#sorry it took so long dncmdmnfn
mushromman · 3 years
OKYA OKAY UHH butters, catra, fitz, sora, eddie, craig and tweek :), robbe, sander, sander again, steven universe, garnet, fin the human, and then that one leopard guy in spryo
Y- What are some of ur secondhand fandoms
Mmm probably mcyt I know fairly a lot abt it and I think it’s a p sexy plot line n stuff like I LOVE Tommy and tubbos dynamic like those tiktoks of tommy upset bc dream manipulated him into thinking everyone hates him bc they didn’t go to his party and he’s the MOST hurt over tubbo... and the compass.... ohhh it makes me :$@;&/!(&/!;&/ but I consider more secondhand bc I’m not rlly active in the fandom and everything I know is through carter cjndngmdnt
Z- Just ramble abt something fandom related, go go go
OH UH I WASNT PREPARED OMG..... we are going with kingdom hearts...... I have never finished any of the games yet but I’ve started all of them and idk if you’ve ever played kingdom hearts but the intros are SO sexy like there’s always this cutscene with a song and a bunch of scene from the game cut together to form this sexy ass intro and when I started playing kh 3 the intro was probably the best yet or at least that I rmemeber bc holy fuck I cried... like basically kh is abt (in the first one) sora discovering that he’s a keyblade master and his friends all get ripped away from him so he travels to different worlds (basically different disney movies) and helps play out the plot n stuff only different and the disney villains have an alliance and are trying to gather seven princesses and take their hearts and turn them into heartless I think?? I don’t rlly rmemeber if I’m being honest but something like that and sora has to stop them meanwhile still trying to find his friends (riku and kyrie) and I’m kh 2 it’s abt rocks who is soras nobody, which is when u take the heart and make the heartless,, the thing left behind is a nobody? Idk if that makes sense but yeah but basically everyone has a nobody but they’re in different universes so they aren’t ever supposed to see each other but roxas starts to get visions n shit abt sora and what happened in the first one and what is soon to happen to him so he freaks out but then it cuts back to u playing as sora again,, and he’s grown a bit yknow like it’s been a while but basically orginazation 13 (who is also in the first one but I forgot to mention but basically they were just trying tk help the villains, or rather the villains were helping them) is back and trying to collect hearts again and build an army meanwhile sora is finding out all this new shit abt being a keyblade master and nobodies n all that and then roxas is tricked into joining organization 13 and makes friends with axel and some other person can’t rmemeber their name but yeah and then roxas finds out he’s on the wrong side of shit and he meets sora, and then they fight the boss battle n stuff I honestly don’t know I never got this far but based on the third one,, basically roxas gets thrown back into his world but it’s not real it’s like. A simulation created by organization 13 so everything’s all whack and sora is trying to figure out how to get him out, and he says all this stuff abt how roxas is a part of his heart and like. Apiece of him n stuff and he needs to free him but organization 13 is still a threat so he needs to learn this certain spell that can help him defeat them for good but in the second one something happened and all his training and skills he had learned over the course of them game was forgotten and he has to start all the way at the beginning again so he has to figure all this shit out and how to do his spells n all that before he can learn what he needs all while he’s trying to figure out to save roxas as well as going through more disney worlds like tangled and toy story and that’s all I know bc I haven’t finished it 😎 but anyways yeha I’ve been thinking a lot abt it n like.... the storyline and plot of this game is SO sexy fucking fight me. u get to see soras struggle as he learns all this stuff and tries to find his friends meanwhile saving the world and his struggle as he learns abt roxas and his connection with nobodies AND his struggle as he tries to free roxas and learn all his skills again so he can defeat organization 13 for good liek sora Ily so much holy fuck I need to go to my brothers house more so I can play it more often I’ve been thinking abt it so much lately.... I need to draw sora again.... I wanna try drawing kyrie too but I don’t like her hair >:(( it’s weird looks hard to draw >:(( fucking anime ppl 🙄 anywyas I’ll stop now bc holy mother of god this is long
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