#sorry if this sounds somehow incoherent i wrote it at 4am XD
sofia-gothicquirks · 4 years
For the ask thing, one piece ofc!
Hi there @n-eela and thanks for the ask you're lovely as always! Also sorry I took so long to answer but I am slow OEVDLDHEO-
Favorite character: BABY BASTARD SAVAGE SUNSHINE BOY LUFFY I LITERALLY CRY OUT OF LOVE FOR HIM EVERYDAY. And more seriously this guy saved my life and taught me to be a better version of myself. I simply adore him. I just really enjoy how he is so simple yet so complex? He is the analogy of Freedom itself and while One Piece has it fair shair of tragic flashbacks the ASL one is by far the one who made me the most depressed.
Least Favorite character: Hmmm hard one....I think the characters i don't like are characters that the writer intended to make the readers dislike anyway soooo I really haven't gotten an answer. Hmm let's say Perospero, Trebol. These guy annoys the shit out of me but again so does OroSHIT for example.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Ohh I am more of a gen person but here it is:
NamiVivi ♡
ZoLu (I headcanon luffy as asexual but I kinda lowkey really love this ship)
Frobin (how they went from antagonists and criminals to parenting a group of pirate teens XD)
Toki and Oden! I found them kinda mystical, the woman who flee from the past, travelling through ancient times to fall in love with a living legend, truly they have a mystery vibe y'know? Also I am a sucker for the Kozuki Tragedy.
Character I find most attractive: pre time skip Robin can walk on me and I had thank her.
Character I would marry: Lol Luffy may be my husbando but I wouldn't marry him. I think he had rather live free, traveling the world with his friends and tbh so do I :D
Character I would be best friends with: I think me and Robin might have a lot to talk since we share lots of interests! But since I am more of a louder type I might join the Luffy, Ussop and Chopper trio too!
A random thought: Luffy never went to Ace's funeral since he was still in coma. Do what you want with this information.
An unpopular opinion: I can't believe some people still think like this but the next one I hear saying " Girls in One Piece are useless because they don't FiGhT" is gonna have the pleasure to taste my fist.
My canon OTP: Toki and Oden again! Also Kyros and Scarlett are kinda sweet !
Non-canon OTP: hmmmm Oda still didn't make this official I mean so I guess I am obliged to consider NamiVivi non canon right😔 !?
Most badass character: hey, guys never forget that Brook still kept his joy even after 50 years of loneliness and emptiness okay !?
(Also Sanji has his reallyyy cool moments and I love a moss head with his swords)
Pairing I am not a fan of: AceLu or SaboLuffy because I literally can't view them as anything else than brothers. Also Luffy×Hancock, Zoro×Robin and Nami×Sanji. I dunno it really doesn't do it for me.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I feel Tashigi's development post-time skip could have been handled way wayyy better. I loved how through what happened in Alabasta she begins to have a more nuanced take on justice compared to what her mentality was back in Loguetown and wished she and Zoro would have continued in that sort of mini rivalry of theirs. It was funny while it lasted.
Also Sanji's creepy perverted side doesn't do it for me and the nosebleed joke ain't even that funny anymore. It doesn't annoy me to the point I would actually deslike him, because my bby cook has been one of my faves since day 1 but really I think that him continuing to be more chivalrous and gentleman instead of chasing ladies would have been more interesting.
Also I think Toki could have had more spotlight in the flashback instead of kinda just being "Oden's wife" but I feel that Oda has something more prepared for her. Maybe at the end of Wano of for the ancient kingdom flashback we'll see.
Favourite friendship: (ASL brothers is a given so-) THE STRAWHATS! They are all so unique and so caring for each other and have built special relationships between all of them AND THEY ARE ALL MY BABIES AND I ADORE THEM TO NO END. I love the trope of "traumatized people meet and become family" so yeah I simply love these dorky criminals.
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