joeyfm · 3 years
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『 ha sooyoung. twenty-four. cis woman. she/her. 』did you see JOEY HAN in APARTMENT 10 in spectrum house? yeah, they’re pretty +DETERMINED , right? they’re very +INTELLIGENT, too. some say that they can be -STUBBORN and -RETICENT, but i don’t see it. they work as a PROGRAMMER around san francisco. you know, they remind me of HEADLIGHTS RUSHING THROUGH A DESERTED HIGHWAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. i’m glad they’ve been at spectrum house for A MONTH. without them, this place just wouldn’t be the same.『 k. 21. gmt+8. she/her.』
ey!! hey bestiess it’s ya girl k and aCKKK im so excited to be in such a cute rp. im here with my panic gay child joey who can be an Asshole sometimes (im sorry). im probably asleep when ur reading this bc this is a scheduled post but pls like if ur interested in plotting!! i’ll message u when i wake up <33
click this sentence for joey’s full bio, but a tldr; version can also be found under the cut and pls forgive the tldr version bc im writing this at 1am and my brain is mush (tw: homophobia, death)
name: jihyo “joey” han age: 24 zodiac sign: aquarius orientation: homosexual homoromantic mbti: intj hogwarts house: slytherin
moved with her grandma and dad to orange county, ca when she was six (her mom died in childbirth)
as a precocious only child, she was Loved and showered with praises on how smart she was (she really is) and that led her to developing her a very strong sense of self
she sort of gained a rep for being very confident and confident, like ya kno the type a student that doesnt stress out because she has her shit together but simultaneously doesnt need the approval of teachers to know that she’s smart so she knows when to slack off
the first time she remembers really Panicking was when she was thirteen and a girl kissed her on the cheek and she realized she was gay
went through high school not dating or coming out because she is very much in denial, but also because she isn’t sure how her grandma and dad would react
it really took a toll on her mental health and felt like she was walking on eggshells around her fam
got into MIT and set off to college, finally embracing who she is and finding inner peace with coming to terms with her sexuality
BUT she still didnt come out because she knows where her family’s ideologies lie and she’s scared that they won’t be as proud of her successes if they knew she was gay
when she was in her third year of college, her grandmother got really sick
she dropped out of college to help pay for the bills and take care of her grandma
as her grandma’s condition worsened, she debated on whether to come out to her or not
her grandma died before she ever got the chance to come out. it was her one regret. after the funeral, she came out to her dad. it wasn’t received well.
in the next few months, she and her dad lived like strangers. once she saved up working freelance, she packed up her bags and moved to san francisco.
currently, she’s working as a coder for a small start up but she dreams of starting her own start up someday, sooner more than later. 
for her, spectrum house is just an apartment, but i hope she finds a family and some interesting connections along the way <3
joey is in general quiet and honestly very earnest 
she’s quiet like i said but likes to size up a room. very judgy i must say
also can be very Annoying, she likes being the smartest person in every given situation and will give her opinion whether u like it or not
can be very harsh with words. if u look like an idiot, she will flat out tell you no hesitation even if ur not that close
once u get past that judgy, cold, quiet exterior, she is actually very chatty and very generous. she rarely loves people, but when she does, she loves FULLY
she’s very focused on her career and whatnot, but is actually very very lonely and just uses her career as an excuse to hide that loneliness :<
she’s very composed but goes into Panic Gay mode every once in a while. for all her bravado in all other aspects of life, she’s really awkward when it comes to dating
still setting up a connections page but this is what i have on the top of my head!!  
rooftop/parking lot buddies - joey goes to this places to think and be alone and apparently ur muse too. they cross paths to often, they decide to chitchat one time
awkward one night stand - plus points if they live on the same floor
soft spot - probably perfect for a very sunshine-y character??? very opposite joey, but she can’t help but be endeared by them
sf survival guide - your chara has been in sf for a while now and while joey always says she doesnt need help getting around, you’ve come to her rescue a few times
these are only suggestions and i’d be happy to brainstorm some more ideas with you guys!!
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drbobbywright · 3 years
『 billy porter. fifty. cis man. he/him. 』 did you see ROBERT WRIGHT in APARTMENT #28 in spectrum house? yeah, they’re pretty +OUTGOING, right? they’re very +WELCOMING, too. some say that they can be -ANXIOUS and -CLINGY, but i don’t see it. they work as a GENERAL PRACTITIONER around san francisco. you know, they remind me of A CUP OF WARM TEA IN THE MORNING. i’m glad they’ve been at spectrum house for THIRTY-TWO YEARS. without them, this place just wouldn’t be the same.
