#sorry if the boquet looks horrendous i tried my best
maguskaito · 5 months
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Happy birthday to Shinichi my son ever!!!!! ft. Kaito
since its finals period, i had to rush this but it was worth it nonetheless🎉🎉
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Minor Complications
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A/N: This idea has been stuck in my head for so long as I was studying german and I couldn’t hold it inside anymore. I hope it’s close as you imagined it @slytherinlovesgryffindor​ and I’m sorry for making you wait for so long. Man, I love Fred imagines. 
REQUESTED BY @slytherinlovesgryffindor : Heyyy i see you are taking Fred weasley requests. So do you mind doing a post war , Fred lives , angsty , bff imagine with some bit of george too . thanks:)
It was just another day at the Diagonalley. You just left Flourish and Blotts, buying a children book for your nephew, who is celebrating his 4th birthday. 
You know he doesn’t read much but your sister always, and always was a big bookworm and she will make sure he will love any book she reads to him. She had always had an amazing story-telling talent and you are forever grateful for her forcing you to read until you started loving books as well. 
You put the book, wrapped in harsh, brown paper into your bag. You smiled as you looked forward, seeing the lights of your favorite shop turned off. 
It was late and you had always been the kind to do everything last minutes. You smiled as you passed Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, nuzzling your nose into the warm, red scarf one of the boys bought you for your birthday. 
It still had his scent. Mostly because you had barely worn this scarf but when you did, you always made sure it was this exact, red scarf. 
“AAAARRRRHRHHHHRHR!!!!” you heard a shout behind you, making you scream in fear as two long arms wrapped around you, lifting you off the ground and twirling you. 
Flashes of death, pain and pale, stoic figures played in front of you in that moment, causing the most horrendous feeling to burn your bones into numbness. Petrified, you started kicking with your legs, trying anything to get out of it until you heard two familliar, distinct laughs echoing in sync. 
“YOU BLOODY INCONCEIVABLE UNREPENTANT LITTLE PIECES OF SHAT!!” you fumed, finally stepping on your feet as a pair of identical red-heads cackled in front of you. You started shoving and pucnhing them both as your heart continued to race faster. “WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH THE TWO OF YOU!?!?!?!?” 
“Now, that is not nice, (y/n).” one of the cooed but you were extremely upset by their little “prank” that at this time, you just couldn’t. 
You couldn’t deal with this. 
Tears flooded your eyes as you pushed them both out of your way, disapparating into the unknown as the other two stayed behind, looking after you. 
Both of them exchanged a guilty-full look, one scratching the back of his head as the other drowned his heart in sorrow. 
“Reckon we went too far, too soon?” said George, leaning in. 
“Yup.” said the other, leaning back to his brother. “Roses?”
You were furious at the two boys but you managed to calm yourself down. It was just the disbelief that they don’t have any trauma from what happened, especially Fred since he was the one-
“Knock knock!” you heard his voice after the doorbell cut your train of thoughts. 
You kept looking at the door for some reason, deciding whether you should open the door with a smile that was painted on your lips by his voice or the glare that was the result of the past events.
“You know I could just apparate in there and forget all these Muggle gestures of ringing the doorbell.” he kept talking, ringing the doorbell one more time and with a long pause continued. “Knock knock.” 
You laughed to yourself and shook your head, walking to the door and opening them with a forceful glare. You leaned your whole weight on your back and crossed your arms, trying to make him as intimidated as you could. 
However, with Fred Weasley that was difficult. 
You couldn’t even see his face due to the bush of red roses he held in front of him. He slowly, carefully, nonchalantly lowered the boquet of roses and showed his cheeky smile. 
You tried to hold your ground intently as he continued to watch you with his doe-eyed, beady eyes, quirking his lips in a grin. 
You pursed your lips together, losing all the toughness you tried to manage and painting a smile on your face. “Give me the roses you big oaf.” you laughed and his whole face lit up. 
You moved to the side, clearing his path into your apartment and watching his big steps enter proudly, stopping when he was next to you and leaning forward. 
