wormholxtreme · 20 days
@soullesstrouble said | "So between us... How well can Gamora fight?" // Sophie to Eros cause she is willing to throw hands 🤣
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With the snort of a giggle, Eros pursed his lips in a short smile at the tiny redheaded woman before him. It was only after his amusement did he notice the fire behind her eyes.
Eros stepped in front of her, blocking the view of the pair that was Adam and Gamora.
"She's the ultimate assassin, what do you think?" he asked pointedly. "Why? Are you looking to paint her outfit with your blood?"
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gingersource · 10 months
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ᵉⁿᵈˡᵉˢˢ ᵉᵈᶦᵗˢ: Adam Warlock ( aimed at Kaylee, though )
@soullesstrouble / @wormholxtreme
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oozeyboozey · 15 days
𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙏. 𝙏𝙃𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿 𝙁𝙍𝙊𝙈 𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝙒    //    @soullesstrouble
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what  a  way  to  show  someone  that  perhaps  KILLING  really  was  all  that  she  was  good  for.  granted , she  hadn't  said  those  words  exactly , but  that  wasn't  how  trauma  worked.  it  sprung  up  on  you  out  of  nowhere.  when  you  LEAST  expect  it  to.  the  world  had  been  widened  for  anya  over  the  course  of  her  life , showing  her  it  was  just  as  HORRIBLE  as  it  always  had  been.  and  what  was  worth ... death  didn't  even  seem  to  want  them.    "  yeah?  well  i've  been  killed  enough  times  i'm  starting  to  get  TIRED  of  the  reruns.  "    of  course  she  wasn't  ready  to  die.  but  the  way  she  felt  every  time  she  came  back , that  was  enough  to  be  done  with  this  curse.  but  this  wasn't  a  CURSE , was  it?  you  could  BREAK  a  curse. 
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wormholxtreme · 19 days
@soullesstrouble said | "I am feeling generous tonight." Sophie turned to her right to look at Eros while trying to be louder than the music coming from all the sides and a huge crowd of raving people on the dance floor. She wasn't sure what number of drinks she was currently sipping on when she gave him a rather wolfish look. "You might finally have a chance with me."
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Music, alcohol, general depravity. Eros felt like he was home. The mix of people pumping and grinding on each other while liquid courage filled their bodies and made them more malleable to his gifts. He wasn't called Cupid for nothing.
The way his powers oozed from his pores as he took Sophie to the middle of the dance floor. Party goers parted the way and let them through without effort but in his wake the sexual tension between dancers exploded.
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He lifted a brow at her, matching that look in her eyes as he moved closer. A hand went to her hip as he pulled her in close, matching the beat of the music.
"And what else, prey tell do I need to do to solidify this generosity?" he asked with a playful smirk.
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wormholxtreme · 19 days
@soullesstrouble | "You do look exquisite tonight." Adam made a slow step further, his fingertips delicately toyed with the hem of Kaylee's dress as he got on his knees to tie her high heels. "Would it be too scandalous if our arrival was slightly delayed?" There was something behind his eyes when he looked up at his star.
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The dress was simple, elegant, nothing too fancy other than the price tag. The black dress hugged her curves in all the right places, a slit up the left side that was easy enough to miss unless someone was looking for it.
She rolled her eyes but the playful smile on her lips showed just how much his words hit home. "I could be in pajamas and you'd still say that." she quipped, watching him take a step forward.
A light touch as he went down on one knee and tightened the strap on her modest heels. His words were simple, humorous even. Of course being late to this shindig wouldn't be an issue but that light behind his eyes. That hunger that dared to look at her sent a shiver up her spine.
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She smirked, reaching out to cup his cheek in her hand, watching his movements in awe. Adam was more than she could have ever imagined. No matter what form he took, he was stunning. And each word he spoke was crafted poetry.
"Scandalous just makes things more exciting don't you think?"
