"Lord Death is my dad now. Sorry, Kid." - Meeting DTK’s Father HCs
Request: Hey! If that's okay could i request some headcanons for Lord Death acting as a father figure to Kid's s/o?
And maybe kid's s/o doesn't have a good relationship with their actual parents but as soon as Death started acting this way they're immediately like "okay you're my dad (in law!) now."
The whole thing is just-
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Btw can you tag me once it's ready? Thanks!
Feel free to ignore if you're not comfy with it!!
Title: "Lord Death is my dad now. Sorry, Kid." - Meeting DTK’s Father HCs
Genre: fluffy, v e r y comedic, angst if you squint, and frankly a lil romantic at some points
Pairing: Death the Kid x GN!Reader
Notes: Okay, the second I saw this in my inbox, I was excited. Like, really excited.
Not only because of the meme included, (though that was one things that caught my attention, to be fair-) but also due to the request itself. I can totally see Lord Death doing this and Kid being so embarassed, and the whole gang clowning him for it- 
A whole treasure trove of ideas slapped me square in the face, and I really appreciate you for that! On another note, I decided to roll with headcanons, so I hope that’s alright. 
Do note that there will be some slight mentions of familial abuse/neglect, so proceed with caution if you wish to read it. 
That said, I hope you enjoy it! 
Below the cut!
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being a student at the DWMA was a fun experience, just as much as it was dangerous
and you were most definitely more open than you were when you first started schooling
but most people chalked that up to meeting death the kid
you came in after the main group did, even after kid did, so you were to be guided around the school by someone.
you didn’t have a partner yet, but that would be soon to come, and it just happened to come to be by the end of the day.
normally, that itself would have been a milestone
you didn’t expect that lord death’s son would be the one to give you the guide
you had been instructed to arrive at 7 to pick up any information and ask any questions about protocols that were needed (a staff member met you outside) 
but were told that your tour would start at 8 am as opposed to when you were done with your questions
which was weird, until kid showed up and proclaimed happiness at seeing you there on time
it clicked then, and you had been intrigued since
its been a few years now, you had met the group and had gotten along with them and your partner did as well
but the thing that not a single person expected to happen (aside from certain teachers and staff, of course) was that you and kid got close
and closer
and closer
until liz caught on and called you both out in the middle of a basketball game in the park’s court
seriously, she shouted at the both of you
“kiss and get over the tension already!” to be exact
so you two did
on your second date- 
but yeah, that started the roller coaster ride that is called your relationship with death the kid
on a more serious note, though this was completely unexpected
the only reason you had a partner was because they were an old friend of yours and you both applied to the DWMA 
and got lucky enough that you two were accepted
so you two obviously collaborated when you ran into each other and eventually became a weapon and meister pair
but again, that was due to the bond you two had growing up
your parents never really reacted well around each other, and thus the relationship you wanted with the both of them never came
in fact, it twisted what you already had and now you refuse to contact them unless absolutely neccessary
really, you wanted something more meaningful with the both of them, but their approach to relationships, love, and life in general turned you away from anyone that you just...couldn’t trust 
and kid just so happened to understand your hesitance to speak on it, and respected it
(almost) everyone else tried to pry, but he didn’t
and the way that he handled it just felt...diffferent than the way others did
you respected it
and you knew he respected you and your boundaries as well
so yeah
that trust was the reason
it wasn’t until you had been brought to the death room with him to meet his father that you saw your chance
“heya, kiddo! who have you got here with you?”
“father, this is my partner, (y/n).”
“hello, lord death.”
he sounded super cheery, extremely far off from what you expected
but it wasn’t an unwelcome surprise
“just call me pops, kid!”
that moment was when it clicked
kid was deathly embarassed, but you?
yeah, you were basking in it
from that point forward, if you were to ever see lord death, you would always do things that you wanted to do with your parents
card games, stupid paintings, discussing stupid things
hell, he even managed to pull out images of kid as a baby when you had dropped in to bring something to him before you and kid actually began your date
that was a story lol
“(y/n), dear, i’m so sorry about him-”
“no, no, no, it’s fine, kid!”
“as fine as it may be, it was quite sudden and he is often like that...”
