sovereigntyhq-blog · 7 years
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caitlin and i revamped a roleplay that captivated our hearts. in february of 2017, i opened an appless roleplay that was sort of an off-brand game of thrones / lord of the rings / eragon. i didn’t think it would go anywhere, really. especially when all the apps i was getting were female characters. ( no tea, no shade. ) until i got our very first male application, for the king of bearoria: nathaniel robert winnell. from then on, caitlin has proven to be one of my best friends. and stuck through me with everything that went down. two weeks after sovereignty first opened, i asked her to be a fellow admin. a great decision but come two weeks later ( a month after sovereignty opened ), my laptop breaks down. 
that was the end of sovereignty 1.0. but after a small revamp and a fixed laptop, sovereignty 2.0 was born. we were excited to get our characters + the plot going again. while we didn’t know if previous members would return ( we messaged every single member to come back ), we welcomed the new ones with open arms. & five months later, here we are with an even larger family and still, an active dash. 
caitlin and i have put a lot of work into this roleplay but really, this group wouldn’t be standing if it weren’t for our amazing members. so it’s because of you that we have been one of the longest appless roleplays in the tags ! thank you so much for never losing muse, never giving up on your admins and just being ultimately amazing members. we appreciate you guys so much and love you like our own children. words cannot amount to how much y’all mean to us so please.. take this as a token of our love and gratitude. 
some of you have seen the survey so.. YES !! we are bringing back new abilities ! consider this our anniversary gift to you all ! we’ve listened to you guys’ ideas about what abilities you’d like to see and decided to add them to our list. for any new members, this is how it goes down: you like the post if you wish to participate in our random drawing. we’ll be randomly picking several characters ( while taking into account their activity as well ) and gifting them some abnormal abilities. recipients are required to write a self paragraph on their character developing such abilities ( tag it as: sov.task ). if you need any ideas on how they discovered their abilities, let us know !
as of right now, we already have some: adrian calvierri ( animal bond w/ a gryffin ) brynjolf mallory ( retrocognition ), charlotte rowe ( elf ), purnelle hawthorne ( siren ), and sybil beaumont ( necormancy ). 
with that being said, the following abilities we’re giving out are:
this ability depends on the animal; the animal will be able to understand your thoughts, wishes, and wants. while the said person doesn’t have the ability to control the animal’s actions, it’s more of an abnormally close friendship between the two. think of eragon and saphira, except the animal wouldn’t be able to speak back to said character. while this is a controlled ability, please remember that this is a BOND, meaning it happens over time. for example, the said animal wouldn’t be able to fully understand everything said character wants on their first introduction. it’s a budding friendship so it grows within time. please note that this isn’t with an entire species but one special creature. message the main with what animal you desire from the creatures page. this character is HUMAN so they can perish the same ways a human can.
the ability to alter or manipulate one’s dreams. think of pitch from rise of the guardians ! this ability would need to consult with their target’s mun before application because we do not allow any god-modding whatsoever. the techniques range from entering one’s dreams to giving their target nightmares. but like the many other abilities, this dream strengthens with every application. so said chosen character may only be able to enter a dream at first before progressing into a more advanced technique. however, please take note that doing such an act would take a lot of energy out of the user-- especially if they’re new to the ability. this character is HUMAN so they can perish the same ways a human can.
there are some items throughout zenan that have sold for exceptionally high and can only be found on the black market. there are tall tales of these items, two that are notorious: the invisibility cloak and ebony steel. 
THE INVISIBILITY CLOAK has been a myth for centuries. floating in and out of the black market and being owned by many owners. the cloak, while worn, gives the allusion that the wearer is invisible to the rest of the world. despite being invisible, if touched by someone, they will be able to feel said person underneath a cloak. ( think of harry potter and his cloak. ) 
EBONY STEEL is the rarest of steels throughout zenan. in fact, there’s not many swords left that have been crafted by it. ( i.e. literally no swords left. ) but perhaps your character found some and has decided to have a sword made from it ?? giving them one of the strongest swords in all of zenan and teshayra. ( think valyrian steel from game of thrones. )
the bearers of these items are HUMAN so they can perish the same ways a human can.
4 lucky characters will be chosen for the abilities above. the abilities will be given in order as shown. so the first person the generator chooses will get the animal bonding, the second would get dream manipulation and so on. SO WITH THAT BEING SAID, if you wish to participate, please like this post + respond with your characters’ names if you have multiple ! 
one again, happy 5 month anniversary, sovereignty family ! we love you all so much.
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