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wormholxtreme · 10 months
@soullesstrouble said would you give me one more night?  ❜ // sophie eros 🥺
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He would pluck the center of the universe like a flower and put the galaxies behind her ear if she so much as whispered she liked the stars. A simple request to spend one more night seemed so minute in comparison to what Eros would serve to Sophie.
But he knew the war was coming. He knew the likelihood that they all walk away unscathed was a pipe dream. Lady Death was unlike any foe they had ever faced. She was the darkness that filtered out through the universe in a physical entity. Evil incarnate.
The thought of his sweetest Sophie going toe to toe with her set a weight on his heart. For the first time in a long time Eros felt fear strike through him and he wanted nothing more than to protect his love from such horrors of the cosmos.
But he knew better. He knew with her nephew on the line. With her best friend in shards. With the fate of so many in her hands. He knew that Sophie wouldn't stand idly by. He knew that any attempt to convince her would be selfish on his part. He almost wanted to be selfish and find a way to force her to to the confides of Earth, far away from the battle. But he knew he couldn't.
Eros pulled the sheets back, reaching for her. His hand pulled gently but firmly along her hip coaxing her into bed with him. An arm snaking around her waist as he nuzzled into the nape of her neck.
"You needn't ask mi amore. I am by your side until the end."
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wormholxtreme · 1 month
"You look gorgeous tonight." / Adam to Kaylee ❤️
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WIth her hair dolled up, Captain Marvel stars keeping everything pinned in place, and bright red lips, Kaylee looked up at him with a sparkle in her eyes.
The pink in the tops of her dress complimented the green shine in her eyes while the black velvet skirt kept everything grounded.
"You say that every night." She cooed softly, her hands finding his as she intertwined their fingers together. "Not that I mind." she quipped with a cute quirk of her head. "But what brings it out tonight darling?"
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wormholxtreme · 10 months
@soullesstrouble said: ❛  i guess i'll spend another lifetime searching for a new hope.  ❜ // adam & kay 🥺
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There was a part of her heart that belonged to Adam. A piece that Kaylee had freely given him on Hala, and then every day afterward when they decided not to end their affair. She thought she had known love before but nothing could have prepared her for Adam. He was everything all at once. A lover, a friend, a confidant. He held her so peacefully that sometimes Kaylee could lie to herself and believe they could last forever.
That is until one of Adam's enemies got the better of him. Not an easy feat with the universe's golden star child but not impossible. She remembered the way his limbs were torn from his body, the way his normally larger than life frame seemed so small on the table. They tried to pull her away from him, he even begged her to stay away, but how could she? How could she let his last moments be without her?
It wasn't until he came back, bigger and bolder than ever, that Kaylee realized it wasn't him that needed the closure. It was her. They say denial is the first stage of grief and with a man that bounced back like Adam, Kaylee lived on the river in Egypt. She hoped that being there, holding him, seeing him in his final moments would give him the starting point to come back to her. But Kaylee wasn't that lucky.
Adam came back, sure. But he wasn't her Adam. And boy did he let her know it.
Her gaze dropped from his. He was finally here, telling her all those sweet words that won her over in the first place, begging her to fall for him all over again. But Kaylee had learned her lesson.
"You could live a thousand lifetimes and find a million soulmates Adam, but...I don't know if I can."
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wormholxtreme · 10 months
@soullesstrouble said: i should be getting home… but i could be convinced to stay. // sophie to eros
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Eros could not hide the bright smirk that curled to his lips. How delectable that Sophie put up such a front. Earlier in their relationship he may have needed to push, plead, and entice the young redhead to stay by his side. And boy did he have wondrous ways to keep her satiated and in bed.
But this time she wasn't even putting up a very good front of wanting to leave.
"And what pray tell could get you to stay mi amore?" he asked, spreading out his legs as he rolled on his side to face her. Only a thin sheet protected his body from her eyes and that could easily be rectified in a moment as he showed his display.
