#sorry to anyone who read this and i pray this doesnt appear in maintag
stuffedsand · 5 months
fun random things i notice in mvs time
not maintagging this is my own silly post. mutuals get to see it tho
ok so throw down. yippee. i was looking at it for reference purposes cuz that greenhouse 3dmodel is intricate as hell i want to spin it around and look at every detail btu i cannot. anyways thats besides the point
from what i can tell throw down and weakness are the only mvs in which the lines are distinctly coloured w the prisoner colour (purple in this case)
-- similarly from what i can tell bugmuu is lineless - but her shadows have a harsh reddish glow effect that threw me off and made me think she had coloured lines too
--half has cool ass lighting but it also made me mistake it for having coloured lines -- it doesnt, it just has a lot of colour shift
-- tear drop has lighter brown lines but like. i didnt pick that up i thought it was lighting fuckery like half again lmao
actually i cant tell for teardrop the lines r too thin
its probably artistic choice but notable to point out that
in weakness, only haruka is lined with purple, his mom and young haruka are lined in black
in throw down, him n those he talks to are lined with a reddish brown (?) but background nurses and patients r lined in black
also in throw down, the line colour gets darker towards the end, fully black at bridge (ethics is a delusion), most noticable purple when hes in the birds of paradise shirt ("gardening fit")
--minor detail but at the end of the bridge they use the typical anime "no light highlight in eye" which i think is partially why i read the expression with so much despair even at my first watchthrough lmao. i like studying expressions in animation man
anywyas not sure what the line colour could mean i just think its very neat and i need people to know im insane about studying and looking at every detail of animations. its also mostly about throw down cuz thats the first song i noticed it in+ the song im looping for reference purposes rn
it could symbolise the fact that its a "dreamlike" world and not representative of their actual realities but..... every other song uses black lines and most of them are set in fictional, symbolic representations of their surroundings so. idk im probably reading into it too much cuz im insane and procrastinating on hw. i will go do said homework now goodbye moots who read this far
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