mamaraz-blog · 4 years
The Sound of Happiness
When a question was posed to me asking what music is my go-to when I’m feeling happy, it got me thinking.  I have been pondering my response for what is probably ENTIRELY too long but the answer is not an easy one or a quick one to explain.  As a lover of Music, melody, harmony, and rhythm, there is no one genre that I prefer.  I find that I appreciate different artists for the different emotions that they can evoke.  I began to think it was too complex of a question for me to formulate an answer to.  But then my mind started drifting to ‘happiness’.  What do I like to listen to when I’m ‘happy’?  Well that depends... which kind of happiness? You see, to me, I have two kinds of happiness and they are very unique from one another.   Sometimes happiness looks like joy, laughs, and overall emotional highs.  This version of happy is fun and upbeat and electric.  It is also temporary.  It is nice but fleeting and followed by plateaus and possibly lows.  During these moments in time, I listen to 90s rock... hair bands... and songs that you want to crank up loud while cruising down the road with the windows down, singing at the top of your lungs.  Modern, upbeat, country pop works great in these situations too.  But then there is the other version of happiness -- the one I strive for everyday.  That’s the content, ‘life is good’, grateful, kind of happiness. And this form of happy is supported by all styles of music, but all with one thing in common - they lead to memories of good times gone by.  The thought of kicking back and listening to Singers and Songwriters like James Taylor makes my heart and soul smile, as I am taken back to the days on my youth.  Songs like Desperado (from the Eagles, but covered by Clint Black) remind me of days with a bestie heading to concerts.  Every time I hear REO Speedwagon’s Time for Me to Fly, I am right back at my high school graduation feeling carefree and alive.  John Denver’s Rocky Mountain High... my first concert, and it was ‘in the round’... Bob Seger’s Turn the Page - my first rock concert. (I asked my mother what that ‘funny’ smell was in the arena - pot’s come a long way in 35 years).  The original of that song will always be my favorite but it is also my number #1 favorite cover song of all time.  No matter where I am or what I’m doing, I stop - if just for a moment - to close my eyes and travel back to a time that was many moons ago.  These are a sampling of the songs that represent the kind of happy that I strive for and the happiness that I wish for everyone in my life and beyond.
I am grateful for the individual that raised this question because once I stopping searching for an answer, the real answer found me. 
#MusicIsTheBestMedicine #SoundsofHappiness
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drsamzs · 8 years
One of the #SoundsofHappiness to a true #Northwest #Native #IndianLife #Pluviophile
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godfreygao · 10 years
#trumpet #jazz #soulful #soundsofhappiness #centralpark
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