ambiguousbeta · 6 years
             It was quaint really. Picturesque, the little hole in the wall, dug deep in the confines of the city. Regal, with a certain charm painted along the skies of the atmosphere. Quiet, not a very large place and yet, lined with copious amounts of individuals. All of which gathered delicately around a stage, sitting patiently, chattering among themselves. 
             A soft melody played in the background, the delicate wooden sticks tapping upon the drums surface, the soft hiss of the base once fingers so delicately plucked the strings from their placement. A rather young woman stood sound in the middle, wide dancers hips swaying to the rhythm of the song her band played. Fabric from her flowing skirt ruffled in all the right places, moving almost in sync to the music at hand. 
              It held a certain amount of class, this place at hand. Enough that even he could appreciate the sentiment, the appeal that this place had to offer. He knew why she chose it, knew that eventually as the night progressed, her and her little entourage would end up in this little gem. There was no abundance of humans succumbed to intoxication, no thick scent of sickness, that usually followed an establishment this late in the night. Just the scent of skin, the warmth from the bodies that swayed on the floor to the sweet song, and the subtly of fine cigar smoke, just touching the ceiling softly. 
            To be honest, he wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t a human among the lot of them. When it came to celestial beings as it were, scents were most often deceiving. 
             Taking in a slow drag from the cigarette pursed between his lips, he listened to the echo of the voices and the music, coming through the open door from the rooftop patio. He didn’t need to be beside her, to single out the soft dialect of her tone. Her words like silk rolling off her tongue, and the soft flirting seductive laughter that followed. Her voice, he could pick it out almost anywhere. The sound standing above all others, however, her attention still oblivious to his presence. 
               He had just got back into town after all, a few weeks longer than originally anticipated. He still remembered the last conversation, the rather salty tone she took with him, disapproving with the choice that he had made. She never much cared for when he left the city, not that he couldn’t fathom why. However this time around, if he had to guess he would gauge it with the lack of his presence upon certain ‘holiday’ that he had so conveniently missed. 
               One she had said ‘didn’t matter’. Like he believed it for a second.
               Putting out the flaming end of his cigarette, he turned back into the building, allowing himself to be submersed in the echo of song, the scent of sweet perfume and subtle jasmine incense. He moved against the perimeter, weaving his way along the dim lighting, grabbing a quick drink from the bar. All the while he spotted her, out of the corner of his eye, surrounded by a group of individuals, females and males alike. Auburn curls pulled loosely back behind her head. A dark corset like bodice, with a flowing satin skirt dipping low towards the ground. It accented her bodies natural curve rather well, the lace black in color and yet the skirt was made out of a sheer, an opaque material, leaving the shape of her legs, visible to the eye, should someone look close enough. It left little to the imagination, and yet, enough to leave one so deliciously wondering.
             Lifting the glass to his lips, he smirked a bit, grasping another drink before walking slowly behind the stage. He approached the lovely singer, deep brown hair, hanging softly beside her face. He placed a drink in her hand, and leaned down to whisper something softly in her ear. It took a moment, before her coy lips curved upwards into an almost feline like smile. She gave him a nod, his fingers leaving the glass in her tender care before walking up the stairs slightly, rounding behind the wires and instruments that laid there. 
              The drummer made eye contact first, and with a soft nod, the once slow tempo he had so graciously spun, sped up a bit, changing in an almost faster direction. The guitarist followed next, expertly coming out of the previous song, changing the chords until he tuned himself in with his band mate, the other two musicians slowly following suit. The music started to flow, each note getting hit with precision, the crowd slowly humming along with the beat. It was subtle, most individuals still intertwined in the conversations amongst themselves. However it didn’t matter, it wasn’t the attention he was after.
               There was a certain amount of finesse that came with performing, and even though he was in no position vocally to pursue anything on a professional level, he still crossed the stage slowly approaching the microphone stand. The words rolled off his tongue, perfectly in sync with the band, hitting every note, with remarkable pitch, never once missing a beat. He sang low, the tone of his voice coating each word with a soft melodious beat. The lyrics echoing off every surface of the building as more and more sets of eyes, slowly began turning towards the stage.