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wormholxtreme · 9 months
@soullesstrouble | For A Thingy
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The lazy morning sun seeped through the clear windows as Kaylee stirred peacefully. There was a warmth of the body next to her that glowed with a gentle beat of daylight. His torso, bear as he sat up watching her come out of her slumber.
She wiped the sleep out of her eyes and found his gaze. There was something so delicate behind his eyes. An almost solemn look behind those normally clear blue skies. It made her wonder how much their trysts affected him. Each time they both agreed should be the last. There was so much pain Kaylee was still recovering from. So much in her life in the past several years that she needed to face, but every time Adam entered all that pain seemed to melt like morning snow meeting the sun after a long dark winter.
There was a part of her that wanted to throw caution to the wind, a part of her that wanted nothing more than to throw her heart into him - to the one person in her life who may actually deserve it - but there was another part of her that hide away from him. Her hesitation wasn't just caused by those scars on her heart. She knew every moment with Adam was fleeting. He was here now, and he'd be here for a while, but only because his calling brought him to her. One day he'd be called somewhere else in the universe and her bed would miss his warmth.
That thought alone caused her to hide her heart. To pull her punches when it came to what she felt. Sophie would call her out every time. That De Nile was a river in Egypt as she liked to say. But how could Kaylee ever ask more from him? He was her savior in every sense of the word. That should be enough.
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"Hmm morning." she hummed in a hoarse whisper leaning over to press soft lips against his. Her reddened hair cascaded down her back in loose waves.
She rolled over, grabbing her phone off the bedside table to check the time. "Oooh I got a whole three hours of sleep I think that's the record since Damien was born." she beamed before sighing contently looking at the baby monitor where Damien lay sleeping soundly in the adjoining room.
Most nights his bassinet stayed securely in her bedroom, but another aspect of Adam's presence brought with him a comfort to allow space for Kaylee to rest without the constant worry that something would befall them in her sleep.
She rolled back to face Adam, curling up to his side and nuzzling into him as she burrowed under the covers. She looked up to him, that concern still etched into his features. With a soft touch, her palm found his cheek, fingertips brushing precariously along his skin.
"What's wrong darling. You seem...pensive. I'd think after last night you'd be iunno more relaxed?"
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wormholxtreme · 8 months
💘 + kadam!
Ship Meme | Kadam
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where they first met and how
Kaylee was on a "summer" (more like a year) between ending high school and starting college on Hala to learn more about her Kree roots. Adam fresh from his cocoon, all naive and young mentally and Kay shoot his ass out of the sky thinking he was attacking the planet.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
It was only a few months but Kaylee didn't know it was flirting but Adam had the hots for her pretty quick but boy couldn't keep it quiet for very long
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
Oh Adam was head over heels before Kaylee even knew what they were doing was basically dating.
where their first date was and what it was like
They had several coffee dates on Hala before either of them even made it official during their summer romance but the first real date was star gazing.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
Adam is a man of many words, under the stars as Kaylee pointed out the constellations, making up stories to go with them he turned to her and said "I've cherished every moment we've spent together. You've become the brightest star in my life, and I can't hold back these feelings any longer." and then KISSED HER. Just ugh this mother fucker
who proposes first
Adam. Kaylee never saw it coming. They were at Thanos and Pepper's wedding when he just looked at her and asked if she wanted to do this too. Just knocked the wind right out of my girl.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
They never were secret on Hala, but in the time they reconnected 8 years later, it wasn't as flashy. Kaylee wasn't exactly keeping it a secret but she wasn't being as open with the PDA because of her own mental struggles at this point in their lives.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
At Pepper and Thanos's wedding but then Adam did a flashier proposal later that was more official. They didn't want to steal Pepper's thunder
if they adopt any pets together
No. Adam ain't around to take care of their kids let alone a pet LOL
who’s more dominant
100% Adam. He's a service dom for sure. Kaylee is a switch bitch and happy to be his sunshine
where their first kiss was and what it was like
First kiss was under the stars on Hala, where Adam confessed his feelings for her and placed that tentative kiss on her lips. It was breathtaking and beautiful and Kay reciprocated making it that kind of steamy and hot.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
Not really, occasionally if Adam happens to show up during Halloween one year she'd have a couples costume for him but other wise they're both pretty individualistic people with their own styles. Or rather Kay has a style. Adam needs to wash his suit. XDD
how into pda they are
Kaylee's primary love language is physical touch. So PDA is definitely a thing, whether it's holding hands or hugging. Forehead touches. Cupping his cheek in her hands and brushing her thumbs against his cheeks.