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hi, everyone! welcome to this little safe space we’ve got going on! pris and i are so excited to welcome you into this happy home! this is robert!
robert preston wright was born in york, south carolina on may 28th of 1970, making him a gemini sun and a pisces moon. here in york, he had a picture perfect childhood. his mom was a secretary at an elementary school just 45 minutes away in charlotte, nc. meanwhile, his father worked so many hours that he rarely got in the way. 
as a child, he was considered to be an exemplary student. with straight a’s and his homework always on time, very few teachers ever reported a problem with him, if any. on saturdays, he would ride his bike over to his friends house, though he would always make sure to be back by dinnertime. on sundays, he sang in the choir at the local baptist church. all in all, most viewed him as responsible.
as bobby entered junior high, his peers were starting to exclude bobby from their schoolyard chatter. hell, half of the chatter was about him specifically. the reagan administration was a time of conservatism and so bobby saw himself lessening himself, quieting himself, removing any mannerism or tone that could put him in a bad position.
truthfully, bobby didn’t even know he was on the lgbtq+ spectrum. he just thought he was a feminine straight man. in high school, he dated suzy brown, his childhood friend. he had his first kiss with her. he went to his junior prom with her. he was supposed to spend his future with her. yet, even though he had his life happily laid out for him, something didn’t feel right.
after high school, bobby attended the local community college for a year. it was at this college where bobby made out with another boy in the quad. all at once, the wrongs began to turn to rights, and bobby didn’t want to let go. he had no idea how to tell his loved ones. he shouldn’t. he couldn’t. surprisingly, he didn’t have to. 
when he arrived home, he found his mother, his father, and suzy sitting at a table waiting for him. he was befuddled at this gathering. though suzy seemed to take it well, his mother looked distraught. it broke his heart, but he still wasn’t sure why. after his father told him that a neighbor saw him and another boy making out on the quad as they were driving past the school, it began to make sense. what didn’t make sense were the bags near the front door.
“you have to understand, robert.” his father began.
“richard, don’t start.” his mother groaned.
with these words alone, robert knew that his time in this childhood home was coming to a close. he was being kicked out. after all, what would his father’s friends say? what would the town say on sunday morning? his mother clearly seemed to be against this decision, but she seemed to have no say in the matter. with this decision, robert took the money he had and left the only place he had ever known in a huff. 
though suzy let him stay at her place for a week, it was short-lived. however, suzy did point him to an apartment in san francisco, one where you could be whoever you wanted to be. this news made bobby’s ears perk up. he had never experienced such freedom before. with this knowledge, he left suzy’s home after a week and took the next six-hour flight to san francisco to start the next chapter of his life.
when he made his way to spectrum house in 1988, he found a man greeting him at the front door, touring him around the complex and treating him like a friend. he would later learn that this man’s name was xavier. with this warm welcome, he felt at home before he even put his security department and moving-in fees down. it wasn’t easy, though. robert initially was in #12, where he roomed with two other strangers due to his lack of rent money. however, despite his difficulties, he was astounded at this place. it was everything he dreamed of.
as years passed, xavier became almost like a father figure to him. he taught robert the important life skills that richard never taught him. as such, he was incredibly distraught in 1993 after his passing. it was a common warning within the house to “not make robert upset”, because practically anything could bring him to inconsolable sobs. he grieved for a long while. hell, he never really stopped. however, he did try to find more productive ways to deal with it. in 1994, robert decided to take up xavier’s “welcoming” role within the house, making himself a tour guide for whoever’s interested in renting an apartment here. it’s a role he still holds to this day. 
robert also decided to go back to school, get his degree, and get his doctorate afterwards. following the earning of his degree, he took up a job as a general practitioner at the doctor’s office across the street, where he offers discounted rates to struggling people in the area. 
in the beginning, it was very tough. not many people chose to go to him in the ‘90s, especially after the aids crisis. they would pin it down to his mannerisms, his way of speaking, etc. therefore, he found himself feeling pressured to mask crucial parts of himself, just like in junior high. however, unlike when he was a pre-teen, he chose against listening to those pressures. instead, he let his patients see the real him. if they liked it, great. if they didn’t, the door’s to the right.
