themselves as the axes were brought down with force was oddly calming. Even though they were one second away from-
Magnus sat up, first of all aware that he couldn’t breathe. He choked on water, coughing endless streams of it up. Once he’d calmed down, he noticed that he was soaking. His hair was dripping in his face.
“Magnus! You’re okay, thank god-“
“Guys Alec isn’t moving-“
“What?” said Magnus. There were too many voices surrounding him. He looked up and was glad to see that the soft voice that first spoke to him was his little biscuit, Clary. He was on the ground in the middle of Central Park with a few other shadowhunters- Jace, Isabelle, and Simon too- and Alec was lying limp beside him. He was extremely pale, deathly so, and he could barely breathe. His chest rattled with each one he took.
“Magnus, what happened? How did you guys fall in there?” Clary asked, concerned.
“Clary, sweetheart, I appreciate your concern but one; I have no idea what just happened and two; Alec?”
He shifted himself over- he could barely move- and tried his magic. He ordered Jace and Isabelle back. The magic shocked Alec awake, but he was too weak to cough the water out himself. The next few seconds were terrifying- Alec spasming and freaking out, Isabelle loudly sobbing in fear, Clary getting worried, and Jace. Jace was silent, expressionless. He couldn’t quite believe it- in fact- he refused to. Alec couldn’t die. Not before him.
As if knowing what he was thinking, Magnus looked at Jace with a kind smile. “No one’s dying tonight. He’s going to be fine- I can remove the water. But he definitely needs to go to the Institute infirmary. And he needs strict bed rest.”
Seeing as he was unable to make a portal because of his weakened strength, he called Catarina to pick them up and take them to the Institute. On the ride there, he was able to talk to Clary.
“So what did actually happen?”
“I’m not sure,” she said. “You guys must’ve went for a walk and fallen into the river. We got a fire message from a shadowhunter on patrol of the area saying they saw you drowning- he helped you both to stay afloat whilst help came. Then we arrived.”
Magnus considered asking if she knew how the hell they had even fallen in in the first place, but didn’t. He had too little energy. So was the whole Alice in Wonderland thing fake?
Later in the afternoon, Alec had been taken to the Institute to recover and get cleaned up. Magnus went back home, so that he could clean up too. The whole thing was mad. As he took off his coat, he felt something in his pocket.
A little vial.
The exact one that was in that ‘dream’.
He decided to keep it to show Alec and made his way to the Institute. Isabelle opened the door.
“Magnus! Hey! Alec is a lot better. He kept asking for you. He wants to show you something I think.”
Magnus held the conversation with his boyfriend’s little sister for a few moments before making his way to his room.
“I’m here.”
Alec was curled up in his bed. He looked exhausted and freezing. “I feel so cold. I had a hot shower to help but it hasn’t really.”
“It’s okay. Just let me hold you. Your sister said you wanted to show me something?”
Alec shuffled up so that he was sitting against the headboard. Magnus slid on beside him, putting an arm around him and letting his head fall on his shoulder. He absentmindedly ran his fingers through Alec’s soft, dark hair. There had been a Herondale once, one that on first sight Magnus thought Alec resembled almost perfectly. The dark hair, stark against pale skin. The deep blue eyes, which held oceans of emotion behind them. And to be fair, Alec was a descendant of him. But after getting to know him, Magnus realised that Alec was not as like Will Herondale as he thought.
“This,” said Alec, snapping Magnus out of his daydream. It was a tag.
A tag that said ‘Eat Me’ on it.
Magnus wordlessly scrambled for his pocket and produced the vial.
“By the Angel. What does this mean? Where were we? What even happened? Were we actually almost killed? What about that other guy-“
“Alec, don’t worry yourself. Everything’s fine. I don’t know either. I don’t even know if we just hardcore dreamt that or if it actually happened. I mean, it’s not every day you just casually fall into a river. And you of all people- a shadowhunter nonetheless- shouldn’t be just falling in.”
Alec sighed. He shuffled back down on the bed and gave Magnus a look that meant he expected him to do so too. So he did. They still held each other tight. Alec took Magnus’s face gently in his hands, like he was precious porcelain. He kissed him, almost relieved that he could. The dream had been so real. His soft skin felt warm on his hands.
“Yeah, honey?”
“I’m glad you didn’t get your head cut off.”
The two burst into fits of laughter. This was definitely going to be an inside joke now.
Then someone appeared in the doorway. It was Simon.
“Isabelle sent me here to make sure you guys were okay.”
“Oh, we’re fine. Thank you Edward.”
Simon winked- well, tried to- and left.
Alec turned back to Magnus.
“Where the hell do you get Edward from?!”
(here’s the first of the requests! number two is currently in the making and will be done soon)
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