aduckwithnoname · 8 months
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ltwilliammowett · 16 days
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A 'Gam' off the Californian coast by Roy Cross, 1984
The Nantucket whaler Spermo meets up with a whaling brig off the Californian Coast during her voyage of August 1820 to March 1823 , when she bought back 1,920 barrels of sperm oil from the Pacific Ocean.
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er-cryptid · 11 months
Testis and Epididymis Disease Word Parts
crypto- = hidden
orchido- = testicle, testis
-ism = disease from a specific cause
epi- = above, upon
didymo- = testicle, testis
-itis = infection of, inflammation of
in- = in, not, within
fertilo- = conceive, form
-ity = condition, state
oligo- = few
spermo- = sperm, spermatozoon
-ia = condition, state, thing
orcho- = testicle, testis
semino- = sperm, spermatozoon
-oma = mass, tumor
varico- = varicose vein, varix
-cele = hernia
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plangentia · 4 months
PY En 609
There are so many households of Sphagianes. HOUSEHOLDS 40. And there are so many telestai within them. MEN 14. At the private plot of Warnataios, there is so much seed: WHEAT 2 V 1. Moreover, the tenants hold Warnataios’ plots. Atukhos, the royal e-te-do-mo holds a lease, so much seed: WHEAT V 1. I-ni-ja, the servant of the god, holds a lease, so much seed: WHEAT T2 V4. E-*65-to, the servant of the god, holds a lease, so much seed: WHEAT T 2. Si-ma, the servant of the god, holds a lease, so much seed: WHEAT T 1.
At the private plot of Amaruntas, there is so much seed: WHEAT 2 T. Moreover, the tenants hold Amaruntas’ plots. . So-u-ro, the servant of the god, holds a lease, so much seed. WHEAT V 3. Edomoeus, the servant of the god, holds a lease, so much seed. WHEAT T 1. E-sa-ro, the servant of the god,m holds a lease, so much seed. WHEAT V 1. Warnataios, the telestai, holds a lease, so much seed. WHEAT T 1. E-ra-ta-ra, the servant of the priestess at Sphagianes, holds a lease, so much seed. WHEAT T 1. Po-so-re-ja, the servant of the god, holds a plot, so much seed. WHEAT T 1 V 3. The priestess at Spagianes holds a lease, so much seed. WHEAT T 3.
A record of land holding at Pylos, which is one of the major topics of tablets. These specific holdings concern Sphagianes. This record is actually compiled from two separate records, since one of them was broken in half. Nevertheless, they are almost identical. This suggests that the tablets weren’t always in their final form and instead may have been drafts.
Pa-ki-ja-ni-ja – Sphagiania. An adjective based on Sphagianes. Could be almost anything? Could be dative-locative.
to-sa – tossai – “so many.” Agreeing with da-ma-te. From *tot-yos.
da-ma-te – damartes – “households.” Feminine plural, built to a stem *dom-, related to buildings, houses, etc. Related to δαμαρ? A catch all term for the telestai and their tenants.
Te-re-ta – telestai – “service men?” τελος – “service” – and -ter agent suffix. These are high ranking officials. There are 13 recorded in the En series, but we would expect 14 given this tablet’s introduction. Where is our missing telestas?
e-ne-e-si – en-ehensi – “they are in.” 3rd person plural present tense of ἐνειμί < *h1es-enti.
wa-na-ta-jo-jo – Warnataioio. Genitive of a man’s name. Presumably one of the telestai. He also appears later in this tablet, as a tenant on another telastas’ land.
ko-to-na ki-ti-me-na – “settled land / private land.” There is a separate series about ko-to-na ke-ke-me-na, which is not associated with the telestai, and is held pa-ro da-mo.
pe-mo – spermo – “seed.” pe-mo/pe-ma alternation suggests a syllabic m ending?
o-da-a2 – ho-d’-aha. A complex particle introducing the paragraph. Equivalent to ὡς – δ’-ἄρα. “Moreover” is probably the best translation.
o-na-te-re – onateres – “leaseholders.” Agent noun describing a person that holds an o-na-to, a type of lease. The priestess argues in a later tablet that she has a different lease, but she in fact has o-na-to.
e-ko-si – hekhosi – “they hold.” From ἔχω.
e-te-do-mo , wa-na-ka-te-ro – wanakteros – “the royal e-te-do-mo.” Does e-te-do-mo have something to do with building?