“i can tell, but really - it’s fine, kid.”
he sighed a sigh of relief
“...but you were an absolutely a d o r a b l e baby, y’know that?”
cue kid slamming his face into the table at the cafe you were currently at 
and that’s not all 
whenever lord death would drop by the gallows mansion, he would always be sure to ask about you you weren’t there
it honestly made kid a little jealous 
but it was all in good fun
kid knew of your family issues, so he knew what lord death was to you 
which made even more sense when you had to get something off your chest but you just couldn’t bring yourself to tell kid
your parents had tried to contact you, pestering you and ridiculing you for not coming over and not calling them to inform them of your state
you knew they didn’t really care, you knew they only wanted to mooch off your status as the partner to lord death’s son
it really rubbed you the wrong way, and you had to rant, kick, scream, and cry
but you didn’t want to burden kid with that
whether he would understand wasn’t what you were afraid of, rather it was burdening him
you knew that he would listen and do what he could possibly do to ease your tension
but you needed a nice card game and some tea to talk it over
so you went to lord death
(after checking if he was available, obviously) 
he was curious, admittedly, but no matter
why wouldn’t he welcome a student just wanting to talk?
especially considering that things were going as normal
(and that you were making kid happy anyway-) 
you went over, and he had already been doing some shuffling
tea wasn’t made, obviously
but you still came in
“ah, (y/n)! what brings you in, kiddo?”
you waved, slightly
“some family stuff. you don’t mind if i stay here and talk it out with you, do you?”
“of course not! let’s have a seat and then we can talk, hmm?”
you smiled slightly, nodding
“i’d like that.”
and so tea was brought in, cards were set up, and you began to play a multitude of card games 
you ranted, telling him of why you came here
(he suspected something was going on because most people that come in from out of town without their parents imply some indication of homesickness)
(you didn’t) 
how your parents were neglectful, failing to not only praise your achievements, but also failing to truly care for you
it was similar to matilda, to be frank
you even compared that movie to your life
your parents were greedy and materialistic
and you didn’t fall in with what they wanted
you could honestly care less about what they wanted from you at this point,
but the fact that they had called you and demanded - yes, D E M A N D E D - that you share the spoils of death the kid and lord death...
it tipped you over the edge
it was then that death saw what kid saw in you, the reason as to why he came to this point
not only were you respectful, intelligent, and highly capable
you were also extremely strong to endure that 
lord death let you scream, cry, even break a couple of objects that weren’t needed anymore to blow off steam
and once you were done, he gently patted your head and handed you the last cookie that was on the plate
“if you need to talk ever again, come on back. i’m here to help you, kiddo!”
you laughed brushing the nonexistent dirt off your pants before you thanked him
(and grabbed the cookie. obviously.) 
he was curious as to why you didn’t tell, kid, though...
you were walking out when he stopped you once more
“if i could ask, though, why didn’t you tell kiddo?”
you shrugged, making a face
“i don’t want to burden him. he’s already stressed out enough, i couldn’t do that to him.”
“oh, don’t worry about kid! i promise he’ll understand, (y/n).”
you nodded once more, thanked him once again, and left the death room.
and from that point forward, you and kid had lord death as your biggest fan.
on multiple occassions, you and death would team up to help kid
you both were cheering him on when blackstar wanted to challenge him to a fight to test his improvement
you were in there to tell him about the new progress you and your partner had made
but then maka had sent you a text saying that kid and blackstar were going at it
(yes, we’re gonna act like they have cell phones)
you giggled at it, told lord death, and then proceeded to watch from a window
after you told maka to access it, of course
when the image came up, you were both armed with pom-poms and confetti
kid balked and soul, the twins, as well as maka bust out laughing
(blackstar just shouted about how he was going to win and that you two should be supporting him lol)
that fight went well
(for kid) 
and the next day was spent playing basketball with the gang
it was there that you did the same thing
and who did the same thing when kid had reported progress?
of course, the one and only lord death! 
there were even a couple occassions that you would drop in with kid when he would go to report progress ‘
(or you, it happened both ways) 
that things would get sidetracked before the progress could be communicated,
and death would pull out something that kid loved when he was younger to show you
baby pictures, an old stuffed animal, some old drawings that he’d done
you loved it, lord death enjoyed it, and kid was perpetually embarrassed
(though he always knew it was all in good fun) 
he did have to admit that it made him really happy, though
he wasn’t sure if you would get along with his father considering the relationship you had with yours was far from ideal
but his worries proved false
it allowed comfort for the both of you,
and lord death really appreciated and respected you for helping kid come to terms with his OCD and help him when he would panic or simply require backup
and as for you? 
you had a lot of ammo to fire at kid if the time came for you to surprise him 
(read: lighthearted blackmail) 
and you also had a good source of information to reach out to when you were stumped for a gift 
all in all, it worked out perfectly
and, when it came time to either become a death scythe or get your weapon to becoming a death scythe
lord death had paired you, your partner, kid, and the twins altogether as a team
you not only managed to gain acclaim, but also a father that truly loves his child and a boyfriend that respects you and treats you as you both know you deserve to be treated
(plus the inside jokes that came from talking with death confuse kid often, so that’s another plus) 
- @dexpairs-blog​ - 
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Self-Care Sesh, Check!
Request: hello!! i love ur writings theyre just *chefs kiss* SO CUTE HHH i was wondering if i can request headcannons for death the kid from soul eater on what it would be like to have a relaxing day with him like skincares, face masks, painting his nails, cuddling, etc?? just over the top fluffy ness please! thanks!! <3 (preferably female pronouns, thanks!)
