#sort of thing u spit out on reflex bc something that tastes like that SURELY isn't edible
exciting news! the kel dor conlang lexicon is at almost 1000 words apparently!
some fav recent additions:
gadinai — (vb.) // — to celebrate uproariously; to riot; [colloquial] to really lose one’s shit
kayamassi — (vb.) // — to persist, to keep going; largely used for encouragement, esp. cheering for a favourite sports team: kayamassi ge!
kolmagel — (n.) // — atmospheric pressure-sense, housed in the sensory horns (kolmi); air pressure
kyaogheran — (n.) // — warm outer garment similar to a poncho or a greatkilt, often woven with symbolic patterns or embroidered to show clan or village loyalties
nolna — (n.) // — heat-inducing spices as a class; a plant which produces chemicals kel dor perceive as spicy (and other species perceive as disgusting)
tsipangiri — (vb.) // — to have faith in a person; to be emotionally intimate with someone, to trust them with the details of your life (compare angiri, to simply trust someone to do their damn job)
tvaoruni — (vb.) // — to be at a standstill, to stagnate; [colloquial] to be bored comatose
uani karaak — (n.) // — a spirit of the sea mist said to appear in the guise of one’s loved ones to lead unwary travellers into the sea
zaygeli — (vb.) // — to make sweet, to cover with sugar; [colloquial] to sweeten a deal, to bribe, to entice with rewards, to go out of one’s way to be nice (in hope of reward, it is implied)
zikulikan — (n.) // — ceremonial dances performed on festival days; different dances are performed by different groups, and those performed by the Baran Dao can last for hours or even days.
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