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Adam duh. He holds the umbrellas, the presents, the shopping bags. The man pulls his cape off and puts it over puddles so Kaylee doesn't have to get her shoes wet/muddy
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
Their favorite place will always be under the stars, seeing the cosmos in each other's eyes. Not only is it a throwback to their first kiss but they are both star children whose identities and love is bound to the stars.
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who’s more protective
Arguably it's Adam. His identity is always in crisis but the one constant is his need to protect people, add in the way he loves and cares for Kaylee and that need to protect goes through the roof. That being said though, Kaylee is not a wallflower. She is a warrior and other than to keep a promise to him, she will die to protect him if need be.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
A few weeks. The whirlwind from blasting him out of the sky, to them becoming friends, to them becoming more was a fast ride. But it was only a short summer love until 8 years later. The second time, stolen glances, and aching hearts keep them apart. Kaylee's predicament of not knowing where she and Athan stood along with being pregnant with his child made things a little less black and white so they didn't reconnect romantically until after horrible things happened and Kay was at rock bottom.
if they argue about anything
Usually they only argue over Kaylee's reckless self-sacrificing nature. She always thinks she can handle whatever is thrown at her to her own detriment. Otherwise they have extremely healthy communication and don't often have disputes.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
Neither XD they're both like bullet proof. There's no leaving marks. But it's not for a lack of trying on Kaylee's part for sure
who steals whose clothes and how often
Kaylee will steal his shirt in the mornings after a night of passion but that's about it.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
-sigh- Adam is the big spoon, no matter how much Kaylee offers. He's the big spoon. And Kaylee loves being his little spoon but sometimes they face each other if she isn't feeling very little spoony
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
Kicking ass!! No really, they're both heroes and they love being able to protect and kick ass together
how long they stay mad at each other
The only time Kay ever was mad at Adam was when he played a role in Sophie losing her soul and becoming the new Lady Death. The anger she felt was mostly caused by the feeling of being betrayed by the one person she thought could never hurt her. It takes her a few months to
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
Kaylee and Adam have a lot of rituals behind coffee. She makes him coffee all the time. Usually black with a new flavoring for him to try and she mixes flavors for him on the time until she finds one that he likes above the others
if they ever have any children together
yes! Adam adopts Damien and then they have a baby girl Destiny Hope together. It's a miracle because Adam can't have kids but Eternity gave him the ability once so they could make Destiny, much to Destiny's dismay XD
if they have any special pet names for each other
Adam calls her sunshine more often than not. v.v it's the cutest.