somehow, robert thought that this job would allow him to stop losing people. however, he later learned that this job would do anything but that. nearly every week, robert finds himself having to call the ambulance for a patient. he doesn’t know whether they make it or not until their next appointment. sometimes they do, but sometimes they don’t. truthfully, robert is sick of it and regrets taking this job on, but he feels as if it might be too late. after all, he’s fifty years old. very few people change their mind at fifty, and he’s not prepared to be one of the few. 
alongside his job, robert also met a very special person in 1995, who allowed him to re-learn the meaning of joy. this person would become his husband twenty years later. however, after five years of marriage, they simply grew in separate directions. instead of rings and roses, they now have divorce papers. those papers lead to yet another loss for robert.
in 2018, robert wrote his mother a letter, expressing his forgiveness towards her and his eagerness to get to know her again, if she was interested. robert turned 48 that year, the same age his mother was when bobby was kicked out. he got a letter back from his aunt, saying that his mother died in 2005. this was yet another loss for robert, one in which he could do nothing about. 
all in all, robert’s currently at a point where he feels incredibly lost and discouraged. he’s even beginning to lose the strong, thick southern accent that he’s had ever since he first got here. though his depression isn’t at the level it was in 1993, it’s certainly present and unavoidable. will he be able to put all of that loss behind him and be the man that the house needs him to be? who knows? all he knows is that nothing he knows is for certain anymore.
if you read all of that, you may be entitled to financial compensation. if you’d like to know more, please feel free to click on his statistics, connections, pinterest, or playlist. if you’d like to plot with me, please feel free to like this post or message me. here are some wanted connections i have for him.
his ex-husband (on the wc page): these two were together for nearly twenty-five years. they left on amicable terms, but there’s no denying the disappointment they feel at their inability to stay together. they’re friends, but they’re tense friends. with time, hopefully that will change, but in the meantime, they just have to ride the awkward waves that pass.
his niece (on the wc page): robert’s from a very religious family in south carolina. unfortunately, so is she. robert left the coup a long time ago after learning that he was not welcome there, but this muse only left recently, only after realizing she was queer. following her whole coming out situation, he offered his niece a place to stay.
his best friend: this person ideally has been at the house since xavier’s been there. since the two have been there so long, they’ve gotten to know each other over and over and over again. as such, this person is one of the only people robert feels comfortable going to when he’s upset. during such a trialsome time in his life, this person is a well-needed shoulder to lean on, and robert is more than willing to do the same.
people he mentors: robert’s life is a mess, but he’s more than happy to mentor the younger queer people in the complex. after all, he was twenty, thirty, and forty once. he’s all too familiar with the strifes of those times. hopefully, he can do some good.
people he welcomed to spectrum house: since he took xavier’s role and started welcoming newcomers to this queer-friendly complex, he often was the first person many housemates met after moving here. therefore, though these people might not necessarily be all too close to robert, there’s a bond that they share with him that can never be replaced.
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veejihad · 3 years
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omg hello friends !! tysm for joining our lovely lil group we have going on here. my heart: full !!! i’m pris, here and queer from socal; you can read more about vee under the cut as well as some of my wanted connections. feel free to like this post and i’ll hit you up for a plotting sesh !
