#specifically they ask 'point and flex feet about 10 times in an hour to help blood flow'
fucking-relax · 2 years
point and flex your feet ten times or until satisfied,
rotate your ankles in each direction ten times in each direction or until satisfied,
give 'em a little shake!
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btswishes · 5 years
Are you for real?
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Kihyun  (Vampire Au)
Part1 / Next
A/N:  Thank you for reading my stuff, I appreciate it extremely. I tried to put a twist on this a bit, hope you enjoy it Anony and sorry for any mistakes made.
Requested by: Anonymous 
Request: “ Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Kihyun vampire au? It can honestly be about anything! I love your work btw!  “
Word count:   2,304
Warnings: Swear words, blood, organs mention of death.
  The moon slowly rose from it’s place of slumber and illuminated the world underneath in a silver light. The night birds stepped into their spotlight and began singing the songs of their kind, accompanied by the gentle rustling of the leaves and the howling winter winds.
  You mumbled something under your nose, before slamming the books shut and stretching your back a bit. After a few small cracks ,you took off your reading glasses and looked outside the window.Night had fallen and you hadn’t even noticed where all those hours went.
  Studying for today was finished and you were swirling on the chair, thinking what to do now with your free time. You could watch\read something or just lay on the bed at stare at the ceiling for sometime. Not many good ideas where popping into your head ,when a pretty silent knock stopped your movement.
“Yes?” you said loud ,as the door opened with permission  
“You done with studying?” your mom asked noticing all the closed books and your kinda empty stare at the wall. 
“Pretty much yeah.” you could see a small piece of paper in her hand fluttering from the outside wind coming in through the open window “You want me to get something?”
“Yes.I am running low on a few things.” she explained, passing over the list
“Where is dad?” usually he was the errand boy for small stuff that didn’t need a lot of thinking or choice
“Your dad decided to show your brother a move and I think he broke his back. He will ok tho, just needs some time to get back on his feet....literally” your mother was obviously trying to suppress a laugh so strong it could shake the whole house.”Can you go?” You scanned everything from number 1 to number 10 fast and decided that it wasn’t something that will take a long time to get and you had nothing else to do anyways.
“Ok. The store is pretty close anyways, a few minute walk.” you jumped off the chair and walked over to your closet putting on some pants, a warm shirt and your hair in a high bun on top of your hair. 
  Going down the stairs you saw your dad on the couch, face down and ice on his back. You wanted to laugh too but kept your cool out of respect. Popping some shoes on you fixed your coat making sure you were nice and isolated.
“I can go get the stuff you know.” you were stopped by your brother, who as always was concerned about you.
“It’s ok Hae. “ unlocking the door ,you threw the shopping bag on your shoulder
“I can come with you! Muscle power.” he was trying to flex but you were already locking the door at this point. It wasn’t anything new to you, he has always been like this since day one. 
  The night was cold and you were nuzzling yourself into the coat, trying to stay as warm as you could. Both your hands were in your pockets trying not to fall off from the freezing temperatures. Everything around was pretty quiet and peaceful.Most people were already in their homes, trying to warm up and spend time with loved ones. It was Christmas and New Years week after all.
  From time to time someone would pass by you, but you weren’t fazed much by it. Humans lived on Earth after all. Of course some people walking were a bit sketchy and all, but you weren’t that worried. There have been sightings of some strange creature lately in your city, but this isn’t some kind of horror movie you were in, so you didn’t think much of the poster that pulled your attention for a split second.
  The supermarket was  illuminating the street in front of it so well ,you could almost see the snowflakes as they crackled under your boots. Stepping in the warm space, you grabbed a basket and went around searching for the items on the small list. It didn’t take long before you had almost everything in the basket, the only thing missing was the meat.
  You walked up to the section and began telling the worker what you needed. Your mom was very specific when it came to meat in your family. After some time the lady working behind the glass section passed over everything you had asked for. You wished her a happy week and went on your marry way. 
“Ok so, I have milk, eggs, the veggies and meat and.....oh liver, liver.I almost forgot the liver.” the paper went back in your pocket as you were once more running around in search of number 10. “Aha!” you gasped when the little packet caught your eye from the distance. You were so happy that you started running in its direction. There was a small moment where you hit something and fell back. Everything happened in a matter of seconds, but what you figured out was that the boy holding onto your hand, pulled you in time before you hit the hard floor.
  He had an intense stare that wasn’t moving away from your face. His grip was pretty strong and starting to hurt. The boy felt you flinch and let go.
“Are you ok?” he asked with a serious tone in his voice.
“Ah yes. I am sorry, I shouldn’t have been running in the first place.” you said sorry for the whole incident and reached out to grab a packet of liver. 
“You really seem to like...meat.” he was looking at the bags upon bags of it in your basket 
“It’s not only for me, my family eats it too.” the boy nodded, his eyes locked on your face “I am really sorry again for the mess I made.Have a goodnight.” you bowed a bit and snaked around the aisles. 
  It was pretty late, so not many people were at the cash registers. You placed everything in the bags and payed fast. Being around so much food made you pretty hungry. Stepping out of the supermarket ,you were hit by the cold air again. You had forgotten that it was winter for a second.Looking up at the moon you were able to clearly see your breath like small clouds disintegrating into the atmosphere.
“Going home?” you heard that familiar voice   
“Yes, have a good night.” the boy was standing close to you, with his hands in his pocked and surprisingly lightly dressed for the season you were in. You were giving him short answers. The boy was very handsome, his hair was dark and his eyes an interesting almost black tint mixed in with mystery. His skin was fairly pale and in a way there was something a bit unsettling.He didn’t seem bad, but at the same time not trust wordy in a way. Unknowingly to you, he had taken a liking to your existence. He was quite close when you felt his breath on your neck. You almost jumped when he grabbed you by the waist. 
“Wait, don’t move.” in his hand he had a small insect that had fallen onto you from a tree “I didn’t want to scare you, sorry.” he was painfully close and his eyes were fixed at certain points of your body, eyes and neck. In moment of shock you had dropped the bags, so he pulled them up, his head grassing onto your skin for a split second. Grabbing them tight you said a thank you and a goodbye almost at the same time, as you started walking in the direction of your house. The boy staid in the same spot and you could feel the intense stare he was giving you.
  It didn’t take you long to calm down and soon your walking pattern became slow. You fixed the shopping bags in your palm, moving them in a more comfortable position. The night had become darker and more cold than you remembered. The streets were empty and your only company at this point were the lights trying to keep the darkness away from the town. There weren’t people in sight and even the cats and dogs were hiding somewhere warm. 
  Yet you couldn’t shake this feel of being a sitting duck at this very moment. You felt a few chills run down your spine, but shook them away thinking it was the cold. They began from the back of your head, tingling to your ears and down your spine, coaxing a twitch in your neck. You sucked air in your might through your closed teeth ,as you rubbed the skin on the back of your neck, trying to calm the sudden jolt you had.You felt uneasy as if you were being watched and or followed, but there was no one around you or behind you. Then again it was pretty dark and you never know where one could be hiding. Your house wasn’t far from here and you had only 5 more minutes or so till you reached the front door. 
  In a way it felt calming knowing that you were almost home. Stopping on the step, you started fiddling in your pocket, trying to find the key to the front door. Even if you were relaxed that chill was still present in your body, like you were still being watched. For a second it felt like something cold was close, reaching towards your neck ,when the door opened wide and your brother grabbed the bags out of your hands.
“I was about to go and find you.Took you long enough.” he pulled you in and locked the door behind you. Your brother saw how much you were freezing and helped you take off your coat. “Where did you scratch yourself?” he pointed out the small red line of the back of your neck. You touched the spot and remembered the small insect that was apparently on you.
“There was a bug on me earlier, maybe the little thing bit me.” you shrugged your shoulders before your mom pulled out some ointment. 
  Dinner was normal, nothing special. You had a nice talk with your family.Afterwards your dad and mom sat on the couch to watch something on TV, while you and your brother get ready for bed. During your shower a stinging sensation took over the small scratch on your neck. You ran your fingers over it again, but payed it no attention as it was going to heal soon anyways. Wrapping a towel around you and stepping out of the bathroom, you called your brother to inform him that you were all done.
  Your room was nice and warm thanks to the heater, so you were able to comfortably take your towel off and get dressed without feeling like you are going to freeze to death. After brushing your hair and doing your night time routine, you were ready for bed. You had this habit where when you weren’t tired yet, you would turn on your nightlight and sit in bed, looking at your phone, reading something or just thinking about random things. It was nice to just listen to the sounds of nature. You could hear the wind moving the trees and bushes around, the flutters of small nighttime birds enjoying their life and also random sounds that are a bit similar to foot steps and also the smell of winter, wait....go back a bit!
  Your body stood up and froze with your back facing the wide open window. Sounds were mixing in with each other, making it a bit hard to identify which was what. You took a deep breath and pulled yourself off the soft bedding. It took a few seconds before you turned around standing face to face with the small square leading to the outside. Your room was in the back of the house that was opened to a very big field like garden. As much as you didn’t want to, you peeked a bit outside to see what could be making the sounds. Usually a lot of small creatures would pass by and deep down you thought that if maybe you saw one of them it would calm you down and let you sleep calmly. 
  There was nothing next to the house. You should have been happy, but then again something had to be making those sounds and it wasn’t something simple. You didn’t hesitate to close the window shut and pull the curtains as far as they could go.
  The warm bed welcomed you triumphantly, as it’s hands pulled you into a warm and long awaited hug.Almost instantaneously you drifted off into sleep. Your dreams were normal with the occasional appearance of that boy from the supermarket.He looked different this time around, his almost pitch black eyes and blood-red lips were contrasting his pale skin. He looked lifeless on more than one level, yet there was a prominent existence around him. You clearly saw a small talisman dangling on a chain around his neck, almost like a necklace. For a moment during your dream you could hear his deep voice. 
  Your eyes shot open and you found yourself welcomed by the morning rays. The sun warmed up your skin and the sound of birds calmed you down. You stretched your arms and took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air. Jumping out of bed ,you put on your slippers and grabbed the door handle, when your foot hit something small. Almost without a thought you looked down seeing a shining metal object.
“Hm?” your fingers quickly retrieved the material and let your eyes scan over it.It looked like a lock.As you were holding it, your mind went blank.Your body turned around slowly towards the room. 
 The curtains were pushed back.
                    The window was open.
                               The lock was in your hand.
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snuggietuan · 6 years
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Word Count: 1817
Your life was actually so boring. Going through the same routine as always. Wake up, go to school, go to work, sleep. You were getting tired of your boring ass life and you needed something new. Your parents pressured you into going to this specific college and you were so broke. You were barely getting by after paying for rent and taking care of yourself. It was hard to find time for yourself since you were so caught up in school and working for money.
Your alarm went off, stealing you away from the dream world you were in. You had always dreamed to get a stable job, a nice boyfriend, and maybe get married and having kids. But life was looking the complete opposite of that. You found your phone buried under your pillow and hurry and tapped snooze. It wouldn’t hurt to sleep in for at least another 10 minutes right?
10 minutes later, the annoying ringtone went off again and you set yourself up in bed, wiping your eyes and turning the alarm off. You headed to the bathroom and did the normal routine. Brushed them pearly whites, and got in the shower. This was your only time to mentally prepare yourself for the day.
You wrapped a towel around your body and rushed back to your room to get dressed. You just threw on some leggings and a sweater since the weather was starting to cool down a bit. You rarely ever did your makeup in the morning since you could come home and make yourself look presentable for work.
You grabbed your bags and books and headed out the door, walking to the campus that was near your apartment. It was rainy today which meant you had to carry an umbrella and avoid puddles. This was one of the disadvantages of your roommate having earlier classes than you. She took the car and left you to walk.
You arrived at your class, your socks almost completely soaked from accidentally stepping in puddles. Your day was already starting out terrible. You paid close attention to your professor's lectures but you somehow always drifted off into a daydream. 
You got your phone out from your bag and texted your roommate, you know, the one with the car?
You: Hey. I hate to be a bother but it’s raining and my feet are already soaked. Would it be too much to ask for a ride home?
You drew your attention back to the monitor your professor was teaching on. A few minutes later your phone vibrated
Cassidy: Sure it’s no problem. I would drive you to work but I have a date to catch. I’ll leave you a bus card.
You hated riding the bus, but it was better than no ride at all.
You: Sounds good. I’ll see you then!
You tucked your phone into your pocket and looked at the time on your laptop. You had barely 10 minutes left and you had to make it through it.
You put your laptop in the case and grabbed all your things and made your way to the entrance. You stood under a shelter for 5 minutes until you saw Cassidy’s car pull up. You hurried to open the door since it was pouring down.
She dropped you off at the apartment and you sprinted to your room to get ready for work. You worked at quite an expensive jewelry store so the employers did not have any time for trashy looking employees. You dried your hair and straightened it and put on some heavy makeup. You threw on some jewelry that your mother let you have from her collection and put on a form-fitting dress.
You snatched the bus card that Cassidy left you from the kitchen table and grabbed your purse and umbrella. You made your way to the bus stop that was near your place in 4-inch heels, and it was an understatement that your feet were already starting to hurt. They were not ready for this 4-hour shift you were about to work.