if they ever split up and / or get back together
The life of Kadam is a long and interesting one. Their summer love on Hala was not supposed to last and it didn't. They parted on good terms but it was never destined to be anything more than what it was. But when they reconnected, even with Adam always leaving, they stay together. Mostly because of Kaylee's stubbornness XD
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
Since Adam is gone often it's hard to call what they have shared living space. But for the most part Kaylee keeps a clean and modern house hold. She keeps things interesting with beautiful decor, paintings, flowers, and other things to keep the place looking like a home rather than a doctor's office
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
SHOPPING. Kaylee dragging Adam to all the different shops and going to the orphanages and shelters to pass toys out to the less fortunate. Just bringing him into all the Starkvers traditions
what their names are in each other’s phones
Adam: Sunshine Kaylee: Knight in Shining Armor
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
Traditions are totally around coffee. Kaylee built him a coffee machine for his space ship and stocked it with enough coffee to last him a while and then spends time collecting coffee and coffee related things across the universe so when he returns she can restock his coffee bar and show him new things.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
Adam doesn't really sleep but he meditates regularly. Kaylee's sleep is sporadic and she often uses her powers not to sleep at all but in the end she'll be the first one sleep because he makes her feel safe and loved enough to rest and relax
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Adam is the big spoon always much to Kay's chagrin. She wanna be the big spoon sometimes XD
who hogs the bathroom
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Kaylee, it's mostly her bathroom anyway XD Adam can either join the club which he does
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
Neither??? I see them both being the kind to just leave spiders be? They're both invincible and have no fears of little creatures just living their lives.
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wormholxtreme · 1 year
@soullesstrouble continued from here
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Kaylee knew Sophie almost as much as she knew herself. That defeated sigh as she tried to keep the topic on Kaylee. The older of the pair took a sip of her drink and hummed nuh uh as she swallowed down the cocktail.
"Noooope, my life has been a mess but I'm finally ...copacetic so tonight is all about you baby girl." Kaylee winked playfully at her better half. It was true. Without Sophie around, helping Kaylee carry the burden of the last two years, Kaylee wasn't sure she would have survived.
She snorted taking another sip and laughed covering her nose with her hand. "You can't make me laugh like that while I'm taking a sip!" she giggled grabbing a napkin from the table. "Alright so Eric, you say he's average but you keep coming back for more. You're usually a one hit and move on kinda gal. What's going on. Sophie pleeeeeease tell me. Let me live vicariously."
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gingersource · 11 months
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ᵉⁿᵈˡᵉˢˢ ᵉᵈᶦᵗˢ:   sophie & eros ... a small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. [ 03 ]
@soullesstrouble // @wormholxtreme
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wormholxtreme · 10 months
@soullesstrouble | For A Thingy Because I Wanted To
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"que carajo Warlock!" Eros shouted, anger seeping through his pores. "Just because your girl is broken doesn't mean you get to break mine!"
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wormholxtreme · 1 year
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@soullesstrouble said: "I’m so sorry, about what happened to you” // kinda feel like this is something death!soph would tell kaylee. idk gimme the feels :D
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Out of all the people who owed Kaylee an apology in this life and next, Sophie was certainly not one of them. But then again, with the power that now coursed through her veins, perhaps Kaylee's better half understood on a cosmic level what those powers had done to her.
Lady Death had twisted and broken the good in Kaylee's heart. She manipulated her gifts, her powers, her kindness, and turned her into a weapon beyond recognition. A pain Kaylee carried with her in every breath. She knew it was her privilege that kept her from being locked away in a place like The Raft. She knew it was her mother and father who protected her far beyond what was morally right.
Then again, how could one hold Kaylee responsible when she was merely a puppet on Lady Death's strings. Kaylee found it in herself to forgive Athan, to defend him even. She understood more than most the pull that the cosmos had over him.
But the cosmos shifted. Now it wasn't Lady Death in charge. It was Sophie. Kaylee's Sophie. The most mesmerizing, beautiful soul in the entire universe. A soul that matched Kaylee's own. Yet from the second Sophie's magic absorbed the ruling powers over life and death Kaylee could feel her slipping away. Like a piece of her own heart being chipped away by a cold ice pick.
There were many moments in Kaylee's life there was no coming back from but nothing quite hit the nail in the coffin as losing Sophie.
Despite this, Kaylee's lips curled into a soft smile. "You didn't do it Sophie. Nothing to apologize for." The redhead shrugged. The urge to playfully bump Sophie's shoulder and give her a hug washed over her, but Kaylee knew better. Physical touch was harder these days for Sophie. Her powers maybe under control now and even if they weren't Kaylee was still her horseman, but she remembered vividly Sophie's reaction in the immediate aftermath. She would not break that boundary lightly.
