#sorry to the 1 BJ/Margaret fan out there
majorbaby ยท 1 year
[asks you about your BJ/Frank/Margaret headcanon] [scared] [intrigued]
[Extremely theoretically, this is a thought exercise only but the postmodernist/crack ship enthusiast in me cannot back down from a challenge]
How do BJ and Margaret and Frank end up fucking?
tbh, despite Margaret "I hope I find a man like you" ... Houlicutt makes me recoil in horror, and not in a fun way! I can way more easily see Hunniburns (i am just... naming ships today) and that is not without great difficulty either.
so i'm going to start with something a little easier: How do BJ and Frank end up fucking? and we'll deal with Margaret later...
So one thing they could have in common is the both of them having deeply repressed gay feelings. Maybe Frank drunkenly confesses to being unhappy in his marriage, talks about yearning for something else but stops short of actually saying what. Frank has in the past had some homo subtext with various military guys, most notably Col. Flagg in a much less combative way than with Hawkeye who flirts with him all the time.
BJ's not a military guy but he's definitely more into the masc thing than Hawkeye and he makes it a point to express that ("We're not guys" BJ: "I thought I was" / "We'll go dancing in [uhh grand central station? idr]" BJ: "I lead"), and is your all-american 50s husband.
And as I said earlier, Frank was really into BJ as he appeared on paper.
Frank being into BJ? Check.
As for BJ... idk man, it would need to be a fuck or die situation I think. And Margaret's there to like, supervise. I am highly partial to bottom-BJ but there is no way I can see Frank topping BJ Hunnicutt, so it has to be the other way around and I think Margaret might be kinda into that. Like if it's happening anyway, she'd probably prefer to watch than not watch. Actually Margaret watching Frank Burns get railed is a promising premise for a fic. Okay, there, I did it. There's my sexy* BJ/Frank/Margaret take.
Wait. Or, or, or... Post war, post gay-crisis, post breakdown of both the Burns and Hunnicutt marriages... perhaps they find themselves sad and lonely in a bar somewhere, both of them drink too much. And then BJ and/or Frank looks up and sees a familiar face, and I suppose if their lives had fallen into such truly dismal states, totally outcast from their circles, then any familiar face would be a sight for sore eyes. Theoretically, BJ might've walked through Indiana on his way to Maine to fall into Hawkeye's arms, so maybe he makes a pit stop at this bar. And they're both broke and Frank doesn't wanna go home so they share a room... stranger things have happened I'm sure.
I can't work Margaret into that one, but look, bonus BJ/Frank setup.
Because it is somewhat related to this topic and because I've been known to do callouts for crackships and rare pairs in the past and because the show provides one, let me pre-emptively share my only reaction to BJ/Margaret as a ship:
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