#chima lore rewrite
Couldn't decide if i wanted this to be an amphibian tribe or a reptile tribe so now it's both
So my idea for them is kinda a far reach but stick with me here
Crocodiles like water right? They mostly live in rivers right? So i decided that their thing would be trading
Now hear me out there's logic behind this!
Back in ye old days before all those machines started taking over sailing was a pretty good way of travelling around
It helped in transport and transfer of goods either around one country or to other countries
So if any country had any rivers or beaches in any way it meant a huge boom for their economy cause they could easily transfer goods
All this to say look at me i actually pay attention during class HA!
I mean uhh crocodiles yes i was talking about crocodiles
So yeah the crocs capitalised on the water travel business and dominated the trading business while they're at it
They're not like the ravens in the og that felt really racist never wanna think about the og chima ravens but you're still likely to get scammed in croc markets
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Moving on cragger is an absolute sweetheart and anyone who says otherwise is a cruel monster
He is the sweetest little boy and if anything happened to him i will kill everyone in chima and then myself
Anyways *proceeds to put cragger through unfathomable trauma*
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rayeverydangday · 2 months
I feel like this is a opinion that might get me murdered but I am so over Chima x Ninjago crossovers.
They just feel so same-y and I’m so tired of reading how the ninja and chima gang meet again. And again. And again. It’s probably gonna happen in dragons rising anyway.
At least write a unique au about it. Hell, even a coffee shop human au with one of the chima characters x ninjago characters <3
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calpalsworld · 2 years
I never talked about my interpretation of Misako but she was so cool and basically a completely different character.
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I wanted her debut to be shocking when I got to it in my fan comic, but that might be a long time until then, soooo...
information about her under the cut...
Appearance: She is 6 and a half feet tall with a revealing outfit, chi-powered nexo armor on her arms and legs, scars, a shield, a gun, and sun glasses. Backstory: She is 600 years old and first became fascinated with researching realm travel so she could meet with Garmadon in the Underworld. One day, she meant to go on a week long inter-realm adventure, leaving Lloyd at home alone (neglectful to begin with) but ended up getting lost across the realms, so her adventure lasted 6 years. She spent the most time in Chima and Nexo (Nexo Knights). She has a small bit of chi that powers her equipment that she got in Nexo*. She befriended the Chima tribes and she worked with the Nexo Knights to save Knighton. *In my interpretation, the organisms of Nexo are a mix of organic material and robotic. They are like natural cyborgs, so their armor is powered by strong organic electric currents they naturally produce. Misako is a human, so she has to use an alternative power source. (Nexo rewrite lore was made in collaboration with @transhitman) Personality: She'd be one of the most ridiculous characters. She is extremely chill and apathetic, played mostly for comedy, but played horrifyingly seriously when it comes to Lloyd. She is so old and so focused on research that she is detached from emotions. She somehow completely fails to understand why Lloyd is so hurt over NOT HAVING A PARENT ("its just five years. and you turned out fine."). She also always wants things her own way, and is completely willing to kill someone if they inconvenience her (played for jokes). She is an okay person overall, just oblivious and unpredictable.
Role in the plot: She would show up from a realm portal mid battle with the Stone Army to help the ninja, rather than showing up before the action to give the initial lore dump. She is mostly a comic relief character, and helps the Ninja when they need knowledge about the realms. She is completely unmoved by any of Lloyd's attempts to bond with her or get an apology from her. She loves Garmadon for being a baddie. Wu flirts with her post Garmadon's death, and she is completely apathetic to this, slightly inconvenienced, considering killing him.
Abilities: She is one of the most combatively-skilled characters on the ninja's side. She uses her bare hands and spinjitzu at close range, and her rifle at long range. The people of Ninjago haven't invented guns yet, and are very surprised. She can absorb energy (including elemental) to power her armor and rifle. Her chi power source allows her to gain superhuman capabilities momentarily, but she doesn't like to use it since it will eventually run dry. She is also extremely wise but is even worse at explaining things than Wu is, out of apathy.
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chijago · 7 months
Okay, project idea:
I want to design the creatures from Legends of Chima in a speculative evolutionary way. Very inspired by @jayrockin tiny sapient ungulates MLP au. I'll also rewrite the lore.
