#sorry if I'm like over-pedantic about words LOL I find myself overthinking like 'what IS a blush? is it a face-only thing? is it a vibe?...
shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
I must know, for purely scientific reasons, does Blade blush?
Speaking in a purely physical sense, no, he does not! He has an expression that you can read as his "blushing" (read: it's a scowl) but he doesn't display any actual redness or flushing! Maybe around his ears, but even that's a stretch, I don't recall ever describing him doing this in past writing! I could just see it, but I can't say it's canonical! 😅The people we know to actually physically blush are Trouble, Shery, and Briony; Red gets a flush up his neck, but I don't know if you count that as a full on "blush" or not; I think Riel and maybe Lavinet are probably physically capable of it, but rarely do so because of their control over their physical reactions and emotions.
Hope that all makes sense!
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