#sorry the arrangement is kinda crappy i had alot to fit in here
doinadigitaldnazing · 8 months
VOID NEWS™ {insert funny title here}
Hello once again folks with a fresh new article! Unfortunately, due to the serious nature of the issue being covered in this week's article, we will try to keep the banter between sections to a minimum, this is just information about the issue, there will be no interviews in this article. With that being said, enjoy reading Voidlings!
Lies, harassment, and bullying, are all mentioned in this article, please dont read more if you are sensitive with the topics.
User @iwanttokmsbutimtoosilly-4 was recently caught up in arguments about his joke username. This is a collection of screenshots on the events.
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And here we have what appears to be a follow up tangent on this post from one Divine0
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Divine0 and starry cow (who will not be tagged, cuz they blocked the reporter < 3) Have had several problems with Iwanttokmsbutimtoosilly, aka Meat Man or Micheal, over several reasons. These include his username, the "Mpreg" phenomenon, and the fact that his mutuals have swag and they dont.
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Micheal at first thought this ask was a joke, as seen with the comedic response.
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This argument continues into private messages aswell.
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god forbid he take a break jesus christ
As we can see Starry is very upset that Meat Man changed his name briefly, and decided to change back to iwanttokmsbutimtoosilly with the encouragement of his friends.
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Ryans toy review also sent an ask to Micheal asking him to change his url for sake of the "wholesomeness" of the fandom. This statement contradicts its self for two reasons, one, this fandom is a bunch of autistic teens and the content its self is two murderous cannibal lovers, and two, divine draws untagged plargos nsfw on the same acct they sent this. Lets move on with the article shall we!
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No comment here. Now we shall wrap this up with labratgurlz, a well known void celeb and has even been interviewed for the paper before, statement on the matter. They were reached out too from starry and ryans world aswell (no good screenshots) aswell as the current state of the large twompcord server.
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Labrat also also dmed Meat Man on discord with quote, "Hey, I think I'm gonna side with ryan. You should change your user"
This is not specific to what was said, as the dms were deleted.
If more information on the Fandom Fixers, Labrat, and what they are planning and even the future of our void, you can count on Void News™ to be here as soon as possible.
Void News™ goes out to Micheal and the bullying and harassment he has been exposed to at the hands of these individuals, two of which are much older than him
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