#sorry it turned into a cagalli rights rant
arsnovacadenza · 2 years
What if 'Gundam SEED' was told from Flay's point of view? How would they approach it? Would it have been better?
First of all, thank you for sending mech anime asks. I just in fact, finished reading all the translated Astray manga and is suddenly feeling for the genre. On a sidenote, they are all so GOOD. Please read them if you're into C.E. ESPECIALLY if you felt disappointed by SEED Destiny.
Uhh....about Gundam SEED and Flay. Yeah, I've been returning to GSEED for some time (If only because Athrun reminds me of Kazooki) but I don't feel like rewatching the first series proper? There's like 50 episodes and I'd rather rewatch Exodus than that. I do have a softer spot for it compared to SDestiny tho.
Also, I ABSOLUTELY hated Flay when I first started watching the series during middle school. But now that I'm older, I start to understand why people are starting to see her as a pretty decently-written character. And since I've watched more war-themed stories since GSeed, I can't help but agree.
She's a flawed character, yea. Manipulative toward Kira, even. But I understand her viewpoint better now. Who wouldn't want to be protected by an ace pilot when you're stuck in the middle of the war? And her hate of Coordinators (if my memory serves correctly) is just a byproduct of her upbringing since her father was part of Blue Cosmos. All things considered, she's far more realistic than say, Mother Lacus.
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(I am totally not sorry)
Still, if I had to choose, I'd prefer watching SEED from Athrun or Cagalli's perspective. It's not that I hate Kira. He just bores me now that I no longer find him adorable and unique like I did in SEED, but I felt that Athrun simply was a more dynamic character.
And Cagalli! I really adored how fierce she was in SEED and I seriously was hoping to see how she'd grow as a leader for ORB in Destiny. Put her in contrast to Lacus for example. Unlike Lacus, she was out there on the ground with other MS pilots, getting involved with a lot of the action. Sure, she relatively sucks at fighting (especially compared to KY), but that should've motivated her to find another way to end the war. I pretty much lost all hope when seeing what they'd done to her character in Destiny and her storyline with Athrun.
Back to SEED. I just kinda accepted what it was and wasn't sure how it could've been better. I did like the first half better (when Kira was supposed to be dead) than the second half, but at least it was somewhat balanced overall? If anything, it's Destiny I'd like to see get rewritten.
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