#soryun shion
Chapter 16 - Unlikely Best Friend
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All the CEOs were gathered in the VIP Room 2, but neither of them had any idea why they were summoned by the Chairman. Kisara had to admit, she knew old man Katahara was a playful jokester, but this was a fishy situation and she was getting rather suspicious. Silently staying between Akira and Urita for comfort, she was listening intently to their chattering - And they were right. There were about five CEOs that were missing - All of them were CEOs that had lost their battles, though it wasn't a criteria, since many others who lost were present... In fact, apart from Akira and her parents, all CEOs were losers. Not only that, but her parents looked awfully relaxed... And that jerk of a fighter was there with them too, and he was looking at her with a wretched smirk. How annoying.
At some point, Katahara, followed by his best friend, the patriarch of the Kure clan, the king of Thailand Rama XIII and a ton of bodyguards came into the room... But the old man seemed to be completely unaware of the meeting.
It was a trap - The first to try to run away were the samurai-CEO and the CEO whose fighter was that sumo guy who lost against Seki in the first round, both of them having the fighting instincts in their blood... But as the door opened, an ocean of men with weapons, all garbed in white suits and wearing mean looks, flooded the room... with Hayami Katsumasa, the CEO of Toyo Electric Power Co. in the lead. So this guy was the reason for everything. He was trying to overthrow Katahara. He must have known from the very beginning that he and his cheap influence had no chance of winning, especially now that Julius lost against Wakatsuki, so he had to resort to this kind of blackmail. Disgusting.
Though three of the good bodyguards threatened Hayami, they were defeated in the blink of an eye by the most surprising man in the world - Hassad, the Arabian Whirlwind that was thrown in the ocean after the preliminary matches. How ironic. Still, he wasn't  the real threat, but many of the other awfully strong looking men.
ONe of the men in white took out a laptop and showed a live broadcast of some of the missing CEOs, who were outside, bound by ropes and threatened to be killed by a fat man with a knife or a machete to their neck. Actually.... That man's build looked an awful lot like Kaburagi's. At this point, she wouldn't be surprised if he somehow teleported his way to Katahara's private resort out of the blue.
"Oh hoooo. You guys there - If you were just a few points short, you'd be there with them now, isn't that right?" Katahara loked back at the CEOs of Burger Boss, Nentendo... And her parents. "So you guys were in it too, weren't you?" Kisara walked next to the chairman and looked at her parents in disgust. "Of course we were. We pledged from the very beginning that we would nominate Mr. Hayami as the CEO. Katahara's getting old and senile." her father let out an amused exhale. "Were you afraid that Wakatsuki would defeat you, then?" she crossed her arms, glaring at them. "No, you stupid girl. Tanji would have easily swept the floor with that idiot. But once again, you completely shatter all of our plans with your idiocy." her father accused her, but she could only raise her eyebrow questioningly. "What, did I breathe the wrong way? Did I blink twice as much as I should have? Enlighten me." she truly was curious what happened. "Tanji refused to fight for our company, unless you agree to date him." Kisara's eye widened in shock, only to burst into fits of laughter and needed to lean on the old man's shoulder, who was chuckling, just like her. "Really? Please, tell me you're joking, this is the most pathetic thing I've heard in my entire life." obviously, it wasn't a joke. "I have a boyfriend already. And even if I didn't, I wouldn't be dating this fuckass. If he doesn't want to fight, then find another fighter. Sure, there's no way you'll win, but at least you won't face the humiliation of forfeiting." she suggested briefly, only to see her mother smiling at her. "Because of you, the company will suffer a massive loss of income. If you don't solve this issue, we will sue you."  she threatened, but it only made her look ridiculous. "Of course I'll solve the issue. I am going to take over the company. It's in my interest to keep appearances, isn't it?" both of her parents were shocked. "Wh-Who said anything about passing on the business to you?! You're a stupid little child who likes to throw around money! Even after death, we'll never pass on the heritage to you." her mother snarled at her with anger. "I can get you Raian for your fight. He may have lost against Ohma, but he dominated the whole match. Not to mention, both Wakatsuki and the two fighters of the first match from round 3 are heavily injured. A little bit of persuasion and Raian might even be capable of killing them and win the competition..." Kisara trailed on with a smirk on her face. She knew she didn't need to convince the psycho to fight, though having the patriarch there wasn't too good for her. "No. We don't want that deadbeat from the Kure clan. In fact, we don't want any fighter. I think we can come to a nice compromise, you and us, daughter." her father came forward, towering over her. "You go in there and fight against that musclehead. If you come out of there alive, we will consider writing your name in our will." "So you're betting on me getting killed by Wakatsuki, aren't you? Fine. Hey, gramps, can the company CEO be changed during a kengan tournament officially, regardless of the circumstances of the change?" she asked, smiling at him. "Of course, it can be done - My, how exciting, we've never had a woman fighting in our tournament before! Have you heard that, Erioh? Maybe you should have sent some of the girl to fight at some point, I'm sure it would have been exciting." Katahara laughed, while the Kure leader merely smiled and shook his head. "Sweet! Well then, let's make this deal right now. You write my name in the will, I fight for you instead of that dumbass, I get out alive, I kill you, and I get the company! Wonderful!" Kisara chirped in mock-glee, shocking her parents. "There are no fights allowed between company owners! You will be kicked out of here!" her father yelled at her. "Actually, no rule states that a retired fighter, who becomes a normal spectator, cannot actively fight against a company owner." Katahara himself pointed out - The Hasashi owners surely didn't play that smart. "Oh, which reminds me... Hayami. The Hasashi company won't be supporting you anymore. We are supporting the Nogi group." with a peace sign thrown in, Katahara laughed again, while the man with half of his face burnt looked pissed off. "You will regret it, little girl - But I will give everyone a choice, even you. Will you join those four and wait for your executions, or will you join me and form a new Kengan Association?" his mustache was curled up evilly. "And Metsudo, I have a demand to make of you. Cancel the tournament and resign as chairman, effective immediately." "And what if I say no?" the old man was defiant - He surely must have his ground. "Then I'll blow up the kengan dome along with all of the kengan association members and foreign dignitaries." it seems that Katahara already knew about the intruders and the others who went to plant the bombs around the dome. He's not an old man for nothing, obviously - Which made Kisara relaxed. Katahara surely knew about Hayami's evil intent from the very beginning and has something prepared.
Nikaido Ren, along with the other Heavenly wolves, were the ones who actually installed the bombs, seeing as they were special ops for the Japanese army, how interesting. Hayami has about a thousand guardians inside and outside of the dome, and compared to Katahara's 250 bodyguards, the good guys were seemingly outnumbered... But doesn't this guy get that Katahara's best friend is the Patriarch of the Kure clan? Surely, those assassins would be helpful.
"Now, the cancellation of the tournament won't affect those of you who have already lost - As a matter of fact, I've prepared another chance for all of you. I promise you that I will host a new Tournament for the key positions in my association - Let us all build a new Kengan Association together." still.... If these many guardians were around... Were they threatening the fighters not present? "Hey, I have a question for you - What's happening to the fighters right now? The active ones AND the ones from the medical room." Kisara called out, hoping for the best. "Well... Who knows~? I will tell you only if you desert that old geezer." Hayami thought he had won. "Admit it, Katahara - Your time is done!" one of the CEOs who must have been an old friend of this jerk tried to call him out and reason to him, but he was completely out of it. "Hey, Metsudo - Do you see it now?" Erioh called out to his best friend, in a sort of shady way.   "He's gone back to his old tone of voice." the old man nodded his head dismissively. "You know you brought this upon yourself. You should've finished him off back then. The first time that Hayami Katsumasa rebelled against you." the patriarch was reproaching his best friend for his merciful decision from long ago. "You're fucked in the head. Who the hell would want to join you? Do yourself a favour and kill yourself or something." Kisara sighed, rolling her eyes. "Exactly! In your dreams! I'm going to reach the top by my own power! I don't need your help!" Yoshitake, shaking like a leaf, shrieked desperately at the evil man. "Ohhh, look who's grown a set of balls." Shion was puffind her cigarette, amused. "But that still just about sums it up." the Sumo-lover shrugged, along with his samurai friend. "Mr. Yoshitake speaks for the rest of us, here - WIth some exceptions, of course." Gaolang's employer smiled. "Oh, and let me take this chance to give you my answer - I'm not gonna be your partner." Kaneda's CEO spoke leisurely. "Likewise~." it was time for Naoya's employer to speak up. Hayami humphed in annoyance, seeing the resistance. "And what about you, Akira? Your late father was a loyal subject of mine, so I decided to extend this offer to you, the only executive of a winning corporation present, out of respect - Seeing that Miss Hasashi over there decided to rebel unwisely." once again, the red head rolled her eyes. "Loyal subject...? And who was it that ordered Mr. Urita's father to dispose of your Loyal Subject?" Akira accused the jerk. "My father was nothing but your puppet. He killed Mr. Nishihonji's father, just as he was told - But not us. We'll never be your puppets." Sukizo, too, seemed pissed off. "You fools are completely oblivious to the situation. Forget it. Get lost!" in that instant, the guardians were ready to attack - And so was Kisara. She took her katana out and got in her stance. A that point, Katahara raised his hand like a little child, asking if he was allowed to ask something. How hilarious. "There's something I just have to know - You didn't care about the tournament results all along, did you?" Hayami confirmed that thought, saying that his true goal was simply to overthrow him and destroy his Kengan association, to build his own. Still, in that motion, he confirmed that he was going to throw the Heavenly Wolves under the bus for being 'terrorists' Not only that, he said that he would blow the dome either way if the people didn't accept him being appointed as the new Chairman - What a mad man! "And, okay~! That's all the evidence I need~ 💖! I just so~ happened to have this recorder on me~♪ Now. What would your subordinates think if they heard this?" Katahara asked, only to be called a fool by his enemy. "It'll be even worse when the foreign heads of state hear of this. As soon as they know you're the terrorist mastermind, then you can kiss any hope of becoming Kengan association chairman goodbye. In fact you'll never return to public life again." "I said you're a FOOL." Hayami was getting very pissed off by the old man's antics. "Ohhh~! Listen to how clear the audio is~♪! You'll have a hard time working your way out of this one~!" Katahara hummed all amused. "SHUT UP!!!" Hayami yelled sternly, and the guardians were ready to strike. He really thought he had Katahara in checkmate, that idiot. "How do you plan to get THAT outside, exactly? In case you've forgotten, you're completely surrounded!" in that instant, someone got a message on his walkie talkie and went to communicate it in a whisper.
