#sorry to make this about byler but i just have way more solid of a prediction for mikes arc than wills
demadogs · 1 year
Predictions on Will still being connected to Vecna will play out next season?
OOOOO!! i have a big prediction related to this that ive talked about before but i dont think enough people have appreciated how good it is. its not entirely how will is affected but how what happens to will will affect other characters.
so i dont think will is gonna be vecna’d the way max was. wills connected to him in a way no one else is so its gotta be bigger than last season. i think they might go back to the s2 super spy concept and have will be able to see or feel in some way what vecnas plan is. then vecna might realize what hes doing and something more similar to what happened to max will happen to him where he will be able to actually feel like hes in the same room as vecna and have a conversation with him.
i think vecna will threaten will here and say that he has to watch out and he will torture him when he least expects it and in ways that he wont see coming (obviously said no more spooky wording than that).
and THAT i think is what will lead to MIKE getting vecna’d. i think vecna’s method of torturing will is to torture mike.
mike has to be vecna’d. it just makes too much sense for it not to happen. max said it happens to people who have something thats haunting them. mike has insane internalized homophobia, way more than will i would argue, and i think he has so much guilt from the fact that hes still dating el even though he knows he does not and cannot actually love her romantically (theyd still be dating when hes vecna’d i am NOT a mlvn breaks up in the first episode truther).
i think the whole party and especially jonathan and joyce will be so concerned about will that no one will pay attention to the signs mike is showing. everyone will think wills at the most risk of danger so he’ll never be left alone, he’ll always be monitored and made sure by everyone that he’s safe but mike will be the one they need to look out for.
mike will be vecna’d the same way max was. nobody saw it coming they just suddenly realized mike wasnt responding and his eyes were all wrong. they all start to freak out but especially will. nancy is in denial. she says to will “no no why would it be mike youre the one we needed to look out for he said he was gonna torture you” and wills heart sinks and he realizes “i think this is how hes doing it”.
i wont go into detail on mikes vecna’d shebang here bc thats the answer to a different question but if anyone asks id be so down to talk more about that. i do have a post about mike but its his entire s5 arc and its embarrassingly long so if you just want me to talk about the vecna part i got you.
but yeah i think wills connection to vecna will directly cause MIKES encounter with vecna.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
If I see ppl saying this or that theory is stupid in the tag, then yeah, I mean I feel weird posting about agreeing with that theory now bc it’s recently been established by some that it’s a stupid one 😭
Like the whole birthdaygate thing. I love that theory, but after talking about it I’ll suddenly see ppl in the tag hating on the theory, as if I didn’t just specifically mention it 😳 like…
Not saying people can’t have their own theories, but if you’re repeatedly posting in the tag, publicly, where everyone see’s, about how this or that won’t happen no matter what some people think, now suddenly it’s an atmosphere where no one knows if they can even post about those theories anymore, I just feel like it makes me look like an idiot bc I’m now one of those people others think is stupid for believing.
But honestly I’m also an over-sensitive person, so maybe it’s just me.
Like the whole byler confessional thing is something I also have no interest in. Bc it centers on this tendency fandom has to constantly bring up hot takes. Like oh EVERYONE thinks this, but I don’t!!!
Like some ppl will invalidate theories solely bc they’re popular. Like, that will genuinely be an argument for the basis of why a theory isn’t solid, bc a bunch of ppl believe it.
I personally believe a lot of theories, even the crazy ones, bc it’s fun. Like i’d rather believe all of them, and hopefully some are actually accurate, than to just believe what fits with what I want to believe and play it safe.
I’ll even believe theories I don’t necessarily like, but the story is giving me signs that it’s going to pay off. Like the whole byler getting murray’d thing. That’s sort of a hot take now to talk about bc some fans don’t want it to happen, so they’ll kind of push it into obscurity as something they believe won’t happen, solely bc they don’t want it to.
But the thing is, I don’t necessarily want/not want it to happen, that’s beside the point. The show has hinted at a lead up to this for years, that’s why I believe it. So when I talk about it, don’t think I’m pushing that theory on you despite you not personally liking it, and don’t assume I think byler is solely going to get together bc of a snide remark from Murray. It’s simply a theory based on evidence. And it’s gonna be a lot more complex than Murray being the sole reason they end up together. If anything it’s just a small component to the pay-off of that story arc, based on the watching the show as a whole and seeing the signs leading up to it with Jancy and Jopper, followed by an endgame payoff with the main ship of the show following suit, aka byler.
I’ve been in fandom theorizing before. I’ve been disappointed. And I’ve been impressed with fans ability to figure shit out before it played out. Tbh theorizing will always be the best part, especially when the people working on the show really care about where it’s going narratively.
