#sorry if this isn't as coherent and succinctly put as it should be
creolesasuke · 2 years
This has been said before more succinctly by others but, as an atheist, it's very clear that many white (USamerican) atheists have not yet fully unpacked all the various ways that their Christian upbringing has influenced their worldview. Many have simply traded evangelical proselytizing for atheistic proselytizing, dogmatically insisting on not only the superiority of their ideology, but on the necessary ubiquity of it. Many still approach the question of faith from almost a teleological perspective, that all human belief is constantly evolving upwards towards some ultimate Belief, from some basal and primitive ur-ideology to the final intellectual supremacy of atheism. I don't have to tell you how this framework can easily lend itself to white supremacy. If we really are to claim that we've abandoned Christianity, we need to do so fully, seriously questioning every idea we've been taught as it pertains to history, culture, and ideology. I don't see atheism as intellectually superior to any religion--not even Christianity. Rather, it's another position that one can take in the unanswerable question of the nature of the divine.
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