#special mention for portgas d. rouge
mamamittens · 3 years
Exquisite Control
Help, I thought too hard about what it would be like if Ace had a touch of Carrie in him. If the fire he used was a bit more... tied with his temper. And he refined that temper. I just really like people with nasty tempers but a fine control over it until someone fucks around and finds out.
Okay, maybe I'm also mentally preparing myself for the holiday season. Pray for me y'all, work will be riding my ass well into February ;_;
Also, I'll work on Sabo's jewelry tomorrow, I was just really tired and this wouldn't leave me alone.
So enjoy Scary Ace. Or don't. I'm not going to pretend I even read it over before posting.
@cyborg-franky, enjoy mild shipping vibes.
Also, warning for somewhat graphic descriptions of people burning alive. You can't convince me Ace didn't kill people often with his devil fruit, I'm sorry. Fire kills people. Smokey the Bear told me so.
Ace was a hellion growing up. Snarling and biting at everyone and anyone that came close to him. A ball of self-hatred and desperation to leave a mark on the world, even if it was in the shape of his teeth in every hand that reached out to him. Gramps taught Ace determination. The kind that left blood on his teeth and wanting more. Sabo taught him what it meant to be patient. To be clever with his teeth, where to bite and when to nip. Luffy… taught him that there are people out there that will love him despite the violence in his soul. Luffy inspired him to use that as a weapon in defense, rather than just lashing out because he could.
But still Ace had his damnable temper. Not even Sabo’s passing couldn’t cool the fire in his blood. Not Dadan and her awkward affection, nor Makino and her gentle acceptance. It beat in his chest like a war drum. A need to prove himself more than the sins of his father. It curled in his heart, intertwined with his hatred for what he saw in the mirror. He lacked any control to tame it, so it spilled over, often hurting those around him in bursts.
What finally taught him control was, ironically, his devil fruit. And Deuce. Deuce really helped Ace in those first few weeks. Endlessly patient, but not willing to take his shit… Sabo would have gotten along well with Ace’s first mate. Really bonded over wrangling his feral mountain child heart and temper.
Fire came easily to Ace. It had been in his very bones from the start and never stopped growing. It was so strong, in fact, that Ace found it almost impossible to so much as walk past a candle without it flaring up. Deuce taught him what it meant to breathe. To settle in his chest and understand what it meant to be still. To rest on his haunches rather than stalk around, waiting for a perceived insult to set him off. He still hated himself. His reflection. Every part of his face that he deemed too much like that man.
Not even his ever-growing crew could help that.
But when he patrolled his ship late one night with nary a flicker of candlelight, he felt like he was one step closer to casting aside his darkness. The shadow of a man long dead that hovered over his shoulder along with the entire world. That night, the reflection of his eyes looked like a banked campfire rather than the cold steel he thought suited the devilish man who created him.
Challenging Whitebeard was the best and worst decision he ever made.
He never used his devil fruit outside of that first instance, too aware that his fraying temper spelled disaster for the entire ship. His hard-earned control strained under the weight of mocking laughter with every failed attempt. He got better, of course. He could hardly grow up on Dawn Island, let alone thrive in it’s hostile environments, if he wasn’t adaptable. But still… that fire burned brighter—hotter—with every passing comment.
He’d never held his temper at bay quite like this before.
Whether he intended to or not, Whitebeard taught him true restraint. To hold back just enough, even if enough wasn’t good enough for what he needed to do. To understand where the line was and just how close he was comfortable being to it. He wanted to kill Whitebeard, but the man’s crew? Not his target. They did not deserve his wrath. Even if they tested his patience with their mocking laughter again and again.
And when he finally caved and asked that damn question, Oyaji… gave him hope. It settled in his chest. If someone who knew that man could look past his legacy and accept Ace as he was, then… maybe that long shadow wasn’t quite his burden to bear after all. Maybe Luffy and Sabo were right to accept him so easily. He still had bad days, of course, but with time… he could pick out parts of his features he liked. That he could look fondly at because they reminded him of his family.
