#sorry the spaces on the image translations are so wonky i edited everything on canva and
pearcinglyours · 2 years
on artem’s 2nd personal story SSR “belle nuit d’amour”…
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A/N: this is just more of a rambling post than anything. card spoilers below!
image source: @yooneunji33 | story recording: 日和风物诗 | translations are mine!
like all other PS cards, the story revolves around a memory that touches on an "issue" in their relationship- in this one it's about not having to have clear boundaries between work and family life because it's natural for a partner to want to know everything that goes on in their s/o's life, good and bad etc.
to quote rosa, "even if the road's a little rocky, it's alright. we've (refers to artem's mom and fiancee) made the choice to love you, and we'll do whatever we have to do to deal with everything." which like. GIRL how do you always know what to say... i'm in shambles actually because artem wasn't even the one who told her about some issues he's been facing at work. he made up an excuse until she pestered him to know more info about it and SHE'S SO CUTE WHILE DOING IT just look at this.
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it also references a movie that people on bili have been speculating to be "the legend of 1900", but it's not explicitly stated in the card itself. most importantly it references a scene where the protagonist was able to use patterns of flashing light to find a way to land- which draws a parallel to artem's relationship with… basically everyone around him.
he's so worried that asking for help or talking about his problems to his loved ones is just merely burdening them. but implicitly i could understand that artem not outright telling rosa what was wrong and him seeming very out of place was even more of a "burden"??
context: they're walking home from a dinner with their client and suddenly artem receives a message from his mother saying that she's at his house, and because they both don't want to let their mother wait they start running (it's mentioned that his house is very close by the place they're at)
here's the scene the PV lines were selected from:
Artem: "Initially, I thought I wanted to leave everything behind, but deep down in my heart I realised... that I was hoping for someone to find me. (...) it feels very liberating- like a part of my heart that has always been a deep slumber had just been gently touched by someone. (...) It's because of admiration we choose to not say anything. But because there's too much admiration for that person... I want to tell them everything no matter what. (...) Maybe it's a long process, but I hope that you'll always be my side and be that "listener" of mine.
eventually they had to stop at a traffic light (while still holding each other's hands and being in very close physical proximity with each other) until they saw someone waving at them from the other side of the street and this guy freezes. because of course he hasn't been displaying pda in front of his mother 😭 THE NARRATIVE IS SO FUNNY TOO it reads "the moments in which he's the most relaxed and "un-artem" of him was just completely exposed in front of his mother, and he was still tightly holding my hand"
and of course rosa teases him with "you're not someone who just started dating, so why's your face still so red?" "to a certain extent, letting your elders seeing you interact with your significant other casually is still a form of exposing "things you've once hidden"." CAN YOU SEE HOW HARD I CAN CRY…!! ? artem: "... you're right. i'll change this habit of mine" like HELLO? SIR.
and rosa asks if he's ever tried something... he asks what's that "something", but rosa told him outright that she's just asking the obvious. because in all the moments she's intimate with him, it's always in private places like their home theatre. so she tells him, "of course you've never kissed at a place like this..."
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*director's cut*
(literally. that's the end of the card 😭)
i think one thing worth mentioning is the way his mother was actually featured a considerable amount here, mainly because she wants to help her son and correct any past wrongs and misunderstandings she's had with him, and show him with her actions that she's willing to and is capable of helping him, i just really enjoy seeing their relationship because it really feels like a family reunion TT
the call at the end of the call was also very cute! just two almost married and almost 30 adults talking about how you can create rainbows when you spray water in a certain direction. i get SO sappy seeing that they can really be the truest version of themselves around each other.
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that’s all for now! i originally intended for this to be a twitter thread but honestly i think this is a bit too long to be digestible in thread format LOL if anyone else has also read this card i’d love to hear your opinions on it! i just couldn’t resist the wait because the illustration is so… so pretty.
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