As if on cue, the wall was freaking broken and from a helicopter jumped 50 elite Kure members - Kisara couldn't help but laugh - Those two old men were really fantastic! "Thank you for the patience. Fifty elite members of the Kure Clan, at your service." the Patriarch was ready to fight. "The pieces are in place. Shall we have ourselves a game~?" a mischievous, triumphant grin was painted on the Chairman's face. "Hyoooohoohoho! Surprised yet, Hayami? And just to be clear - We're not the only ones resisting you! You guys join in too!" all of his elite bodyguards, and some famous fighter relatives of the employed fighters, like Inaba's gramps or Mikazuchi Rei's old man.
"HEY BABE! THANKS FOR TAKING CARE OF GRAMPS!" Raian's loud, boastful laugh resounded through the VIP room as he run to her side, killing guardians at fantastic speed. "Sure, sure! Raian - I have to go save Ohma. How about we have our little teaching lesson right now?" Kisara grinned, stepping forward next to her psycho friend. "HA! HEY, GRAMPS, IMMA MARRY THIS ONE, GOT IT?" his grin was splitting his face in two. "Keep dreaming, Raian!" the red head laughed as she charged ahead of the Kure boy and started killing away at the guardians. She let all restraints loose - She never killed before, but she threw all of her anger and frustration into destroying the people threatening her life. She had one goal, and that was to get out of there and reach Ohma. She had to save him before it was too late. "Work on your stance, babe - And careful to those fuckers - Don't wanna hurt your pretty face, do ya?" he said as he ripped a guy in two perfect sides. "...Wicked..." Kisara's green eyes looked with awe at his raw power. To think a human being can actually rip a man apart like that, it was fantastic. "LOOK OUT!" Raian rushed and threw his arms around the red head, turning around - He shielded her from a sickle throw. "Shit, I'm sorry -" the girl tried to apologise, but Raian activated his Removal. "You're dead." yep. He was beyond control now and he went on a rampage. So much for a killing lesson. At least she was now able to follow him through the corridor of dead bodies and leap out of the room. "THANKS, RAIAN! SEE YOU LATER!" she called out, not looking back and hurrying the hell out of there before anyone could catch up to her.
The girl ran out of there, and as soon as she got to the lower parts of the dome, she saw various fighters teaming up against bunches of evil guardians surrounding them. All of the fighters were bare-handed, but neither seemed to be struggling, despite their injuries. That is the true pride of a fighter, huh? Fascinating.
There was Kuroki Gensai at some point, looking completely unbothered and in perfect shape as always, and then there was Saw Paing going all out, as always - And further down, she found four fighters going against a guardian with long, dark hair, wielding some kind of weapon that seemed to have severely harmed Adam Dudley. Kaneda was in the back, whilst an injured Cosmo, finally out of his wheelchair, was in the vanguard with Gaolang and his shattered right fist just behind him.
"We wouldn't want the Thai God to injure his Heavenly fist so bad that he can't protect His Majesty, now, would we~?" Kisara teased as she lunged forward and cut the enemy's weapon in two, before cutting him down in the same manner. "Don't worry, things are going to settle down... And your employers are safe too. Toyo's CEO tried to make a coup, but Katahara has everything under control and the guardians are being killed left and right. Any idea if Ohma is still down at the medical wing?" she asked, cleaning the blood from her katana on her sleeve. "Thanks for the help, Nee-san! Anyway, I think he's still there. But don't worry, there were a lot of fighters in that room, so he's safe!" Cosmo smiled, tired from the exhaustion of getting out of his wheelchair. "Wonderful. Now then, I suggest you go somewhere safe and wait until this commotion dies down. See ya." with a rushed peace sign, the red head sprung out of there as fast as when she'd arrived. "Huh. I never imagined Miss Kisara would slice a man in two without any hesitation." Gaolang's eyes were wide with surprise, but at the same time, he could easily get it. He, too, would kill and has killed, in order to protect His Majesty - Sometimes, assailants don't know how to stop when they see themselves at a disadvantage. Ohma... That Tokita Ohma must be a really lucky man and a good fighter. Perhaps he should pay attention to his next fight.
Just a little more, just a few more bannisters to slide down on, just like when she was a child at the skate park - And there it was, the lowest floor, the one that housed the Infirmary - The whole place was swarming with guardians - But no matter. They will all die by her sword. The killing was, however, stopped once she noticed the huge frame of the ex-Nentendo fighter, Haruo, who had Mokichi, Ohma and Yamashita Kazuo in his grasp, and was followed by Miracle Doctor and Inaba.
"RYO!" the girl cried out, running up to him and following Haruo to the secluded, safe room where she let those three. "Are you three staying?" "I need to go help Master, but I'll come back later!" Haruo said, rushing out of the room. "Since these two are the most injured, I need to constantly keep an eye on them. Now that you're here, I guess I don't have to worry anymore. Inaba wanted to make sure these guys were safe." though the doctor smirked and wiped the sweat from his forehead, Ryo smiled at the girl. "Thanks, you guys, you are the best. Stay in the corner next to the those three. I'll handle the rest now." closing the door, Kisara went to kneel on the ground, the sword laid in front of her, and her hands were resting on her lap. If there was something useful she learnt with Hatsumi, was to throw the enemy off guard by not showing your intentions - Either keeping your hands in your pockets, or... Sitting on the ground, completely unbothered and seemingly defenseless. Or at least, that was the impression she wanted to let. "Will you be okay, Miss Kisara?" Ryo asked, frowning. "Let's just say that I've never been angrier in my life, and that someone broke all the shackles that restrained me ethically. I'm going to let all my frustrations out." she smiled wickedly, like an enigmatic Kitsune, as she cracked her fingers.
And then they waited. And waited. Until the door opened, and three guardians got in. They started laughing, saying that she was ready to commit seppuku, hence the katana before her, but before they knew it, all of them were left in pieces, in their combined pools of blood - And Kisara was back to her spot, as if nothing happened. This process continued each time the door was kicked open, and she would slash them to bits - That is, until Haruo opened the door, stumbling in and dripping with blood from head to toe. Everyone yelled out his name out of shock and concern, only to see some kind of sharp rapier impaling him, making him fall limp to the ground.