Title: Self-Care Sesh, Check!
Genre: f l u f f y - like, s u p e r f l u f f y. some comedy as well, ahahaa.... yeah that’s about it- 
Pairing: Death the Kid X Fem!Reader
Notes: The second I saw this, I melted - again, a HUGE t h a n k y o u for that! Otherwise, a whole storyline struck me when I saw this. That and a lot of funny moments. Seriously, there’s so much potential here! 
Otherwise, I wanted to say that I hope you enjoy this! (That, and the fact that I cannot for the life of me find the same gif to use for each character, anyways-) 
Below the cut! 
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first things first here: 
liz has brought this up multiple times
she’s managed to even drag soul and blackstar into these things, 
crona even! 
but kid has never budged
maka’s done self-care stuff with her, patty has, tsubaki has - 
hell, so have you!
but not kid, never kid
you had an idea
he usually budged to you...
and you had learned a few things from liz....
see where i’m heading here? 
yeah, it’s pretty obvious lol
you had caught him one night after a mission
he’d just returned, and wanted to have the night alone with you 
liz and patty had decided to hang out with maka, soul, blackstar, and them
but you stayed at your apartment with him
he was laying back, reading a book
classical music was playing in the background 
you had been scrolling through your phone with your head on his shoulder
but then boredom hit 
and the thought that you hadn’t spent much time to yourself lately struck you
you hadn’t really done anything special to your hair, or your nails, or even your skin lately
it felt nice to do it every once in a while
and since kid hadn’t experience that as of yet, you pieced an idea together
“hey, kid?”
you cuddled into him further as he looked away from his novel
“would you want to do some facemasks with me?”
his eyes narrowed
“liz put you up to this, didn’t she?”
you gasped, dramatic as ever, and raised a hand to your chest
“not a chance! I was just asking if you wanted to try it.”
you smirked
“i know you can’t say no to me...”
he scrunched his nose, turned away and playfully scowled
“...fine, i guess. just nothing too insane.”
cue sparkles surrounding you
“thank you, thank you, thank you!”
one last glomp was all it took and you were dashing to your bathroom to get everything you needed
face masks, cleanser, moisturizer, serums, oils, you name it
it was all there, ready to use
you knew that you would have to ease him into it either way
so you started
you let him pick what music gets played, any of the shows or movies you guys ended up watching 
it helped him
you washed your face first, let him go next, and then proceeded onto the next steps
“okay, so - time for the face masks.”
“damn you, woman...you were waiting for this.”
your smug face said it all
he slid in front of you and left you go to town
eye masks went on, face masks went on, and even a couple cucumbers after a bit of time 
you were surprised that he had let you do so much already 
but no complaints! no complaints
just surprise
he actually seemed to be enjoying it
(as long as he wasn’t seeing the mask application in the mirror)
you couold have sworn that he was literal putty when you two were riding out the wait time on a peel-off mask
quiet relaxation
...until you got another idea
you had noticed your nails were looking a little...nasty lately
and you noticed kid’s hands
they were clean, but his nails were a little long
and his hair even looked a little dry
“...hey, kid?”
an almost uncharacteristic lazy hum came from him
“could i paint your nails? i’ll let you do mine, and you can choose the color.”
he raised an eyebrow, looked at his hands, looked at yours, then looked at you 
“as long as you’ll let me pick the colors.”
your semi-dry and almost unmovable face wiggled into a smile
you about spoke, about to ask about his hair-
“and yes, i will let you do my hair. same stipulations apply, though, darling.”
it took all of your willpower to not glomp him yet again
but what mostly stopped you was the fact that the mask might get stuck on your clothes and you didn’t want that
there was still one more mask to put on, that one being a moisturizing peel-off
so, you let him do yours, and you did his
(in the bathroom. obviously)
(like hell that gloopy stuff would reach your carpet)
that in itself took a hot minute since kid was determined to make your mask even
and he was so gentle while doing it too, it made you red-
and you had made sure to repay him by making his as symmetrical as possible in return
once the masks were on and the bathroom was cleared, you dug out your nail care materials
cuticle scissors, a metal cuticle remover, orange sticks, polish remover, multiple different colors of nail polish, base coats, top coats, et cetera et cetera
there was a lot
but no matter, you were going to do it
“that’s a bit much, don’t you think?”
“hmm? trust me, it’s really not when everything is ready, kid.”
sucking in a breath, he then sighed
“...alright, i’ll trust you on this. but i’m still picking the colors we’re using.”
and you left him to it.
you gathered all of the items you needed to show him how to care for the nails before the polish (as well as the base and top coats)
and kid had began to look through the colors you had.
he’d pulled out a simple black for him, and consulted you for yours
a (fav/color) polish and (black/white) were his picks for you
“how about this? would you like these colors?”
