#sorry theres like no good summertime gifs of him lmao
babbushka · 1 year
I’m dying at the thought of you taking prompts again! May I please request some sexy role play with Flip or Clyde being your sexy but cheesy yard worker? Maybe stripping off his sweaty shirt while he trims the trees or something. He could double as a cabana boy and help you with sunscreen in all those hard to reach places too. Please and thank you 🖤🖤🖤
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“Goddamn it’s hot out.” You groan by the pool, your ear trained for the response you’re hoping to elicit from your husband. 
To your dismay, all you can hear is the sound of the lawn mower, and duh, you think, of course he couldn’t hear you. Not when he has those hideous headphones on anyway. Flip had decided to take the landscaping extremely seriously this year, which has been as charming as it is annoying. It seems like whenever you want to lounge by the pool with some good food and the radio, he’s trimming the grass. 
You had prepared for this though, and decided to play a little game that you like to call how naked can I get before Flip notices? Normally by the time your tits are out, the game is over and he’s got his hands all over you, but you have a feeling this time around may require more work. 
“I said,” You shout, untying your coverup and dragging the lounge chair to better face the sun, “It’s hot out here.” 
Damn, no dice, you think as Flip doesn’t so much as look your way. No matter, you’re determined. 
When you lie out on the chaise, clad in the smallest bikini you could possible find (it didn’t matter that it didn’t fit, in fact that was for the better), you are sure to crank the radio up. It’s right at the tail end of the 70s, and the top 40 station is playing all the upbeat summer time jams that you were hoping it would. 
Those headphones do their damn job though, and Flip is still completely oblivious. He can’t mow the lawn forever, can he? You tug on the strings of your bikini, your top half completely exposed to the elements. The sun is hot on your skin, and you have a bottle of SPF to your side, but even after sitting up and posing yourself so that your tits are basically staring this man down, he still hasn’t noticed. 
“You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding.” You chuckle to yourself, sighing as you resort to your last ditch effort. 
The bikini bottom falls away from your body and you get comfortable on your stomach, your back and bare ass offering him up his final opportunity. If he doesn’t get his hot sweaty self over to you in the next thirty seconds...
The thought leaves your mind the second a solar eclipse leaves you in shadow, and you grin, knowing you’ve won. 
“Is there something I can do for you, ma’am?” Flip asks, physically turning you back over on the chaise, his big head blocking the sunlight so you don’t have to squint directly up into it. You have a cheesy smile as you get comfortable, your arms draped over the back of the lounge chair, him completely clothed and you completely nude. 
“You can get those smelly clothes away from me, or else my husband might know what we get up to.” You raise an eyebrow at him, a challenge. His eyes twinkle and his mouth ticks up in a sly grin. 
“The husband, where is he off to this time? Business trip? Golfing with the guys?” Shucking the shirt off of his body, Flip picks up the game easily. He’s so good at improv, has to be because of his job. You like to think you’re helping him hone his skills.
“I don’t know,” You shrug playfully, running your hands over his strong stomach. He’s not an invincible moronic twenty-something anymore, like he was when you first met him. He’s covered in scars and he’s gained some weight in all the right places, gained some muscle too. It’s delicious, the way his gold chain swings in your face. “But you’re here. Are you going to show me a good time?” 
“I’ll never disappoint you,” He lowers himself onto you, kissing his hot wet mouth all across your face and throat, making his way down to your chest. He kisses your breasts and grasps at your sides, and you can feel him filling out in his short short shorts. 
“You’ve got an hour until he’s back,” You moan, knowing that Flip always takes on the challenge of seeing how many times he can make you come when you play these games, “Let’s see just how satisfied you’ll make me.” 
He grabs you and chucks you over his shoulder in a fireman carry then, you laughing from the way your stomach flips upside down. He leaves the radio on in the backyard as he carries you up the stairs and to the master bedroom -- needing some sort of noise to cover up the volume he will undoubtedly coax out of you. 
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