#sorry i wouldn't have been able to decide what to talk about about fae specifically without a prompt so instead you get. all of this
omgkalyppso · 1 year
🖊️+ Fae please? 💖
I appreciate you asking about Fae! Thank you.
Started over three times because talking about Fae often leads to oversharing.
They're very personal to me. I love them dearly. I love their relationships and how they love and how they're met with mindfulness and support and friendship and desire. They're not a self-insert but they are wish fulfillment.
I have so many unfinished fics featuring Fae already that I've stopped myself from starting more, but after the year I've had of (not) writing, that may have been a bad decision / stumped me creatively.
Single Parent AU
I let myself write a little vampire!Fae x Lorenz: 3,000 word E rated fic on ao3
But I really didn't lean into starting my Monster AU. Little post. 1,375 word M rated post. I have so much blocked dialogue from last year, have some more (Claude is a fairy, Lorenz is a mage / wizard / hedge witch):
Claude: Hunters? (floating upside down somewhere in Lorenz’s line of vision)
Lorenz: Humans who dislike monsters, fairies included.
Claude: Then I should look different. (poof. He’s normal sized)
Lorenz: Heavens. Could you always do this?
Claude: I don't know … it's been a while since I learned, I think.
Lorenz: That's not what - ugh. Okay fine, you need clothes. Come on.
Claude: If you insist.
Claude: (being stuffed into some robes, maybe a tie or cravat or something) That tickles!
Lorenz: Sit still.
Claude: This is fun. More fun than waiting for you to court me, at any rate.
Lorenz: Court you?
Claude: I mean, the milk and cakes were fine conversation, but the baubles and cherries - that was romantic, wasn't it? I left you those crystals as thanks. (pointing somewhere in the room) There's one. So you liked them?
Lorenz: You're mistaken, or I was.
Claude: Oh. Oh well. (now fully dressed) Eugh, what is this?
Lorenz: The clothing that will make you pass for— No. What? (claude has shrunk himself back to tiny size so the clothes start falling, unfilled, then poofs back to full size, but the clothing is different, ending this transformation by kissing Lorenz)
Claude: Better.
Lorenz: (rubbing his mouth) Too rich. Lose the ruffles. (Claude does)
It'll be silly but if it gets written, hopefully it will be fun.
I've also been rotating a longer Fae-as-a-student AU, and a segment where (have a read more this time)
Byleth takes Lorenz to tea for his birthday, a gift of roses. Fae presents him with a garland of white roses flowers of lesser care, and Lorenz feels obligated to refuse such a romantic gift from a commoner for the sake of imagined eligible ladies scrutinizing his behaviour or the possibility that his father might find out.
I put Fae's dorm beside Lyisthea's (which I guess is also beside Mercedes', but I thought Mercie was in the middle of Lysithea and Leonie but I was wrong), and imagine Lysithea looking tired and approaching Claude, initially saying she needs a favour but when Claude looks All Too Delighted at the prospect of her owing him something she quickly corrects herself to say that she needs him to act as house leader and go check on Fae after hearing them crying.
Fae doesn't tell Claude what about and he doesn't press after asking if it's homesickness; Fae asks to sit next to him for the day.
Lorenz: They're lovely—
Fae: Oh, I—
Lorenz: But it would be inappropriate for me to accept them. Garlands like these are romantic, meant to be given with Hope's of affection. Perhaps it is your Adrestian upbringing that caused you to forget? My father would be very cross if he discovered I had accepted a gift like this from a commoner.
Fae: Of course, I … hadn't been thinking. I should have chosen another flower. My apologies, and happy birthday.
Lysithea: Claude, I need a favour— No. I need you to be a house leader.
Claude: Oh? What's up?
Lysithea: Fae cried for hours last night. Do you mind checking on them?
Claude: Yeah, get some rest, I'll talk to Hanneman.
Lysithea: Well, I'm not going to be late. Just see that they're alright so it doesn't happen again.
Fae: Claude.
Claude: Hey there. Rough night? Homesick?
Fae: I'm sorry.
Claude: No need to apologize. But uh, is it something I can help with? [they shake their head] No? Do you want me to get—? [Fae interrupts, afraid he may suggest Lorenz before Zoran]
Fae: No, I— I am sorry. You're enough. More than enough. And good company. May I sit with you today?