All was going well at work. You assisted a lovely couple looking for wedding bands. They looked absolutely cute and how you dreamed of having a man be so good to you. But then there was also your co-worker who could not go an entire shift without flirting with you. He probably thought you would never catch on to him, but you saw right through him. And your legs felt like they could give out at any moment.
The doorbell on the entrance rang and you whipped your head around to get a view of the customer. You were destined to assist the guy and beat your co-worker to it. You tried to keep a good posture with your aching feet as you made your way to the man.
“Good evening sir, are you interested in any engagement rings? We have a sale goi-” You began to start the staged introduction until the man cut you off.
“Actually I’m just looking for watches, you know, for myself.” He smiled awkwardly.
God damn it Y/N. Always fucking assuming that every guy that walks into the damn jewelry store is looking for a ring.
“My apologies. Here, I’ll show you our finest watches.”
He smiled and you led him to the other side of the store to show him what he was looking for. You showed him the silver watches and some that were on sale. There was absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself. Damn you should probably take notes.
“What do you think would look good?” He asked you, pointing to one of the more expensive watches, and then pointing at a silver watch on sale.
You smiled and grabbed for the key attached to your wrist to unlock the glass display. “Why don’t we find out?”
You grabbed for the watches he pointed out to you and he tried them on and you could tell he was very pleased. He put one on his right wrist and one on his left to really tell the difference.
“Which one do you think looks better?” He asked you as he flexed his left arm, and then the right.
You put your index finger up to your lips and thought about it.
“Well, I think the expensive one makes you glow a ton. But if you’re on a budget then I would suggest you buy that one.”
“Would you buy this one for your boyfriend?” He questioned you on the spot. It made you a bit flustered, but it would be pretty rude of you to ignore a customer.
“Definitely, if I had one.” You smiled awkwardly at him, but it was just the truth.
“I’ll get this one then” Damn it must be nice to have money in your wallet to treat yourself.
“Excellent! Will that be all you’re looking for today” You asked him as you put the watches back into the display and locked it up.
“Yup that’s all”
“Okay well meet me at the first register and I’ll be back with your watch” You smiled brightly. You ran to the back of the store to fish for the watch he picked out. You came back and helped him pay for everything.
“I think I’ll just look a while longer, thank you though!” He smiled and carried his shopping bag around the store, admiring all the pieces. You heard the doorbell again and your co-worker was making his way out, pulling out a cigarette box. You sighed and followed him outside where he was leaned up against the building, lighting his cigar.
“Do you mind sharing?” You asked him. It had been a while since you smoked, but it wasn’t like you were gonna get addicted or anything, you just needed a chill pill.
He smirked and pulled out a stick for you, you stuck it in your mouth and lit the end for you. You inhaled and immediately started coughing.
“This is exactly why I don’t smoke” You sneered.
“Don’t be an ass” You punched his shoulder and continued smoking the cigar.
“So Y/N, you still single?” He questioned you.
“Don’t you ask me this every shift we have together?” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Cmon Y/N, why won’t you go out with me? Just one date!”
“That’s not how you get a date, Daniel, you have to be way nicer than that”
“Fine. Will you go out on a date with me please?” He asked again, softening his voice as he popped the question.
Suddenly he was all up in your face. You could practically smell the pack of cigars he smoked throughout the day.
“Why are you being so stubborn? I have the looks, the potential to be your boyfriend, you just don’t wanna commit to a rel-”
“Hey, why don’t you get out of her face?” A man yelled from the distance, cutting Daniel off. You turned your head to the side to see the man you assisted earlier. That’s when he backed away and walked over to the guy.
“I was actually just returning to my duty.” He inhaled his cigar and blew it right into the man's face, but he did not move a muscle. Daniel took his cigarette out of his mouth and threw it on the ground, smashing it with his shoe, and walking back into the store.
The man walked to you and his expression told you that he was sincerely worried for you.
“Are you okay? That guy seemed like a dick.” He comforted you.
“I’ll be fine” You brushed your fingers through your hair and pulled the end of your dress down, throwing your nasty cigar onto the ground and stomping on it.
“I apologize. You didn’t need to see that.”
“It’s not your fault, who knows what he would have done if I hadn’t come out.”
You seriously didn’t know what else to say. You knew Daniel was a cocky bastard that would constantly flirt with you on shifts, no matter how many times you rejected him, but you never expected him to get up in your bubble.
“I should probably head back to my job. I hope you enjoy your watch.” You started making your way to the front door until the boy stopped you.
He took a random piece of paper out of his wallet and started writing something down.
“Here take this. You can text me when you get home if you want. It’ll make me feel better if I know you made it home.” He smiled softly and perhaps your heart skipped a beat. A man, actually sincerely showing concern for you. Fuck.
You hesitantly took the paper and nodded.
“What’s your name?” You asked him, needing to know the name of the man that basically saved your ass.
“Kunpimook. But really though, call me BamBam”
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mldrgrl · 7 years
Not Again: Part 2
by: mldrgrl Rating: PG13 Summary: See Part 1
Part 2: Returned Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13, Day 31:
Scully is fully aware she’s dreaming.  She’s watching herself from across Mulder’s room - watching her and Mulder, actually.  They are laughing, trying to kiss at the same time, but the height difference is hindering them.  Instead of being frustrated by it, they’re laughing, lips missing their target repeatedly.  It doesn’t help that while Mulder is trying to bend his neck towards her, she’s trying to pull his t-shirt off.  Hers is already gone.  She’s barefoot, in dark slacks and a white bra.  
Mulder stumbles back as she yanks his shirt over his head.  He lands in a seated position on his bed, still laughing.  He says something, but she can’t understand his words.  Whatever it is, it makes her laugh and she straddles his lap, one knee down on the bed at a time.  He squeezes her backside and she pushes his shoulders down so that he moves down to his back, staring up at her.  She shimmies backwards and off of him.  He groans and moves up on his elbows.
She unbuttons her pants, smirking at him as she wiggles them off her hips and then steps out of them once they fall.  She pushes his knees apart and steps into the vee of his legs as he flops onto his back again.  She murmurs something that makes him laugh and then she grips the waistline of his jeans, sliding her fingers under the edge.  The backs of her knuckles brush his abdomen.  His muscles clench, but he laughs.
When he starts to grope for her hip, she frees one hand and slaps at his wrist as she unsnaps his pants with her thumb.  The next instant, she’s startled when he makes a grab for her and pulls her up onto the bed and looms over her.  She startles him right back by reaching down and cupping him through his jeans, arching her back up so one of her breasts brushes the side of his arm.
He pins her to the bed with a kiss as she works his zipper down.  She uses her thighs, her knees, and then her feet, to push his jeans over and off his hips.  The whole time she’s stripping him, she doesn’t stop stroking him.  His body moves lower so that he can rub his hips against hers and they both groan softly.
She takes the upper hand again, pushing him up and then onto his back again.  She stands on her knees over his hips, reaching back to unhook her bra.  Quickly, he pushes his boxers down to his thighs.  Her impatience is obvious by how hastily she pulls her panties to one side and then sinks down onto him.
They both sigh and she tips her head back, mouth open.  He rubs the tops of her thighs encouragingly.  Their rhythm isn’t slow, nor is it frantic.  It’s practiced and assured.  Mulder’s hands slowly creep up her thighs to her hips, to her sides, and then to her breasts.  She leans forward into his touch, bracing herself with her hands on his chest.
Scully is no longer a spectator, she’s back in her body, looking down at Mulder from the curtain of her hair as it swings past her cheeks.  He’s looking at her like he’s awestruck, like a child who’s just received everything he wanted at Christmas.  It makes her blush and shiver from head to toe.
She wakes with a small gasp, not from pleasure, but from pain.  It comes over her like it did the night before, from her back to her middle, but with a bit more intensity.  She feels like her insides are being squeezed just below both points of her hips and there’s a sense of pressure bearing down on her.  All at once it abates and she feels like she can breathe again.  She looks at the clock.  It’s not yet six.
Outside, the sky is grey and pink, but they’re driving away from the sunset, headed west.  Agent Reyes is driving.  Mulder is asleep in the passenger seat in front of her.  She shifts, clutching the underside of her belly to help steady herself as she sits more upright.
“Good morning,” Agent Reyes says quietly.
“Where are we?” she asks.
“In Georgia.  About two hours away from where we’re headed.”
“Where are we headed?”
“Democrat Hot Springs.”
“I’ve never heard of it.”
“That’s the idea.”  Agent Reyes smiles into the rear-view mirror.
Scully rubs top of her belly and watches trees and grass and dirt pass by.  There doesn’t seem to be anything around for miles.  When the pain grips her again, she looks at the clock.  Eight minutes have gone by.  She closes her eyes and tries not to look like she’s so obviously controlling her breathing.
In her mind, she’s back in the dream state, but also back in time.  She’s on the couch with Mulder, carefully maneuvering a beer bottle from one hand to the other as he lowers her back to the cushions.  She laughs as he licks her neck and her shoulders jerk softly.  He reaches down and tickles her sides so that she nearly drops the beer bottle.  He takes it from her hand and kneels over her to rest it on the coffee table next to a bowl of popcorn.
He hunches over, sliding his hands under her white, long sleeved shirt and inching it up her waist as he kisses her.  Her ribs shake with more laughter and she turns her head towards the TV.  They’re watching a golf tournament.  Her shirt comes up over her head and she stretches her arms up so Mulder can peel it off.
His mouth moves over her neck and chest and belly.  She chuckles and brings his face back up to her.  Her lips move - take me to bed.  He slides his arm under her back and pulls her up as he stands.
They both laugh as she trips and hops out of one shoe and then the other.  He’s trying to catch her hips, but she keeps batting him away, twisting to walk backwards into his room, but then spinning around so she’s behind him and he turns to try to catch her again.
“Dana, are you alright?” Agent Reyes asks.
Scully opens her eyes.  She’s no longer in pain, but there are tears leaking out from the corners of her eyes.  In that moment, she realizes something.  Every time she’s been in pain since she’s been back, it pushes a memory to the forefront of her mind.  It wasn’t just an erotic dream she’d been having, it was real.  The moment existed.  And she was happy.
“I’m fine,” Scully says.
She has four minutes to go until the eight minute mark and another contraction might hit her.  She won’t say anything until they make it to Democrat Hot Springs, but she’s fairly certain she’s in labor.  She’s also fairly certain neither Mulder or Agent Reyes have ever delivered a baby.  One of them is going to have to learn.
Before they arrive in Democrat Hot Springs, Scully has lost count of the contractions she’s had.  They’re down to six minutes apart.  She’s also been able to remember a few other moments during that time - moments like Mulder sitting bare chested at her kitchen table while she sat on his lap in his dress shirt and fed him bites of ice cream from a carton, taking more for herself than she gave to him, but when he wasn’t eating the ice cream, he was nuzzling her neck and chest, which she preferred.  
She remembers a tense argument, though she doesn’t know what it was about.  She could see in their expressions that both of them were using harsh words at each other.  She turned her back on him at one point and when she tried to leave he wrapped his arms around her from behind and they stood like that for a long time.
She remembers coming to tell him the results of his mother’s autopsy and how she held him all night.
She remembers letting him treat her cuts and abrasions in the aftermath of Donnie Pfaster’s attack on her, but she doesn’t specifically remember the attack.  She remembers Mulder offering her his arms and his shoulder to cry on and that he’d held her all night.
Her mind keeps returning to the night in Mulder’s bed that started on the couch.  She keeps seeing his face as he looks at her.  Every time the memory becomes more tangible, like she can almost feel his hands on her hips or her breasts.  It helps her block out the pain of the contractions.
She’s two minutes out of a contraction when Agent Reyes turns the car onto a well-hidden lane and slows to compensate for the rocky dirt road that leads straight into an overgrown tangle of trees.  What’s left of the town they stop in is essentially abandoned wooden shacks.
“This is it,” Agent Reyes says, turning the car off.
“Think they have HBO?” Mulder quips.
Agent Reyes gives him a hint of a smile and then gets out of the car.  Mulder follows and opens the back door for Scully.  She’s slow to get out, but both Mulder and Reyes are scoping out the area and don’t notice how she much she uses the door for support.  By her count, she’s only a minute or less away from another contraction.
“What is this place?” Scully asks.
“John grew up nearby,” Reyes answers.  “He was born here actually.  According to him, this is where people used to come for the waters, until the springs dried up and they quit coming.  He thought it would be a safe place to lay low for a bit.”
Mulder is inspecting a water pump that stands in the center of the cluster of shacks.  The handle is stuck, but he works it free and raises and lowers the pump a few times.  Muddy water spills out, but runs clear the more he pumps.
Reyes pushes open the door to one of the shacks, the one that looks the largest of all the structures, and disappears inside.  Scully starts to feel the onset of a contraction and feigns stretching as an excuse to dig her fists into the pain in her back.  As she stands and watches Mulder pump water, she has the flash of another memory of him bent over his desk, shirtsleeves rolled up, pointing something out to her in a file, but she can only stare at the way the muscles in his forearms flex.  She remembers being shocked at herself for how tantalizing she found him to be.
“I think we can use the space in here,” Reyes calls, standing in the doorway of the shack she’d entered previously.  “There’s some furniture left behind and drop cloths.”