 ‘I was so high I did not recognize,
                            the fire burning in her eyes, 
                                                     the chaos that controlled my mind.’
                   He held his drink in one hand, the other, fastened around the mic in front of him. He could feel the light absorbed in his iris’, dark blues flashing the the ambiance of the room. The words kept rolling, and he could feel his body shifting in subtle ways to the beat. He didn’t have an ounce of fear, anxiety, the man knew how to work a crowd, he knew how to move. A performance like this, would be simple. He just had to put it all together.
    ‘Whispered goodbye she got on a plane,
                                              never to return again,
                                                               but always in my heart.’
                    The chorus came, and he could feel himself starting to get into the song, an almost devilish smirk crossing over his features. He felt the lights dim, before shining slightly brighter on him. His voice, pouring out the words, watching as the crowd reacted to him. Some even slowly moving to the beat much like he himself was doing. He made a point, to not look in a certain direction, already feeling blackened eyes settling in on him. The first verse was slowly coming to an end, and with a pause he downed the contents of his drink, He grabbed the cordless mic, taking it off the stand, he slid off the stage, walking then onto the floor.
                    He never broke his tempo, instead, he moved as if the whole performance was some elaborate dance. Taking a drink out of a waitress’ hand, he gave her a wink, before handing it off to another lovely young lady to his right, placing it softly in her hand. His voice never wavering, not even for a single moment. 
   ‘I tried to feed her appetite,
                             to keep her coming every night,
                                                               so hard to keep her satisfied.’
                     He gave a soft flick of his eyes, rolling as he sung the words, moving around the crowd. It wasn’t long before they were singing and dancing with him, doing nothing more, then feeding his ego, pushing life into his song. He smirked all the while, even breaking for a moment to chuckle amongst his words in a low laugh deep in his throat, his voice, was the only sound to be heard now.
     ‘Kept playing love like it was just a game,
                                             pretending to feel the same.
                                                              Then turn around and leave again.’
                    Walking forward it didn’t take him long to find her, to settle into the look she as sending his way. Lips pursed, eyes trained dead set on his person. He walked behind her, taking hold of the ever so selective drink she had sitting oh so perfectly in front of her. Bourbon perhaps. His eyes met hers then, watching the soft gold dance in the reflection of her eyes, his own darkening under her gaze. He winked in her direction, taking a swig of the drink before making his way back to the stage, turning his back to her. 
                     He heard the roar of the crowd now, dipping into the second chorus of the song. Voices were echoing, singing the words along with him now. Even the diva, the sweet little singer he had encountered before, was on stage, clapping her hands, singing a soft back up in the foreground. He stepped on a nearby chair, tipping it with his feet until it fell against the stage, stepping off the added lift with perfect balance. He spun on his foot, continuing the words even when the crowd was carrying it for him. The smooth surface of the floor guided like butter under the soles of his shoes. He pulled his tie loose, dropping it from his neck and off the stage. He pushed his hair back, taking a pause until the band led up to the final verse. A soft breath passing through his lips before the words started to form, holding the mic firmly grasped in one hand, all the while leaning on the stand with the other.
  ‘I fix these broken things,
                            repair your broken wings,
                                                  and make sure everything’s alright.’
‘My pressure on your hips,
                  sinking my fingertips, into every inch of you,
                                              because I know that’s what you want me to do.’
                    The band came to life now, perfectly chiming in with their instruments, playing the chords as if they were the band themselves. The lyrics echo’d, his voice intermingled with the voice of the crowd. They danced as he moved, keeping in tune with his steps to the music. He could feel the heat rise, his shirt shifting on his person as he moved. 
   ‘This love has taken it’s toll on me, 
                                                 she said goodbye,
                                                                 too many times before.’
    ‘Her heart is breaking in front of me,
                                             and I have no choice,
                                                             cause I won’t say goodbye anymore.’
                     His eyes met hers once more, by now that he had her full unadulterated attention. He grinned at her again, his tongue flicking against the words that continued to fall from his lips. His smirk curving to the point where he without a doubt flashed the pointed tips of his canines. He reached, grasping his heart the moment he belted out the next line, grasping at the fabric of his shirt. His eyes closed for a moment, feeling the lyrics pour from his mouth.
