#sorry i’m thinking about emilie agreste a lot and also rose quartz. it will happen again
anna-scribbles · 5 months
the fact that ml has a built in mechanism for adrien to talk to the IDEA of emilie à la the steven universe episode “storm in the room” HAUNTS me. like if he got ahold of félix’s kwagatama he could have a full conversation with the version of his mom who renounced her miraculous (and who KNOWS when that was?? as early as when she got pregnant and then handed it off to the fathoms? she wouldn’t really have had a reason to use it again after that.) oh i can’t decide if he would find this cathartic or devastating or both. your mom is dead but she’s here and she can’t answer for any of her crimes because she’s hardly even committed them yet. the crime was you. she won’t believe you were a crime. your mom is dead but she’s here and she’s so young, she’s the age she was when she conceived you, when nothing bad has happened yet and she can’t stop marveling at your face and how it is so like hers. your mom is dead and she won’t believe you now when you tell her it was your fault. your mom is dead but she’s here and she loves you and you can’t touch her, she’s real and not real at the same time, just like she was when she was alive.
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