"Not to be all-" her voice deepened as she jokingly mocked "-the universe works in mysterious ways-" before flipping back into her light hearted key "but things are going alright. Damien is doing well. Athan seems to enjoy being a dad. I'm…well you know me. Alls well that ends well I suppose." Kay kept the smile on her face. It was hard to tell if the mask was there or not. She couldn't be sure herself.
Of course things could be better. Of course the pain of losing her best friend - her soulmate - was something that weighed heavy on her heart daily. But at the same time life was good.
"What about you? How are you holding on? Last time I saw you, you were bursting with new cosmic energy and weren't exactly in the best physical or mental space to connect with people."
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wormholxtreme · 11 months
@soullesstrouble | plotted for a Happy!Eternity Sophie!Death Thing
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In the beginning of time and space, there was one being of pure cosmic fire that rose from seemingly no where. Her fire burned brighter than anything the universe has seen sense, but it was a lonely existence for The Phoenix. Trap in a vastly void with nothing to do other than contemplate the solipsistic nature of her very life.
Life! A spark, a hope, a dream. The vision The Phoenix had was not necessarily one of unity, but one of cycles. The ebb and flow of time and space could grant life and would take it away, but what of those souls in the meantime. Who would cultivate these energies and who would care for them when that energy met it's end?
So in all her omniscient glory, The Phoenix did not begin her universe with rocks, or space, or planets, or even big bangs. She did not begin it with Adam and Eve either, but rather two entities. Eternity and Death.
Eternity could not remember what was before. He knew from Phoenix there was nothing and the thought alone made him sad for her. The idea of being so alone was heartbreaking. He was never alone, for his twin, his dear sister Lady Death would always complete his existence. The pair's bond was unmatched by anything in the universe as they created and destroyed in a beautiful cycle what would be the infrastructure of the universe.
And then she was created. Not a crafted piece of Eternity's mind. No, by this point in the universe life began to flourish on it's own. He had very little say in what would come next but he was always excited to find out, to guide it along it's way until the roads lead to his sister. But Letona...Letona was something different.
Something in her heart, in her very soul, rose above the rest. How she was able to mesmerize so many on Titan would have been alarming, except, she also mesmerized Eternity himself. He watched her with fascination, watched her kindness grow. Watched her sacrifice herself for her planet, for her children, even for the Titan who would destroy so much in her name.
That Titan who just as much as Letona became Eternity's obsession, Dione became Lady Death's. It would be ironic if it wasn't so poetic.
Eternity knew long before this war that his sister was slipping away from him. He chalked it up to jealousy, for who couldn't be jealous of his power to grant life? But it was so much more than that. She had a thirst, a quest to conqueror. Had The Phoenix still been around, had their Goddess not decided to visit the mortal planes for herself, Eternity was certain she would not have stood for Lady Death's meddling. But it was only him, and he would not abuse the rules their Phoenix laid out for them.
That is until Letona's soul came back, this time drawn to the power of the Goddess and landed on Earth. Only this time she wasn't Letona, she went by Virigina Potts.
So delicate a creature in this state. A human being, and not a mutant with grand powers. If she had her memories she may be able to spark those titan magics but in this state she was vulnerable, only with the exact same heart and devil may care attitude that she always had.
So when Eternity decided to keep her as his charge, knowing Lady Death would demolish her in the blink of an eye, he decided to follow in the Goddess's footsteps and become human. Harold Hogan, at your service.
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He said the words to the younger redhead sitting in front of him, the small white coffee cup in her hands as Happy spoke very few words to relay this ancient history.
"I hope you're not to angry with me Sophie." he said simply, gesturing to the baby bump hidden behind the table. "It is meant to be a gift to you, not a curse."
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