"I found you." the grave and somber looking guardian spoke in a low voice. Although, the next words that followed were completely in disarray compared to his previous action. "Run." he said, making the people inside the room blink in confusion. "Wh-What did you say...?" Yamashita Kazuo, fallen to the ground, managed to stammer meekly. "Run. This dome will be blown up shortly." the enemy spoke so casually as he took out a handkerchief and cleaned the blood from his blade. "I will allow you to go freely, if you'll take that man with you." he continued, motioning towards Ohma. "Why is Ohma so important to you?" Kisara spoke sternly over Yamashita, who was trying to whisper a question of concern. "This is your only chance. Julius in engaged with Squad B just up ahead and my squad is heading to him as back-up. He's furious, now that he's realised he was just a sacrificial pawn. Security should be light now. Go on and escape." everything he was saying was so completely weird. "W-W-Wait just a second...! Did you say that the dome's gonna blow up...?! Then what are we waiting for?! We have to evacuate everyone - Quickly!" the manager wailed in desperation. "Don't get the wrong idea." the man threatened solemnly, piercing Haruo's back once again, earning a shriek of distress from the old man. "Do you think that I was letting you go out of good will? Keep the Tiger's Vessel alive. Those were my orders." Tiger's Vessel? What an odd metaphor for a human, let alone Ohma. Did something happen to him when he was younger, still in the Inside, and he doesn't remember? Could this be the cause of his amnesia? "What in the world does that mean?" Kisara got up from her spot, yet didn't drop her guard for a second. "You don't need to know, and you knowing wouldn't make a bit of difference. Take Tokita Ohma and leave the dome. This is your last chance to survive." and he was dead serious about this. "Miss Kisara, maybe we should go. I have to find Uri and get him out of here." Ryo was gritting his teeth, afraid for his best friend. "This isn't the most optimal scenario I envisioned. We have to come up with a plan." though the miracle muttered, though quite fantastically, the once unconscious man got up on wobbly feet - And everyone gasped out his name - Only for him to groan, asking what happened while he was asleep. Seeing that he was awake, the guardian decided that letting other people live would only get in his way, and with someone in such a bewildered condition, it wouldn't pose as too much work to get him out of there - So he lunged towards the manager to attack, only to get his rapier blocked and kicked to the side. "Hold up, hombre. Don't you think you've gotten too full of yourself?" Kisara hissed at him, getting in a defensive stance in front of the manager and his fighter. "Hasashi Kisara - Why are you covered in blood, and who the hell is he?" Ohma's low voice made her feel instantly more relaxed and courageous. "Well - One of the CEOs had a coup d'etat and planted bombs around the dome and is now threatening to blow this up, while his bodyguards go around killing everyone that isn't present in the stadium. Was that good enough for an explanation?" the red head chuckled, sparring intensely with the rapier wielding guy. "Nah. You have too much red on you. Come over." just as she drove the guardian back, she turned her back to him and stepped next to Ohma who was eying the blood caking her clothes and face. "I don't like this look on you. Who ruined that cute outfit of yours?" he asked, raising his hand to cup her face and wipe the blood from her cheek. "I wouldn't know. They're long dead. They stood in my way while I was trying to reach you. Grave mistake." that sweet yet playful smile made the man huff in amusement and reach his other hand forwards the enemy, using a new skill altogether to catch the tip of his rapier and break it. As he flicked the tip away, he lunged his foot forward and punched the guardian easily, driving him away. This wasn't the same Ohma as before - This Ohma was on a completely other level. He was radiating calmness, he was cool-headed and collected, and most of all, he was stable both mental and physical, apart for his injuries. "This guy is too predictable, I should have let you had your fun." Ohma spoke, before turning his attention towards the opponent, looking bored. "I'll only repeat myself once. Get lost." "I see that you qualify as the Tiger's Vessel." the guardian spoke, throwing away his weapon to clatter and clank on the ground. "...Are you working for Him? Why is He showing up now?" by the looks of things, Ohma had an idea about what was going on. Something tells Kisara that this wasn't JUST a coup d'etat, nor was Hayami the real mastermind behind all this, but a greater force was behind him, using this opportunity for far more sinister schemes. Though the enemy had no more weapons, he didn't need that, for he activated something similar or quite literally Ohma's Advance technique. "I'll have to take you by force. The Tiger's orders are absolute." "I'd completely forgotten It's real name until now. Possessing Spirit. I guess you're not bullshitting me. You must be His messenger." stepping forwards, Ohma got in a stance. "Hasashi Kisara, stand back and protect Yamashita Kazuo if needed. This guy's not gonna back down easily." though she wanted to yell at him for going into a fight while so heavily injured, she merely nodded her head and got in front of the old manager, along with the assassin and the doctor. Thankfully, though, and quite incredibly, the fight lasted far shorter than expected, and the opponent was unconscious "Hey. Go back and tell him this - You won't get me with the same trick again. If you want me, you'd better come for me yourself." Ohma's cocky smirk was as enticing as always and she wanted to just grab his face and pull him in a deep kiss.
He was alright! Ohma was alright! Awake and alive and alright - More or less - But he was! What a relief, even if temporary, it was good. "Hasashi Kisara - Is there something you want to say to me?" the brunet came over to her, bending down slightly at the waist. "I..." he raised her chin with his finger to make her look at him. "I have quite a few things to tell you... But looking at you made me forget everything." her smile widened. "I'll talk to you properly tonight... Until then... I just want a single reassurance from you. Can I have that, please?" she asked, extending her pinky towards him. "Can you promise me that, no matter what I do, you won't hate me or be disappointed in me?" This question clearly surprised the man, but he was quick to get over his shocked, and he let out a small chuckle as he hooked his pinky to hers, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I promise." as soon as he spoke those words, he could see his beloved relax visibly - Only to side step him and go towards the exit. "Then, I'll be seeing you tomorrow night. Take care of Yamashita Kazuo." with a wink, she skipped out of the room, leaving everyone, especially her brunet darling, confused. "Have I missed a lot while I was asleep?" he asked out loud, though nobody knew what to answer.
As soon as she stepped out into the hallway, she noticed that there were no more white guardians anymore, but the place was filled with Katahara's fighters. So the coup was dissolved. Perfect. It was time to go to the chairman's office and look for his fighter. Getting there, she saw not only the chairman, but his best friend and a few of his personal bodyguards, yet no sight of The Fang.
"Ahh, Miss Kisara, to what do I owe the pleasure?" the old man asked, stepping towards her. "Well - Now that so many people are here, I guess I have a bit more to say. First, I think I should thank you for authorising the inheritance deal and the fighter change, even though it was kind of a weird thing." she smiled wryly, only to see the old man laughing merrily. "Not at all, not at all! You see - Sayaka is my daughter, and as a father, I would never want her to come to any harm. She and my son are my greatest treasures - And I'm sure Erioh here feels the same about his daughter. If your parents want to have you killed, but you have a plan, then by all means, I'd love to give you a chance to prove that you're going to be a far better CEO than they are. I had my doubts, but after seeing you fight earlier, I knew I had made the right decision. Still, there are no weapons allowed, I wonder what you will do, especially against a veteran like Wakatsuki Takeshi."  this answer made the girl smile and drive her hand through her hair. "Few people know that I trained with Hatsumi for four years - But that's for the best, isn't it? Nobody expects anything from me, because I'm a girl. But... Look at Karla. Nobody expects a cute girl like her to fight, and yet..." she ended with an enigmatic smile. "Haha, she's right! Erioh, what do you say? Maybe you ought to bring some female fighters for the next matches?" the old man turned towards his best friend, who had his hands in his haori sleeves. "Your opponent won't be easy to fight and four years of training will count for nothing against a veteran. Even so, I'm quite curious how the match will unfold. What style do you use?" the old fighter asked. "Aikido is my main style, but Hatsumi's style isn't the only thing that I know. I've been developing my own style, based on my fortes, so that I overcome the obvious physical weakness." this explanation earned a chuckle from the patriarch. "I see, I see, so the match will prove to be rather fun to watch. I will be rooting for you, Miss Kisara." Erioh spoje, making the girl smile. "Thanks, you two. So, this gets me to my next reason for being here. One - I can't find Raian, and I need to meet him in half an hour in the forest. And two... I need to see Agito urgently. I'd like to know where I can find him, please." the chairman chuckled, realising with ease her intent. "Agito never taught anyone before. Are you sure you're up for that?" the girl simply shrugged. "No clue. But his fight against Gaolang fascinated and inspired me. And that Formless style... Whatever it was, it looked a lot like the Aikido style I've been practicing, but on a whole other level. Even if I didn't have to prepare for a fight, I'd have liked to have Agito as my teacher, at some point... If he'll have me." her explanation earned a chuckle and a pat on her shoulder from the old man as he told her where to find his Fang, and she made a bee-line right to his room, knocking and waiting for the door to open.
Once it did, she looked up at the man towering over her and gave him a sweet smile. "Hi, Agito! How are you doing? Congrats on that amazing fight against Gaolang, you both were fantastic!" but the man remained silent. With a better look at him, she realised his hair was still disheveled and looked troubled, yet with added surprise at seeing the girl in front of him. "Uh... Are you doing alright? Is something upsetting you?" "Why are you here?" he asked bluntly. "Ah - Well... I need to ask a huge favour from you. I really need you to teach me your fighting style." his eyes widened slightly, before grunting out a definite No and stepping back to close the door, only for the girl to throw herself into the door to keep it open. "Agito, please, I need you! My parents' company fighter cowarded out and I have to fight against Wakatsuki myself! I can't do it without you!" hearing her desperate plea and the reason for her seeking his aid made his stunned - Not only was someone actually asking for HIS help, but a complete newby, a small and frail girl, of all things, was going to fight a Kengan match against a man that was only defeated twice in his over 300 matches career. She could have been placed against him, and it would have made no difference altogether. What the hell was in anyone's mind to accept this? "The chairman won't allow this. You're safe." but she shook her head. "The chairman already allowed this deal. It's all a business move, and it's beneficial on my part. If I get out alive from that match, I inherit the business. And well... I guess I finally get to test the progress I've made in the past four years of my training. Please, Agito, I really need you. I started learning how to fight so that I would be able to stop people from walking all over me. This is the last step I have to take. Once I inherit the business, not even my parents will be able to betray or humiliate me anymore. Please, accept. Just for a day. Just tomorrow." the girl's plea made him look down at her with his hard stare - And he nodded his head, albeit skeptically. "I can't guarantee you won't leave injured." the girl simply smiled widely. "It's fighting, I'm not expecting to leave unscratched. Thank you so much for accepting, it means the world to me!" they exchanged phone numbers for the next day's meeting, and once again, the girl darted off.
This time, Kisara went to her room, changing into comfortable, fighting clothes, and then ran into the forest, hoping that the old man had informed his psycho devil kin about the meeting time and place. Thankfully, Raian was already there, with his hands in her pants' pockets, almost as if he was imitating her from their earlier encounter. "Lookie, lookie who's finally decided to show up!" he sniggered teasingly. "I'm only ten minutes late. It took longer than I expected to find Kano's room and ask him to train me tomorrow." she sighed, stretching a bit. "Eh? Why d'you need that guy, when you've got me?" he asked, tilting his head like a confused puppy - It was almost adorable. "Realistically speaking, the fighting style he showed at the end of his fight with Gaolang matches my own. Whether it is Aiki, Systema or his Formless style, it's exactly what I need. Not only that, but Wakatsuki only ever lost against two people: Kano Agito, the man that I want to train me tomorrow, and Hatsumi Sen, the man that has trained me in Aikido for the past four years. He has never seen me fight before, but I have seen him. I know most of his fighting style and patterns by now, and I know that his Karate hits have a far shorter range compared to normal ones, so that will be in my advantage. I play a lot on the deceiving and surprising side - I shock with my moves so that I will gain that 1 second advantage and take you down. When Wakatsuki sees me taking his arch enemy's stance, he will pale. Not only that, but my Aikido style uses the enemy's strength and power against them, so adding his mountain-like state, you can imagine that he will be fighting against his own power added to my own. I don't need to win. I need to impress myself. This is my chance to prove to everyone, myself included, that I'm not the stupid, worthless doormat called Kisara that can't stop people from walking all over her. So... Yeah, Raian, I need all the help I can get." she explained  - But the man before her barked a laugh. "Fine, fine, whatever, I get ya, you're a fine cookie, babe. Now let's see what you've got." he got in a stance, while Kisara adopted a more leisure one, although not the same one as before, as that trick was already done and wasted. That was the huge problem with Kisara's strategy - It was based on one-tricks for the most part. She really should have had grappling lessons from Cosmo.