The two of you were an inch, less than that, apart and he kept looking at you, firstly observing the eyes, then the forehead to your nose and lips until he met your eyes once again and smirked. “Can’t be mad at us forever, can you darling?” he raised an eyebrow before taking off his shoes and taking the roses into the kitchen. 
You felt a bit flushed from the proximity he had caused between the two of you. The tension you could still feel lingering was so intense, you could cut through it with a knife. 
‘Why? From all the people... it’s your best friend...’ - you thought to yourself, holding onto your chest and checking if your lungs were functioning normally- which in your case, didn’t. 
You cleared your throat, looked at the hallways mirror and tried to fix your hair before you entered the living room. You flipped it to the side and was about to go into the kitchen until you stopped, stepped back and looked into the mirror. 
‘I could have at least brushed my hair-’
“Are you trying to look good for me?” you heard him tease, leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed and his usual smirk plastered on. 
You stared for a while, feeling your whole body heat up from the embarrasment before shaking it off and scoffing. “Get your head out of the gutter, Weasley.” you walked past him, knocking his arm lightly until you entered the living room with a beautiful tuft of red roses on your table. 
You stopped at the sight and smiled. 
It caused a warm, cosy feeling immerge inside of you. Something that wasn’t close to butterflies nor any kind of nervousness. You felt safety, family... you felt loved. 
He could see you drift away into your own small world, noticing how you took a hold of the necklace both he and George bought you for your birthday. You brought the silver chain up to your plush lips, pressing on them lightly as your eyes glimmered with glee. 
He stepped behind you, his chest close to your back as he wrapped his hands around you gently, feeling you drift away your day dreaming. His long, slim arms wrapped around you as vines hug a tree, spreading warm, fuzzy feeling through your body. Snugly, you let your head fall back on his chest, holding onto the arms he embraced you with. He kissed the side of your head delicatly and whispered. “I’m sorry.” he then buried his head into your neck, breathing in your scent as his red hair started tickling your cheeks and causing you to smile. 
Your arm pulled itself up to his head, your hand digging into his dense hair and triggering some variety of euphoria through both of you. 
He could feel himself breathe heavier, feeling you so close but too timid to do anything about it. 
The doorbell stirred the both of you. You turned around, facing Fred as his hands placed themselves on your hips, his eyes longinlgy gazing into yours. Despite the doorbell, he could still feel the intimate moment between the two of you. As his middle and ring finger on his left hand touched your exposed skin and feel the goosebumps underneath them, he knew you could feel it just as well. 
“Knock knock!” a similar voice echoed from the other side and it eased all of the tension that built up. “Should I apparate? Fred did you apparate inside?” 
“No. I waited like a true gentleman!” shouted Fred with a wink, running to get the door for his brother. 
“Well, you surely didn’t wait for me.” George narrowed his eyes at his brother. “I thought we would do this together. Double the power.” he kept joking, walking into the living room to find you flush red. He stopped to think, looking around suspiciously. “Did the two of you start wine without me?”
“Not until I forgive the two of you for acting like two arseholes.” you joked, walking into the wine cabinet and pulling out one of the bottles. 
“I thought Freddie took care of that already.” George walked after you, grabbing the glasses and as you stood up, he slung his arm around you. “I am terribly sorry for pulling such a cruel prank on my dear best friend, (y/n)(y/l/n). I will not let it happen again.” he kissed your cheek and jumped over to the couch. 
But there was something... something in his words that sounded defient, light and not atoning at the slightest that made your veins boil fury. 
When Fred said those simple three words, you could feel the heaviness he carried in them but with George, it felt like another forgive-forget apology. 
You stood in front of him, tense and furious as both of them joked around. You held the bottle of wine in your hands and it just popped in your hand, splashing the wine all around. 
Both of them looked at you with wide, worried eyes as you glared. 
“No! It won’t happen again, George! It won’t!” you started to shout at him. “Because as funny as it was to you, running up to me and thinking it would be fun grabbing me from behind and scaring me half to death, I was thinking of the last time someone did that to me- Mulciber if you both remember it clearly- Mulciber, who grabbed my body- that could not even in the slightest compare to his gorrilic one- and shoved a stupid shard of glass into my ribs because I disarmed him!” 