『 medalion rahimi. twenty-six. nonbinary. they/them. 』did you see VEE JIHAD in APARTMENT #18 in spectrum house? yeah, they’re pretty +INTUITIVE, right? they’re very +DEPENDABLE, too. some say that they can be -DISTANT and -STUBBORN, but i don’t see it. they work as an HERBALIST around san francisco. you know, they remind me of MUGWORT TEA. i’m glad they’ve been at spectrum house for SEVEN YEARS. without them, this place just wouldn’t be the same.『 pris. 24. pst. she/they. 』
vee is the child of a neurosurgeon and lawyer and has older twin siblings that went off to ivy leagues and pursued careers in it and marketing. this essentially meant that from the moment they were born, they were already expected to live up to unrealistic expectations and standards 
it also didn’t help that they were a child who loved horror movies and all the gore included, occult mysteries, and conspiracy theories. their overactive imagination and penchant for escapism naturally had them walking a different path as well, with their talents and passion circling more around visual media and art than any other hard science
vee was essentially the black sheep of the family, the person who wasn’t really bragged about to family relatives so they were usually left alone (fine by them!) but this also meant vee was one confused and dysphoric teenager by the time they started high school
this became just another thing that broke the mold of what their parents expected. if their parents were over-the-top and too much before, then at this point they were constantly nagging on them, butting heads over petty fights and larger scale arguments that had vee spending time outside of the house
it all worked out in the end then, as vee partook in many escapist activities. for one, that interest in horror, occult, and conspiracy theories grew exponentially over time. from creepypastas to cryptozoology, they were all about it. eventually, vee discovered witchcraft and instantly connected with it too
the other piece of the escapism puzzle was, well, weed. what came out of their heavy stoner days as a youth surprised even vee themselves: an interest in the health benefits of all kinds of herbs - and thus a new passion had begun for herbalism
once vee turned 18, they moved out and cut ties. after couch surfing for about a year and joining various herbalist retreats and workshops, they ended up in san francisco and planted their first roots at spectrum house
flash forward 7 years later and now vee has made an entrepreneur out of themselves. through their herbalism education, they were able to establish multiple streams of income. they run an online apothecary where they sell herbal blends for tea and smoking, essential oils, and incense
vee also provides herbal consultations, tarot reading, and sound healing - readily offering these services for free to those at spectrum house. it’s their way of saying thank you, i’m here for you, and i love you to the family they never had
in hindsight, all good things come with time and over the years vee has become comfortable in their queer, nonbinary identity. actions speak louder than words where vee is concerned (and they’d never be caught dead actually saying these words aloud anyway)
personality-wise, vee has mellowed out a ton since their high school days so let’s just say we should be glad we have a more evolved version of vee now. they are still somewhat reserved but they are not as cold and more likely to give your muse more “affection” / conversation
you’ll likely find them in the community garden and vee could probably tell you about anything there if you ask
sexuality: queer
sun sign: scorpio
ascendant: capricorn
moon: leo
MBTI: infp
moral alignment: chaotic good
enneagram: 5w4
vibes: frankie bergstein, jess mariano, nell crain 
+ read more details about vee’s bio and stats here
CLOSE FRIEND: sad as it is, vee wouldn’t say they’re genuinely close with many people but this person is who vee would call a close friend… maybe even… best friend? 
PSEUDO-PARENT: bobby. your muse was one of the first people to welcome vee at spectrum and decided to adopt vee under their wing for whatever reason
MENTEE: aimée. your muse is curious about herbalism and as a result they’ve ended up becoming an unofficial student of vee’s
BAD HORROR MOVIE SQUAD: a group of people, any gender, who messes around with vee visiting haunted locations around sf for fun and watch horror movies together 
EX-ROOMIE: vee has been at spectrum house for a while and has been through a couple roommate/living situations
MINIMIZER: this person constantly underestimates and undermines vee, could be hostility or even a cynic
TRUE ENEMIES: they just don’t connect on any level and have a hatred toward each other. they try to avoid each other if they can help it bc keeping it “civil” during resident events is like pulling teeth
romantic ( open to any gender )
FLIRTATIONSHIP: friends who flirt with each other like all the time stop 
BOOTY CALL: self explanatory
POLYCULE PARTICIPANT: this is just my running wish of having vee participate in a polycule in some way,,, gimme some sweet poly plots
+ see the full connections page here
if u made it all the way down here, ily ty! again, feel free to dm me or like this post and i will come bother u <333 you can also reach me on d*scord ( fullhomo#9769 ). i will also be starting work in about 2 hours so apologies in advance for any delayed responses! 
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alrightfleur · 3 years
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『 dominique jackson. forty-six. trans woman. she/her. 』did you see FLEUR CALLISTO in APARTMENT #27 in spectrum house? yeah, they’re pretty +CREATIVE, right? they’re very +WITTY, too. some say that they can be -CONCEITED and -CRITICAL, but i don’t see it. they work as a FORMER MODEL TURNED MODELING AGENT around san francisco. you know, they remind me of A MINK COAT DRAPED OVER A $30 CHAIR. i’m glad they’ve been at spectrum house for TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS. without them, this place just wouldn’t be the same.『 may. 21. est. she/her. 』
hi y’all !! i’m may and i’m so sorry i took so long -- i have been Busy and Tired but !! have also been dying to get this up !! it is not my Hottest nor most Detailed Work but !! i’ll add more as the days go on !! j wanna go ahead and get something up for her so i’ve got a good basis !!
triggers: brief mention of death, briefly acknowledged historical trans & homophobia
fleur was born and raised in san francisco. adopted by a wealthy couple when she was still an infant, she never knew the meaning of the word ‘want’ until what she wanted was acceptance.