You will never see me on here hating on peoples theories. Bc honestly most of you are smarter than me and I care about what you guys think. I also don’t want to rule anything out definitively, even theories I don’t initially like, bc who knows, they could be right!!
So if I offend anyone by talking about certain theories or headcanons, I’m sorry for that.
If I ever talk about a theory that somehow directly contradicts yours, I’m sorry for that.
I think despite others opinions, I’m just going to try to keep theorizing things, without invalidating other theories in the process.
That just feels like the best way to go about things.
And I’m gonna try to ignore ppl saying they hate this or that take when it applies to me and just post what I want to post and if some agree then yay and if no one does then I’ll stfu bc there’s no point in stirring the pot if no one even agrees with me anyways 🤣
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excuse the grainy asf quality please
edit: again if anyone else found this first props to them! I just havent seen anythinh about it yet
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the little cut that holds the volleyball ITS THE SAME FRICKEN CUP THAT IS IN THE CRAZY TOGETHER SCENE
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I almost didnt catch it bc theyre such a mess in s3 BUT HOLY CRAP THIS CONNECTS EVERYTHING
if you have no idea what im screaming about, please please PLEASE go back and read the other post it will all make sense. Ill try to explain a little here, i dont have any solid notes or anything but this is the main idea:
will stands is associated with phones since the very beginning.
s1 - will trying to REACH joyce and FAILING (pointed out by @owenwillsons as well as the dustin/lucas part of s4)
*** my own note of that is i just realized, both in s1 and in s3 these failed calls (will calling joyce when he starts to be attacked, mike receiving a call in the basement) happen after and before will leaves mikes garage on his bike respectively.
let me say that again. BOTH OF THESE CALLS ARE CONNECTED TO WILL LEAVING THE MIKES GARAGE. THEY ARE PARALLELS !!!!! then comes the s1 birthday references…specifically for will we have mention of his day out with lonnie that is supposed to be his birthday (i will confirm this at a later time)
s2/3 - mike is paralleled like LITERALLY framed the exact way showing up to the byers knocking on the door calling for will after a FAILED phone call. S2 was mike trying to reach will, s3 was mike trying to reach el.
specifically in s2, for birthdays, there is the crazy together scene with the birthday mug, an “im sorry i forgot your birthday” card presumably from lonnie, and the shed speech which includes a reference to wills birthday.
Season 3 has only one reference that i have found so far—the crazy together mug sitting in the back of the wheelers basement—but i will be looking for more connections.
s4 - dustin points out that mike had been trying and FAILING to reach the byers house in s4. Them ofc the infamous rink o mania fight references phone calls. There are other cases in each season that involve phone calls that i will look into later to see if they have any relevance.
Birthday references: there a quite a few for this season which also contributes to the parallelism of season 2, with these two seasons being the most heavily birthday referenced. There is of course the date of wills birthday on the video camera—i am going back to look at a later date to see if theres some time mess stuff there—as well as the pizza boy number that gives a voicemail of the happy birthday song.
Some other references not explicitly connected to will that are of birthdays are: murray referencing a one year olds birthday party, murray referencing a classmate (jeremiah’s) birthday, the robin and vickie early birthday present scene, etc. i will be going through the season to look on the background and see if i can catch any more prop referencing.
Another thing to note is that murray is consistently a birthday referencer, and he is known for being emotionally intelligent when it comes to reading other people.
He murrayed jopper, murrayed jancy…and he made those comments on the plane about joyces worry of the kids and…was that not what happened? So murrays references to birthdays has to be of high importance.
summary edit: sorry its become clear im being a little confusing for what im talking ab for s1 and s3 connection
theres a pattern imo of -
S1 garage talk (“it was a seven”) - s1 failed call (will calling joyce) - S3 failed call (mike thinking el called) - s3 garage talk (“its not my fault you dont like girls”)
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kl125 · 2 years
C, D, and T!! I want to know your thoughts on those
From this post.
Okay, I'm going to post this with a big, fat disclaimer.
I am not an anti of any ship. If it makes you happy, then go for it. I have my own opinions about ships, and you have yours, and that's how life works. Feel free to disagree on any of these, as that's the beauty of fandom! I debated whether or not I should include other media, or just stick to Stranger Things, so I ended up with a mix of both. Usually, I avoid negative discourse as much as possible, but please allow me this one moment of indulgence.
I won’t be tagging the ships I talk about (except for the two I mention in a positive light), but I won’t be censoring the names in the text. Do with that what you will.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Zutara. Sorry, not sorry on this one. I never quite saw the vision with it. I started watching the show literally the day it premiered, and from the first episode, I loved the dynamic between Katara and Aang. Katara always saw Zuko as the personification of everything she hated (because her mom was killed by the Fire Nation). She didn’t let go of that until she straight up found the dude who killed her mom, and by then, they worked much better as a friendship in my opinion.
