#sparkpusle spoilers
eldritch-araneae · 1 year
Alright, I'm gonna watch Nimona! There is thought spinning in my head and I wanna express but idk how much of a spoiler it is so it goes under the cut.
One thing I wanna say I'm actually happy with the fact Nimona isn't a human at all, like it's really relieving.
Because in recent years there is a big pushback against non-human characters, esp if they're queer. Like I know why, the whole "being queer is normal and we cant alienate it" but like, someone like me doesn't doesn't even feel human and find non-human characters a lot more relatable.
Like yeah sure my experience isn't universal, but I think I'm allowed to make queer non-humans and Nimona pretty much shows it. Sure it won't appeal to anyone and some will be angry, but it's me and unfortunately for everyone, I'm exist and I don't want to conform a anyone else in this regard.
Sparkpusle wont have human characters when I'll convert the AU into original IP, all humans will converged into some kind of dragon (or based on other animal?) ppl and technorganic version into cooler variation and living on alternate Earth. Sure I don't care's it's bad and undermines the message and struggles and no one will relate to this yada yada.
But I'm not human.
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eldritch-araneae · 3 years
Wait a minute I thought bumblebee had problems with one twin, sunstreaker not both twins? Also are we going to see designs for the twins, automotive and decepticons soon?
Yeah, he mainly has a problem with Sunstreaker.
For context for this, bc it's way future stuff, but I had feels:
1) Sunstreaker is calmer at this moment and even got to help to recover Bumblebee's shards.
2) That another Sentient Shard is Pragmatic Shard, who also seriously scowled Sunstreaker for the pain he caused to Bumblebee.
3) They were tracking Insecure Shard, who was running away and refused to go back bc it's what he is - insecurity and believes that everyone is better off without him. And it just happened he bust into Spike's house to hide. He doesn't hide from Spike bc the human is one of 3 closest people (the other two being Sari and Windblade).
Af for designs, I will continue when I'll feel better ( I've been struggling to work lately). Here's the list so far I plan to design:
Tumblr media
Well, plus other Combacticons, Sky Lynx and Aierobots.
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eldritch-araneae · 3 years
How cold construction works in Sparkpulse ?
That kinds curious process, because even as artificial body, it still made out of mechon - a building block of biometallic life forms. So instead of recycling dead bodies in the core of the planet where protofomrs are made, you gotta recylcle anything yourself, and then to build a fully functiniong body. 
That alone took Shockwave a long time to figure out. But in the end it was in vain, bc once a spark gets injected, it randomize ANYTHING, pretty much melting those pre-made bodies into some-sort of protoform blobs. It rarely worked, so a spark would quicklly leave this vessel. Those CC cybs couldnt even be born.
Bumblebee is only exception bc 1) his paramenters already set since he’s not a new and clean spark coming from the Well, 2) he has admin permissions for his own spark where he can temporality ALTER the configuarion of any spark ( tho he needed Windblade’s help to programm since he was stuck between dimensions, by GIVING her those permissions).
As you can see, Bumblebee ( and by extention, Windblade)  is only one who can fully contol the creation. Others, even with Vector Sigma ( made of part from Bee’s spark chamber) they can maximum tell the AllSpark to make a sentient cyb, instead of mechanimal for example. Tho Quints found a loophole to get something like they wanted, even without much control. 
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