before anything, she came out as bisexual. i don’t want to get too historical, but as everyone knows, the 80s were an awful time to make that decision. however, her parents accepted this. there may have been some peer distancing, but her support system still existed -- a support system she feared she would lose when she heard a term and realized an extra layer had been added: she is, and always was, a woman.
behind her parents’ backs ( not due to them not accepting her, due to the fear that they wouldn’t ), she would try on dresses and other typically feminine clothing. she tried her mother’s makeup. even with the littlest skillset, she was gorgeous.
it was then that her mother found her. she was unarmed with excuses... but it didn’t matter. her parents were new to the idea, a bit confused, but remained supportive of her. they bought her her own dresses for her birthday and christmas, her mother taught her how to apply makeup. nonetheless, fleur couldn’t build up the confidence to leave the house in that clothing -- reasonable -- until her parents offered to take her dress shopping themselves. she could get whatever she wanted. she just had to leave as herself.
so let me fast forward a couple of years. her parents fuckin died, because of course they did, and she was left astray. while able to live off of the money they left her in their will for a certain amount of time, she needed somewhere cheaper to stay. she needed a job. and, most importantly, she needed another support system. and that was when she met xavier.
it was the last year of his life, if i recall correctly, but he radiated warmth and a fatherly love that she desperately missed. he told her she was beautiful, inside and out. he told her she was valid, because she was herself. he told her things she had only ever heard from her parents. everything he said was... like home.
shortly after his passing, she took advantage of his words. her beauty. we’re gonna skip the logistics for right now because i don’t have time to look them up adklsjfhalejdks but, by the time she was 23, she was an actual model. 25, a ‘supermodel’. there were details of her life that were kept behind closed doors to the public, it not being the right time period for men to know that the woman on the cover of their magazine was not cis or straight.
but she hated hiding. it felt like she was 15 again, scared and unacceptable. but she was louder now, more confident in herself -- xavier and her parents had heightened that inner beauty.
at 30, she did something quite scandalous: in an important interview, she went off-script. she didn’t want to hide her truth anymore.
of course, this got her fired. her agency knew and, with her large appeal, had absolutely no problem with it -- they simply feared the public would. so she resolved, in that moment, to start her own agency -- specializing in lgbtq+ models.
it took it a long time to get it off its feet, almost running into bankruptcy, but, as the years went by, more and more people filed in. 
she is now back to being a Rich Bitch™, but continues to occupy the apartment she’s had for so long to honor xavier.
this was so bad i’m so sorry i’m gonna try to make it better tonight + add some personality and wc tidbits (though, in advance, one would be some models!), but!!!!!!!!!! here r some basics along w some random details bc. ofc i cldn’t just do one or the other.
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honeybunjacob · 3 years
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『 harry shum jr. thirty-five. genderqueer. he/him. 』 did you see JACOB CHAN in APARTMENT #26 in spectrum house? yeah, they’re pretty +LOYAL, right? they’re very +DAUNTLESS, too. some say that they can be -RESENTFUL and -ALOOF, but i don’t see it. they work as a PASTRY CHEF around san francisco. you know, they remind me of FRESH PASTRIES ON A RAINY MORNING. i’m glad they’ve been at spectrum house for TWELVE YEARS. without them, this place just wouldn’t be the same.
hi everyone!! i'm celine, nice to meet everyone! jacob is a beloved muse of mine and i'm rly excited to introduce him to y'all. please hit me up on tumblr or discord if you'd like to plot with him! check out my blog for jacob's full bio and wanted connections <3
╳ full name.     jacob chan. ╳ age.     35 years old. ╳ gender & pronouns.     queer male (he/him). ╳ orientation.     bisexual ╳ occupation.     pastry chef. ╳ birthplace.     chinatown, san francisco, ca ╳ residence.     the castro, san francisco, ca ╳ ethnicity.     chinese ╳ faceclaim.     harry shum jr.
Personality ╳ positive traits.     loyal, dauntless. ╳ negative traits.      resentful, aloof. ╳ zodiac.     taurus sun / virgo moon. ╳ alignment.     true neutral. ╳ mbti.     istp. ╳ element.     fire.
Jacob Chan was born and raised in San Francisco to a strict and conservative family. He was the black sheep of the family; the path they molded for him was a path he didn’t want to take and it caused tension throughout his life.