Thatch teased him for his freckles, how they splattered over his nose and cheekbones. Perpetually casting his features in a soft, childish light.
Oyaji liked his eyes, how they lit up with a certain fire separate from his devil fruit. How alive he looked when he was willing to put everything he was on the line.
Marco admired the loose curls of his hair, how the twisting locks caught the light of both their fruits on an ebony canvas. How soft it was despite Ace’s lack of care. He would often ruffle Ace’s hair when he was being particularly difficult.
A great many of his new family members liked how his blush burned bright over his face to the tips of his ears. Flickers of fire casting embers into the air when Ace was especially worked up. Which was often.
And then, one day, Ace taught them something too.
What it meant to have absolute control even if it appears like it was the complete opposite.
A strong rival crew sailed boldly through Oyaji’s territory, destroying homes and ransacking people under their protection. Insulting everything under the sun and then some.
At first, Ace did quite well. Insults didn’t quite roll off his back, but they were noted and addressed accordingly. His moniker getting a real workout as he tore through the rival crew with a determined stride. It was his first real fight with Oyaji’s mark, after all. So what if he showed off a little?
Then they crossed a line.
“So you’re the whelp of that bitch, Portgas Rouge, huh? Just as worthless, to boot!”
There was a shift in his stance. Something in his chest stirred hot, seeping into his bones. Lanterns in the evening light swayed before standing still. His eyes fixed ahead as his lips were pulled into a grim smile.
Sensing something, Thatch was quick to try and defuse the situation.
“Hey! That’s a lady you’re talking about, how about you shut your mouth?” Ace lifted his hand and glanced back.
“It’s alright. They can apologize in person.” Ace raised his other hand. Candlelight flickered and swayed, twinkling in the air around him as the lanterns heated up. Glass began to crack.
“Ace! Don’t lose your temper like this!” Marco called out.
“Lose my temper, Marco?” Ace called out, as fire gathered at his feet like fireflies. The air itself began to buckle and sway under the heat, wood softly groaning. Easing his shoulders back, Ace cheerfully beamed.
Fire plumes swept around the deck like a whip, hot air barely grazing his family and the flammable wood of Moby Dick. The offending crew began to scream as shapes condensed in the flames. All manner of creatures twisting and spiraling around.
Ace was pleased to note that the rude man who insulted his mother by name had a lot less to say when his throat was charred.
One by one, the crew was ignited in quick fashion. Ace wasn’t cruel, not anymore. Not like he used to be. But he was calculating with his burning anger. Something Sabo had set the foundation of long ago. Ace rather thought Sabo would approve of how there was scarcely ash left. Not even the deck was seared by the burning heat.
Ace was thorough, to put it lightly.
When the last one was gone, Ace sighed. Turning on his heel, he brushed off some grime from his shoulder and smiled at Marco.
“I’ll have you know I have exquisite control.”
Later, Marco would confide in Ace that the look in his eyes at that moment was magnetic. A promise uncompromising. That he couldn’t look away. It wasn’t like Roger, where his presence felt like it filled the room. It was like seeing an absolute certainty cast in silver and fire. As sure as the sun and searing to the bone.
Teach would not get to tell Ace that in those final moments, Ace looked like hell on earth. Damnation made flesh and punishment assured. That his warm fire burned like ice.
There wouldn’t be anything left of him either.
