#sounds like something daario would say to daenerys i'm just saying
stormbcrn · 10 months
scars on the back are a swordsman's shame is kind of a metal line though 🤷‍♀️
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sheikah · 7 years
Say, hypothetically, Jon got married before he met Dany. Who do you think she might consider for a marriage alliance instead? Do you think there's anyone else who could make her happy? I agree Jonerys is probably endgame, but I'm just curious in how things might play out if Jon was off the market, or Dany chose a political marriage over marrying for love.
Interesting question and something I’ve wondered about before. First of all, Dany would absolutely consider a marriage that is for an alliance and not for love. I think the whole scene with Daario and Tyrion last season confirms that for us. As for who else could make her happy, to me that is a different question than who would make a good political match so I’ll answer that first. My potential candidates will be limited to characters who are also in the show since something as important as Dany’s last husband will probably be the same across both media. 
I think that Dany could be happy with Tyrion actually. Tyrion’s strength is in how observant he is and even after their short time together I feel like he understands her really well. He is a little more even keeled (kind of like Jon which is part of why I think Jon and Dany are so good) and talks Dany down from her hot-headed Targaryen rage sometimes. Something I also wish we got to see more of is that underneath her queenly exterior I think Dany is fun. That’s why I sometimes write her teasing Jon in my fanfics lol I think if circumstances were different she would be a fun-loving person who likes to laugh, and who has a better sense of humor than Tyrion? And while I know a lot of people disagree I think Dany is a GREAT leader, and Tyrion loves government and politics and is a good leader, too. They could fit well together. 
For political matches, one of the reasons I think Jonerys is so guaranteed to happen is that there really isn’t anyone who can offer what Jon can as KitN. I know this sounds crazy but maybe the next-most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms right now is Jaime. And I know this is strange so bear with me. Yes, Jaime has absolutely zero political aspirations but he is the heir before Tyrion, right? Especially since Tyrion murdered Tywin. So he holds the west and has a lot of men loyal to him in the south as well. He’s got Casterly Rock, King’s Landing, Riverrun, and more. Now, I know that canonically, especially in the show, Jaime has made it clear he can love Cersei and only Cersei but if we are talking a political match, let’s say Cersei is killed and Jaime sort of wakes up and realizes how toxic she had become and how her actions, like it or not, inadvertently led to the deaths of their children. If that day comes I wouldn’t say it is out of the realm of possibility for him to be talked into an alliance with Daenerys to fight the WW. 
And if Cersei were out of the picture I also don’t think it’s that crazy to assume that a marriage between Dany and Jaime could be relatively happy, too. We know he has a thing for strong, assertive women, and Dany is described in both book and show canon is being uncommonly beautiful. I don’t think it would be a huge leap for him to develop an attraction to her. She might also be intrigued by his own strength and ambition, and might be one of the few people in Westeros who is not grossed out by the fact that he had the hots for his sister haha. 
Other political marriage that might be cool is Asha/Yara and Dany. I don’t think we will see a same sex marriage but it would be cool and I really admire Yara’s journey and how Theon is supporting his sister’s claim to the Salt Throne. The little scene of she and Dany flirting last season was adorable and it could be a good political match to bring the Iron Islands into the fold maybe if Dany was with her. But since she sort of granted them independence I don’t think it holds the same political weight anymore.
But I know none of this will ever happen. Just fun to sort of imagine what-if scenarios. 
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