#sorry tua fandom colm is one of my favourite actors and i recently watched his lear and have been abnormal about him since
ollierachnid · 2 years
Whoever did Reginald's costuming in particular... I'm obsessed with them. The progression from the softer colours and fabric, sloped shoulders, etc. in the earlier episodes: ep 3 especially the cream, wool jumper which was so un-Reginald and went far in making him seem fragile and elderly, that (despite Colm Feore being 63) Reginald never reads as. But as the season progresses and he weans himself off of the pills, his choices swing back to stiffer, darker fabrics and much sharper shapes. You barely even notice while it's happening across episodes but comparing them side by side and it becomes so obvious he was reverting back to himself, conveyed just through costumes AUGh
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