“I’m sorry, jeez, (y/n).” George tried to speak, knowing exactly what would follow his insensitive words. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I know how that sounded and I didn’t mean for it to come out like this, darling.” he tried to take a step forward but you wouldn’t let him.
“You don’t sound like your sorry.” the anger started to cloud your judgment and all you couls see was red and blue. 
“Well, as I reckon- you didn’t lose anybody at the stupid battle!” his words just kept coming out and Fred could only stare, not knowing himself how to stop this argument. “I almost lost a brother! I did! So why don’t you stop the self-pity act and just deal with it as the rest of us!”
You felt dumbfounded from his reaction. “I did lost-”
“No, you didn’t!”
“Yes, I did!” you continued to argue. 
"I ALMOST LOST FRED TOO!!" you shouted so loud, your vocal cords numbed away, quivering the next few words in quiet, raspy voice. "I almost lost him too." you looked directly into Fred's eyes, tearing your own as you did, then focusing back on George. "I was there, holding him, pale and half-dead in my arms. And instead of fighting what came next, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move a muscle or mumble a word. I cried- I cried just as much as you did George because even if I don't understand the strong connection the two of you have, I still love him. And when he was in my arms, lifeless, so was I- I was dead with him. So don't you tell me that I haven't suffered a loss. We all had lost somebody that day. We both almost lost Fred that day. " tears fell down your eyes and George finally realized what he had said and done. 
He stormed into your arms and sobbed into your neck. You sobbed into his as well, gripping his shirt as he did yours. “I’m sorry.” he appologised sincerely, pulling away and looking at you with glistened eyes. He let out a laugh, taking a hold of your cheeks with his palms and squishing it playfully. “Look at us pathethic fools, crying like two whimps.” 
You slapped his hands away amusingly, wiping away the tears with your sleeves and straightning your face expression. “I don’t know what you’re blabbering about. I had pollen in my eyes.” you sassed as the other two laughed.
“Look at the two of you bonding over me.” Fred awed, swinging his body like a child and sitting down. 
Both you and George exchanged looks, before looking at Fred all too seriously. “You think this is funny?” asked George, crossing his arms as you followed his lead.
“I think I can make fun of my death more or so as you can make fun of your missing ear.” 
George bit his cheek, narrowing his eyes at his brother. “Touche.” 
“And me?” you asked, demanding an explenation. 
“Well for you, my dear.” he put his right foot on his left knee and wiggled his eyebrows. “I think I can mention me winning a fight with death itself as much as you think you can deny that what happened before doesn’t change things.” 
You felt your heartbeat jump to your throat and your body twist into chumps of nervers. You felt your cheeks heat up the moment his eyes locked with yours, his colour showing the change in their danger. 
Forcing a laugh, you rolled your eyes and sat on the armchair opposite of him. 
“What happened before?” George perplexed, glancing between the two of you. 
“Your going to deny it now?” asked Fred, ignoring his brother as he leaned forward and continued to hunt for your eyes. 
“Hello?” George waved his hand but you ignored him as well, turning your head from the side, so your eyes could meet his. 
“Maybe what?” 
“What am I here?” George continued. “A wall?”
“Maybe what happened before did change things.” you smirked and you could almost see the triumph on his face as his lips reached his cheeks.
“I think it did.” Fred continued, leaning back on his seat as you mirrored. 
“Good to know we established that.”
“I think we could establish that further into tomorrow night, seven perhaps?”
“Always the princess.” he teased and you laughed.
“Well, what’s a princess without her frog.” you winked and it was his turn to laugh.
He turned to his brother, who sat there sulking and smiled. “Guess, you’ll close the shop tomorrow?”
“GuESs yOU’ll cLoSE the ShOp tomOrrW...” Geroge mocked Fred as the two of you laughed. “Yes, I’ll close the shop tomorrow.” he stood up and walked to the wine cabinet. “Took you both long enough.”
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