#sorry if this is incomprehensible i was rereading my diary and i need somewhere to store my emotions
backseatloversz ยท 3 years
now i am no genius film writer or director or critic or anything i am just some punk kid so you can entirely take this with a grain of salt but that scene in dead poets society where they say i can take care of myself just fine, alright? / no. / what do you mean, no? / no. -- once cameron and other kids joined the scene and then it cut and was over, to anyone else has that always just felt kind of. off? like holy shit that was such a tender moment, and then yea it seemed in character for these two teenage boys to not entirely know where to go from there and start roughhousing, but i feel like. that shouldve come up again? like did they really just never address that? i would love to know what the mood was in their dorm once the other boys left. where did they go from there. admission of romantic love or not, that was like. jesus christ. such an outright refusal -- just plain no. i know you can take care of yourself, but i am telling you, you dont have to. i am not going to let you. i am going to make that choice, that no, i am not going to let you be alone. like did they just act like that never happened. did they never talk about that. what would have happened if the other boys hadnt joined that scene. i need answers
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