For the rest of the day until later into the night, the two kept on sparring and sparring, until the girl couldn't take it anymore. She was exhausted and famished. Of course, that psycho was doing fine, despite having used his Removal repeatedly, but he was nice enough to let her lean on his shoulder while they ate together. When things weren't revolving around fighting, Raian was actually a weirdly good company - If you were able to ignore the weirdo aspect of him and how he kept saying they were going to get married, though Kisara suspected he made the idea more into a gag, copying and mocking Karla's behaviour around Ohma. She wasn't entirely sure, but it didn't make much of a difference.
When she was finally full and ready for resting, the girl went to Hatsumi's room for a well-earned shower and strategy planner, considering he was one of the only two people to ever defeat Wakatsuki. Even if a lot of years passed since then, facts were facts, and neither changed their fighting style 180 since then. Now, three people were aware of the fight... With Wakatsuki being the fourth, but she will only tell him the next day, at evening, hoping to create enough disarray into his tactics, at least short-term.
The night of the fourth day of the Kengan Annihilation tournament has approached, and all fighters were anxious for the last day, which held three rounds - It was going to be the most fantastic show anyone will witness in their entire life... And for Kisara, it mean the beginning of the end.
As Agito praised her progress and watched her leave from the forest grounds, the girl had only two objectives for the remaining time - First of all, she went by Wakatsuki's room and waited for him to open the door and let her in. He looked as bad as the previous day, unfortunately for him. He sat back down on the edge of the bed and looked up at the girl fidgeting from one foot to the other. "What is it, Kisara?" he asked. She had an almost guilty look on her face - He wondered why. "Remember when I said I will kill my parents?" she asked, taking a deep breath. "With Katahara as a witness, I struck a deal with my parents so that I will have my name on the business inheritance once they die. And, of course, I will force their time of death." she continued, with an almost dramatic effect pause. "Taking a life isn't easy, Kisara. Don't let anger take over you. You're not like them. They're not worth your time." despite his advice, the girl merely smiled. "I'm sure your employer told you about the coup from yesterday, didn't you? Though he wasn't present, he must have heard from the other CEOs. I was there. And when the guardians filled the VIP room, I and Raian went on a killing spree. I had to get the hell out of there and make sure Ohma was okay. That doesn't take away the fact that I took lives without any kind of hesitation. I had a single goal in my mind, and I achieved it. And so I will. Tomorrow. I will kill my parents and get my hands on the business." she spoke more sternly, much firmer, as he's never heard her before. "If you're so set on doing this, why did you come to tell me? Is it because I'm your best friend?" though he stated that possibility, he was more than aware that it wasn't the right answer. "No. I didn't want anyone to know about this, in particular. I don't want anyone dear to me to change their view of me, or think I'm some kind of evil, murderous, greedy person. The reason I'm here to tell you is... Because this issue, unfortunately, involves you indirectly. You were supposed to fight Tanji, but that cowardly jerk dropped out of the competition because I rejected him and Raian socked him in the face and wanted revenge. The deal was that they will only write my name in their will... If I become their new fighter and come out alive. They new you were their opponent in the next fight, and considering out differences... You could easily kill me in a single move. They don't know that I've been training, nor that we are friends. So... At least I know that I won't die." she explained with an awkward smile, watching his flabbergast expression, his single visible eye wide, and mouth slightly agape. "Are you trying to tell me that my next match will be against -- You?" the girl nodded sheepishly. "Are you out of your mind?" "Slightly. Despite everything... I still want you to fight with everything you've got. Don't be afraid to kill me. You know I can't be killed that easily. It's because you're my best friend that I hope you'll have enough faith in me that you'll fight the same as with any fighter. Please respect me and do your best, as you always do, okay, Takeshi?" with a small smile, she stepped in front of him and opened her arms wide - It was their signal to have a hug - And despite his head shake, he did indulge and embraced her. "You're far too reckless for you own good. Didn't you always cry about how awful it is to get injured? That you can't handle pain? And now you're willingly getting into a fight against someone like me. Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?" he asked, only to feel the girl shrug. "Not entirely, but for the most part, yes. Though I'm not really qualified, I promise, I'll still do my best to make you and all my friends proud. I will go rest for now. But before I go..." with a cheeky grin, Kisara opened the door. "Please don't destroy my face. I'm far too pretty for that. And getting a full dental implant would get my business in bankruptcy." she laughed, going back to her room. To Ohma. Now that was going to be a difficult conversation to have.
Not only she didn't go to see him for a whole day and a half, but he had changed radically. She was almost afraid to see how Ohma was like now - Possibly this was the real Ohma, before his memories went down the drain. "Ohma? Are you here?" the girl asked, quietly opening the door, careful not to wake him up, if he were asleep. But he wasn't. "Look who's finally here. Did you miss me?" that didn't sound like Ohma at all. As she stepped inside the room properly, she saw him laying down on the bed, shirtless as always, and with a shit-eating grin on his face. "Of course I did. You have no idea how worried I was when you were unconscious." she sighed softly. "Yeah, I know, I heard you." he smirked wider, seeing the sweet smile on her face. "And I did what Her Majesty requested. I woke up. Now get over here already." though he reached out his arm towards her, she shook her head. "Let me take a shower first." and so she did, returning back all freshened up and wearing one of his Tshirts. As she climbed on the bed, the man playfully grabbed her and placed her on his lap. "How bold." she chuckled, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. "Now that's a proper welcome." he let out an amused huff. "Did you get your memories back?" his smile widened. "As right as always. Yeah, I did. About time, huh?" she nodded with a happy grin on her face. "I'm really happy for you." this time, she kissed him gentler. "What have you been doing these days? You seem pretty tired. And you have bruises all over you." he noticed, running his hands down her legs. "Uh... Can I tell you that tomorrow?" based on how evasive she was, Ohma merely raised his eyebrow, but agreed nonetheless. "Thanks, love. How about you tell me whatever you want that you remember, and tomorrow, I promise I'll explain everything to you." Once again, the brunet agreed, but instead of beginning a tale, he switched their positions so he would be on top of her. As always, he was always on top. Of everyone and everything. "I've got another idea." "I'm sure you do." her smile matched hers, as she pulled her closer to him, her hands playing with his beautiful, dark hair. "Welcome back, my love."
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Chapter 17 - The Kitsune
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"It is around the time of your boyfriend's match. Aren't you going to watch it?" the Fang asked, confused, as the red haired girl before him, who he knew was so close to that guy, seemed to make no move to get out of the training room - Instead, she continued to practice her moves on him. "Whether I am there to watch or not, the outcome is the same, don't you think?" she seemed nonchalant and dismissive, but deep in her heart, she was antsy and afraid - What if Cosmo pushes him so much that he uses the Advance again, and his heart gives out? "Says the one who went to watch and encourage all the people she encountered." the man scoffed, which made the girl chuckle lightly, shaking her head - He was right, of course, but what was there to be done? "I know you are right, Agito. I know. But I, too, have my duty as a fighter in the next match, and I can't go down without a fight. It matters little that I will lose. All that matters is that I don't die from Takeshi's punch, and uh... I take over the company already. And kill those two."  she explained, shrugging lightly and taking a deep breath. "You don't even want the TV on?" the man asked, but he earned another shake of her head. "It would take my mind away from training. I'll lose focus. It's fine... Let's get back at it." she muttered before going on for an attack, and this is how the next half an hour passed by so quickly, and one of those cheerleader girls came over to tell them the second fight was going to take place. "It is time." Agito spoke, throwing a towel her way so she could go take a shower and change in her fighting clothes for her match. "I see... Time flies really fast. Alright. I'll be there." raking her fingers through her hair, a sense of overwhelm took over her and she tried to take a few more deep breaths and get over her fears... But of course, a fight with Wakatsuki Takeshi was nothing to be taken lightly. Especially after she, herself, told him not to go easy on her.
Once ready, she dressed in a pair of high-waisted black pants, a simple black crop top, her haori, black, painted with red spider lilies and embroidered in the finest gold thread, and of course, the kitsune mask. Gotta make an entrance, after all. Everyone expects that big guy's fight, not a woman's. Things are going to be wild, once Sayaka calls out her name. Even her friends are completely left in the dark about this. Considering how awful the audience is with Sayaka, calling out all sorts of offensive and vulgar things to her, she can only imagine the sort of words she's going to get called.
But no matter. As long as she takes over the company, it was all going to be worth it.
Though her feet were feeling heavy and her instinct made it feel as though she was going through the freezing river, or the lake of flames, just to get on the other side of the arena... Much to her surprise, Agito was there. Though he said nothing, he patted her shoulder and gave an encouraging smile. Though she uttered no word, she shakily placed her hand on top of his, and squeezed her anxiety away. In the middle of the arena, Takeshi was waiting. Up there, on the screen, that idiot's face was there, next to Wakatsuki's, and bets were in order... And Takeshi was winning, of course.