These are the legends reborn
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Oh boy here i go again
So their whole thing in the show is that they sleep all of the time which is a very stupid idea
Like how are they still even existing with them sleeping that much they'd end up like the pandas who are endangered cause they're too lazy to make babies
So i decided to give them something new to be their thing
Bears are now the nerds
Yes i know eagles are already the nerds in the og show but in my rewrite birds are more of philosophers while bears are the analytical thinkers
While birds are sitting in their Palaces questioning the meaning of life and where everything originated from bears are getting an education
Bear schools and colleges are giving animals from all around chima the best education out of all of the kingdoms but sadly they are kinda hard to get into
Also it's not much but out of all of chima they have the most advanced technology which i imagine would equal to the type of tech we had in the 90s maybe
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I know i said bears aren't the naptime tribe anymore but you know what I'm gonna keep bladvic a sleepy chill dude
Not gonna make it as intense as the og but just know he'd rather sleep than study for bear school/college
While on the topic i really have no idea how old i wanna make the characters maybe I'll decide later
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Aight fuck it this took me so long cause i wanted to make some concept art but i really can't draw architecture so i decide to just not show visuals
So the bird kingdom
Btw all the kingdoms now don't consist of just one species they are inhabited by specific categories of animals (birds canines felines etc)
It was kinda weird to me how chima decided to make an eagles kingdom and a raven kingdom
Why those bird species specifically? Why 2 different bird kingdoms? Why are the ravens in the show depicted as very racist charcuterie wtf lego
So i decided to unite them both into one big general bird kingdom
Which is in tern divided into 2 separate parts
Yeah babe this show is about furry racism and I'm gonna keep it that way
The kingdom is divided into the High Republic and the Lower City
The Republic is basically where the high class ppl live and high class in this sense includes birds that can fly (eagles hawks doves etc) cause the names higher and lower are literal
Even tho the chi river is on the ground birds of the higher republic harvest all the chi to power their flying luxury houses
These higher birds live by greek philosophers mindsets aka philosophers and politicians are the noblest of jobs while all other work is for slaves
And idk if i made it clear but birds aren't inventors in my version they're just philosophers
I talked alot about the republic but what about those guys at the lower city?
Well they're not having a good time
This city is where the nonflying birds live (ostriches kiwis chickens) along side some flying birds that are only there to scam the birds of lowers city and push them further into poverty
They basically have it all against them from higher birds looking down on them for not being able to fly and having "slave" jobs to other higher birds scaming them to keep their lives a living hell and even getting stripped of the resources from the river that is in their territory
While higher bird culture is all about sitting in bless all day and philosophising lower birds can't really afford the same luxury the lower birds sadly live in a society
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You thought i was gonna only do the 8 main tribes well you thought WRONG
I call this tribe the rodent tribe but actually I'm using it to add all other mammals that don't quite fit the other tribes
This is mainly for skinnet and the beavers cause aside from skinnet being the only one of their kind it's also kinda weird how there's a whole society of beavers yet they're not considered a tribe for some reason
Anyways since rodents usually dig in the ground and beavers build dams i decide that these guys are architects
They might be tiny but they're reliable for building stuff
They're not just builders either these guys have a knack for the arts think renaissance era painting and carving
These guys are living the ancient roman dream... for now
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First of all yes i am counting skinnet as part of the main cast cause I'm quite fond of this lil fella
Their smell is still quite a problem tho so they try to cover themself in as much flowers and perfume as they could to cover up their smell
Also i think they'd be gossip buddies with razar
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It's dog time!
First of all don't question how there are dogs in chima when dogs are a human invention i know it doesn't make sense but i want doggies im this world
Anyways just like the monkeys canids are farmers but while the monkey focused more on agriculture canids specialise in livestock
Don't ask about the ethics of eating animals in a world where animals all have the same level of intelligence what is thi Beastars or something? I'm not about to tackle those dilemmas
Some animals are anthro and some are not so it's totally fine to eat the not anthro animals
I know some of the animals might have issues with this but they're about to go to war what they eat is the least of their worries
Moving on the whole lone wolf thing that the ig show runs with? That's stupid have you seen what actual wolves are like?
