#sorry if i sound mean in this post i don't hate the lions or religious ppl i sweat
Jellicle cats or something idk i never saw cats the musical
So it was tough figuring out something for the lions cause their whole thing in canon was being the chi protectors and i kinda already took that from them
But then @sweetheart-weeb-33 suggested that they be very knowledgeable about chi
And looking at the way i perceive chi and everything to do with it that means the lions are Christians now
Imagine living in one of those lion cities they probably don't believe in the separation of church and state ew
You think out of everyone in chima the religious ones would get some divine inspiration from the guys upove or something but nope gods ignore them just like everyone else cause gods believe in equality
But chi stuff isn't all about religion these guys also get into politics they just want everyone to get along and have a nice time
They like to insert themselves into everyones problems to make themselves feel like the good guys for helping everyone with their issues
What? What did you say? National war? Well shit guess peace isn't that easy to achieve um nevermind they're totally willing to throw hands if god said so
Basically they're Americans
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Anyways laval is just a silly goofy guy who really likes speedors and pretend fighting
This guy can't handle actually fighting tho not cause he's weak or anything he just can't handle making ppl upset <:(
Luckily for him he won't have to actually fight anyone ever
Not at all
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