“kid, of course! i’m good with whatever you choose.”
“hmm, alright. i’m ready to begin.”
and so, it begins
you started on him, letting him watch what you did 
from getting rid of the excess dead skin around the nails, to buffing them to prep for the polish
even how to properly apply the nail polish to the nail
(though that ‘proper technique’ could be debateable-)
you let him dry his nails off before he did yours as well
he was adamant about that
he really wanted them to last :’)
(it really was sweet)
you could tell that he had paid attention to your teachings, too
he was making sure to cleanly and carefully care for your nails
the time it took was a bit long, but hey!
he did really well, and it made you really happy
and then did things get even more particular
he’d buffed the nail lightly, brushed away the dust, and when he went to put on the base coat
he nearly knocked the bottle of acetone over
“oh no!”
“i’ve got it!”
you caught it before it hit the ground, luckily
and only a tiny bit fell out
but it was still a little terrifying and left you a little more wary
kid was a little bit frozen
“kid, darling?”
you rolled your eyes, leaning in and pecking him on the lips
his ear turned red when you did
“...yes, i’m alright. let’s continue.”
so he did 
and he did wonderfully! 
the colors alternated per nail
(matching on each hand, obviously) 
and the cuticles were free of polish
nail shapes were perfect
everything was beautiful
and with that, you let them dry
you’d leaned your head against his shoulder once again, his arm draped softly against your shoulders
you peeked at the glossy black on his hands and smiled before letting the gentle music run through the room
and then it came time to remove the masks and do the hair
he was up first, obviously
(he said it was because he wanted to rest, but you knew he was beginning to see why nights like these were so great)
(that, and he wanted to learn how to do it himself) 
you had him tilt his head back against the bathtub in your bathroom
starting the water, finding the perfect temperature for it, and starting the showerhead all followed within seconds
he had his eyes closed and was sighing despite the uncomfortable position
you grabbed your shampoo and conditioner, preparing to wash his hair
and give him a head massage
“ah, (y/n) darling?”
“could you, perhaps...move a little closer to my temples?”
“of course.”
so you did.
he probably had a headache, or just some stress that he needed to relieve
it felt great for him, and he really did nearly fall asleep as you washed out the conditioner
(you already washed out the shampoo, don’t worry)
then, finally you grabbed the clear hair gloss and applied it to his hair, massaging that into his hair 
and while that settled, you laid back and kid washed your hair
gentle, and sweet, and very careful would be the only thing that could be used to describe the way he did your hair 
you had explained everything to him, and he took it in eerily well
buy hey, you couldn’t complain
he was never as relaxed as he was in that moment, and you wouldn’t ever wish to be the one to ruin the moment for him
when it came time to apply the gloss, he thoroughly did so
again, massaging it into your hair
and switching out once again to wash it out of his hair and apply a leave-in conditioner just to make sure that it stays nice, soft, and healthy
and you showed him how to do that, and he took it in once again and repeated the care process on your hair
and then came the fun part:
the drying process
you both had used a hair towel that wrapped around your heads to get most of the moisture out, but then you pulled out a hairdryer
“is that really necessary?”
“it’s easier to do and takes less time. plus, it’s been proven to be healthier for the hair.”
“fine then.”
you dried his hair on low heat, slowly using a comb and brushing it through the super slight and rare knots in his raven head
he observed you in the mirror as you did so 
(he loved the sight, but he would rather be sentenced to purgatory than admit that) 
(in the moment, at least) 
if you have straight/not-so-wavy-or-curly hair, then:
you handed the hairdryer to him, and he followed your example to the letter
he really tried to target any of the knots that were in your hair
and it tugged a bit hard a couple times
but that’s what comes with brushing and drying the hair
once the drying was done, you both combed out the remaining knots and proceeded to relax
if you have wavy/curly hair, then: 
he let you walk him through the process of drying and care
(not much here since the process is different for everybody)
but no matter, you both decided to lay back down on the sofa in the living area and watch a random tv show
you had you rhead laid against his lap
he had a hand running through your hair, and the other held your hand that was laid against your chest
“how was that, kid? you enjoy it?”
he hummed
“yes, i did. though i don’t really see myself doing it too often.”
“yeah, right. give me a call when you want to do it again.”
“yes, of course, my dear. now, how about we watch the show?”
rolling your eyes, you turned your head to the television and watched
kid wasn’t paying attention to the show, rather to you
but no matter
it relaxed him, and he frankly couldn’t ask for anymore from a night with you
(when he went home that night, liz and patty noticed his nails and gave him hell for it though)
(he decided then that he could only put up with you doing this for him rather than liz or patty)
(seriously, they teased the everloving hell out of him for caving to the self-care process)
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