"And from the left side of the arena enters the new fighter of the Hasashi Private Medical Network, after Tanji Yoichi retired out of unknown circumstances." as Sayaka began speaking, a loud murmur was heard throughout the arena and everyone was questioning who was the new fighter, making bets on who was going to fight against Takeshi. "For the first time in Kengan history, in this arena, coming forth - The devious Trickster who's swift and strikes from the shadows when you least expect it - With no Kengan record, for the debut match... One round of applause for the beautiful, the cunning, the sly, the mischievous Queen of the Kengan Matches ---" as soon as they heard the word 'Queen', indicating a female was going to step forward, the whole audience was flabbergast and were either gasping or yelling loudly. "THE KITSUNE, HAAAAAASAAAAASHIIIIIII KISAAARAAAAAAAAA!" as Agito wished her a good fight, she took her first step inside the sandy arena, trying her best not only to tune out the vulgar and undermining comments from the public, but also, how weird the feeling of stepping on sand was - So different from being at the beach. Every step she took, felt as if she was walking on the shared knives, and suddenly, she was reminded of the original tale of the Little Mermaid, who had to experience something similar. Hopefully, she won't turn into sea foam next. "Are you okay, Kisara?" was the first thing that Takeshi asked as the girl went a step away from him, and shook her head - Though, her mimic was hidden by her mask.  "I can feel death knocking on my door. I never realised until now how big you are... I guess, years of friendship made me forget how scary you can be." she chuckled lightly, hanging her head a bit, her hands in her pockets as she swung a bit back and forth. "If I don't hold back in this match... Will you be able to forgive me, when it is over?" he asked, holding his hand out. "Takeshi... It is you who must forgive me, for pulling you through such a difficult situation. Because of my pride and ambitions, you got caught in the middle of a family feud. And for that, I am sorry." she gently held his hand in both of her own. "At least, I will get to see how far into your training you got. You've changed a lot since the first time we met. I'm sure that, this fight, is going to be memorable -- For the both of us, as well as the Kengan history." though he offered a small smile, the girl turned her head towards the audience. "For the perverts who want to fuck me, or those who boo me for destroying the kengan matches?" she sneered, annoyed at the people up there. "Look the other way." in that instant, she looked in the direction Takeshi showed - And she saw many of the fighters she befriended, cheering for her. "Those who matter cheer for you... And there is a handful who want the underdog to win. Don't get discouraged." as he said that, Raian's voice called out loudly, making the public shut up. "FUCK THESE SHITHEADS, BABE! GO WIN THAT FIGHT! YOO-- THAT'S MY WIFE THERE, YA?! YOU DON'T FUCK WITH THE KURE CLAN AND YOU DON'T FUCK WITH MY BABE, GOT THAT!" the comment was enough for Kisara to burst into laughter and take out her mask, giving it to Sayaka, as she wasn't allowed something that could serve as a protection - And she smiled. With one more scan, she noticed Hatsumi giving her an approving nod of his head, and Gaolang was smiling at her. Saw Paing was yelling out encouragement for her, while the peanut gallery was chanting her name. And then, down there, where she usually stood, at the entrance of the arena, there he was - Tokita Ohma, leaning on the wall, his arms crossed and wearing a confident smile. It seemed he wasn't upset that she didn't confide in him about this match - Sometimes, you must do some things on your own - But with enough encouragement, she was brave enough to face even the most renowned Kengan Veteran with hundreds of won matches, The Wild Tiger himself -- All for her ambitions. Whether she won or not, it didn't matter, Ohma knew she was too smart to get herself into a losing situation, so whatever the case may be, he was going to cheer for her and be by her side, just as she always was for him. "And the fighters are facing off!" Sayaka screamed into the microphone, from her commenting booth. "They've got a height difference of 30 cm and a weight difference of a whole 140 KG!" hearing those stats, most people shuddered. "Julius was both taller and heavier than Wakatsuki, yet he still lost! These two look as far apart as the whole Empire States Building next to a pomeranian!" Jerry Tyson gasped dramatically.
"Are you ready, Kisara?" Takeshi asked, taking a step back. "As ready as I'll ever be... Takeshi." with a solemn nod of her head, she, too, took a step back and after dramatically throwing her fringe back and fixing the bun she made out of her long hair, she got her hands back in her pockets, and waited for the match to begin. "Take you stances!" the referee called out. "I am no fighter. I have no stance." she spoke, remaining in a casual repause. "Suit yourselves. Ready -- FIGHT!" the man called out, and thus, Takeshi was the first to lunge forward and deliver the first blow.
'It's the end' some thought. 'She's gonna die' others gasped, watching the bull-like man charging at full speed and attempting to ram into the small, frail woman that was pathetically standing there. The momentum was catching up, and it was time to strike. Raian's face was split in half from that wide, wretched, demonic grin of his - She pulled off the same move that she used on him - But Wakatsuki, for all of his fighting experience, was not an assassin, nor was he as agile as he was. Unlike Raian, who easily landed on his feet, Takeshi was thrown into the wall behind them, breaking it. For all of his power and might, he was effortlessly sent flying. The auditorium was silent from the shock, save for some of friends, who were cheering her name loudly.
Kisara! Kisara!
"I see you've become a worthy opponent. Well done, Kisara. We are proud of you." Takeshi praised her, lunging at her from behind, only to get surprised once more, as she threw herself to the ground backwards, and rolled into his feet, making him fall to the ground with a great thud, watching with blurry eyes as Kisara nonchalantly stepped away.
"Why is she not following up? You can't give a veteran any break." Naoya asked, his arms crossed. He was impressed with her pulling those moves, yet his confusion was still great. "She can't." Ohma informed, not realising at first that more people were gathering to see the fight better. "She can't grapple. She helped me spar a little ago. She did well with normal combat, but when it came to ground fighting, she was powerless." "Well, it's not like anyone is expecting her to win, not even herself." Hatsumi made his way there too. "But, let's be honest, for a cute little thing like her to have a debut fight against that guy? Might as well be fighting The Fang. Most of the fighters in this tournament, all of them with life-time experience, would lose against him." he continued. "But my little angel has already made me proud enough as it is." he praised her, watching the flawless exchange of jabs that hit all of Takeshi's vital points.
"Whoa?! Gaolang, isn't that similar to your special move?!" Saw Paing shrieked loudly, making the Thai cringe, yet he had a proud smile on his face. "It is. I taught her that." he nodded in acknowledgement. He wasn't one to approve of most fighters, but he could commend her wish to get stronger and learn more and more, from a variety of different people. She wanted to have knowledge of everything, as well as mastery. Jack of all trades, yet master of none, he'd say, yet he was well aware that she was trained in Aikido, and that should be her main style, as she proved so well. However, she seemed to switch between styles at an abnormally fast pace. From Aiki to Boxing, and now, she was... Using the Fang's move? And something else?
Agito smirked, watching the red head aim that kick to the Tiger's thigh, making him kneel to the ground. Naoya cringed, yet his eyes were wide open - How could this girl use the Fang's move so perfectly well? A normal person couldn't possibly do something of that magnitude. He, better than anyone, knew how painful that blow was, feeling akin to a machete being stuck in his leg. Still, Kisara leapt on his knee and used her elbows to hit hard on her opponent's head, and followed with a powerful blow to the temple.
Wakatsuki was on the ground.
Ohma felt smug - He never imagined that Kisara would use Karla's idea of using his thigh to alleviate her height and aim a nice hit, yet it was incredibly smart and inventive, considering their height and frame. Though, considering Karla was a Kure, she held strength around the level of Raian.
The crowd was shouting for the Wild Tiger to get up and fight, to stop playing around - But they didn't understand how well aimed and thought every hit was. It was a strategy planned ahead, no doubt with the help of his rival Hatsumi. She was playing with his mind, as well as going for his weak spots.
But that was her biggest problem. Yes, she was able to get Takeshi on the ground twice... But from here on, what is she supposed to do? Even with the best aimed hit, she can't knock him out, and she can't grapple, nor wrestle. Attempting the mounting move that Cosmo uses would just get her ribs crushed, or just simply getting thrown off. She really needs to up her mid-game skills.
Once Wakatsuki got up, he ran into her close area circle, and engaged in a barrage of jabs and lefts and rights - Kisara knew he was going to use his Core Blast, so when he 'charged' that fist backwards, she flexed her arm tightly, only sliding backwards a bit. Ohma's move worked once, yes... But her arm was in agony. If she were to take another hit like this, she wouldn't end up well. She had to use her evasive skill... That was supposed to be a trump card. It probably won't be used a second time either, because Wakatsuki knows of it, more or less. She played the surprise game better than everyone else... But once the element of surprise disappears, what is she left with? There was only so much Raian's combat training can get her, and Hatsumi's Aikido uses the enemy's strength against them... But if the enemy doesn't use any bit of strength, what is she left with?
Wakatsuki took a step back, and got in another stance, making the girl mimic him - Whilst he had his fists, one over the other, to work with his strength, Kisara had her hands open, showing her softness. It was a clear Karate vs Aiki fight, yet neither moved an inch at first, only observing the other. It was then that Kisara's foot slid forward, and noticing her opponent inching forwards, she lunged at him, and with her move, she redirected his own move against him, making him fly backwards. "To think you'd fall so far away. As expected of the Wild Tiger. There's no one else with such incredible strength." Kisara breathed in amusement. With each move she pulled off, she was proud of how far she's gotten. Even the cheers from the auditorium fell deaf on her ears, as well as Sayaka's commentary, and her focus was entirely on Takeshi.