   ‘And my heart is breaking in front of me,
                                                   she said goodbye, 
                                                                   too many times before.’
                       The musicians kept it going, taking the show all the way to the end. He had the attention from the entire establishment by the songs end, dancing up on stage with the other performers. He could feel the vibration of the energy, the people falling just like sheep in line with his show. It was predictable, but a rather entertaining way to make an entrance. However, he kept going, as long as the band carried the tune. His voice going quiet, the song slowly coming to an close.
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                     One could say, it was quite a ‘literal’ mic drop by the end of it. 
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sorenkingsley · 7 years
missyango replied to your post: missyango replied to your post: ...
Ah, ok. I’m not a huge fan of this group. �� #sorryi'mnotsorry
lmao, I just check their for spoilers and when they post screencaps, Idk any German so the discussions go over my head lmao. 
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uswntlifegoals · 9 years
My new Lloyd jersey came today and in time for me to wear it to the USA v Costa Rica opener WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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hoshiforever · 10 years
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arrawlings · 10 years
Whoa, there, Tumblr
Seriously. The Tumblr staff like animated GIFs waaaay too much. Gotta unfollow you, staff. 
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sassybitch-101 · 10 years
Hate to complain (but I'm going to)
I hate being one of those gf that complain about missing their bf but I do miss him. :( Idk if it's because I feel lonely at night or the fact that I haven't seen him in over a month but I miss his silly self. Sure he makes me angry sometimes and some of the things he does makes me want to punch him but at the end of the day I still care about him. I'm just going to cuddle with the bear he got me and get over it.
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thelizardpeople-blog · 11 years
It's a Bill Murray kind of day.
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Seriously, the next person to get married/engaged/have a child in my friend group is going to kill me. This is getting a touch ridiculous. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here single as ever, wondering what show I should marathon next, how I'm going to manage enough time to catch up on my youtube subscriptions between tutorials, and lamenting the fact that the Atlantic Ocean still separates me from those that are closest to me. What is my life?
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hoshiforever · 10 years
katons8!! shiftintothelight!!! Hot Topic has 3 Teen Wolf t-shirts. MAYBE THIS IS THE START OF MERCH!!!!
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savvywriter3 · 11 years
Pet Peeve #24324234
When you fill out a profile in pretty good detail and someone STILL asks you the same questions you already answered in said profile. Like seriously, don't just look at my pictures, you creep. Read before you write, otherwise I wil think you're stupid. 
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musketeerbabe · 11 years
I noticed a pattern.
I was sitting on tumblr looking for stuff on some of my favorite tv shows when something occurred to me. Every show that I enjoy and watch religiously all revolve around murder or death. 
Castle: Homicide detective and murder mystery writer
Sherlock: Solving murders and just Moriarty 
Being Human: Various murders throughout the show
American Horror Story: Self explanatory 
Bates Motel: Norman and Norma Bates
Hannibal: I mean he's a cannibal
True Blood: Vampires and other supernatural things killing each other
Maybe I should be concerned. I think my choice in tv is kind of dark. 
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thep0rnfairy · 11 years
[Narration:] It's like you're screaming, and no one can hear You almost feel ashamed That someone could be that important That without them, you feel like nothing No one will ever understand how much it hurts You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you And when it's over, and it's gone You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back So that you could have the good
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cadapersonaesunmundo · 11 years
Just stumbled upon a certain someone's Instagram
And - excuse the bitchiness - but let me just say: #EGOBOOST/p>
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anna8910 · 10 years
If you're one of my tumblr favs... I've probably stalked your entire archive.... ready4royalty ravishingtheroyals andrewjg47 phff sunnyjbah uilasharryfanfiction Savy, theblogtini (all of your blogs Court) firelorddee youlovelucie beingliberal catherineandcressida ladauphine whorecruxin
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amaurabeam · 11 years
There's a tumblr for hockey players with animals.  What have I gotten myself into
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iamserenaelisa · 11 years
What do I want for Christmas...?
My mom back... To be able to say goodbye... To not have to remember our relationship by a ton of fights... To just see her...
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