#sorry y'all I haven't been feeling great about myself lately and evidently that's been bleeding into my feelings about my writing
big feeling insecure about my writing hours
wish I could write faster. wish I had more time to do it. wish I weren't so ambitious, so verbose. wish I weren't so perfectionistic and could embrace the "write the parts you want and stick it together with duct tape" approach. wish I could know that my fixation on this fandom would carry me through the process of writing this (and ideally my other fic ideas too). wish I could know that people will still care about this story when I'm done with it (wish I could know that people are interested in it now). wish I weren't still on chapter fucking three of this fucking eight chapter fic. wish I had the technical skills to pull it off.
wishing for a lot of things and feeling like I'm going to get none of them.
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