She maintained no stance, and awaited Takeshi to lunge at her - He threw a hundred thousand hits her way - Yet she remained unmoved. They were all fakes, she noticed. Hatsumi has already taught her how to easily differentiate a faux for a real punch - And she grabbed his shin as soon as he threw a real kick her way, making him lose balance - He must have been used to getting caught of guard in that position, as he ended up twisting and ending on his feet - She didn't expect that kind of flexibility from him. Raian was wrong. As he aimed a left hit uppercut, Kisara side-stepped, grabbed at his shoulders and head-butted him. The karate-ka tried to aim a hand-chop at her head, but it stopped before it could connect. Kisara has used her toe to stub at his foot, immobilising him temporarily. Hatsumi had shown her the weirdest tricks that she never imagined she would use in this life. Lucky her. Still, that didn't last long, and Takeshi tried to kick at her again, only to have his whole body seeing the sky again as the girl rolled him over by using her own hand to roll at the back of his ankle, following up with a kick to his chin.
Raian couldn't stop his manic cackling - He was enjoying this fight much more than he expected. He had his fun with her for a whole night, he witnessed and felt first hand her main tactics, reflecting the enemy's strength back, with the user's strength added. Even if she had null strength, the fact that Wakatsuki was such a power house really worked in her favour - The greater the attack, the greater the force that is reflected back. The problem was, that a veteran can't be fooled forever.
"I have analysed all your attacks, Kisara. I have realised your strategy. If I attack at a level of 10, you will counter with a level of 10 plus your own strength. But what would you do if I were no longer an opponent? I'm not going to attack anymore." Kisara held her hands in her pockets, watching as Takeshi kept standing tall. She chuckled, stepping around him. b she grinned leisurely. "As a result, there will be no fight! I have no company to shame by spending the whole match waiting and doing nothing - But you do! You know, if there is no victory, there is also no defeat. What an idyllic world we live in!" though she spoke, Wakatsuki had no other word to usher. "... However, I suppose this is still a match, in the end. You're trying to come up with a battle of stubbornness. I guess you can say I'm proud that I could make the great Wild Tiger come up with such an impertinent strategy, against some weak, inexperienced opponent such as myself. Truly, I'm flattered!" she continued. "Your techniques and mine - I'm far too young to say it doesn't matter whose are superior, or that strength doesn't matter." as soon as she found herself behind her best friend, she sprinted at great speed, hoping to reach his spinal cord, even going as far as to get her haori over her elbows, to spin around and engulf his face, cutting off his sight for a little while -
Before she could incapacitate him, however, Kisara felt a pressure in her stomach, strong enough to send her flying a crazy length, and she stumbled over the sand, rolling pitifully on the ground. No amount of damage that she chipped from the man felt equal to this single punch that connected. She had gasped like a fish on the land, trying desperately to get her air back in her lungs. Her hair tie had broken, and her hair cascaded almost gracefully in scarlet waves over her body. Wakatsuki punched her with a Buddha-like fist. It was a true seiken punch.
'It's over' even the peanut gallery said, watching the girl pitifully groveling on the ground, as the Wild Tiger now approached her, to deliver the final blow. As soon as he stepped by her side, however, Kisara instantly shot to her feet, leisurely catching his wrist and throwing him away, sending him off with a temple punch also, watching him slam his head into the ground. The girl was panting with exhaustion already, many minutes having passed indefinitely. 
"How come they both look so tired? It hasn't been that long?" Naoya asked, recalling all of his life-time fights. "With her small frame, it takes a lot of energy for Kisara to pull off all these stunts. Look at Wakatsuki.  That guy weights the same as he is tall. Kisara is almost a quarter his weight. She won't last much longer." Hatsumi explained, a grim expression on his face. He recalled his challenging fight against a prime-power Wakatsuki. Kisara has proven herself already, against this powerhouse of a man.
With both opponents standing, both taking their stances, Kisara slowly, but steadily inched forwards towards the Tiger Karate-ka. Once their toes were touching each other, Wakatsuki readied his fist to punch Kisara's face - She managed to dodge, and with her cleavage, shoulder and arm, she was able to redirect his blow, making him stumble before he was punched down into the ground once more.
"Are you done playing around? You should know, with my built, I don't feel as much pain as you would from the impact. But this ends now. Forgive me Kisara." before she knew it, Wakatsuki was standing up, and she was all the way across the arena, having been sent flying painfully hard. "You fought well, Kisara. Better than many men who dedicated their lives to fighting. Hatsumi taught you well. You should be proud of how far you got." he spoke, walking menacingly towards the girl, who was stumbling and holding at her head, her whole world spinning painfully. "You once told me you hated spinning. You panic. You must be feeling a lot of anxiety right now. Forgive me, best friend." he said, ready to strike and finish this, only to find himself stumbling forward as Kisara threw herself at his feet to trip him once more - In detriment of her feeling the vertigo twisting even faster.
The people around were yelling at her to get up already and fight - That's why they were there, right? To watch people almost kill themselves with their fists. Kisara was barely able to turn and flex her arm to receive another core blast, but just as Ohma suspected, she couldn't take a second hit. She felt broken, barely able to get up and stand. Ohma could see her clutching at her arms and hands - She must be hurting dearly. Her eyes seemed glassy also. Was she crying? She might have been.
Even in that vertigo state, however, Lihito recognised the flow of the fight battle that he himself had with Ohma. No wonder she kept saying she was already dating someone - She had been taught by Tokita himself how to slap her palms over the enemy's. The blond watched as the woman stumbled about, keeping the karate-ka at bay, unable to move further - And if he tried, she'd easily evade his move and counter - And she even clinged to his wrist, stomping her foot flushed against his own, pushing onto it and making him stumble. It was the already pained, damaged ankle that he had complained to her about. That was one of the techniques that Niko taught to Ohma when he was still very little - And it was also one of the very things that Ohma himself taught Kisara. To think that she would actually use it, he was amused. It worked, for a little while at least, and with whatever energy she still had, she used his thigh once more to do the Karla-grappling technique, this time, more accurate, and with her leg over the back of his neck, she pulled herself up, grabbed a fistful of his hair, and jumped behind him, grabbing him down with her also.
It didn't amount to much, but Wakatsuki had already grown tired of all this mess - Kisara had brought him to the edge of his patience, and the match has long since been a real once, in the Kengan organisation, against a worthy opponent which he had to completely destroy. Normally, he had a limit to the amount of times he could use the Blast Core, before he was completely depleted of all his power - But Kisara earned the third strike. She had lunged at him and tried to hit him at the same time as he tried to use the Blast Core at him - Hatsumi laughed, watching her pull off her favourite move, the one where she evaded the hit so fast that it looked as though she had disappeared for a single blink of an eye. Smart, using it to avoid getting hit by Wakatsuki by his most powerful hit yet - However, although she evaded his monstrous hit, she got hit with another. This time, it took more out of her to get the hell up already. 
Kisara saw spots in front of her, her vision going to shit. She was clutching her head, and her arms were trembling, trying to get up from the ground, yet falling down once more. She tried again - It was more difficult than any plank exercise she had every tried before. Once she was finally on her feet, she was hoping her head spinning would stop already. She was stumbling whilst standing - One of her knees was hurting to bad that it was giving out already. Her knees have never been her strongest forte, nor will they ever be in the future, especially now, after a proper fight with Wakatsuki. Her body was giving out, and she knew, should she fall, she wouldn't get up again.
With whatever strength her body mustered, she got up, exhibiting the very same psychopathic, monstrous wretched grin that Agito had in his fight against Naoya - Naoya, whose body cringed, watching it the girl get in a low stance and leap up at Wakatsuki. "Kano?!" he gasped, his mind going black for a split second - Just enough for the girl to grab at his wrists and pull him forward, aiming for a barrage of hits at his vitals - When he was too busy blocking her hits, she side-stepped and tripped him, making him stumble backwards. How dare she use the same tricks that his greatest enemy did? The Tiger was as rabid as the fox he was facing, but far more dangerous and angry.
Kisara lunged towards a running Wakatsuki - His face looked almost demonic, desperate, just like in his fight against Julius. He was going to use everything he had, on this last punch. He was ready to hit his final punch, knock the girl out, but just as they got in each other's territory - He stopped before his fist touched her face. Takeshi smiled tenderly at the woman standing before him. Blood was slowly trailing down her chin, and her body already highlighted the areas where bruised would form. "You were a better opponent than most, Kisara." he said, stepping away from her and bent down to grab her lost haori, before he wrapped it around her unconscious body. People stared in awe at the woman who remained stunned in a fighting stance, yet most were unfamiliar with the fact that there were many warriors who would fight until the very second their bodies gave out - And perhaps even father on, when their brains were resting.
Takeshi picked the girl up and gazed on her sleeping face - Even like this, sweating and exhausted, she looked adorable - And he walked out of the arena as soon as he was declared the winner. Once she passed the many friends of hers, she hear her feminine voice, calling out softly. "Senpai... Did I do good?" he wasn't even sure if she was awake or not. Hatsumi reached his hand out to pat her head. "You made everyone proud, Kisara. Well done." more than anyone, even Ohma, the Aikido Master knew how much his little red head apprentice valued and needed praises. That small smile that formed on her face was enough proof. Though Ohma tried to take her in his arms, Takeshi walked right past, making the man scoff. "She's MY best friend. I was the one who fought her. I will be the one to take her to the infirmary." Wakatsuki was almost territorial, walking the young woman to the medic, and placing her on her own bed.
Though not everyone could stay there, watching over Kisara, as the next match was going to start. Hatsumi was leaning on a wall, thanking the girl for exploiting the Tiger's weakness of the ankle, and him himself thinking of how to take advantage of it, should they have to fight again. He already defeated Wakatsuki once - What's one more?  Hanafusa bandaged the woman's wrists and put her up to an I.V., but there wasn't much he could do, except have her rest. Once she woke up, there were only one person there - Her lover.