As for Stranger Things, I never liked Byler. I won’t go into too much detail here. I do not think their personalities work well in a relationship. Mike is very future focused, while Will focuses on the past. Whenever they’ve fought, they’ve been emotional and impulsive, saying things they know will hurt the other person. In my opinion, it’s not a very solid foundation for a relationship.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can't.
Steddie, but hear me out. This is much more of a me thing. It’s because Eddie is canonically dead, so that immediately puts me off of a ship. It’s always been that way with any fandom I’m in. I feel the same way about Harringrove and Hellcheer, so I guess you can include those in the answer as well. I appreciate that others like them, and that’s great, but it’s just not for me. I do see the vision, at least, so that’s something.
T - Do you have any hard and fast head canons that you will die defending?
The blue hoodie El wears during the epilogue of “The Piggyback” is Mike’s hoodie, and no one can convince me otherwise. See this post I made for why I believe this.
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demadogs · 2 years
Hello hello! I'm the anon from 2-3 days ago who sent the ask about Argyle being stoned the whole season and the whole Mileven/Byler shipping.
Sorry it took a while for me to respond. I've been busy but I am here now to respond!
- I am very open and I will say this: I ship Mileven but I'm not a hardcore shipper. I think they're cute ☺️! I don't think they will do Byler but I could very well be wrong. The percentage of them keeping Mileven vs. them doing Byler is 65% Mileven, and 35% Byler. So there IS a part of me that thinks they could very well do it. I DO see the signs and I've read why people think Byler will happen. The points being made are completely valid and I can understand why people think Byler will happen (so don't let anyone call you delusional for it). I really like Mileven but I'm not against Byler either!
- I DEFINITELY think that season 4 will give us a solid confession from Will or solid realization from Mike that Will likes him as more than a best friend. I could see it happening during an argument about how Mike is giving all of his attention to Eleven and semi ignoring Will. And then they'll be mad at each other. But then Mike will feel bad later on and get soft and apologize to Will.
- My responses aren't gonna try to convince you why either is better. I'm just gonna comment.
1. I would just like to say that I absolutely loved that rain fight scene. The lighting, the emotions, the rain, that screen shot is very beautiful, it was all so good! Mike and Will go way back together. They're best friends and losing/hurting a best friend is heartbreaking. And when Mike said " it's not my fault you don't like girls," and then immediately realizes he shouldn't have said that... And Wills face... Ouch 😭 Just let my boy be happy.
I didn't like the Mileven break-up because in season 1 and 2, it seemed like they cared for each other so much in such an innocent way and then El just dumps him and laughs... I didn't like it. Season 3 seemed like it tried to make everything funny a little too much. Same with Hopper/Joyce always arguing and Lucas saying how many times him and Max break up and get back together.
2. The way that Mileven kiss was framed with the closet makes sense with your point. As for Mike's eyes being wide open, my take on it is that he's an awkward dorky teenager who's not always the best at expressing his emotions and he was a bit shocked that El just said "I love you too," and then kissed him.
3. How I perceived Mike's reaction to the monster and the lingerie was that a monster is scary just like lingerie is scary because like I said earlier... He's an awkward nerdy young teenager so he doesn't quite know how to act 😆
I apologize if my responses didn't make sense or if there are spelling errors. I just word vomited and didn't read anything that I just wrote! 🙊
hello again!!
i appreciate you being so open to either ship. there seems to be some stupid milevens vs bylers war on the internet and most of them think the idea of byler is insane and they arent afraid to announce that to byler shippers. 65-35 is a decent ratio!!
i do agree with you that someones feelings will definitely be established this season. at least will’s but hopefully mike’s too.
THE RAIN FIGHT!!! oh my god before the season came out that still was released and i deadass almost sent it to one of my film professors, the same one that taught media aesthetics (a class i talked about in a previous ask) and yell about how fucking sick that shot is. just aesthetically its fucking BEAUTIFUL. and both their acting is so good especially noah’s hes so talented.
i see what you mean about them taking a comedic route. i didnt mind it much for mileven mostly bc i love max so much and i loved that she was just like “fuck boys were going shopping and getting ice cream” so it made sense for the breakup to play out like that after a fun girl day. for joyce and hopper i didnt love it. i didnt love how grumpy hop was the entire season like he was a cranky mother fucker especially towards alexei.
gonna skip ahead to the tweet. again, i dont usually read into their social media posts and dont blame people who dont think thats reliable evidence but just the fact that they chose mikes face when in that scene they showed lucas and wills reactions too right? if they had tweeted that with will instead of mike im sure everyone would interpret it the gay way bc hes much more obviously queer coded. i thought it was interesting that they chose mike instead.
no worries about word vomiting i love hearing other peoples opinions in my inbox.
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