#specifically varying the cuts. bc i already have a nice variety in colours
yardsards · 1 year
the idea of a capsule wardrobe is so fucking bonkers to me cuz they're like
"you should only have 30-60 items"
and you're like wow that sounds tough
amd then you find out that that's PER SEASON and also doesn't include underwear and socks and pajamas and whatnot
and suddenly you're just like??? that's just a normal fucking amount of clothes???
they make it sound like it's some Revolutionary Minimalist Idea but it's just how normal people dress i think
"every item should be versatile and work in more than one outfit!" is that not how most people shop? like, we don't have money for one-outfit-wonders; that shirt better look good with at least two pairs of pants that we own or it's not worth it
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