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mattviperme · 7 years
Some facts that support ZoRobin
Oda sensei said in an interview that he has the ending of One Piece in his mind from the day he started writing the manga.He also claimed that he is only creating the bridge in these years which is going to link the start with the end.Before the Skypiea arc,Oda sensei told 50% of One piece was completed and then we found the whole Skypiea arc littered with Zorobin moments. At that time One Piece was not flooded with so many characters so it became clear that which couples Oda sensei actually had in his mind at the end of One Piece.Again,before the Water 7 arc,Oda sensei declared that 50% of One Piece was completed.Robin’s past was revealed in Water 7 arc.Except Zoro,all the straw hats accepted Robin as a friend without caring about her past.So why Oda sensei took the trouble of writing down a whole arc just to clear Zoro’s distrust on Robin?This was very necessary and here the concept of ‘bridge’ comes which Oda sensei said in the interview.I am trying to explain it. Zoro and Robin both are not romantic in nature.’Love’ is a word which don’t exist in their dictionary.So in order to make them a couple they should have mutual respect and mutual trust for each other.These two things actually hold a couple together. Zoro and Robin started as enemies and from that state if they have to be ended up as a couple at the end of One Piece then the first step was to clear the mistrust between them.A relationship crumbles to pieces if there is a single bit of distrust between the characters involved.Water 7 arc served that purpose.After Water 7 arc,Zoro accepted Robin as one of his friends and from that point Zorobin relationship took a new turn.At the end of Dressrosa Arc and at the beginning of Zou Arc,we have seen glimpses of Robin’s trust and respect towards Zoro.     
Introduction of Shakky and Portgas D Rouge
Oda sensei in an interview said he got the inspiration of writing One Piece from Toriyama sensei’s Dragon Ball Z.In Dragon Ball Z Toriyama sensei used a future reference (Future Trunks) in order to confirm Vegeta-Bulma relationship. In Dragon Ball Z,Goku and Vegeta are protagonist characters but they are not boys,their sons are the boys of the shonen manga.So Toriyama sensei can use the future reference.In One Piece,Luffy and Zoro are both protagonist characters and also the boys of this manga.So Oda sensei cannot use the future reference.As a result Oda sensei had done the opposite i.e used references from the past to confirm the couples at the end of OP. 
Shakky first appeared at Shabaody Archipelago as a pirate and Rayleigh’s woman. Portgas D Rouge first appeared at Marineford Arc as Ace’s mother and former Pirate king Gold D Roger’s wife.Both of these ladies did not play much role in their respective arcs except confirming the fact that the previous King of the Pirates and his first mate are paired.Why this message was  given?Because Oda sensei is also going to pair Luffy and Zoro at the end of One Piece.The major ships with Luffy are LuNa and LuHan. The major ships with Zoro are Zorobin,ZoTash and ZoNa. With the introduction of Shakky as a pirate ZoTash ship die down.If ZoNa is going to happen then Luffy will be left alone as in one of my previous posts i already claimed that LuHan ship was not introduced to be a cannon couple in the first place but to give us a message.So no ZoNa, only LuNa and Zorobin at the end of One Piece.
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Sabo’s arrival at Kyros’s house at midnight
At the end of Dressrosa Arc,Sabo arrived at Kyros’s house at midnight with a bottle of drink in his hand.After entering the house he just gave the bottle to Zoro. It was never mentioned in One Piece that Sabo is an alcoholic or always carries booze with him.So I think he brought the bottle only for Zoro. Zoro and Sabo met each other in person for the first time that night. Sabo knew Robin from past 2 years during her stay with revolutionary army and Luffy(his brother) from childhood.He also met them earlier that day in Dressrosa and both of them don’t like to drink.Without bringing anything for Luffy and Robin why Sabo took the trouble of bringing something favorite to Zoro? From Koala’s reaction to see Robin and Robin’s reaction to see Sabo it can be deduced that these 3 were quite close in those 2 years.While staying close to Robin Sabo realized that Robin has special feelings for Zoro and as a result he brought a gift for that person who is close to both Luffy and Robin. Instaed of giving his vivre card to Robin whom he knew for 2  years,Sabo gave his vivre card to Zoro. How did Sabo trust Zoro so much in just one meeting?Robin’s trust on Zoro was reflected in Sabo’s trust on Zoro.
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