Claude: [uncomfortable with vulnerability] Sure thing. [some self-aggrandizing babble]
Hanneman: And what was the name of this blightful creature that shook southern Fodlan to its very core?
Claude: The shining locust.
Hanneman: Correct. Yes, Lorenz?
Lorenz: Professor, I do not think it's appropriate to recognize Claude's contribution when he is so clearly passing notes during your lecture.
Claude: Oh, you mean this note? [holding up a piece of paper, acting as though he's reading it but I haven't decided if he's lying about the contents] What is that smell?
Hanneman: Is there an odor, Faedolyn?
Fae: I thought so, it may have been something stuck to a log in the fire. Burning moss, or something.
Hanneman: [looking to take their temperature with the back of his hand] May I? You know smells associated with distress is one way for the body to alert oneself to unwellness.
Fae: [conceding] I'm sure I'm fine.
Hanneman: Yes?
Fae: Thank you.
Hanneman: Do speak up, all of you, if there is some manner of disturbance in the class affecting your learning.
Droning, as a group: Yes, professor.
Hanneman: And Lorenz?
Lorenz: Yes, professor?
Hanneman: This was not a test. I would appreciate it if more of the class spoke up more often, but in the meanwhile, if comfort dictates that your knowledge be shared quietly with those who will contribute, then I am satisfied. And that it is the next Grand Duke forging bonds, well, I am encouraged. [Claude being unduly smug]
Lorenz: Of course, professor, I will endeavor to remember this is a forum.
Hanneman: Very good.
And thinking of the ethereal moon ball, and still Claude dancing first with Byleth; and Fae dancing first with family: Linhardt (before he falls asleep) and Zoran, still, twice with Claude early and once with Claude late, most of the rest of my favorites somewhere in between, and maybe most with Hilda if everyone is sick of swaying - but the dancing is a novelty for Fae, and an excuse to be out of conversation, even if it's tiring. and maybe by the time Lorenz has worked through the major and minor nobility, successful or otherwise in roping them into dance and conversation, and thinks it might be appropriate to dance with an old friend - Fae and Claude are off somewhere having Claude's goddess tower conversation (Byleth gets Dimitri's in this outline).
I worry a lot of the little scenes in that AU would be boring. dfghgdfhdg
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poison-blackheart · 1 year
Lost girl
Bo and Kenzie
Summary: Kenzi is tired of Bo ranting about Dyson, Lauren and Tamsin.
I'm so sick of it!
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Kenzi had always been there for Bo, through thick and thin. She had been her confidante, her friend, and her family. However, lately, it seemed like all Bo ever talked about was her love life. Specifically, her love life with Dyson, Lauren, and Tamsin.
Kenzi had to admit, she was starting to get fed up. She was tired of hearing about how great Dyson was in bed, or how Lauren's intellect was a turn-on for Bo, or how Tamsin's bad girl attitude made her heart race.
One day, after Bo had gone on and on about her love triangle, Kenzi finally snapped. "Enough, Bo! I don't want to hear about your love life anymore. I'm sick of listening to you go on and on about Dyson, Lauren, and Tamsin. Don't you see that you're hurting yourself by not choosing one of them? You can't keep stringing them along like this."
Bo looked taken aback by Kenzi's outburst. "Kenzi, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was going on and on about them. I just can't decide who I want to be with. I care about all of them in different ways."
Kenzi took a deep breath. This was it. She had been holding in her feelings for Bo for far too long. "Bo, I have to tell you something. I've been in love with you for a long time. I know I'm not a fae or a doctor, but I care about you more than anyone else. I want to be with you, and I'll do anything to make you happy."
Bo's eyes widened in surprise. "Kenzi, I had no idea. I care about you too, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I didn't think you felt that way about me."
Kenzi smiled. "I understand, but I can't keep pretending that my feelings for you don't exist. I want to be honest with you and myself. So, what do you say? Will you give us a chance?"
Bo looked at Kenzi, a soft smile on her face. "I would love nothing more than to be with you, Kenzi. Let's give it a try."
As they embraced, Kenzi felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She knew that being with Bo wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to fight for their love. And who knows, maybe Bo would finally be able to let go of her love triangle and choose the one she truly wanted to be with – Kenzi.
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