#sorry this turned into an essay on my fav villain dilf
jascurka · 11 months
See I find Suzuki such a fun guy to think about,he's so fun to think about!!!Very interesting!!!!Bros such a good villain in my mind and is really silly???Idk I find world domination a funny villain trait alabaka anyways love seeing another Toichiro fan!
He sure is a funny guy! He's like Doofenschmirz but he's dead serious. He doesn't seem to want money, just wants to be king of the world and he says it all publicly with a straight face. Has he never read a book in his entire life? Was he not embarrassed? Cause it was done in such a cartoonish way and very openly, I would expect someone who wants to take over the world to sneak into governments and spread their roots deep. Like mafia is invisible but he wanted to be seen and recognised, and he wanted it to be dramatic like this cause he's so dumb and I love that. Asked why he chose the cultural tower of seasoning city for his invasion, he says that they serve delicious omurice there lmfao
He fought a 14 year old who saved his life in the end. He also beat up his son for which I would love to slap him across the face if he was real. He did so many more things wrong than just that. And I can kinda see how people might not like him even though his character arc doesn't end with him being left alone to explode from the excess energy. It ends with him seeing what he did was horrible and accepting the consequences of that and even wanting to fix what he broke.
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Later he stops mid his suicide mission to turn around and give himself a chance to make things right with his family instead of leaving their bonds destroyed and haunted by his past actions. He chooses to be better instead of throwing his life away even if he would repay an honor towards Mob. And even if he thinks he would make himself useful to this world again, not even for the price of freedom, more like forgiveness sealed by his sacrifice. I think deep inside he thinks he deserved to die that moment when he first fought Mob and then again when he appears in the finale but that might be just my overanalyzing part of the brain speaking. He said he was ready for this cause he almost lost his life once.
And just so it's clear, if anyone is still like "he should have died then I wouldn't mind if he died" about him, that's a clear sign they watched the entirety of mob psycho with their head in their ass. The anime that is about people being changed by encounters with other people. It's surprising how much negativity there is in this fandom that is build upon a show/manga that emphasizes how important it is to be kind, even to people who you don't like.
And I just like him so much for trying, that's all :3
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