#sorry i'm just unable to play it as much as i want to be playin it (due to my broken foot and desk setup)
zincbot · 4 months
(insert another nothing post abt how good in stars and time is)
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devildom-tyrant · 4 years
Hello!! Can I request an angry Mammon? Not at MC, but maybe for them? I'm thinking maybe MC accidentally got into a predicament with a witch or another demon and he just kinda snaps? I'd love to see him actually use his strength and demon form in the game, but for now I just have to scour all the fanfics~~ Love your blog, thank you for all your writing! ♥️
You’ve never actually seen Mammon angry.  
He’s been annoyed or worried, you realize, but there’s never been a time when he’s popped into his demon form and frightened you like most of the others have.  He’s always been comical, over-the-top, calling you a mere human one minute and then crying over TSL in your room and calling you his best pal the next.  You’ve always felt safe with him; he’s been your anchor as you’ve tried to navigate the turbulent world you’ve been unceremoniously deposited in.  You can always count on him to be there when you truly need him.
You’ve been in mortal danger before, sure, but that’s always involved his brothers, and he’s always kept a somewhat level head.  
(An image of him holding your broken body pops into your mind, and you squash it instantly, leaving it as a mere reoccurring nightmare.  No, he hadn’t popped into his demon form, even then. )
But this time, however... 
This time, he’s pissed.
One of the witches cups your cheek, smirking.  She’s beautiful, you think, in an enchanting sort of way, but her smile is cruel.  
“We warned you that there would be consequences if you tried to blow us off, Mammon,” she says, tsking under her breath as if she’s reprimanding a misbehaving child.  “And to think, you’re off spoiling some common human instead.  I thought you enjoyed the finer things.”
You can’t move; your body’s frozen, and it isn’t from fear.  
It’s a magical binding.  They’re powerful.
Another witch pipes up, coming around to face you.  She brushes your hair back and pretends to ponder.  “Hmm, if this human is worth more to you than your debt, we could always just take them to pay it off.”
A third witch speaks from behind you, her tone mocking, meant to get a rise from the demon.  “We could do what Lucifer suggested we did to Mammon -- cut them up into equal pieces for all of us.”
“Don’t fuckin’ touch MY human!”
The words are growled, horns beginning to sprout past the silver hair.  You’ve seen Mammon assume his demon form plenty of times at Diavolo’s social affairs, but this is different. There’s an energy radiating off him in waves, dangerous power that gives even the witches pause.  You swallow, wishing desperately to calm him down, to tell him to keep that cool, level head -- surely they won’t actually cut you up, right? -- but when you try to speak, all that comes out is a strangled sound in the back of your throat.
A sound he takes as one of pain.
That’s enough to send him the rest of the way into his true form, his RAD uniform disappearing in place of tanned abs with pure white markings and tight leather pants.  
“Let the human GO!”
He always seemed so afraid of the witches; whenever they contacted him in the past, he jumped to their beck and call.  He even put aside money for them, and he hated giving away money.  You knew they had to be remarkable to hold so much power over him, but now... now you wonder if he just didn’t want to use force with them.  Maybe if they did something, he didn’t want to fight against them.
The air is heavy, charged with both his power and intent.  It’s more powerful than the others -- the feeling rivals Lucifer’s -- and it leaves the witches frozen in place, gaping over the fact that he would get this angry.  
The first witch clears her throat, attempting to placate him.  “Mammon, darling, we’re nearly negotiating new terms--”
“And that human has NOTHING to do with this!  If you think for one second that I’m gonna let you get away with this shit, you’ve got another thing comin’!”
He lashes out, and you close your eyes, wincing -- you’re in the cross-fire, he’s going to get you in a blind rage just like his brothers would, he --
The magical bindings release you just as the witches vanish, retreating before his hit can strike.  Mammon’s power stops short, pulling back at the very last second, and you open your eyes to see him standing right there.
The anger has drained from his face, even though he’s still in his demon form. Wordlessly, he grabs you, pulling you against his chest and holding you tight.  You can feel his heart hammering in his chest, and his arms tremble as he grips you tighter.
After a moment, you find your voice.  “Mammon?”
“I thought --” 
He breaks off, unable to finish the thought. You feel something hot against your shoulder, but then he shakes his head and takes in a deep, steadying breath.  
(You remember him wailing in the main corridor, begging you to stay, to hold on.)
“Damn witches,” he mutters instead, and when he pulls back, his cheeks are dry.  “Sorry I got ya mixed up in my shit.  I guess I shouldn’t have swiped away their text... Devildom hath no fury like a witch scorned or whatever.”  He shrugs, trying to play it off, but his arms are still loosely around you.  
Your fingertips touch his cheek, your palm against the side of his throat.  His pulse is still jumping.  “It’s okay.  I think they just wanted to get a rise out of you as punishment.  They didn’t hurt me or anything.”
He breathes out a sigh of relief.  “Yeah, maybe, but ‘m not playin’ their game.  If they had done anything, I... Well, it’s MY job to protect ya!  After all, this proves you’re nothin’ but a frail human, and your first man needs to keep a closer eye on ya!”
You smile, nodding, and decide to tease him.  “What would I do without my big strong demon protector?”
A faint pink stains his cheeks, and he puffs out his chest, taking your words as 100% serious.  “Damn right, I’m strong!  I’m the second born, after all!  Everyone seems to forget that!”
You’re certain the witches won’t soon forget that anytime soon.
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