A week after his high school graduation and 18th birthday, a now ex-friend of his catches him kissing a boy, leading them to tell everyone, outing himself to everyone he knows. Including his family
His family kicks him out, leaving him with only a duffle bag and backpack of his personal belongings. And sure, some of his other high school friends let him couch surf for a bit, but he knew he wasn’t close enough for them to let him stay more than a couple of months. Soon he just grows used to it, used to being alone and having to fend for himself.
There’s a lot of anger inside of him, and he’s prone to lashing out and starting fights. He’s been kicked out and gotten himself in trouble many times.
On a rainy day in Chinatown, a couple of blocks from where he grew up, Jacob finds a Chinese bakery on a busy intersection where he meets the owner, Frida, who he soon comes to accept as his new family. Frida, also queer and Chinese with a shaky upbringing, takes Jacob in immediately, letting him stay at her guest bedroom indefinitely until he gets back up on his feet.
Despite some backlash against working at the bakery, Jacob finds passion in the process of creating pastries. He loves beating the shit out of dough because at least he won’t get in trouble this time for it. After a couple of years of Frida teaching him the basics, he decides that baking is what he wants to do, and he continues his education at The Culinary Institute of America, getting his associate degree in bakin gand pastry arts.
His unexpected stardom happens when Buzzfeed comes and films at the bakery, and soon people from all over the Bay Area come at a chance to taste Jacob’s food. He even makes his own Instagram account and Youtube channel that his new family urges him to get and soon he’s growing in Internet fame.
About 3-4 years at his bakery, Jacob has established himself in the community. With catering orders and a steady stream of people coming in, he’s ready to move out. Frida suggests an apartment complex that’s queer friendly, and soon he’s moving into a studio with his own money that he saved up himself.
And thus, his life at Spectrum is born.
Life at the Spectrum House
Jacob is on the path of healing, supported by his new family and the community over at the Spectrum House. He’s learned to redirect his anger and also open up more with the people around him, even though it might be a work in progress. With most of his twenties already out the door, he’s a bit… awkward and doesn’t really know what to do with himself.
He keeps to himself but is involved with the community a lot. He tries to keep a steady supply of pastries at the lobby every day for the residents
Just a couple of years ago, he upgraded from a studio to a one bedroom apartment, mostly because that means more kitchen space for him.
Now, with his Internet fame going outside of the Bay Area, Jacob has more plans for the future, including potentially opening up a branch in the area or even opening up his catering business. He’s still trying to figure it out, even after all these years.
After a shaky upbringing during his teens and twenties, Jacob is finally rediscovering himself especially after realizing that he doesn’t have to angrily lash out as a coping mechanism.
Jacob is healing from his past and forging a new path for himself, but that doesn’t mean he slips and messes up along the way. He’s prone to lashing out, closing himself off and pushing people away.
He may SEEM like a cool-looking guy but he’s VERY awkward. People like to say he has a charm to him but he still doesn’t quite believe him yet.
He’s still pretty closed off but he’ll open up to people who are willing to stick with him. And once he opens up, he’s fiercely loyal and he WILL beat someone up if they fuck with his closest friends and family.
Regardless, Jacob has cemented his place as a well known baker in the Bay Area and he still wonders how the hell that happened.
Also I forgot to add, Jacob IS secretly a softie and a romantic. He’s loyal and he loves caring for the people he likes!
oof, that was long. weird thing is this is the condensed bio too! if you read all the way here, thank u for taking the time.
here's some wanted connections that i'd love, but tbh i'm open to anything! i also have a wc page here
PSEUDO-FAMILY MEMBER**: Someone who either grew up with him back when he started out at the bakery and moved to the Spectrum House with him, or someone he met very early on in his residence
HIS FIRST CRUSH IN LIKE, 10 YEARS**: Jacob isn’t good with romance. Hell, he’s trying to figure out his own friendships, but maybe someone catches his eye and he has all these feelings that he doesn’t know what to do with! Cue slow burn, pining, obliviousness, all that fun stuff
CLOSE FRIEND: Someone who, in his first few years of living at Spectrum, burrowed their way into a friendship with Jacob
SOMEONE FROM HIS OLD LIFE**: Maybe they heard about the bakery and the Spectrum House. Maybe they’re also queer themselves. Either way, they knew Jacob back then and who he used to be, and it freaks him the FUCK out
FRENEMIES Jacob doesn’t start fights as much as he used to before. But this person caught him on a bad day and maybe even started a fight. And now since they live in the same building, they only tolerate each other
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