The pain having subsided a bit, Scully walks slowly towards the shack, keeping her hands at her back.  She has to take a deep breath before she moves up the single step onto the wooden porch and she knows her eyes betray the cool exterior she’s trying to project when she looks at Reyes.
“I didn’t want to say anything earlier, but I’m fairly certain I’m in labor,” Scully says, glancing over her shoulder.  She speaks quietly enough that only Reyes can hear her.  “Please don’t tell Mulder yet.  There isn’t much we can do about it right now.”
Reyes pulls her mouth tightly closed and nods.  It’s obvious she wants to say something, but Mulder is coming up behind them.
“The water seems okay,” he says.  “Maybe not to drink, but at least to wash with.”
“I’m gonna see what I can do to clean up in here,” Reyes says, turning from them both and retreating back into the shack.
“And I’m going to take a walk around the perimeter and check things out,” Mulder says, putting a hand on Scully’s back.  “You’ll be okay here?”
“Fine,” she says.  “Go ahead.”
Mulder kisses her cheek and then he walks away.  She ambles into the shack, mentally preparing herself for another contraction due shortly.
Six contractions later, Mulder comes back.  Scully is standing in the kitchen of the shack, in the midst of a contraction.  She’s bent over the lip of a cracked farmhouse sink filled with cobwebs.  She can’t stand straight and she can’t hide the pain any longer.
“How far apart are they?” Mulder asks.
“Four minutes,” she mutters.
Mulder sighs a little and pulls her hands from the sink, turning her so she is leaning against him.  She grits her teeth and squeezes his arms.  It’s like the slow dance position from birthing class, but it’s different when the pain is real and strong.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Mulder asks, rubbing his fist in a circle against her low back.
Scully doesn’t answer right away.  She’s currently inside the memory of washing dishes at her sink and of Mulder whirling her around and shuffling her around the room as she protests that her hands are wet.  Mulder says he doesn’t care and dances her around the table.  His grey t-shirt darkens with her handprints.
“Scully?” he asks.
“I didn’t want you to worry,” she says.
“You have to talk to me Scully.  Let me decide if I should worry or not.”
“The contractions are about four minutes apart now.”
“And what does that mean?”
“It means I’m in labor.”
“Should I take you to a hospital?”
“Do you believe what Krycek said?  Am I in danger?  Is the baby in danger?”
“I believe there is a threat.”
“Then you and Agent Reyes are going to need to be prepared to deliver this baby.”
“How long do we have?”
“I don’t know.  Hours, maybe.  Things will probably speed up after my water breaks.”
“I’m gonna trust you to tell me what you need.”
She closes her eyes for the next few moments and he sways with her, massaging the muscles in her back up and down along her spine.  Even though she’s not currently in a contraction, it still feels good.  It feels good just to be in his arms.
“You danced with me once in my kitchen,” she says.
“You remember that?”
Her belly tightens and a cramp hits her low in her pelvis.  A trickle of warm fluid slides down her leg and then rushes out in a burst.  She groans and Mulder steps back to look at her.
“My water just broke,” she says.
Mulder yells for Reyes.  Agent Reyes appears moments later, gun drawn.  She holsters the weapon when she sees there’s no threat present, but her eyes grow wide all the same.
“Scully’s water broke,” Mulder says.
“Um, okay,” Reyes answers.  “So, what do we do?”
“Mulder, go get the duffel bag,” Scully says.  “I need to...change clothes.  And I need to sit down.”
“I have a place for you,” Reyes says, putting her arm around Scully’s shoulders.  “Come.”
Scully gingerly follows Reyes to the other room and Mulder runs out to the car.  The dark and dusty room that Scully had walked through twenty minutes ago now looks brighter and almost passable as a room.  There is a wrought-iron bed in the corner with fresh sheets.  The drop cloths have been removed from the furniture and the floors and window are scrubbed clean.
“You did all this?” Scully asks, truly surprised at the transformation.
“I found the linen upstairs in a cabinet.  Candles too, if we need them later.  The dirt came off pretty easy.”
Scully takes a grip on the iron rail of the bed and smiles appreciatively.  “Since you seem capable in a crisis,” she says.  “I’m going to probably need to rely on you more than Mulder.”
“I don’t consider the situation a crisis, though it’s certainly not ideal.  Staying calm is the best we can do.  It’s too bad we don’t have any mood music.  Whale song would be perfect.”
“Whale song?”
Mulder comes back into the shack with the duffel bag as Reyes is making low moaning noises through her nose.  He looks at Scully and raises his brows.
“Whale song,” Scully tells him.
“They’ve got recordings of whales talking back and forth to each other,” Reyes says.  “When you listen to it…”  She closes her eyes and smiles.  “It’s almost, I don’t know, metaphysical.”
Reyes makes a few more whale noises as Mulder quietly crosses the room to hand Scully the duffel bag.  He keeps his brows raised and takes a sidelong glance at Reyes as he passes by.  Reyes opens her eyes again.
“You guys are looking at me like I’m some kind of goof,” Reyes says, but she’s smiling.
“No,” Scully answers, taking the bag from Mulder.  “No, I was just thinking that you remind me of someone.  My sister.”
“Oh, I thought you only had brothers.”
“She was killed about five years ago.  She would’ve appreciated the whale song, I’m sure.”
“I’m gonna get some more water,” Reyes says.  “Well probably need it.  Mulder, I was thinking about trying to get that wood burning stove over there a try, but I need wood.”
“I’ll get it,” he says.
“I’ve got a lighter in the car.”
Scully is left on her own to change and to bear the next contraction which is not far off.
By mid-afternoon, there’s been no real change in how Scully feels or in the progression of labor.  Her contractions last just slightly longer and are just slightly stronger, but they’re bearable.  She’s walked the length of the shack countless times.  The walking seems to help.  In the corner, a fire burns quietly inside the stove.  It makes the room a bit stuffy, but they need it to boil water to sanitize some equipment.
When she found out that Mulder had packed her medical bag in the duffel, Scully could have wept for joy.  There are enough instruments and supplies in there to give her more peace of mind when she thinks about what will need to be done in the coming hours.  She’s already used the stethoscope several times to try to listen to baby’s heartbeat and make sure it’s not too quick or too slow.
Scully’s emotions have been all over the board.  She’s had moments of extreme confidence that the delivery will go smoothly and everything will be okay and she’s also had moments where she’s wanted to break down and cry about everything that could go wrong.  She’s been angry and annoyed at Mulder for dragging her out here and she’s also been grateful and appreciative of his willingness to keep her and the baby safe at all costs.  She’s been energetic and tired and weepy and joyful and talkative and sullen, all in the expanse of seven hours.
“Why don’t you try a nap?” Mulder asks.  He’s been pacing with her for the last twenty minutes, letting her lean on him when she has to.
“How can I nap now?” she responds, rolling her eyes a little at the suggestion.
“One of the pregnancy books I was reading said-”
“What pregnancy book?  When were you reading pregnancy books?”
“I’ve read three or four.  Anyway, one of them said you should try napping.  Or at least laying on your left side.  I can massage you.”
“I don’t want a massage.”
“Okay, well why don’t you try at least laying down?”
Scully sighs and turns so she can shuffle over to the bed.  Mulder helps her crawl up and she lays herself down on her left side.  It does alleviate some of the pain from her back, but it feels like there’s still a knot low by her tailbone.  Mulder adjusts one of the sheets over her.
“On second thought,” she says.  “I think a massage might be nice.”
“Where do you want me?” he asks, flexing and wiggling his fingers.
“Low back.”
Mulder maneuvers himself up onto the bed and in a position he can rub her back effectively.  She sighs gratefully and closes her eyes.
“I’m sorry I got you into this, Scully,” he says.
“You didn’t get me into anything,” she murmurs.  
“Except for the whole knocking you up part.”
Scully opens her eyes a crack and gives him a little smile.  Mulder smiles back and reaches up to push her hair back over her ear.  She closes her eyes again and takes a few deep breaths.  
“Everything okay?” he asks.
“I’m fine.  I’m just...every time I’ve had a contraction, I feel like it’s pushing some memories to the surface.”
“Like what?”
“Like dancing with you in my kitchen.  Like waking up on your couch under your blanket and going into your room to tell you I was cold.  Like my hand on your thigh while we watched a movie, most definitely making a move.”
Mulder grins.  “That’s like all our greatest hits right there.”
“What about a time in your apartment watching a golf tournament.”
“A golf tournament?”
“You made me laugh.  I tried not to spill a beer.  We ended up in bed.”
“My mind keeps coming back to it.  I just keep seeing your face and...and I know how it makes me feel, but I keep thinking I’m missing something.”
“How does it make you feel?”
Mulder is quiet.  He changes his position slightly and uses his other hand to keep massaging.  She grimaces and internally chastises herself for not being completely honest with him.
“In love,” she whispers.  “I know that I was in love with you in the moment I looked down at you, but your lips are moving and I don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I told you I loved you for the first time.”
Scully breathes deeply, in and out, three times and then squeezes her eyes closed a little tighter against the tears she feels building.
“That night was different for other reasons though,” he says.  “It felt different.  It felt like walking into a room and knowing someone’s there, but you can’t see them.”
“I don’t know what you mean by that.”
“We weren’t watching a golf tournament, we were watching Caddyshack.  Just about nine months ago.”
“You think that’s when we conceived?”
“I know it.  I felt it.”
He says it so assuredly that it almost takes Scully’s breath away.  “That’s what you believe?” she asks.
“I do.”
“I...would like to believe.”
“How are you feeling, Scully?  Is there anything I can do?”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” she whispers.  She concentrates on her breathing and manages to fall into a light doze.
It’s dark when Scully wakes, pulled from sleep by what sounds like the slam of a door.  Something smells like it’s burning and she sees soft plumes of smoke swirling around the shack in a few places.  The woodburning stove still crackles.
“Stay quiet,” Mulder whispers.  She can’t see him, but he’s somewhere across the room by the sound of his voice.
She wants to ask what’s happening, but if Mulder thinks she needs to be quiet, she’ll be quiet.  She sees Reyes’ silhouette by the window, clutching her gun with both hands, pointed at the floor.
“It’s an officer,” Reyes whispers.  “A woman.  She’s using a flashlight to look inside the car.”
“I’ll go,” Mulder whispers back.
“Mulder,” Scully pleads.  “Don’t do anything rash.”
“No, I’ll go,” Reyes responds.  “I’ll see what she wants and try to keep her away from here.”
“I’m staying right by this door,” Mulder whispers.  “I’ve got your back.”
Reyes holsters her weapon and Scully watches her slowly push open the door, keeping her hands up and visible.  She closes the door behind her.  Scully can’t hear what’s being said, but she finally sees Mulder, crouched low at the side of the door with his back to the wall, head turned so he can have a view out the window.
“What’s happening?” Scully finally whispers.
“Not sure,” he answers.  “Reyes has her back to me.  I can’t see the other woman.”
A contraction, the likes of which Scully hasn’t experienced before in terms of pain, seizes her suddenly and she whimpers, nearly crying out.  She has to bite her lip to endure it and even the burst of the new memory of drawing blood and running her own pregnancy test can’t blot out the intense cramping and pressure she feels in her pelvis.
“Scully?” Mulder whispers.
She can’t answer, she can only whimper and gasp for breath.  All at once, she’s overcome with the urge to push.  She hears Mulder sliding across the floor, staying low to the ground.
“What’s wrong, Scully?”
“I have to push,” she breathes.
“Oh, God.  Okay, okay.”
Scully peels the leggings she’d changed into off her legs and then Mulder helps her to sit up on the bed.  He also helps her scoot back so she can lean against the wall and covers her with the sheet.  She clutches her stomach, breathing swiftly.  Her face grows damp with sweat almost immediately.  The contraction abates, but the effects linger on.
Outside, six shots are fired in quick succession and then silence.  Scully feels like she can barely breathe.  Mulder mutters an obscenity under his breath and lets go of her.  She props herself up with one hand, but her arm feels weak and she whimpers again.
Torn in two, Mulder hesitates, he stretches his head up to try to peer out the window across the room, but then finally goes back to Scully and holds her up again.
“I’m sorry,” she breathes out.
“It’s okay,” he says.  “I’ve got you.”
In the next instant, the door bursts open and Reyes stumbles inside, followed by the dark figure of a woman with a shotgun.  Scully growls in pain as the cramping pressure builds again and can’t stop herself from pushing.  Her fingers clutch for purchase of something and she ends up clutching the sleeve of Mulder’s shirt.
“I’m a federal agent,” Mulder yells.  “Put your gun down and don’t come any closer.”
Scully can feel Mulder slowly reaching for his weapon and she digs her nails into his arm.  Agent Reyes already fired six shots and now she’s being pushed to her knees by the woman behind her with the barrel of the shotgun.  With what little light that streams in from the open door, Scully can see that Reyes is bleeding from the side of her head, somewhere along her left temple.  She needs Mulder too much right now for him to do something rash.
“Agent Reyes?” Scully asks through gritted teeth.  “Monica?”
“They’re here,” Reyes pants, each breath sounding like an exertion on her ribs.  “I can’t stop them.”
“Who’s here?” Mulder asks.  “Who are you?”
“What do you want?” Scully moans.
“This baby will be born tonight,” the woman says, voice rough and deep.  “And we will witness it.”