Canid families have the strongest bonds in all of chima cause puppies are precious lil social beans
They're real friendly and very loyal once you get to know them (worriz is an outlier and should not be counted for)
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Speaking of worriz I'd imagine he'd be basically the same but unlike the og where he was the norm he's now jusy going through his emo phase
He has way too many siblings and he's tired of them
Also lil mama doggy is by @sweetheart-weeb-33
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Does anyone even care about those?
Well too bad cause I'm making more anyways!
The horned kingdom
Rhinos were lida hard to categories cause i have no idea what animal category these guys fall under
So i got the help of a friend who's an animal nerd and they said that it is kinda hard to categorise these guys so they suggest having this kingdom consist of horned and tusked animals
Their thing in canon is that they are really stupid which i don't like why are you doing this to them what did rhinos ever do to you
So now they are the strong tribe/kingdom/whatever (still not sure what to call them)
These guys value physical strength and if the world of chima had Olympic they're definitely the ones hosting it
In terms of military they definitely have the strongest man animal power
But don't worry they're not angry kill all fighters they are honor and justice kinda fighters they like their battles fair and do not condone hurting the weak
In fact if you hurt a helpless animal in front of them they will beat you to death
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I know i didn't do this with eris last time but I'd like to imagine the characters in this new chima I'm creating
I imagine rogon would be a young unexperienced fighter who's kinda insecure about his skills
And who's totally not fighting to impress a cute bird girl
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Alright folks I'm actually doing it
I'm attempting to rewrite the lore of legends of chima
Here i go
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So the whole lore surrounding mount cavora magical water and the chi are still the same tho the concept of the chi is a little different
Since this water is apparently magical i though I'd give more magic than just making chi
The waters magic is related to life and stuff
it can breath life into the surrounding environment and make it more inhabitable and it also has a healing effect on the pll
And for the chi it can no longer give superpowers to the characters sadly the chi is more of a power source for the technology
Now for my main issue with the show
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The chi temple
Why should the lions have all the chi? It's already causing them trouble in the show
So i decided that chi flows to all tribes
And there's a council consisting of one animal of each tribe to oversee and manage the chi and it's sacred temple
Their job is to manage the fluctuating water levels and provide support to tribes that might suffer a shortage due to that fluctuation
That way everyone is happy at least until one of them gets too greedy
I have some ideas about each of the tribes but I'll talk about them later
No promises
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So i actually like the idea of the gorillas being plant loving hippies so I'm keeping that tho I'm toning down the hippieness
And since they already have a thing with plants the monkeys are now farmers
They provide most of the food for chima but they're not the only source of food tho I'll talk about the other one in another post
So yeah they are just chill farmers now ig
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I have nothing much to say about gorzan he is perfect just the way he is i love him so much
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Jellicle cats or something idk i never saw cats the musical
So it was tough figuring out something for the lions cause their whole thing in canon was being the chi protectors and i kinda already took that from them
But then @sweetheart-weeb-33 suggested that they be very knowledgeable about chi
And looking at the way i perceive chi and everything to do with it that means the lions are Christians now
Imagine living in one of those lion cities they probably don't believe in the separation of church and state ew
You think out of everyone in chima the religious ones would get some divine inspiration from the guys upove or something but nope gods ignore them just like everyone else cause gods believe in equality
But chi stuff isn't all about religion these guys also get into politics they just want everyone to get along and have a nice time
They like to insert themselves into everyones problems to make themselves feel like the good guys for helping everyone with their issues
What? What did you say? National war? Well shit guess peace isn't that easy to achieve um nevermind they're totally willing to throw hands if god said so
Basically they're Americans
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Anyways laval is just a silly goofy guy who really likes speedors and pretend fighting
This guy can't handle actually fighting tho not cause he's weak or anything he just can't handle making ppl upset <:(
Luckily for him he won't have to actually fight anyone ever
Not at all
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Genuinely entertaining the thought of making an actual chima rewrite instead of just reworking the lore
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Idk about a full chima rewrite but i definitely wanna change the lore cause whatevers going is not it
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