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fanofcatchysongs · 3 days
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Apollo — God of The Sun and Light. But is also the god of poetry, healing, music, plagues, knowledge, order, prophecy, beauty, agriculture, and archery.
“Always, the sun always comes back.”
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“Hello mortals! I am the great Apollo..”
ALIAS: Phoebus, Lester Papadopoulos (mortal), Fred (hobo), God of Archery, God of Art, Music and Poetry, God of Prophecy, God of Light and the Sun, God of Healing and Plagues, God of Truth, God of Making Me Do Stupid Quests (by Percy Jackson), Music Man (by Leo Valdez), Sunny (by Ares, Leo Valdez and Josephine), Mr. A (by Dionysus), Lester-Apollo (by the troglodytes), Lover Boy (Sibyl of Cumea)
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Sexuality: none of your business.. (bisexual)
Personality: Laid back, less serious, obsessed with haikus.
Appearance: Any! (Mainly blonde with curly hair, tanned skin, and blue eyes.)
Zeus (father) Leto (mother) Artemis (twin sister) Ares, Hermes, Dionysus, Heracles and Perseus (paternal half-brothers) Athena, Persephone, Hebe, Enyo, Thalia Grace, and Eileithyia (paternal half-sisters) Apollo's Cabin members (children) Asclepius, Halcyon Green, Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Will Solace and Austin Lake (sons) Eurydice, Melite, Victoria (demigod), and Kayla Knowles (daughters) Hecate and Aura (cousins) Metis, Eos, Styx (first cousins once removed) Kronos (paternal grandfather) Rhea (paternal grandmother) Koios (maternal grandfather) Phoebe (maternal grandmother) Hygieia, Panakeia, Iaso, Akeso, Aglaea, Oeno, Spermo, Elais, Susanna Hall and Judith Quiney (granddaughters) Aratus, Meditri, Telesphoros, Machaon, Podaleirios, Actaeon, Thamyris, Eumolpus, Andros, Mykonos, Thasos, Corax, Laomedon, Hamnet Shakespeare and Pranjal (grandsons)
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Powers: Battle Prowess, Archery, Swordsmanship, Music Ability, Audiokinesis, Heliokinesis, Photokinesis, Sunlight Rays, Dazzling Appearance, Pyrokinesis, Fiery Appearance, Fire Generation, Fire Immunity, Supernatural Sight, Vitakinesis, Enhanced Healing, Nosokinesis, Prophecy, Madness Inducement, Truth Sense, Couplets Curse, Flight, Invisibility, Hypnokinesis, Shapeshifting, Power Granting, Deification, Teleportation, Cloud Transformation, Dreams.
Apollo's attributes are his golden bow and arrow, his golden lyre (made for him by Hermes), the laurel wreath (in honor of Daphne, his unrequited love), the sacrificial tripod (representing his prophetic powers), and the hyacinth flower (which sprouted out of the blood of Hyacinthus, Apollo's deceased lover). Apollo's sacred animal is the swan.
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manhub · 1 year
yo no soy y no voy a ser tu spermculito pero tengo todo spermo que es delito (el mal bottom que me dejan mal lo quito) tu eres mí tight es hole o la tight es hole es tí?
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zeroground · 1 year
Matai, Lietuvoje vis neatsiranda kiaušidžių deivės, politikės, kuri bent Zuckerbergui mestų kaltinimus nazionalinio saugumo nutekinimu. Ar spermos. KOks skirtumas. Kolxoznicos kai Grybauskaitės. Buratino mentaliux ir vsio SSRSgram takoje.
