#specifically MegaMan x form that one crossover
chewysgummies · 1 year
So the poll ended. And I already have every different version of him saved. So I created the cartoon version of my Watchdog oc out of fun.
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Shattered Worlds & Sonic Unleashed (The End of Universe)
All I have to say, the Reboot was a wild ride. It had its highs and lows, I genuinely enjoyed it. Although, it is possible that my opinion of the Shattered Worlds Arc is better since I had access to all of the Issues instead of having to wait patiently for the next one to come out.
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So, Shattered Worlds was an adaptation of Sonic Unleashed, aka the game where Sonic turns into a Werehog... and for those asking, I actually think that the Werehog gimmick is interesting.
Also, FLUFFY SONIC!  ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
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Something I also loved about this adaptation is how involved Sonic’s friends were, like having the Freedom Fighters fight against Eggman, Knuckles and the Chaotix being the one to find Chip and Sonic learning how to control his Werehog form from a Sloth.
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I also loved the battle between Dark Gaia and Sonic and Chip. It was quite epic! 
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As for Chip’s farewell speech, I have to admit, it’s kind of touching, especially when you realize that, aside from Genesis of a Hero, which were short stories adapting the Classic Sonic games, this was the only Reboot story arc in the same sense as Iron Dominion or The Master Plan Pre-Reboot.
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The Reboot was pretty much over with Shattered Worlds, and speaking of Shattered Worlds - Worlds Unite. Honestly, a crossover in the middle of the storyline felt quite jarring and it also felt rushed. I guess Archie wanted to make at least one MegaMan comic featuring the cast from MegaMan X and having Sigma as the main villain while they still could, but it could’ve been done better. One thing I did like about the comic is seeing Rock and Roll’s interactions with their “younger brother” X.
Oh, and speaking of alternate universes - I was actually happy to come across Sonic Boom.
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I am aware that the Sonic Boom video games were bad, but I absolutely loved the show and the comics. They were really fun to watch/read, and Sticks is absolutely amazing, especially in the crossover. The only thing that I was disappointed by is that the Sonic Boom cast (aside from Sticks) and Boom!Eggman didn’t get to interact with their counterparts.
While I liked Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Boom, my favorite part of the Reboot were the Sonic Universe comics. Honestly, it was genuinely hard to pick which story is my favorite, but if I had to choose, I’d pick the Team Dark and Knuckles stories, specifically Shadow Fall, Total Eclipse and Shattered, with a special shout-out to The Silver Age.
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I really wish they could’ve done more with Silver, I genuinely liked his little storyline.
Also, speaking of wasted potential, the Reboot gave me another character I felt had potential.
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Yeah, Eclipse the Darkling. While I understand that some people are sick and tired of the Black Arms, I think that the plot of Eclipse fighting Shadow, not only to get revenge on him, but also for his own survival, could’ve been expanded on.
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After all, this is an alien whose entire race had been destroyed, the only other surviving member being his “brother” Shadow, who is his enemy. He is left trying to fend off for himself while taking care of the Dark Arms (basically, genetically corrupted Wisps). It’s... kind of depressing to see him struggle, even if he is an alien who wants to enslave humanity to feed off them. I would’ve really loved to see more of him.
Another highlight of Team Dark and Knuckles teaming up for me was the interactions between Shadow and Knuckles... mainly them being too stubborn to care and just ending up fighting against each other, which resulted in a lot of fun moments, like them saving each other from drowning, taking a moment to recover, then resuming their fight.
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Not to mention, Rouge basically acting as if she’s a mother scolding her two bickering children (when she doesn’t turn into Bean and gets distracted by shiny jewels).
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I swear, those expressions are hilarious. They know that they messed up, but are too hard-headed to admit anything. Also, special mention to anything Omega says; he was absolutely hilarious. 
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The last story I have read was The Case of the Pirate Princess, where the Chaotix are hired by Echo the Dolphin to track down the missing Princess Undina, only to run into pirates. It’s a fun story, with the kicker being that they had hoped for a royal pay... only to get peanuts.
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Well, and that’s it. I had managed to read through the Sonic Archie Comics and give my opinion of them. It had its good moments, it had its bad moments... and it had some really awful moments and wasted potential.
Now that I’m done, I will finally move on to IDW and one thing I’m not looking forward to is how the Sega mandates have affected the comics (especially Shadow’s character).
The Return To Sonic The Hedgehog
My opinion of Sonic (Archie) up until the Reboot.
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