#sory about the other asks from yesterday and today i havent gotten to yet. im kinda tired but ill get to them eventually
I feel like a lot of this can anti ai sentiment can also be boiled down to people worshipping auteurship and clout. Its like people have a weird hierarchical relationship with art where Artists with Things to Say are imparting culture on the masses and the ideas presenting in such works Must Be Revered. When the creation of art is intrinsically contextual and requires a dialectical relationship between artist and audience. meaning is created in the dialogue. Culture is made in the sharing and not every artist is going to cite or even remember all their inspirations. Like why does credit matter for non-commercial works where we're not considering fair compensation for labour input?
I think it's kind of disappointing to see that people are so poisoned by this Big Wig IP propaganda that's all about protecting the sanctity of auteurship when art is inherently collaborative. Movies are made with whole cast and crews, huge installations often have helping hands setting up and helping with manufacturing. Most notably, all artists will be inspired by other artists and be incorporating styles and aesthetic sensibilities from those that came before them. Even Picasso "inventing" cubism wouldn't have happened without exploring abstraction found in African art. There's nothing that AI does that's intrinsically that different from manual artists, other than the incorporation of machine logics which is an exciting and developing field of interest and culturally on our minds. Medium is the message etc etc sorry it got long bestie x cheers
yeag ^
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