#sorry if any otasune / snotacon fans end up finding this post and going thru my blog...
otasnox · 8 months
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sorry i want to talk abt otasune a little bit.
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^ this excerpt from the mgs4 project itoh novel always comes to mind
^ this scene is incredibly emotional (in both happy and sad ways)
^ i swear to god this feels like them saying 'til death do us part
^ maybe we should take a trip to jupiter. need i say more
^ "otacon, is this your idea of a compliment?" / "yes!"
^ "do you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield?" / "yeah... i do."
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^ idk its nice to hear them say they're partners. it's sweet
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^ (on the verge of tears) he said he's snake's friend...
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^ why do you know about your best friend's hyperactive libido.
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^ these two just make me really emotional like. the whole book is full of stuff like this these r just SOME examples
anyway maybe i got a little off-topic... idk if otacon bringing up snake's hyperactive libido is how they say "i love you", but damnit it feels like it!!! you can just tell they really care deeply for each other. idk it makes me happy!!! even if they're not a couple in canon theyre still two guys who show affection for each other and that fucking rules. they really do love each other (platonic, romantic, something else entirely... who knows) thank u mr. kojima
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