#specifically that little spat they have on the bridge during electros fight you know
snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
hi. i would like to hear about the new spider nance concept.
hi rj! ask and ye shall receive!
so, in the updated spider-nance universe, nearly everything has been scrapped from the original. in the original, it was going to be a very standard spidey origin story. nancy was going to become the spider-woman, there was a super secret spy that escaped (eleven) and that would've brought robin onto team spidey. ultimately, too convoluted and i hate writing origin stories, especially with one as well known as spider-man's.
HOWEVER in the updated spidey-nance universe, nancy has already been the spider-woman for a while now. except, she hasn't been seen in years. not after that night with the goblin and barb. (picture barb's death as a TASM2 style death.) and after that, the goblin is defeated. nancy leaves the mask behind and walks away from it all. no more spider-woman.
nancy's in college now too (somewhere between her junior and senior year, havent really pinned that one down yet) just trying to get her degree in journalism like she'd originally planned. except life uhhhh finds a way. there's a new goblin--one who knows nancy, or at least, knows of her past-- and is actively trying to make nancy's life a living hell, almost five years later.
enter-- robin buckley, nosy, yet equally concerned, neighbor. who, nancy will learn, is incredibly smart, and becomes the official team spidey codebreaker.
nancy can't let herself get to close to her though (because, you know) but finds herself failing. nancy is drawn to robin, no matter what. which means robin is a liability, which means she cannot know nancy's secret. ever.
of course, robin will eventually find out (it's one of the very few scenes i kept from the original concept). and robin is stubborn, too, just like barb was. (wonder what will happen there...)
that's the gist of it, basically. in my mind nancy as the spider-woman does not have the same morals as peter parker, which is what makes her so interesting (and difficult) to write. like sure, she gets the whole power and responsibility thing, but i think after barb's death, she'd walk away from being spider-woman because her job would be done. the goblin is defeated. (how he was defeated...we may never know) and in college too i don't think she fully gives up the whole superhero thing. she's not the spider-woman anymore, but she protects girls from creepy guys following them home and stuff, ya know? (also nancy still has her guns. in no universe does she not own a gun.) i'm still on the fence if i wanna add some upside down things to this, mostly because i don't know where it would go, but also, i think it would be really cool to see spider-nance go up against the demogorgon.
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