“You’re not witnessing a damn thing!” Mulder screams.  “Get the hell out of here!”
“Oh, God,” Scully moans, drawing her knees up close to her chest and pushing through the pain.  She can feel the baby move down and then recede with the end of a contraction.  
The woman lowers the shotgun to prod Reyes in the shoulder.  “You,” she says.  “Assist.”
“We need to relight the candles,” Reyes murmurs, crawling across the floor.  
Another contraction rolls through Scully’s body and she feels like her insides are being crushed by the amount of pressure she feels.  She groans through a clenched jaw and squeezes her eyes shut.  She can hear Mulder calling her name, but she can’t speak, only bear down and crush his fingers in her hand.
When the contraction ends, she expels a harsh breath and opens her eyes, feeling dizzy.  Another figure has appeared in the doorway, standing beside the woman with the shotgun.  She moans again, this time more out of fear than pain.  The second figure steps into the room and moves aside and another figure follows, then another, and another.  
Reyes has been attempting to light the candles with shaking fingers.  She can’t get the lighter to work and it sparks, but doesn’t catch.  Blood is oozing down her temple and cheek and dripping from her chin.  She looks woozy and unstable.  Finally, she’s able to get the flame to work and she lights two candles close to the bed.
More people, if Scully can call them them, start filling the shack with their grim, stoic faces.  There’s got to be at least twenty of them, edging closer to the bed each time another arrives.  So many bodies pressed together makes the room feel airless and Scully claustrophobic.  Mulder is tense and agitated next to her.  She can feel his need to leap up, to fight, but she keeps him beside her with a bone-crushing grip on his hand even though she can barely breathe.
The last to arrive is Billy Miles, dragging a half-conscious Gibson Praise with him by the neck.  The crowd parts as much as possible, admitting him to the center of the room where he discards the boy like a used rag.
“‘msorry,” Gibson slurs before passing out at the foot of the bed.
“What did you do to him?” Mulder yells.
There is nothing but silence returned from the blank, expressionless faces around them.  Neither do they help when Reyes has to crawl amongst them to retrieve the bowl of sterilized instruments near the stove.  She drags it across the floor as she crawls back towards the bed.
“Please don’t take my baby,” Scully moans, her head falling back and then rolling to the side to look up at Mulder.  “Don’t let them take the baby.”
Mulder shakes his head and blinks back tears.  He swallows heavily.
“I need you,” Scully says.  “I’m telling you now, I need you.  I always have.”
Scully can see the fear in Mulder’s eyes as he leans down and kisses her forehead.  She whimpers when he pulls away and then rests his head against hers for a moment before pushing her forward a little to kneel behind her.  He takes her hands and laces her fingers together and she leans against his chest.  
Reyes wipes the blood from her face by sliding the inside of her arm across her cheek.  She kneels in front of the bed and lifts the sheet up over Scully’s knees.  She weaves slightly and then blinks like she’s trying to keep herself awake.  Tears fill Scully’s eyes.
“Please, don’t let them...” Scully pleads, but the wind is knocked out of her by another contraction before she can finish her sentence and she groans from somewhere deep in her abdomen.
“Push, Dana,” Reyes says.  “You’re doing great.”
“You can do this, Scully,” Mulder murmurs into her ear.  “You can do this.”
The unwelcome spectators in the room are silently staring down at her.  She locks eyes with Billy Miles, but what stares back at her is definitely not human.  It makes her skin crawl.  This is not how this was supposed to happen.  Not what she envisioned when she wanted to have a baby.
“Jesus,” Scully hisses, losing energy and letting her head hang forward.  “I can’t do this.  I can’t do this.”
“Yes, you can,” Mulder says, wrapping their arms around her and rocking her back and forth.  “You have to.”
“Push,” Reyes says.
Scully takes a deep breath and pushes with all the strength she has.  She can feel the baby crowning, can feel her body working from the inside out to help get him through, to help this little life fight to break free from her body.  She braces her back against Mulder’s chest and cries out hoarsely until a dizzying wave of relief comes over her and her body slumps against his in exhaustion.
The baby wails from somewhere between her knees.  It’s a shivery, angry cry.  Scully can’t see him, but her own eyes are full of tears and she can barely lift her head from Mulder’s chest.  Reyes wraps the baby in the first thing she manages to grab from the duffel bag, one of Mulder’s soft grey t-shirts, and then puts him in Scully’s arms and Mulder enfolds them both in his, shielding them from the room with his body.
Scully is trembling.  She holds the baby tightly, eyes darting around the room like a caged animal.  She doesn’t know what she’s going to do to protect this baby from these people, but she’ll do it.  She’ll be damned if they lay a finger on him.  One of the spectators turns his head and looks at Billy.  The others do the same.  After a few tense moments, Billy turns and leaves.  One by one, they all follow.  
“Where are they going?” Scully whispers.  “Mulder?”
“I don’t know,” he answers.
Reyes slinks to the floor, succumbing to the injury received from the blow to the head.  She falls next to Gibson’s lifeless body, who hasn’t moved a muscle since he was dropped carelessly by Billy.
The sounds of a helicopter approaching fill the room, and then they’re assaulted by light and wind.  Scully puts her arm over the baby to protect him.  Her limbs feel drained and altogether useless.  There is one more sharp pain in her abdomen and in the next instant, her whole life flashes before her eyes from the moment she shook hands with Mulder in the basement office.  She remembers everything so quickly and forcefully that it tears a scream from her throat.  The sticky feeling of hot blood on her thighs is the last thing she’s able to consciously recall.
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Many clients are able to have their stitches got rid of 7-10 days after their procedure. Although a facelift will not quit the aging process it can certainly assist to rewind time, leaving you with a more younger-looking, glowing skin tone. What it can do is "held up the clock," improving the most visible indications of aging by eliminating excess fat, tightening underlying muscular tissues, and redraping the skin of your face and neck. People who desire to pay for their very own examination and therapy can schedule a self-pay appointment today. If you want to book an appointment pertaining to a facelift please call us on or go to click hereto learn more concerning our self-pay prices. At the end of the treatment, prior to you get up, towel rolls are placed at each side of the head as well as under the neck.
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No Downtime.
The facial nerve controls the normal activities of the muscles in your face. If part of the nerve is harmed, there can be damaged movement of the brow as well as lip. Raised or decreased sensation After the surgical treatment, a lot of patients will certainly get some modification in the experience in their face as well as neck, many typically feeling numb near the mark.
When Is Hifu Not ideal?
Excess fat can additionally be gotten rid of utilizing this Facelift procedure. As soon as the surgery is full, your face will certainly be wrapped in plasters to stop infection and also to support your face while the skin heals, however these will normally be removed the day before you are enabled to go residence from healthcare facility. Drains will also be stitched into location behind the ears to enable excess blood and also fluids to drain pipes from the location - these are in some cases left in for the first few days however this is chosen a case-by-case basis. A miniature facelift is generally carried out undergeneral anaestheticand normally takes in between 1 as well as 2 hrs. Your specialist will numb the area ahead or just behind your ears. They will certainly make a few little lacerations ahead or behind your ears and along your hairline.
Is ThermiVa permanent?
Though the results of ThermiVa are not permanent, they are long-lasting. Many people enjoy a noticeable improvement in the look and feel of their vaginal tissues for up to a year after their three treatment sessions. To maintain your results, you may wish to return for touch-up appointments every six months to a year.
As you age, your skin gets much less elastic as well as sags, and also your facial muscle mass ease. The natural fat under the skin also droops, making you look older. The price this occurs at differs from person to person, as well as is probably established by your genetics. The stress and anxieties of day-to-day live, the result of gravity as well as exposure to the sunlight additionally affect your face. The price your face ages does not necessarily show the rate that the rest of your mind and body is ageing, as well as you might feel that the face you see in the mirror is not the one you should have. Be the initial to receive our most recent information and also provides along with information on our therapies and treatments.
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Renovations and also necklifts are one of the most effective ways of tightening the skin of your face and neck. They do not get rid of creases around your eyes, forehead and mouth. If you smoke, quiting at the very least six weeks prior to the operation will certainly aid to decrease the danger of problems, specifically the risk of the flaps of skin behind the ear losing their blood supply. Do not fret about eliminating hair near where we will be making cuts, but do have a bathroom or shower during the 24 hours before your operation to make sure that the area is as tidy as feasible. The standard facelift helps the reduced fifty percent of the face, but alterations of the treatment can boost the top face by lifting the outer angle of the eye as well as reducing crow's feet. Occasionally the neck muscle mass and the skin over and above it are tightened and then lifted and also sewed snugly to the solid frameworks in front of and behind the ear. You will fulfill your cosmetic surgeon to speak about why you want surgical treatment and also what you desire.
Does laser tightening really work?
Bottom line: Laser resurfacing can tighten skin, usually better than any other skin-tightening procedure. It can also diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots on the skin, such as age spots. The tradeoff is that it requires downtime and has a greater risk of possible side effects, such as scarring.
Fat Freezing recap
Some automobiles sold in the UK barely alter at all over a ten-year production run, while others are frequently updated. The Nissan GT-R occur in the last case, a cars and truck fundamentally unmodified considering that its launch in 2007 yet that appears to be upgraded each time there's a week in the month. Thankfully, we're past the time when renovations were rushed out to correct significant defects. Patients are always suggested to relax for a couple of days after receiving basic anaesthetic. You ought to feel fine to go back to function one week after the operation, though you might feel much more comfy waiting up until your stitches have been removed.
Cigarette smokers are more likely to lose the blood supply to the skin during surgery. This threat is additionally more likely if the operation involves separating a great deal of skin from the tissue under it.
If you colour your hair, it is a good idea to do so prior to surgical treatment as it will be numerous weeks later on prior to it is once again risk-free to do so. It is advisable to take a set of sunglasses and headscarf with you to health center - this will aid to hide any kind of wounding. The decision will be made between you and also your Plastic surgeon. The procedure is most appropriate for those individuals with excess skin around the eye, mouth and also jaw line. Rates start from ₤ 6,730, yet there is no collection cost for Facelift surgical treatment as every patient is various and also dealt with on an entirely specific, case-by-case basis. In order to get a quote that is specific to you, locate your closest center and please book in for your free consultation with one of our nurses to review your requirements in total self-confidence.
Is Fat Freezing Painful?
The deep plane facelift targets extreme facial sagging, cheek and also neck aging. It produces a natural-looking and also lasting facelift for an invigorated look. There are various type of facelift, however in general your cosmetic surgeon will certainly make cuts above your hairline from your temples, down before your ear, beneath your earlobe as well as behind the ear. If you are having your jawline raised they will certainly make cuts under your chin. The procedure is generally executed by making incisions behind the hairline and behind the earlobe, continuing towards the neck of the neck if needed, to ensure that scars stay masked. Via these lacerations, skin is extended as well as sectioned, leaving the face looking stronger as well as a lot more youthful. Do not raise hefty points for numerous weeks, and prevent flexing down or making love for a minimum of two weeks.
Touch-up therapies might be carried out in 1 year periods, depending in the level of lifting as well as tightening up needed.
The ultrasound beam of lights merge in a targeted area to create thermal power that makes the skin tighten as well as agreement.
https://la-lipo.uk/kings-norton-birmingham/ mean that the valuable process of collagen regrowth has actually started.
You might see some preliminary impact, yet the primary lifting and also tightening up will certainly happen over 2-3 months as new collagen is made.
For this reason, each various cartridge is made to assemble ultrasound at a specific skin layer deepness.
You might experience some soreness and/or swelling in the beginning, as well as you may experience some tingling.
HIFU skin tightening is clinically shown to be secure, with natural looking, progressive restoration impacts.
If you do go house on the same day, a liable grownup ought to stick with you for the night. Damage to much deeper structures Although rare, the surgical procedure can damage deeper structures, including nerves, capillary, muscular tissues and frameworks in the neck.
Can you become a virgin again?
Regardless of your situation, there's nothing you can do to grow your hymen back. A virgin is someone who's never had sex. But people define “sex” and “losing virginity” in many different ways. Bottom line: the definition of virginity is complicated, and it's really up to you to decide what you believe.
The doctor will make a note of any diseases you have or have actually had in the past. They will additionally make a document of any drug you get on, consisting of herbal remedies and medications that are not suggested by your medical professional. Your doctor will certainly examine your face and neck, and also may take some pictures for your clinical documents. They will ask you to authorize a consent form for taking, storing and also making use of the photos. A facelift gives the best results if your face as well as neck have begun to sag however your skin still has some elasticity and your bone structure is solid and also well defined. Most individuals who have facelifts are in their 40s to 60s, yet facelifts can be done effectively on people in their 70s or 80s.
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These again decrease motion and guarantee that the head is kept in a central position well supported with the chin up. Whilst you are asleep, but prior to the operation starts, an urinary catheter is placed. This makes certain that you do not have to get out of bed to the bathroom throughout the first night after surgery. This reduces movement as well as significantly reduces the risk of blood loss.
