#sorry if i'm being overly cheesy/sentimental i'm wine drunk lmao
blindmagdalena · 4 months
Ok, so that ask about the big thighs save lives got me thinking. Imagine hanging out with our bby boy, turning to him, and asking why he likes you or why he loves you. Would he be able to genuinely answer, or would it be bull shit
it certainly wouldn't be bullshit, but Homelander doesn't necessarily have the self-awareness to be able to answer that. he doesn't know how to articulate the security you've brought into his life, the vicious possessiveness he feels over it, or the bone deep, choking fear he has of ever losing it. he would answer as honestly as he knew how to, though.
the standard of course would be a slight laugh and, "Uhhhh, beeeecause... I'm attracted to you? You're hot as hell. You do that thing with your tongue," he says while wiggling his finger.
if you pushed for something more sentimental, he'd start to list the things he likes. largely it would be centered on him.
when he says, "I like the way you touch me." what he means is that you touch him like you want to. there's no hidden tension in your body that tells him you're just waiting to let go. you hold him like you never want to let him go.
when he says, "I like the way you make me feel." he means you make him feel safe. desired. whole.
when he says, "I like you." he means exactly that. all of you. your smell, your taste, the fit of you in his arms.
"I like who I am with you." because when you look at him, you see the hero he has always wanted to be.
"Because you love me."
being a hero was his destiny, but it was being loved that was his dream.
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