#source: ask-hk-gijinkas
yeah that's right baby I'm making a message to pin to my tumbly tumblr thats right fuckers
About me: Yeah hi I'm Sketchy and I'm silly. any prounoun
do not send nsfw it will get me fired from the nuclear bomb factory i work at (when they say fired they mean with the bomb)
Commissions are open! yay! more info here!
If you'd like to see my art then just search the "my art" tag on my blog :/
Silly things I've got going on
HK gijinka Masterpost
Tokyo Soul summary- FIRST/LAST - tag search "Sketchy's unhinged YHS summaries"
MCD summary Masterpost
sketchytober 2023
fuq de govemet
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free
bigotry of any kind will be blocked on sight <3 so no racism homophobia transphobia etc etc. not terf friendy, get outta here
do send anon hate tho i find it hilarious
quick psa: i dont consider myself a pro shipper because im not okay with ceratin types of ships but i am an advocate for letting people do what they want as mong as it's not hurting anyone, and lemme tell ya that block button is a gift from god. so if any proship antis come here and get all pissy that i have the insight to block people then i ask of you to kindly fuck off <3333
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actingwithportals · 4 years
12, 29, 31 if you're still doing fic writer asks?
Oh yeah, thank you!
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Aw shit, you’ve triggered my trap card! 
I’ve mentioned it a few times here now, but I have a HK gijinka space au I’ve been working on for ages and am slowly,,, slowly working into making it a real thing. The outline is complete, though there are some areas where revisions are needed, and I’ve gotten a couple of chapters written so far, but there’s still A Good Deal left to do. Basic idea of the story I’ll give is that it’s Hallownest, but in space (obvs), and instead of taking place after the fall of Hallownest, the story occurs while the kingdom still stands, and instead of the pov character being Ghost, it’s the Broken Vessel (pov doesn’t mean endgame hero, tho). Premise is that the fabled Hollow Knight has disappeared, and the Pale King is desperately searching to either recover or replace them, and the surviving vessels scattered around the star system have to gather together, along with other traveling companions, to find the Hollow Knight before the Pale King - or something more sinister - can.
I need to work on my elevator pitch.
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Actually writing the Estranged and All Alone acts was pretty outside of my comfort zone, because I decided it would be an arc with no dialogue and I would make myself rely entirely on narration. I’ll admit I didn’t Completely stick with that rule, because I had the internal conversations between Ghost and their shade, but thematically it was still not structured dialogue. Descriptions and narration I consider to be my weakest point of writing, so not being able to rely on dialogue was very daunting, but I’m actually incredibly proud of how that arc turned out. I think it’s one of the best things I’ve written, tbh.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Gonna be real, I don’t really have OCs, at least not “proper” ones. Closest I’ve got is how I took the sort of empty templates for Broken Vessel and Greenpath Vessel and made them into fully fleshed out characters (and I’ve been doing the same with the three Deepnest Vessels in the above WIP). I don’t feel right counting those, though, since they are established characters in the source material. I just did something with them.
(Ok well I do have OCs for plays I’ve written, and I’m pretty proud of one of them, the protagonist of my first two-act play. His name is Virgil and he’s a trans teen from the 1920s, working in the West Virginia coal mines with his father. He’s a pretty stubborn bastard, and maybe a bit sensitive, but he’s a caring sort and hmm maybe I should do more stuff with him...)
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