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helenasrealm · 2 years
Not "spermologos" wrongly translated by christians as "sower of words", when it should be "collecter of seed" (spermo + logos < logein (to collect)). Kinda love this old silly mistranslation and Augustinus seems to love the new translation too
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focsle · 2 years
Looking into whaleships with the Most Generic Names In The World (America and Navy) sure makes the research water a little muddier.
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How would barista Peter store the special cream or is it always fresh?
Mostly fresh but he's got a thermos... spermos if you will
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omghotmemes · 5 years
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I'd name it Spermo Biel
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leolaroot · 4 years
hate the way memory I hate the way memory works because I can't like like what I'm experiencing right now isn't real because after I stop experiencing it it's not going to be true anymore because no one is ever going to remember what I'm doing right now accurately and I hate that s*** I'd rather f****** die than be constantly misconstrued like that do you know what I mean I'm this is all stream of consciousness and my eyes are closed also I'm doing this with speech to text so I hope it's legible I hope it makes sense I'm still thinking about sperm whales I really want to be a spermo really bad really really bad I think if I got my choice I would be a sperm meal like right now instead of being this guy but instead of being like that would be a sperm whale and I live in the ocean and I would be like you know raising sperm whale babies or other activities like diving great deep or eating little sea creatures or killing freedivers who are trying to record my private whale conversations so that they can decode my language hey Buster guess what I want you to learn my language that's why I didn't speak English I spoke sperm whale language forever because I didn't want you to know what I was talking about grr bite kill bite bite bite bite bite bite kill and okay I think that's the end of the post I have to go to bed it's almost yeah it's it's it's it's it's it's quarter to one in the morning sorry I started to stutter okay end of the post bye bye-bye I love you bye
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srsfunny · 5 years
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I'd name it Spermo Biel
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swamplibra-blog · 7 years
parker cannon needs help
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itisspermo · 6 years
So lemme get this straight
Tumblr has not only gone and killed several tumblr blogs for posting nsfw content, leaving everyone in fear if they'll get purged next.
I can't stress enough how poor of a desistion this is. I can understand tumblr's desire to try to have this site be "family friendly", whether it would be through deleting porn bots, or even integrating a filter system that turns on automatically.
But to get rid of several blogs depicting lewd art, and leaving whatever nsfw artists are left to basically be inaccessible to anyone, is just plain offensive.
If you want to keep the sfw and nsfw users separate, I get that, I don't have a problem with that mindset. But to want to keep nsfw users separate from OTHER NSFW USERS?
I get they just lost their presence on the iOS app store, and want to remedy the reason they were pulled in the first place. But this has quickly turned from tumblr trying to make the site more user-friendly, into tumblr basically slamming an "anti-nsfw" panic button, and it's extremely frustrating.
What I'm trying to say here is, tumblr is taking very unnecessary and hasty actions against anybody who enjoys content that is not-safe-for-work, while failing to realize that a VERY large number of their users look at this kind of content, and personally I just hope none of these new "improvements" to the site are permanent.
Tl;dr: Tumblr's panicking about lewd stuff and they need to calm down.
Rant over.
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effulgentpoet · 5 years
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mythology aesthetics
In Greek mythology, the Oenotropae were Spermo, goddess of grain; Oeno, goddess of wine; and Elais, goddess of oil. Their great-grandfather was Dionysus, and he gave them the power to change water into wine, grass into wheat, and berries into olives. For this reason no one around them ever had to starve. According to other sources, however, the daughters were devotees of Dionysus, and the god rewarded them with the extraordinary ability to produce oil, corn, and wine from the ground or merely by touch. When the Greek fleet set out to make war in Troy, it was the Oenotropae who stocked their ships, and Agamemnon was so impressed with this that he abducted them in order to feed the Greek army. The daughters escaped, but were recaptured. As they were about to be bound, Dionysus saved them by turning them into white doves.
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