"Someone once told me that Sleeping Beauty woke up after getting a kiss." he chuckled, holding her hand. "It was me. I'm still waiting for that kiss." her voice was tired, but ultimately, with some help, she was able to sit up. Ohma cupped her face, doing exactly as he was told. "Quite the show you put up. Care to tell me what that was all about?" taking her hand in his own, he leaned to kiss it also. "Aha... I promised to explain what happened while you were out cold yes? Well..." Kisara sighed, a sheepish expression painting her face. "Just before you woke up, one of the CEOs threatened Katahara with a terrorism act. Basically, a coup d'etat happened. My parents were involved in it. Also... Their fighter violently hit on me, and Raian saved me. Because I rejected him, he dropped out of the competition. I made a deal with a Chairman and my parents, that they would have to write my name in the will, to pass the company to me once they die... If I participate and survive the fight that Tanji was supposed to be in. I was able to befriend and convince both Raian and Agito to train with me, for a day and a half, hence why I was able to do many of these things that I did today. So, uhm... I'm going to become the CEO today." she chuckled wryly, watching with shy eyes the expression on his face. "But your parents aren't dead." her grin widened, making him realise the implication. "You're going to kill them." "I asked you if you would hate me... I can go through anything in life, but if you hate me, I... I don't want to live in a world where you'd hate me, Ohma." the man scoffed, leaning down to place a kiss on her hand. "I'm not an angel, Hasashi Kisara. I have no right to judge you. Whether you go through with it or not, it's your choice." as if on cue, a bodyguard entered the hospital wing. Kisara recognised him as one of the special ops that worked directly under Sayaka's brother, Retsudo. "Ahhhh, there we have her, the champion herself! Katahara asked me to fetch you to his office. You're in for a nice gift, Miss Ceo~!" the blond man sniggered cheekily, watching the red head smirk lightly. "Well, here's my cue. Wait for me, Ohma. I'll be back before you know it." with a kiss on his forehead, Kisara hopped off the bed - Though she wobbled slightly, she easily found her balance and followed Misasa to the Chairman's office. Agito was already there, and he seemed to have fought someone already - By the looks of it, the man that she once saw as a personal bodyguard of Katahara was beaten up big time.
Her parents were already there, kneeling to the ground. Erio Kure was next to his friend, Katahara. Kisara's hand instinctively found its way placed over the hilt of her katana, and she drew it. "Misasa called me - Miss CEO. I kinda like the sound of it." she smirked at the Chairman, who chuckled very amused. "Erio, what do you say? I think Miss Kisara gave a wonderful performance!" the other old man nodded at his friend. "For a civilian, she did well against Wakatsuki." the Kure patriarch agreed. "Can I get my revenge now?" Kisara stretched lightly, feeling her joints aching after the beat down. "Ever so eager and down to business, Miss Kisara! I quite like that!" Katahara laughed more. "I have already taken the liberty of... Persuading your parents uphold their end of the deal. Dear Agito was ever so eager to help you out with your ambition. He seemed satisfied with your match." Agito said nothing, yet what his boss said, he was in agreement with. He didn't expect her to take to heart all his lessons, but she performed so well.  From the ground, her parents were crying and screaming mercy. They wanted to be spared from their ultimate fate. Kisara, however, walked behind them, a triumphant smirk on her face. "Empieza el Matriarcado." the red head spoke, swinging her blade down, as if she was the grim reaper, deaf to her parents' screams, pleas or curses. She watched her father's head roll down on Katahara's carpet, blood splashing about like an artisan fountain. The last victim was her mother, who ended up meeting the same fate as the father. Kisara looked down at the collapsed bodies. She felt nothing. No satisfaction, no victory, no... Nothing. With a sigh, she wiped the blood off her blade over her elbow and stepped over the corpses, in front of Katahara. "So, am I now officially the CEO of the Hasashi Corp?" "Yep!" so jovially, Metsudo confirmed. "That's all! Enjoy being a corporation owner! Now, off you go, pip pip, there are enough matches to see, and I'm sure Agito would love your encouragement!" the old man clapped his hands together, though everyone present seemed confused by his words. "Well... I suppose I should thank you for sorting everything out for me. Uh... Assassination has never been easier. Thanks." though she awkwardly scratched the back of her hair, she ultimately exited the room.
By the time she was done with the succession war, Mikazuchi Rei had already lost against the great Kuroki Gensai, and it was now Hatsumi's fight against the Fang himself. It was going to be a great fight.  As Kisara went to give her encouragements for her master, he was walking towards the arena with Ohma by his side. With a cheerful grin, he slung his arm around the girl's shoulders, pushing Tokita away, and getting her for a swift training session - Just like they would do, on top of the mountain. He was down to business and needed to train his speed. Even when exhausted and beaten up, Kisara was the fastest opponent Hatsumi encountered. He needn't say any word to guide her in this training - She knew very well exactly what to do. Little by little, Kisara started moving faster, until finally, her Senpai was able to get in the right form to perform the evasive maneuver that she loved so much, to the point that it looked as though her hits were simply moving through him. Kisara has used that trick once - Would it work on Agito also?
"A'ight, thanks angel, you got me into top gear. Now I can beat up your new friend." he chuckled, patting her head. "Hatsumi Senpai is the best fighter here! I'm sure, whatever the outcome, the fight will be fantastic. Do your best, Senpai!" with such a cheerful encouraging, how could he not melt? Especially after seeing her do her best against Wakatsuki, of all people. "Of cooourse, of course, Princess! Now, off you go to that boyfriend of yourself. The big guys are gonna have a little fight." he turned around, seeing the Fang walk menacingly towards the middle of the arena. "Oh - Agito, hi again! Good luck!" Hatsumi blanched, seeing his own apprentice also wish well to his own enemy, and with such a sweet smile too. He hung his head, watching as she left for her boyfriend, who was telling Yamashita Kazuo about his old master, Tokita Niko, and how much Hatsumi reminded him of this guy... But Kisara also had the unfortunate skill of doing the very same thing, from time to time.
Hatsumi looked that guy up and down, and seeing all the damage from the second round all healed up, he cursed Gaolang for his inaptitude of at least injuring him properly. For a world champion, he didn't make his job any easier. He watched Kano crack his knuckles as the ref had them take their stances. 
Agito took an upright stance - Something that he used to do a lot when he was younger and had just inherited his title of Fang - All while Hatsumi walked towards him as if he was taking a stroll. As soon as the Aikido master got close to Agito, he was met with a left low kick that made a halberd-like sigh on the ground that it split. The Fang watched Kisara fight, and more, for a whole day, he had trained her - Hasashi Kisara, the one who trained for four years under the tutelage of Hatsumi Sen and his own Aikido style. There was bound to be enough common techniques - And he was ready for them all - And thus, he surprised Sen with a left middle kick of the same effect, hitting his arm, then switched to a straight jab that got him in the forearm, close to his wrist. He was blown backwards by the impact.
Agito's third blow was a right low kick that got his enemy on the knee - But what had brought about this sudden change? His fighting style was all different from the first two rounds, and even what he did as he trained Kisara. Was that fight he just had a turning point? A revelation, maybe? Though Agito now delivered a heavy round house kick as soon as Hatsumi's guard dropped - He had evaded him. That shit-eating smug grin of his, wretched and wicked, made the Fang realise that the master was a much of a trickster as the student was. Kisara once told him - If a Kitsune has seven tricks up her sleeve, a Tanuki has eight. Given her chosen stage name, she was one with the clear disadvantage. So, Sen was a Tanuki. Should have expected something of this magnitude. "Come on, you could at least let me counter-attack. Well...  Alright. I'll just have to land one next time." his tone seemed ominous, as he stood up straight, unlike his head which was tilted to the side, as if mimicking Michael Myers himself.
"Hatsumi was a nominee to become the next Fang, when he was just 28 years old." Kisara told Ohma and Kazuo, who seemed surprised. "He gave up quickly on the idea though. Far too much boring, repetitive work... And too many expectations. For a fleeting guy like him... He can't stick to anything too long. He got bored after a week." Kisara smiled lightly. "That's my Senpai." "Miss Kisara, you were able to do this technique yourself. Would you tell us the basic of it?" the old CEO asked, fixing his glasses. "It's simple, in theory, but you need a lot of momentum and speed. The basis of it is that you shift your knee to evade the attack, using as little movement as possible. Your axis line isn't supposed to move, so it looks as if your whole body is still." she explained. "But that doesn't matter now. Agito changed his fighting style. Instead of starting a match by attempting to beat the opponent at their own game, he started with his own Fang style, with which he debuted, meaning that Hatsumi needs to change his tactics and force Agito to play by his rules." thus, Hatsumi sprinted like a lightning bolt towards his enemy and easily evaded a kick to his face by crouching to the side, landing his first blow at Agito's side. "Using the same technique, and perfect calculations of the distances, he dodged whilst making Agito believe his hit landed. He was able to get into his kicking range, which means he's going to attempt to go for the elbow joints. I tried that on Agito myself, hoping to attempt that on my match against Wakatsuki. It didn't work with my strength, so I stopped trying. But Hatsumi is a man, and he's far stronger than me. He might pull it off." as if she could read her senpai's mind, he did, word by word and step by step, exactly as the girl expected, getting the Fang into a tight Elbow Hold. "Ohhh! That was a perfect Diagonal Straight blow! This is practically checkmate - It's only a matter of time before he breaks his joint! If he tries to escape, he'll be attacked while he's defenseless. Not even the Fang could come out unscathed after being attacked somewhere he can't harden, like that technique he used, similar to Ohma's. He can't redirect the impact of a blow from that posture either." Yamashita gasped, awestruck at the miracle happening before him. "Knowing The Fang, he won't get down so easily." Ohma muttered, watching attentively the match. "Based on that face of his, Hatsumi has a follow up plan to this. He's expecting Agito to get out. He's baiting him." Kisara smirked confidently, watching Agito throw a round-house kick from that extraordinarily awkward and painful position, only to get hit with Hatsumi Sen's ultimate technique, the Gathering Clouds: Triple Strike. A technique that strikes the three vital points on the opponent's face in rapid succession. 