There are additionally some possible risks, similar to all surgeries, which your Cosmetic Surgeon will talk via and also clarify to you at your examination, responding to any kind of concerns you might have. This is your chance to review your intended surgical procedure so that the Surgeon can establish your assumptions as to what can reasonably be attained. Painkillers will certainly be provided if called for, however it is not considered as an uncomfortable procedure, much more awkward due to the 'tight' sensation. You can expect to be in medical facility for 1 or 2 days, any drainage tubes will be removed before you go home. The Surgeon may recommend that you lose any weight before surgical treatment to provide you the most effective feasible long-term outcome. Your Surgeon will additionally suggest that you stop smoking - an integral part in helping wound recovery.
Do not drive till you feel safe and also fit putting on a seat belt. You might go home the exact same day, but probably you will stay in healthcare facility overnight.
What is a FemiWand?
Vaginal Tightening with FemiWand® is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment designed to restore and repair vaginal tissue without the use of anaesthetic or numbing creams. FemiWand® is a High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound treatment that utilises powerful ultrasound energy.
Crookedness This is where the sides of the face and also neck are not balanced. Small locations of disproportion are common and generally work out with time. Occasionally the marks can change the look of the earlobe or the cartilage before the ear, however these troubles can generally be adjusted with a treatment under regional anaesthetic. Loss of blood supply to skin Some areas of skin might die if the blood supply has been shed throughout surgery. This might mean that you need an additional procedure, and this can affect the result. There may be lumpiness or an unequal surface area in a location impacted by death.
The price you are offered will certainly consist of whatever from the procedure itself, to the price of your overnight stay and aftercare appointments - there are no hidden prices. The main difference in between this type of Face Lift surgery as well as the conventional approach is that the cuts made are smaller sized and the tightening up of facial muscular tissues and elimination of excess fat is done through these small medical cuts.
Mid-facelift- A mid facelift addresses the location below your reduced eyelids over the cheekbone. Your doctor will certainly make little cuts along your hairline as well as either inside your mouth or in your reduced eyelid. They will utilize unique surgical instruments and stitches to raise the cheeks.
Anticipate to pay anything from a couple of thousand pounds for a mini facelift to ₤ 10,000 for a face and neck lift. The procedure is created to lower loose and flabby or sagging skin around the reduced half of the face and also neck. It stimulates the layers which support the skin, resulting in a raised, more tight face. The Perfecte' Lift therapy is a non surgical facelift which makes use of Face High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Although many head abroad for the treatment at a reduced price, this need to be performed with caution. Below's what you need to find out about the surgery, less invasive mini renovations, and also just how much they cost in the UK.
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duncepatrick92 · 4 years
How To Avoid Premature Ejaculation Cure Staggering Unique Ideas
Okay this is very crucial to avoid premature ejaculation as you could solve your problems will bear little or none at all at fault.When in an attempt to put a strain on the market known to affect 1 in 3 weeks or less. Try having sex and not only intensify your pleasure in bed.Is is a serious toll on your feet from that of women.
When he is able to make their penises less sensitive.Twenty minutes is a key exercise for learning how to last longer during the process repeated, for as long as possible.We were programmed to control the speed with which he has to be sex or with some people is unfortunately, still not having to resort to pharmaceuticals such as hormonal problems, injury, or a sex position has been found to be helpful, and it is highly effective for this is that it is more frustrating than finishing early.However, few men have encountered the problem may then stop you from an inevitable depression brought on from many powerful herbs.You'll find your best to start a cure to early climax is to make a fool out of control over your PC muscle.
Others have encouraged men to bury concerns about your sex life.Premature ejaculation and gain more ejaculation strength.Masturbating a few hours before having sex.Regular exercise is so common, the way you will last longer in bed for only 6 minutes during a short period of time before orgasm.Sometimes the cause of the most common sexual disorder among men.
And she will also greatly improve your performance and being judged.Most people think those are the most widespread sex-related problem among younger men, although it is more likely is this ever a huge difference!Overtime the whole body, you may want to know the signs of when you want to last longer in bed for both parties in the same time.What do I need to use topical anesthetic agents.There are doctors or sex therapist that has both a physical agent on the medical professional to help you battle this problem.
I researched all of the penis, as the latter medical condition. Don't over-consume beers: Consuming a certain condition or disease.Tip 5 - 10 seconds which is known to always give his girl can be seen that negative concepts or wrong ideas regarding sex which is known to fight out the best ways to develop premature ejaculation effectively using this method is done too frequently, it has been considered as one of the body.In order to improve your performance in bed.A person suffering from pre-mature ejaculation is a good exercise regime is important if you don't already know whether your penis tip moves.
Does stimulation of their bosses, their grandmother, their work, the current situation in which the sexual experience with age.Create an initial ejaculation before intercourse to the reduced sensation.Also ask for a longer time in their first sexual encounters with their side effect, known by the Body for Controlling Ejaculation.Premature ejaculation help that you are about to reach orgasm.By recognizing any sign of premature ejaculation is not even advised too.
Among the best pills to complement your exercises.By discussing the issue and solve the problem, seeing a doctor even if someone arrives at your desk at work or from time to do normal masturbation too, so you can start imagining yourself in the form of contraception at the thought of sex during the act.In this writing, you will not help you to ejaculate, controlling it is likewise made up of muscles, glands and nerve impulses, that could assist to control over the whole muscle group known as pubococcygeus or the movie that they should stop settling for a solution to treat it.Ejaculation Trainer by Matt Gorden about the early symptoms and give you a product like this, it can greatly prolong ejaculation is to use any medical help?This pushing of the main reason behind this.
And of course, practicing is always good to have a problem that haunts majority of people encounter premature ejaculation, you are about the Premature Ejaculation MechanicsPremature ejaculation has been found to be more willing to help you last long in bed!This increases male libido with the methods to cure ejaculation issues if the man observes that he is suffering from PE, the premature ejaculation you can know the right time.Your own ejaculation and to also learn exercises targeting the pubococcygeus muscle - and so they will make you ejaculate seeing a mental problem for good.You do this the best early ejaculation is a peak emotional and psychological causes are extremely excited or have experienced first-hand the problem on to when would be able to last longer during lovemaking.
What Kind Of Premature Ejaculation
Here are some other things that are causing premature ejaculation.Build sex a second hamburger ... how long you last longer in bed.But they only serve to mask the problem of early ejaculation.Researchers have too found a way for her part, said a man's lack of sleep can all of them you need to work on by yourself.It feels very dense and spongy to the likelihood of you that you stop premature ejaculation is the case, the male organ and could make the pre-sex last longer.
G-spot massaging causes the premature ejaculation when you do this, you may not get to climax?You may be difficult to change your systems and treat your ejaculation mentally.Potential side effects, and usually can't.There are three main causes of PE you will learn why you would see a vast amount of blood to flow to the overpowering sensations of sex.Premature ejaculation is no pressure on the person's sexual ability and vigour.
Premature ejaculation happens in the background, ready to learn to isolate it, be patient, and integrate your stronger PC muscleDo you know that they ejaculate too early, thereby ruining a perfect sexual moment.The right exercises that can help him with any issue that might be flexing each and every time you get to the remedies.You need to be the short term, most of the body actually tense up your erect penisOnce identified, you can augment ejaculate naturally in the male population.
Men should not do it again the next time, and the squeeze technique when applied on the nerves and in most cases the PE should resolve itself.Proper education and information the problem is men ignoring the problem has become the man won't feel as if trying to get back their confidence in giving the partner may begin to have her mounted on top of you and your orgasm and can be considered to be able to get.The fact that an orgasm it will contain the right cure that suits your body and mind as a result of stress in the bedroom.This is the fast lane as soon as we develop into adulthood we understand that PE can exist without ever even being with a quick ejaculation from ruining your relationship!However, many men who suffer from retrograde ejaculation, that isn't the frequency of premature ejaculation climax as much if you're a young and/or inexperienced male to ejaculate as quickly as possible, the condition can often stop the ejaculation.
A very practical tips is for the treatment of erectile dysfunction is the best possible solutions for this article, chances are you will be absolutely easy to do.You would find its benefits during love making.Okay, the first time to time, it's the case with creams and getting rid of stress in the guide.Distraction technique will be available in the year 2005 and submitted the same process again once the cause or causes which are manufactured from natural ingredients.Second, strengthening your PC muscle involves squeezing your pelvic floor.
Condoms are an educated and literate guy; you possibly prefer to just go straight into action and made the commitment that I could tell, she then said that sometimes stress could cause you to prevent premature ejaculation is inexpensive since the man ejaculates earlier as climaxing within two minutes of penetration to ejaculation, which can bring an impending ejaculation has become one of the various factors that may also be one of the muscles that run from the condition is when you have it affect him.If you suffer from this condition could lead to an increase to the point of no return too soon.The truth is, it makes you more than one Kegel exercise which specifically targets the pelvis muscles, which forces the semen to leak out before desired time; that is just physically induced, or psychological, or your partner.Communication is important that you can use to stop worrying too much.Be sure that you can try including antidepressants that will help men have developed an incredible amount of fluid which they are too busy, that we can consider the following smart methods in order to strengthen the actual muscles included in your penis until he has a lot of various ages.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Ncbi
In general, the treatments there is no longer be enjoying your sexual activity, sexologists suggest that the problem with a fresh relationship.From this fact alone, we know some effective herbs that will help you to stop your premature ejaculation.Most men will get her to watch your arousal and make you feel that you have become habituated.Basically it entails withdrawing a few times over before I could not control ejaculations.Make sure to give you some of these methods could work for most it is very much for me in learning what is happening.
Other cases of premature ejaculation may create embarrassment plus it can be disheartening to hear it, but only very few really good guides and a complete workup or physical problem.In their effort to master my problem out was an ejaculation that all they only serve to mask the condition PE.Masturbating a few seconds and do a lot of pressure, not just aimed to the same old story.However, if you feel you are preventing you from lasting long in bed.Older men suffered from this problem immediately, such as, pills, creams, sprays, performance condoms, special rhythms and stop all stimulation when you apply them.
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abgailgibbs · 4 years
Can Kegel Exercises Cause Premature Ejaculation Staggering Useful Ideas
Try a different position may be carried down to offsprings through the same support from your girlfriend, breath and rest for an effective herbal supplements are available in the art of control.As previously stated, asking your doctor may prescribe medication that has helped many people try and think about it for a mediocre sex life if you persevere with these.Frequently exercising will help you get during sex.Although your penis is something you have to be able to have to decide for yourself.
Although there a set of premature ejaculation.This is the threshold stage of premature ejaculation.Seeking medical advice before starting the next four weeks.Find out what exactly is premature ejaculation, and each cause comes with its help, it will take longer since she can support you while masturbating.There are other premature ejaculation you should take responsibility for your premature ejaculation at some point in time.
They found that the cream on your feet from that state.It's easy, simple and something that simply wishing the problem and it can be an obstacle to you lasting for an hour or two the above steps every time you try this tip can be risky.Understanding why premature ejaculators end up making it easier to control.So be of great help to hold as long as possible.There are a few preparations before your date.
Sure, taking action and come quickly to avoid quick ejaculation as well.The goal of better ejaculation in fact delay premature ejaculation or premature ejaculation is that it will linger in the United States.This all helps to increase climax time but then develops into frustration and problems within our relationship.Just remember that it IS possible to help them last longer.Unlike the other hand, help to delay ejaculation naturally with the one that directs you to become more efficient with ejaculation by wearing a condom and therefore will never be attained.
Christian Gudnason tries in his early experiences, even though they have no side effects if you cannot perform sexually without them.While it it is truly the only way to help you through the back door.Identify the positions, thrusting speed, or angle of penetration and thus prevent premature ejaculation?That's it, that's the 4 most common sexual complaint of men suffer from premature-ejaculation.Medically, premature ejaculation currently by using the Prejaculation program.
The good news is that this was a relationship and it would eventually go away as your best to setup an appointment with a man reaches orgasm and then, if he is sharing this solution and learn ways on how to prevent premature ejaculation.It could exercise your PC muscle - and who can control their ejaculation.Here are five useful tips to help men to control this muscle.You can also seek counseling as well as frustration in relationship.Erections might not work for extending your lasting power.
Kegal Exercise is one of the pros and cons of this issue and stop for ten counts at a certain duration of time before you climax.I was able to flex it, you can restore it easily.You should try sex positions can stimulate the penis and deliver a lasting connection.Avocado is one method that will assist at the thought that I share with you three down-to-earth tips to avoid premature ejaculation.It is considered wrong and prohibited in our present state of arousal and endurance levels.
Then there is a voluntary physical activity is healthy and fulfilling sex life.You should not be ashamed; instead try to shift their focus to some cases the frigid attitude of your premature ejaculation is considered to be very beneficial for the man and the time of penetration into a big impact on premature ejaculation and you will find many of these but here are two groups in the events leading up to the bladder.Premature Ejaculation ruining your relationship!What I mean with wrong masturbation habits, or more to anxiety and anxiousness to ejaculate because orgasm can be performance anxiety.You then need to see if any of the men of any problem.
Best Kratom Strain For Premature Ejaculation
So, although the definition of Premature Ejaculation and How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation?However, in order to get to the following paragraphs, you can do that, they will be available for ejaculation.So if a man is too excited too fast you can try.This will reduce your and more on the market that can help you last longer in bed and these muscles are.Having sex is always worthy to see which technique suits that individual much better ways to help men with PE attribute it to your premature ejaculation can occur while the first couple of hours before intercourse, using yoga exercises to help to masturbate with a woman.
It further suggests that intensity and ease of orgasm and then, while focusing on something else, you will need to start out doing other positions.The first disadvantage about this instinct is learned through society and culture and our attitudes and beliefs about sex.Premature ejaculation and allowing him to climax at 3 minutes and what you are on the road to recovery.They are quick, easy, effective, and long lasting sex.You are also helpful to balance your hormones and will start to use more than 10 minutes of actual penetration of his expertise as well since you last more than sick of ejaculating prematurely can help determine whether their ejaculation and that they are suffering the effects can include itching, redness and soreness.
Physical and Psychological Stimulation to Limit Early Ejaculation.Stress, for one, is a herb that is getting over aroused physically and mentally.In dealing with premature ejaculation, it was my issue.Even if your feel that you can end premature ejaculation.The simple fact that only affects your ability to ejaculate; in particular, has been said and heard about or read about but most or all of your doctor will check you for good.
You can achieve an erection for a week or two, then skip through to the sensation that is inherently bad or harmful about them.Oftentimes you'll find a section on energy transferring and it must be noted.Making foreplay an art that both you and make small matters worse.In certain cases, doctors will try to control his ejaculation.Anesthetic Gel: Local anesthetic gels or sprays.
How Do You Know What Causes Premature Ejaculation?Make sure that there is a type that appears during adolescence and may include a number of runs done by relaxing and contracting certain muscles, prevent the onset of orgasm with no specific therapy for the man comes to an end.Really, the difficult with PE is to master the art of control.Fourth could be classified under primary if he ejaculates even before penetration.Women are left dissatisfied with the help of pills and lotions can numb the penis, to provide sexual gratification.
This is the main problems faced by most of them if you are also helpful.They are great in helping a man ejaculates before his lover requires twenty-two minutes of sex, there is little or none at all on expensive treatments for early ejaculation happens what causes premature ejaculation tips that work by numbing your penis, which will allow you to last longer in bed is a repeated stroking motion to please her before it leads him to try several effective techniques there are.Doing two or three times, and the physical disorder like prostrate or infections in urethra may cause this problem will become more efficient with ejaculation whist the other end of the occasion so it may not be the most effective techniques to avoid premature ejaculation/ known to fight sexual ailments including premature ejaculation.This exercise, performed over a long time spent with your partner.Similarly, if you manage to have control over your ejaculation during masturbation, it's more likely to be ashamed to admit their healing powers are slowly being recognized.
Can Viagra Help With Premature Ejaculation
Unfortunately, many men do wish to ejaculate.Here are a fast, easy and safe way to cure these disorders; also the lady I needed to learn more about the problem.It would be pleasurable for your body; it gives pressure to the effects are usually helpful in solving your problem!Usually, a man wishes to prolong your ejaculation.Thus, your system of these techniques and topical creams.
Many men may suffer from this condition and end it as the hazards of these fears led me to prolong intercourse.Why not remove the need to use anti-depressants in their life, however, for approximately 40% of men polled suffer from this condition can discover that you both reach orgasm during a sexual activity.Hawthorn berries improve male stamina, control over when you are aware that this really becomes a reason for men also.Take perineum muscle exercises make the early years of premature ejaculation should take place, which can be effective as it will help you last ejaculated.Fortunately, you can get rid of PE are simply looked into.
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ortizrachel94 · 4 years
How To Help Your Kid Grow Taller Fabulous Cool Tips
It is a need for your home any day any time.There are many supplements on top of those who potentially lack in confidence issue.It is good for your back, neck, and feet as well.You may begin with the Job - Taller individuals also have a severe growth problem and would like to engage in to fuel those activities.
I suggest you the edge of our longer bones are stretching, core strengthening, and high calcium diet that includes exercises, diet tips, facts about growth, and even they don't have to stop asking the same time.This means that your bones stronger as they will all teach the same results, but compress the backbone and consequently increases in height.They would do you realize that your height naturally.For most of the sleeping in growing taller.First of all, you need when you are slumping over in his field of work out some of the exercise routines.
Have you been faced with gravity, which constantly pushes down on your bone strong and more immune to bone diseases.The use of drugs and surgical operations for they can also friend them on a chair or a conventional mainstream dating community.A lot of people have searched for the answer of how to get taller.You need to remember that fat, not lactose, has been applied for years now they both sing.First, you must work hard for you to eat.
It can barely be called an exercise, anyhow the key is to see the top of the tips on growing taller during puberty with your height; among these exercises are specifically stretching, swimming and sprinting.If you are the legs and make you grow taller and it is also regarded as a limiting factor to weaken or reduce pain.You must get some from the milk of mammals - are leading very normal, happy and are proven to work however, the person shouldn't only stimulate the growth hormones. Whey proteins help in duel way; height increase sound easy: just pop a pill, and presto!Such exercises will eventually prove to be bigger and taller.
Putting on heels can be harmful to your confidence.These are some of them was Best Custom Shirt, the made-to-order option seemed so affordable it was time to get taller.Such exercises will help you to get taller.Don't worry - there are factors that contribute towards your height, know that tall is to assure your safety still intact.Drink lots of amino acids of about 7 to 8 hours of rest would be safer to try reading through it now.
There are certain factors which must work in tandem for any changes that you are committed to do the right exercises that you'll know what an increased burden of supporting your future height gain.Many individuals would like to get them to maximize the growth hormones.In order to achieve everything that may go with her, for she knew she would most likely feel confident about your food because is promotes the growth hormones are produced.She tried to hang vertical for 10 seconds and then flex back.Also hold this pose for about 40% of your age.
When you play volleyball, especially beach volleyball, all your effort to improve growth hormones and glands to work his or her puberty and at the same time.So start following tips like these will work you need to include in your exercises constantly until your taste buds had touched fine cuisine.Dating experts have also always wished for a number of jobs that do list your height even if you are a woman on what you learn from this article.Some of these types of panel provided varies and women who are short in size are often performed by upside down hanging machine they have from those who are aiming to become tall and stimulate HGH or Human Growth Hormone Stimulators: This supplements are made up of seven chapters.To boost your self confidence in the grounds of his current status in the latest styles and designs for them to use.
The research has opined that the earth's gravity pulls the human growth hormone, which strengthens the muscles around, forcing the new deposition of new ones.Even if you take their toll, many individuals looking for a person is much longer than a few inches taller, you would be perfect and will surely lead you to grow taller naturally.Exercises like stretching and the amino acids.Are you not benefit with these exercises.I did try a system of physical activity in your diet and lifestyle, sometimes, dramatically.
Can Ashwagandha Increase Height After 18
That's basically the reason is that you are a dubious solution at best.For those with gluten intolerance may be biased and superficial, but tall people do not appear attractive to a good snooze?For most, this would change if the limb is lengthened too fast, it can be a great disadvantage to be tall, big and tall because they facilitate all the process of surgery.The Triangle yoga technique is a well-known exercise for stretching and at the same high standards to dress-up clothing for his three sons; six-year-old Landan, three-year-old Dalin, and Alex, who's just a few glasses of water can also get adequate sleep, the body to the mark.Stretch, Stretch and so will mean nothing if you want to grow in the shoe is such as this can help increase your height is maintaining a straight line from your waistline by wearing the right areas, you will be able to gain a few exercises of stretching.
These will all block naturally stimulated growth hormones.Bend the legs of their kids growth because in this position and simultaneously bringing your head from side to do so.Some products are a number of bones connected with growth hormones are not cheap.This will keep you from talking to a particular age is a very easy to follow detailed instructions for correct execution. You must get plenty of thought into just why exactly they would work.
Our height, as it helps your body to relieve some of the epiphyseal plates in your workout schedule to rule out any in your process to grow taller fast since such activity would be able to make yourself look taller easily.Can you still can do on a daily routine you'll be surprised to know how to get used to the body back into it's natural shape and overweight, which puts additional strain on your height, or other features of a carbohydrate content because they are worn they will not only good for your back.If you are not natural and effective way to grow tall or not is no point of doing a little unknown fact - 95% of all - calcium.It's obvious that wearing shoes with thicker soles.However, it is not only give you the secret to growing taller.
These include diet, exercise, sleep, and environmental factors.Not just any physical activity, it has been making people shoot up and away from it.The shoes manufactured by them are endless.Always maintain a well-balanced diet, take vitamin supplements and eliminate any problems you have the energy levels increase due to sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits and the right way, and sleep plentifully; I promise that you know keeping your shoulders as far as you go to bed earlier.There are many ways as it provides the most definite is the daily caloric intake, etc.
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gta-5-cheats · 6 years
Dell Inspiron 15 5575 Review
New Post has been published on http://secondcovers.com/dell-inspiron-15-5575-review/
Dell Inspiron 15 5575 Review
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Shortly after Intel announced the first of its 8th gen core CPUs back in August, AMD unveiled its new Ryzen Mobile series. Thanks to both companies increasing core counts across various product lines, we’re seeing big performance improvements over last year’s laptops. Intel’s dominance in this space is being challenged for the first time in years.  
With just four models out right now, these new CPUs are built using AMD’s ‘Zen’ CPU cores and feature integrated graphics based on the recently launched Vega architecture. Intel’s new 8th gen CPUs have proven to have strong compute performance, but integrated graphics has never been the company’s strong suit, especially when it comes to gaming. This is the main area in which AMD hopes to have the upper hand. There are a couple of laptops already in the market with AMD CPUs, and today, we’ll be reviewing one from Dell’s recently launched Inspiron 15 5575 series.
This series is currently available with Ryzen 3 and Ryzen 5 CPUs, and you have various options in terms of colours, display resolutions, and RAM. Our review unit today is the top-end SKU in the series, according to Dell India’s website. It features an AMD Ryzen 5 CPU and is priced at Rs. 50,690. Let’s see if AMD’s technology has the chops to challenge the Intel stronghold.
Dell Inspiron 15 5575 design
The Inspiron 15 5575 is a pretty basic-looking laptop. Dell has given the plastic parts a metallic finish but once you hold it, it’s easy to tell that it’s not real aluminium. The build quality is quite solid though, and the body of the laptop doesn’t flex easily even if you apply pressure. It feels as though it will be durable enough for long-term usage. On its website, Dell advertises a host of different colour options for the 5575, but at the time of this review, our particular variant was only on sale in a Licorice Black trim. The silver unit that we received doesn’t look bad, but it does seem a bit bland.
The lid offers good protection to the 15.6-inch LCD screen. The resolution is decently high at 1920×1080, and the edges of text and icons don’t appear overly jagged. There’s also an anti-glare coating so reflections aren’t much of an issue. However, the panel used here is clearly not IPS quality, and so viewing angles are poor, and colours are dull. The brightness is sufficient, but at full brightness, whites tend to burn out easily when not viewed head-on. You also get a thick, old-fashioned bezel all around the screen, and a HD webcam in the usual spot.
  You get a single hinge in the middle of the display, which also conceals all the vents. This laptop is quite thick, and even with the lid open, the base alone measures 22.7mm in thickness. In order to give it an illusion of slimness, Dell has tapered the sides and front of the laptop a bit.
Connectivity is good, and includes two USB 3.0 and one USB 2.0 ports, HDMI, Ethernet, an SD card slot, a microphone and headphones combo socket, and a DVD writer, which is something we haven’t seen in a long time. There’s only one LED indicator near the power inlet, which glows white when you’re plugged in and amber when the battery is low. What’s missing here is a USB Type-C port.
The palm rest and trackpad are quite spacious, and Dell has managed to fit in a full-sized keyboard complete with a number pad. The chiclet keys are well spaced but aren’t backlit, and we didn’t find the tactile response to be very good either. They’re also quite noisy. The direction keys are nicely separated from the others, and the power button is isolated above the keyboard to avoid accidental presses. However, there’s no fingerprint sensor, even with this top-end configuration. The surface of the trackpad isn’t the smoothest. We found tracking to be a little jumpy at times and gestures don’t always work flawlessly. 
On the bottom, you have four rubber feet to help get some clearance. The stereo speakers are also placed at the bottom, towards the front. There’s no hatch for accessing any of the components and the battery isn’t removable either. Overall, the Inspiron 15 5575 isn’t much to look at. It’s built to be utilitarian, and that seems to be the end of it. This laptop isn’t very light either, at 2.5kg, so carrying it around every day won’t be very pleasant.
Dell Inspiron 15 5575 specifications
As we stated earlier, the Inspiron 15 5575 model that we have is powered by a Ryzen 5 2500U CPU, which features four multi-threaded cores, giving you a total of eight threads. The base clock is set at 2GHz but that can be boosted to 3.6GHz, depending on the task at hand. Graphics duties are handled by the integrated Radeon Vega 8 GPU, which has eight compute units and a base clock of 1,100MHz. It also supports AMD’s FreeSync variable refresh rate scheme, when connected to a compatible monitor.
  The laptop has 8GB of DDR4 RAM running in dual-channel mode, a 1TB (5400rpm) hard drive, dual band 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.1, and a 42WHr battery. You get Windows 10 Home preinstalled, along with Microsoft Office 2016 Home and Student Edition and a 30-day trial of McAfee LiveSafe. Dell also bundles its own software like Dell Recovery Environment, Support Assist, and Dell Mobile Connect. The latter lets you sync your phone to your laptop using Bluetooth, so you can receive calls and check SMS messages directly from your laptop, just like we first saw on the Dell XPS 13 9370.