But it had failed, and Hatsumi found himself staring in complete horror at his fucked up finger, whilst the Fang was unharmed. Never once has Kisara seen anyone being able to counter that Power move, nor was she able to pin down what exactly did Agito do. Her Senpai seemed to be in trouble, as he leapt back, trying to create some distance, only for his enemy to close the distance with fantastic speed and strength, landing a blow towards his temple, that ultimately hit his eye also. 
"... Did Agito just use Muay Thai?!" Kisara's jaw was to the floor, seeing her new friend using the 'Elbow meant to defeat' technique that she was briefly shown by Gaolang at some point. Had Agito become the Renaissance Man, and could now perform any fighting style at any given time, and switch between them at his leisure? 
He didn't follow up with the same style, instead opting for another powerful middle kick, outright destroying Sen's forearm. Agito seemed to think more during this match. He wasn't so linear anymore. Instead, his tactics seemed to have evolved greatly. Even with Hatsumi in peak condition, Agito was outright humiliating him. Kisara's hands were holding each other almost painfully - Though she knew Hatsumi still had a secret technique up his sleeve, she didn't believe he would defeat this iteration of the Fang.
Gosh, how he hated himself. Hatsumi truly hated himself so badly. Even with these four years inspired by his cute little angel, he couldn't stop himself from being so pathetic. He put her up on a pedestal, praising her, congratulating her for even the littlest of tasks - And though she did the same to him, he couldn't change. She was, in terms of mental condition, everything he strived for but could never be. Ultimately, Hatsumi Sen will forever be the greatest loser, in his eyes more than anyone else's.
He had his sights set on this day. He even put in some effort, which wasn't his gist at all - But it was fine! He'd do anything to take down that son of a bitch. He entered the tournament 100% sure that he could beat him down and win - So it would be pretty pathetic if he were to lose now, especially when his cute apprentice was watching, right? He couldn't fail, especially in such a humiliating manner, after that fantastic show she put on display for everyone. 
Crouching and evading another punch, Hatsumi slammed his palm into Agito's chin as his other hand was on his waist and one of his feet was throwing him off balance, while with the other he was keeping himself steady - His special, secret technique was successful!
"WH-WHAT DID HE JUST DO?! HE CAN'T HAVE DONE THAT MUCH DAMAGE WITH A BLOW FROM THAT CLOSE RANGE!" Yamashita shrieked in disbelief, whilst Ohma could only stare with wide eyes as Hatsumi failed. "That's... The technique I used against Takeshi to make him fall to the ground, though you can't compare the strength output of the two of us. From the looks of it, Hatsumi must have felt his body being ran through by a spear." Kisara had a sad smile on her face, though she was very proud of her senpai. "Hatsumi thought me about initiative in a fight... To think he would be defeated by counter-initiative... It's almost ironic." she shook her head., watching as Agito attempted to elbow him unconscious - With his last bit of strength, Hatsumi pushed forward, catching him off balance, forcing him to give up on the elbow hit, in detriment for a shirt grab. But he's got Agito by the hips, thus, easily detecting the change in his center of gravity and respond immediately. "That's a smart move. He's not going down without a fight." Ohma nodded in approval of her Senpai, explaining the reason behind his posture. "We might have a bit of a deadlock, 'cause now Kano Agito's gotta be careful how he moves." "And considering how big he is, any twitch is going to be even easier to detect." Kisara added to his statement. Hatsumi felt the perfect moment to strike - And as soon as he's done it... Agito countered with the One Inch Punch that speared through him once more, going further for a follow up. 
Hatsumi hoped, with the distance, that he would be able to deflect whatever hit gets thrown his way, but it took a kick to his elbow to throw him off guard, and another to the head, to make him fall to the ground, unconscious. As soon as Agito was declared the winner of the match, and though her body was still aching, Kisara ran to their side, gathering Hatsumi up from the ground, and holding him in her lap. "Agito - You've evolved beautifully. It was your best match, if you ask me. You can only go upwards from here. Well done." she smiled sweetly at him, though he could only stare in confusion at her. "I almost killed your master. You should be angry at me." he noted simply. "He, as well as everyone else, entered the tournament, knowing very well the kind of people to be encountered. I'm not angry at you, nor do I have a reason to be. You just showed me a fantastic match... And... I hope you'll agree to training me again some day." that serene, sunshine smile of hers bewildered the Fang even more, yet he only grunted as a reply, watching as she carefully brushed away the man's hair from his face. He wasn't her partner - Just a master - So why was she caring for him? Was he missing something? Was there something he didn't understand, out of every encounter she had with all the fighters around? Was there something more to these 'friendships' that she created? "Fa Jin." the man nodded at her, only to see her smiling even more happily at him as he revealed the proper name for the technique that put an end to it all. He had taught her the easier variation of it, what he had used as a kick to take Naoya down, but this was far more complicated to pull off properly, especially for a little one like her. A master like Kano could launch a high-power one inch punch at point-blank range and kill a man in one blow. It was lucky that Hatsumi subconsciously diverted the impact. Once Agito walked away, out of the Arena, Kisara was startled by Hatsumi. "Shit, I lost in front of an angel. How pathetic." the medics moved him away, though she was holding his wrist gingerly.  "Well, the angel also lost. Let's be pathetic together, okay, Senpai?" that crystalline, easy-going giggle of her only made him feel worse. It was him who taught her how to throw away all worries in the world - Why couldn't he truly do the same, but only mask it with that stupid, dumb facade of his? "SEN! STAY WITH US, HATSUMI! DR. HANAFUSA'S ON HIS WAY!" Miss Shion cried out in shock, terrified for his life. "I just wanna smoke." without another word, Kisara looked at Shion, who handed him a lit cigarette, though dared not speak. "This ain't gonna kill me. I just need a little rest, that's all." the red head took out a handkerchief, and holding his face carefully, started wiping away at the blood caking his face. Shion, too, knelt by his side and tried to care for him. "Gah, how humiliating. Good grief." he puffed from his cigarette, his heart shattered, as well as all of his hopes. He then felt his messy hair being ruffled, and he looked down at that tender smile - Yet he couldn't reciprocate. "Stop being so upset over what happened. You're alive and that's all that matters. You know what Gaolang said after his fight? There's only going upwards from here. Isn't that right, Hatsumi SENpai?" he tsk'ed, looking away. How could she give him advice from other men?! How annoying. "I know your fighter pride is wounded, but I'd rather have my senpai alive, and defeated, than with his skull cracked open. I have been once at the funeral of my best friend. We were 23... About the time that I have met you. Remember? I never told you this - But, I mean it. I don't want to see any of my friends laying down in a coffin ever again. There are far more important things in life than a defeat. At the end of the day, this is a tournament, and every fighter here, expect for one, will experience defeat. The fact that one of them was you changes nothing."  she threw her arms around the man's throbbing body, as he stiffened hearing her words. He had never heard of this friend of hers, nor the funeral. He didn't want to imagine the sight of a friend in a coffin, nor them being lowered into the ground. Her words held truth, yes... But at least, at the moment, he was going to grovel and wallow in self-hatred at how disgustingly pitiful he is. "Hey, Hatsumi." she pulled apart slightly, making him look into her eyes. They were such a beautiful shade of green. And they held life. Vitality. Energy. Damn, that Substitute prick has no idea what a lucky man he is. "We did our best. Both of us. Okay? Though we lost, I'm not giving up on myself, nor on you... So... Don't give up on me or yourself, okay? In fact - Let's be pathetic together!" Hatsumi's exhausted eyes shot wide open, and his mouth agape - The cigarette fell from his mouth, making Shion reach out to take it so it wouldn't burn his fighting clothes. She had told him the very same words that he himself spoke to her once he saved her from that gang of thugs in the alley, when he agreed to train her. With a chuckle, he reached out his hand to pat her head, mimicking her. "Yeah. Let's." 
Though the day had quite the start to it, it was bound to change, for better or for worse. As Kisara saw Hatsumi to his infirmary room, she went to take a quick shower and change back into her normal clothes. In her search for Ohma, she picked her brush from her room and started brushing her hair throughout the made-like corridors of the dome, in search for the very man himself - Only for some kind of dark whirlwind of fantastic speed to capture her and drag her to hell knew what spot outside. It was Kiryu Setsuna.
Lucky for Kisara, Kushida Rin had witnessed the kidnapping and ran all the way to the Yamashita fighter and panted as she warned the strong man. "Kushida Rin. What's the hurry?" he asked, looking down at her exhausted form.  "It's Kisara, she's in trouble?" her name alone was enough to make the brunet freeze with worry - Though he knew Kisara could take care of herself, especially highlighted after the match against his future opponent, he didn't want to risk.  "What's wrong with Hasashi Kisara?" he asked quickly. "If we don't do something quick, Kisara will be killed!" the fatalistic urgency put the man on edge, and he shot like a bullet to rescue his lover.
One hour remained until the semifinals begin.
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