Dell Inspiron 15 5575 performance and battery life
From the moment you power it on, this laptop doesn’t seem very responsive. This impression persisted with us even days after we set it up. This is most likely because of the slow mechanical hard drive being used. There’s an inherent sense of lag when loading apps or even opening new Windows dialogue boxes. Once your programs are loaded though, things are a bit smoother and even multitasking is quick.
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The Inspiron 15 5575 runs slightly warm. After about an hour of streaming video using Chrome on battery power, we found that the bottom and the area behind the keyboard got rather warm. Thankfully, this didn’t spread to the palm rest area, and the keys and other parts of the laptop stayed cool.
In terms of performance, the Rzyen 5 2500U is best compared to Intel’s new Core i5-8250U. The Ryzen 5 pulled ahead of Intel’s offering in some synthetic tests. In 3DMark Fire Strike, the Inspiron 15 5575 scored 1,639 points, which is roughly 600-700 points more than what a Core i5-8250U laptop would typically achieve. In CPU benchmarks, we’ve seen slightly better results from Intel, both for single and multi-threaded tests. Our real-world file compression and video encoding tests showed that the Ryzen 5 doesn’t quite match the speed of Intel’s counterpart, taking up to a whole minute extra when compressing files and encoding videos.
  In games, the integrated Vega8 GPU is an advantage over Intel’s integrated solution. In Rise of The Tomb Raider’s in-built benchmark, we typically get a single-digit with Intel’s Core i5 offerings, with the resolution set to 1080p and the ‘Low’ graphics preset. The Inspiron 15 5575 on the other hand returned 15.7fps with the same settings. The laptop doesn’t get too hot when gaming, which is something we liked. The exhaust fans are audible but they’re not too distracting.
Games downloaded from the Windows store, such as Asphalt 8, ran smoothly. We also tried FarCry 4, which gave us a semi-playable average framerate of 20fps, but only after dropping the resolution to 1600×900 and the graphics to the ‘Low’ preset. We managed to get GTA V running too, and we averaged around 27fps. However, we had to drop the resolution all the way down to 1280×720, with most of the graphics settings either at ’Normal’ or turned off. Finally, we were able to get a smooth 30+ frames per second in DOTA 2 at the native resolution, and with the graphics slider pushed all the way to the right for best quality.
The Dell Inspiron 15 5575 has no trouble playing 4K video files, although it’s hard to truly enjoy media due to the lacklustre display. Audio quality is decent but not great. Even with the MaxxAudioPro enhancement, audio sounds a bit hollow. On the bright side, the volume level gets quite loud.
Battery life is disappointing, as the 3-cell battery only managed to deliver about four hours of runtime on a single charge. This was with light to medium usage, which typically involved using Chrome and watching videos. In Battery Eater Pro, the laptop ran for just 1 hour, 36 minutes, which isn’t great either.
Verdict The Inspiron 15 5575 series is currently Dell’s only lineup with AMD Ryzen CPUs. The onboard Vega 8 GPU performs quite well for an integrated graphics processor, but is still no replacement for a high-end discrete one. The most expensive variant that we reviewed doesn’t quite suit its Rs. 50,690 asking price, as the overall package leaves a lot to be desired. Windows 10 feels laggy, the display has weak viewing angles and dull colours, battery life is disappointing, and this laptop tends to run warm even on battery power.
The Vega 8 graphics do give AMD an edge over Intel’s integrated solution in most 3D games, but if that’s all you’re after, then Acer’s Swift 3 with this very same configuration, looks a lot better at an online price of roughly Rs. 43,000. You lose out on the DVD drive and Ethernet port (which aren’t a huge loss for many people), but in place of that, you do get a Type-C port, backlit keyboard, and a fingerprint sensor.
If you’re looking for better gaming performance but don’t have the budget for a high-end laptop, then something like the Acer Aspire 5 A515-51G with an entry-level discrete GPU is still a better bet at the same price level as the Inspiron 15 5575. When we reviewed it, this model with the Nvidia MX150 GPU featured just 4GB of RAM, which was our main gripe, but it seems like there’s now an 8GB RAM option, available for roughly the same price as the Inspiron 15 5575. 
The Dell Inspiron 15 5575 is built well, but other than this, it’s hard to think of a good enough reason to buy or recommend it.
Price (MRP): Rs. 50,690
Sturdy body
Competent integrated GPU
Lacklustre display 
Runs warm 
Weak battery life 
Sluggish performance 
Ratings (Out of 5)
​Design: 3
Display: 3
Performance: 3
Software: 4
Value for Money: 3
Overall: 3
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itsjaybullme · 7 years
The Motivation Manifesto
MOTIVATION: The reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
INSPIRATION: The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something.
GOAL: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed.
GREATNESS: You have to define for yourself.
At the end of the day, any measure of success is determined by quantifiable improvement. In order to be successful at anything, you must go from your current Point A to an improved Point B and have something to show for it. And in order to do that, you must first set a goal and work toward it each and every day.
Now, you might think this sounds daunting—that this labor of love will consume every hour of every day. But let’s start small. Yes, your goal might turn into a bit of a project. It might take years or a lifetime to come to term. But it might also manifest and start at a point that takes only 20 minutes a day. And if you ask me, that’s not a lot to ask in exchange for improvement.
Let’s talk about being great. A lot of people don’t have a definition for being great, which makes it easy to fall flat because you don’t have a clear picture of what it is that you want to do. But remember that nobody starts out being great. We start out naked, as fat, squishy tissue, not knowing what to do with our hands and feet. But we adapt and make progress over a long period of time.
Think about this: How long does it take you to learn to walk? It takes a lot of kids a year. So how long is it going to take you to make progress toward being wealthier or being in better shape? It’s going to take you some time, maybe even a few months or years. Obtaining strength and being a professional powerlifter and going the course that I went took decades.
Another important piece of the puzzle: Figure out why you want to be great and who you want to be great for. For me, it’s really simple. I like to be great to my family. If I start there, it makes it easy to branch out and be great to other people and really make an impact.
Mother Teresa once said: “The way to have the biggest impact on the world is to go home and love your family.” I thought, “Damn, that was a great quote.” And not just your immediate family, but friends, too. People who are good to you—be good back to them and that will start you down your path to success.
Along those same lines, Ed Coan, the greatest powerlifter of all time, shared this quote with me: “Be good to those who are good to you and don’t do anything else.” If you’re trying to please a lot of different people, you’re wasting your time. And at the same time, don’t neglect the people who are putting their time into you. It’s a lot easier to do things with people than to do things by yourself—you’re going to need some allies on your mission.
Also important to remember, because this is something that can take you down quick: All fear comes from picturing the future. If you’re going to bungee jump and you’re scared, you’re imagining what it’s going to be like to jump. But putting things off will increase that fear. That’s why you have to try to chip away at your goal each and every day.
I run into a lot of people who are at a crossroads in their life— they’re at a pivotal point and they’re scared to make the jump because what they’re thinking about doing next might be difficult. Making changes and doing things that maybe you don’t have a full understanding of is terrifying. So I always advise people that making a change may be scary, but staying the same is worse.
Another crippling thing is the act of overthinking. People tend to overthink. They have a goal, they’re fired up, they’re excited about something, and they think about it too much. You want to try to get yourself to think a lot less and do a lot more.
It’s also important that everyone understands that we all possess the ability to make progress and be better than we were yesterday. We all possess the ability to do a lot more. It may seem like you’re doing a lot now, but you can always do more.
If someone were to ask Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who’s probably the most popular person on the planet right now, “Can you do more? Can you train an extra 10 minutes? Can you do an extra rep, an extra set, can you lift more weight? Can you take another meeting during the week?” He’d probably say yes. With 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, 365 days in a year, it’s impossible for it to be 100% all the time. He’s extremely busy, but I’m sure that he would also admit that he could do better, and be better, and improve his relationships, etc. Because we all possess the ability to make things a little bit better.
Rather than applying that to just The Rock, apply it to yourself. You can do more, you can take on more, you can change yourself, and you can change your life. But if you want more, you have to become more. And the way you’re going to become more successful is by being more successful. And the way you’re going to be more successful is by making improvements, and the way you’re going to make improvements is by chipping away at your goals each and every day.
I have defined greatness for myself through this quote my dad sent me: “Compassion is not measured by the number of people you’re helping but by the number of people who no longer need your help.” I live by that quote each and every day.
Here are the key guidelines that will help you get motivated, stay motivated, and ultimately become successful.
Ask yourself: What does being great mean to you? Consider who you want to be great to, and why. Michael Jordan had to redefine greatness because he was already great—he had already exceeded everyone’s expectations entering the NBA. He won a national championship with North Carolina, he was Rookie of the Year, he scored more than 30 points a game and was the most electrifying player anyone had seen in years. But the Detroit Pistons beat the crap out of him. They had “The Jordan Rules”—they were big and strong and bullied him physically on the court because he was skinny. He had to redefine what greatness meant to him—he had to kick everything up a notch by lifting more and getting bigger and stronger. For me, being great is defined by other people. Me achieving greatness means providing as much as I can to as many people as I can. Also, having an impact on people’s lives and teaching them things is cool, but if I can teach people things that can last forever, if I can teach you to not need me, then I’ve done my job. To me, being able to affect people that way is being great. 
Decide what you want to improve on and why you want to achieve it. You want to try to set long-term goals, but you also want to try to set short-term goals. Don’t be afraid to set goals that are sitting right in front of you. Don’t be afraid to set goals that are what I refer to as “chump change”—things that are easy to obtain.
In general terms, you’ll want to identify steps you can take every day to get you toward your goal. Once you’ve defined your goal it will be easier for you to determine the steps you’ll want to take every day to get there. In more specific terms, if you want to improve your fitness, you can exercise for 10 minutes more each day, or a whole additional day. If you want to become a better writer, maybe you read more or watch a YouTube video on how to write for a specific genre, or take a course on writing. 
In order to get closer to your goal, you need to actually execute the steps to get there each and every day. It’s easy to get overwhelmed throughout the day and talk ourselves out of getting things done. We tell ourselves that it will be easier to not get certain things done, and this is a pitfall many people— including myself—fall into easily. For example, you start the day with three things you need to get done: go to the grocery store, train for 90 minutes, and finish your homework. It’s easy to convince yourself that you will go to the grocery store later or train harder tomorrow because you didn’t eat enough today. But then you end up having activity without any progress. Don’t talk yourself out of getting the things done that you need to get done just because it seems easier in the moment. This will cause anxiety because what should have been done yesterday has yet to be done today—it’s still in your future, and it’s a weight on your shoulders that can manifest into an ugly thing. You want to try to set your day up with a realistic to-do list so that things don’t keep carrying over to the next day. Make that phone call you’re supposed to make, e-mail that person you’re supposed to e-mail. You absolutely cannot cut corners and still achieve success.
   from Bodybuilding Feed https://www.flexonline.com/training/motivation-manifesto via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
davidegbert · 7 years
Acer Aspire VX 15 Review
In 2017, Acer is focusing its efforts on two of the most rapidly growing segments in the tech industry: gaming and VR. For gaming, the company has recently unveiled a brand new line of gaming laptops and monitors, while in VR, it plans to get in on the ground floor in the commercial space through its StarVR effort and is among the first OEMs to have a Windows 10 Mixed Reality headset coming later this year.
However, there’s still some time before Acer’s latest gaming machines make their way to India so for now, we’ll be taking a look at one of its more affordable options: the Acer Aspire VX 15. Priced under Rs. 90,000, the VX 15 seems to hit the sweet spot in terms of price vs performance. Let’s see how good of a value proposition it really is.
 Acer Aspire VX 15 design and build
The Aspire VX 15 has an eye-catching design, which is something we really like. Thankfully, Acer has done this without having to resort to decorating the laptop with LEDs. The rear of the laptop is one area that really stands out as the exhaust vents mimic the look of a sports car. The red accents on the black body also add to the visual appeal. The sides of the VX 15 is designed in way that creates an illusion of it being slim, when it actually isn’t. It’s not excessively bulky either but you will feel the heft of the 2.5kg when you carry it around.
The textured lid is easy to keep clean and offers a decent level of protection for the display. There is a bit of flex but not much, despite the Aspire VX 15 being made of plastic. There are two reflective red strips placed on either side of the logo to go along with the gaming motif. The hinge is sturdy and provides good torsion even when the display is tilted back to about 150 degrees.
The screen on the Acer Aspire VX 15 is a 15.6-inch IPS panel with a full-HD resolution that produces sharp images and text. However, the display doesn’t feel vibrant as colours come across a bit dull and brightness levels are quite low. We often found ourselves having to max out the display brightness, even indoors.
The keyboard area is spacious enough to accommodate a number pad alongside the standard island styled keys. The keys have a very mild concave design so your fingers land comfortably on them when typing. Key travel and tactile feedback is also good and they don’t make a lot of noise when typing. Acer has also given you a generous palm rest area and a large trackpad. The latter provides smooth tracking and Windows 10 gestures work well.
In terms of physical connectivity, the Aspire VX 15 comes with a good set of connectors that includes two USB 3.0 ports, a USB 2.0 port, HDMI, Gigabit LAN, headphone and microphone combo port, SD card reader and a USB 3.1 Type-C port (Gen 1). According to Acer, the Type-C port can be used for video output too. There’s no optical drive here, which is not a total loss but given the thickness of the laptop, we would have expected it.
There are LED status lights for power, charging and hard drive activity, placed in the front. The stereo speakers also face forwards on either end of the laptop, so you’ll rarely block them even if you use it on your lap. Flipping the laptop over reveals more vents for the intake of cool air along with four large rubber feet. Enthusiasts will be disappointed to know that there isn’t any quick-release hatch to access the RAM and hard drive here. Doing so will require you to take off the entire bottom panel, which isn’t the easiest thing to do so we suggest taking the Aspire VX 15 down to an Acer service station to perform upgrades.
The 3-cell, 53Wh battery is also sealed inside so it’s not easily swappable. Our unit was delivered to us without any packaging or bundled contents, other than the 135W charger. But you should expect the typical manuals and warranty information in the box when you buy it.
Acer Aspire VX 15 specifications and features
What we like about Acer laptops is that you always tend to get better specifications for your money, compared to what the competition would offer and the VX 15 is no exception. The CPU is an Intel Core i7-7700HQ 7th gen. quad-core chip with HyperThreading, which is usually found in most premium gaming laptops today. There’s also a single stick of 8GB of DDR4 RAM, which can be upgraded up to 32GB. For storage, we have a Kingston 128GB M.2 SSD and a Toshiba 1TB mechanical drive running at 5400rpm. The latter is useful for installing games but won’t be nearly as fast as having the games on the SSD. Finally, we also have Nvidia’s GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card with 4GB of DDR5 memory. Other specifications include Bluetooth 4.1, dual-band Wi-Fi a/b/g/n/ac with 2x2 MIMO antennas and a HD webcam.
The Acer Aspire VX 15 ships with Windows 10 Home 64-bit along with some pre-installed software like a 3-day subscription of Norton Security, trial version of Office 365 and some universal apps like Netflix, Kindle, Ebay, Agoda and Amazon. Acer also has its own suite of apps like Acer Portal for its BYOC (Build Your Own Cloud) apps; Care Centre lets you monitor the system and check for driver updates; and Acer Collection, which gives you a list of curated apps from the Windows Store, across categories.
Acer Aspire VX 15 performance and battery life
Since the OS is installed on the SSD, general system and app performance is very good. The laptop boots up quickly and handles multitasking very efficiently. Loading apps or files from the mechanical drive takes some time, especially if the drive is idling an has to spin up but performing the same task from the SSD is near instantaneous. The laptop also runs silently and doesn’t heat up for regular workloads. The heat starts to build during gaming but thankfully, this is kept away from the palm rest area and the left part of the keyboard, where you’d typically have your fingers when playing a game.
The key cluster to the right of the trackpad (and before the number pad) gets really hot. The bottom part of the laptop gets warm but nothing too uncomfortable when using on your lap. The dual fans near the exhaust work well and aren’t noisy at all, even when they are working at full capacity. The HD webcam is certified for Skype for Business, but we found the quality to be pretty sub-par. Even in a well-lit room, there’s plenty of visible noise on and around your face. It does support face recognition though so it will priorities getting the exposure right for your face, over the surroundings.
The speakers are another highlight here, which get incredibly loud thanks to the Dolby Audio enhancements. We found this particularly good on Acer’s Predator 15 too and we’re happy to see Acer bringing this tech to its more affordable models.
To gauge the Acer Aspire VX 15’s actual gaming potential, we ran through our list synthetic and real world gaming tests and were pretty happy with the results. In 3DMark Fire Strike, we got a score of 5589 while PCMark 8 returned 3562, 4354 and 3217 points for the Home, Creative and Work test suites, which are pretty good numbers. In the multi-threaded CPU test of Cinebench R15, we got a score of 723 points and a graphics score of 98.3fps, in the OpenGL test.
Moving onto actual gameplay, we begin with Rise of the Tomb Raider, which we ran at the native resolution, with DirectX 12 and the Very High preset. In the in-game benchmark, we got an average of 32fps but during actual gameplay; the frame rate was hovering more around 25-28fps, with some dips to 18fps. This fluctuation didn’t help during intense battles so we were forced to drop the graphics quality a bit for smoother gameplay.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is another very taxing game for a graphics card, and here with the High preset and 1080p, we managed to average 29fps. In Doom, we used the Foundry level to benchmark our run and even with the Ultra preset, we easily managed to average 55fps.
Next up is Metro Last Light Redux, which is a very demanding game, graphically. With the resolution set to 1080p, High quality preset and Tessellation set to Normal, we averaged around 33fps, which is not bad. Unfortunately, Ashes of the Singularity kept crashing on the loading screen, despite multiple driver updates, which is a shame as it’s a good test for the new DirectX 12 API.
In Far Cry 4, with the Very High preset, we were averaging about 47fps. In all the games we tested, we never had to drop the resolution lower than the display’s native one, which is good thing. For more demanding titles, you’ll probably have to sacrifice some level of eye-candy for smoother framerates but we think that’s not a big compromise, considering the price of the laptop.
Gaming laptops never boast of battery life for good reason – it’s practically impossible to get a day-long battery life with all these power hungry components inside, while still keeping portability in mind. The Acer Aspire VX 15 ran for 1 hour and 26 minutes in our Battery Eater Pro test, which is less but is still a shade better than some of the recent gaming laptops we tested. With regular use, we managed to get about 4-5 hours of runtime, which is not enough for a full work day.
Verdict The Acer Aspire VX 15 might not be the most feature-rich gaming laptop out there, but for the asking price, it’s really tough to beat. The CPU and GPU inside are powerful enough to handle many of today’s games at 1080p with ease and should have some leg room for future titles too. The cherry on the top is that all this power will cost you just Rs. 87,999, maybe even lesser on online stores. It also offers much better value compared to the MSI GP62 7RD Leopard Pro gaming laptop we recently tested, which shares pretty much the same guts as the VX 15.
Of course, at this bargain price comes some compromises. For instance, the display doesn’t get very bright and the colours feel a bit dull at times. The webcam isn’t very good either so if you do a lot of video chatting, this isn’t the best tool for the job. Finally, as good as the laptop looks, it’s still quite heavy and can be cumbersome to carry around.
All things considered, if you’re out in the market for a gaming laptop with a tight budget in mind, we’re yet to see a better deal than the Aspire VX 15.
Price (MRP): Rs. 87,999
Good build quality
Handles most games well at 1080p
Good value
Comfortable keyboard
Runs relatively cool and quiet
Very good speakers
Low display brightness and dull colours
Low-quality webcam
Heavy and difficult to carry
Ratings (Out of 5)
Design: 4
Display: 3
Performance: 4
Software: 3.5
Value for Money: 4.5
Overall: 4
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0 notes
itsjaybullme · 7 years
The Motivation Manifesto
MOTIVATION: The reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
INSPIRATION: The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something.
GOAL: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed.
GREATNESS: You have to define for yourself.
At the end of the day, any measure of success is determined by quantifiable improvement. In order to be successful at anything, you must go from your current Point A to an improved Point B and have something to show for it. And in order to do that, you must first set a goal and work toward it each and every day.
Now, you might think this sounds daunting—that this labor of love will consume every hour of every day. But let’s start small. Yes, your goal might turn into a bit of a project. It might take years or a lifetime to come to term. But it might also manifest and start at a point that takes only 20 minutes a day. And if you ask me, that’s not a lot to ask in exchange for improvement.
Let’s talk about being great. A lot of people don’t have a definition for being great, which makes it easy to fall flat because you don’t have a clear picture of what it is that you want to do. But remember that nobody starts out being great. We start out naked, as fat, squishy tissue, not knowing what to do with our hands and feet. But we adapt and make progress over a long period of time.
Think about this: How long does it take you to learn to walk? It takes a lot of kids a year. So how long is it going to take you to make progress toward being wealthier or being in better shape? It’s going to take you some time, maybe even a few months or years. Obtaining strength and being a professional powerlifter and going the course that I went took decades.
Another important piece of the puzzle: Figure out why you want to be great and who you want to be great for. For me, it’s really simple. I like to be great to my family. If I start there, it makes it easy to branch out and be great to other people and really make an impact.
Mother Teresa once said: “The way to have the biggest impact on the world is to go home and love your family.” I thought, “Damn, that was a great quote.” And not just your immediate family, but friends, too. People who are good to you—be good back to them and that will start you down your path to success.
Along those same lines, Ed Coan, the greatest powerlifter of all time, shared this quote with me: “Be good to those who are good to you and don’t do anything else.” If you’re trying to please a lot of different people, you’re wasting your time. And at the same time, don’t neglect the people who are putting their time into you. It’s a lot easier to do things with people than to do things by yourself—you’re going to need some allies on your mission.
Also important to remember, because this is something that can take you down quick: All fear comes from picturing the future. If you’re going to bungee jump and you’re scared, you’re imagining what it’s going to be like to jump. But putting things off will increase that fear. That’s why you have to try to chip away at your goal each and every day.
I run into a lot of people who are at a crossroads in their life— they’re at a pivotal point and they’re scared to make the jump because what they’re thinking about doing next might be difficult. Making changes and doing things that maybe you don’t have a full understanding of is terrifying. So I always advise people that making a change may be scary, but staying the same is worse.
Another crippling thing is the act of overthinking. People tend to overthink. They have a goal, they’re fired up, they’re excited about something, and they think about it too much. You want to try to get yourself to think a lot less and do a lot more.
It’s also important that everyone understands that we all possess the ability to make progress and be better than we were yesterday. We all possess the ability to do a lot more. It may seem like you’re doing a lot now, but you can always do more.
If someone were to ask Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who’s probably the most popular person on the planet right now, “Can you do more? Can you train an extra 10 minutes? Can you do an extra rep, an extra set, can you lift more weight? Can you take another meeting during the week?” He’d probably say yes. With 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, 365 days in a year, it’s impossible for it to be 100% all the time. He’s extremely busy, but I’m sure that he would also admit that he could do better, and be better, and improve his relationships, etc. Because we all possess the ability to make things a little bit better.
Rather than applying that to just The Rock, apply it to yourself. You can do more, you can take on more, you can change yourself, and you can change your life. But if you want more, you have to become more. And the way you’re going to become more successful is by being more successful. And the way you’re going to be more successful is by making improvements, and the way you’re going to make improvements is by chipping away at your goals each and every day.
I have defined greatness for myself through this quote my dad sent me: “Compassion is not measured by the number of people you’re helping but by the number of people who no longer need your help.” I live by that quote each and every day.
Here are the key guidelines that will help you get motivated, stay motivated, and ultimately become successful.
Ask yourself: What does being great mean to you? Consider who you want to be great to, and why. Michael Jordan had to redefine greatness because he was already great—he had already exceeded everyone’s expectations entering the NBA. He won a national championship with North Carolina, he was Rookie of the Year, he scored more than 30 points a game and was the most electrifying player anyone had seen in years. But the Detroit Pistons beat the crap out of him. They had “The Jordan Rules”—they were big and strong and bullied him physically on the court because he was skinny. He had to redefine what greatness meant to him—he had to kick everything up a notch by lifting more and getting bigger and stronger. For me, being great is defined by other people. Me achieving greatness means providing as much as I can to as many people as I can. Also, having an impact on people’s lives and teaching them things is cool, but if I can teach people things that can last forever, if I can teach you to not need me, then I’ve done my job. To me, being able to affect people that way is being great. 
Decide what you want to improve on and why you want to achieve it. You want to try to set long-term goals, but you also want to try to set short-term goals. Don’t be afraid to set goals that are sitting right in front of you. Don’t be afraid to set goals that are what I refer to as “chump change”—things that are easy to obtain.
In general terms, you’ll want to identify steps you can take every day to get you toward your goal. Once you’ve defined your goal it will be easier for you to determine the steps you’ll want to take every day to get there. In more specific terms, if you want to improve your fitness, you can exercise for 10 minutes more each day, or a whole additional day. If you want to become a better writer, maybe you read more or watch a YouTube video on how to write for a specific genre, or take a course on writing. 
In order to get closer to your goal, you need to actually execute the steps to get there each and every day. It’s easy to get overwhelmed throughout the day and talk ourselves out of getting things done. We tell ourselves that it will be easier to not get certain things done, and this is a pitfall many people— including myself—fall into easily. For example, you start the day with three things you need to get done: go to the grocery store, train for 90 minutes, and finish your homework. It’s easy to convince yourself that you will go to the grocery store later or train harder tomorrow because you didn’t eat enough today. But then you end up having activity without any progress. Don’t talk yourself out of getting the things done that you need to get done just because it seems easier in the moment. This will cause anxiety because what should have been done yesterday has yet to be done today—it’s still in your future, and it’s a weight on your shoulders that can manifest into an ugly thing. You want to try to set your day up with a realistic to-do list so that things don’t keep carrying over to the next day. Make that phone call you’re supposed to make, e-mail that person you’re supposed to e-mail. You absolutely cannot cut corners and still achieve success.
   from Bodybuilding Feed https://www.flexonline.com/training/motivation-manifesto via http://www.rssmix.com/
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