akluizui · 5 years
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Presenting to you the logo for Spectrum Heart Pretty Cure!
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parleboo · 4 years
current coms
1. Tiki Bar Stukov sphpc @blizzweirdo
2. Flowey CP @mister-daybreak
3. Blossom and gf FB @risinretrograde
4. -- HB @romangrydragon
5. Trio Women FB @witchzenka
6. Daybreak CP @mister-daybreak
7. Mojo FB @risinretrograde
8. -- CP @romangrydragon
9. Charles CP @mister-daybreak
10. Tagging sphpc @risinretrograde
11. Fantasy fpmpc @romangrydragon
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akluizui · 5 years
Hey fun fact I’m starting on writing Spectrum Heart! now so if all goes well I do hope I could finish this soon because it’s nearly been five years and I’m gonna die on the fact that I barely made progress on the first fucking episode but don’t worry folks I am. What should happen is that I could finish all the episodes within the year as well as designs so I could focus editing them and then making more art and write on Mash Up along the way.
I’m still considering that once I post SpHPC if I should post them weekly or twice a week since I partially don’t want to spend an entire year for this but I want to stay true to the original franchise AND have more time writing on PCMU. For the meantime we’ll set that aside and come back to it once I actually do finish writing. I do have a deadline and the deadliest is February 2021. It’s still long but considering my progress it is still scary lol
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akluizui · 5 years
Aye look I’ve officially added SpecHeart to the Pretty Cure Haven! So if you go there more often than FoPC (or just prefer that in general) then you can now see my series there! It’s partially formatted differently from the FoPC version but overall it’s still pretty much the same owo
I’ll however still focus posting more updates on FoPC. I’ll be adding the rest of the pages at the Haven once more information has been laid out. I’ll also only update it every now and then it depends but yeah.
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akluizui · 5 years
I made the guide! Check it out here
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akluizui · 5 years
So inspired by some folks over at the FoPC Discord, I'll be making a sort of guide to making Spectrum Heart! fan Cures! I might post a link to them tomorrow or something so yeah! No one's probably interested in making OCs but why not make a guide still haha
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akluizui · 5 years
Made some polls again on the SpecHeart FoPC page uwu
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akluizui · 5 years
Soooo I have paused on writing SpecHeart for two reasons:
1) I went and bought myself some books and I’ve been keeping myself busy with it and;
2) I kinda wasn’t liking how the story was going so far.
In which number 2 tends to happen a lot in my works. I’m still trying my bests to maybe complete up the entire first draft before going to revise it. Though I’ve been thinking if I should have beta readers?? I’m not sure if the way the entire thing went on so far in ep 1 was great or whatever or too...eh..so maybe those would be appreciated??
For the meantime, I’ll still be reading up on books I got. Chances are I could finish maybe by the end of July or late August so I might be up and running again around those.
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parleboo · 4 years
Current Commissions
2. Nedzia(Tabaxi) HB @romangrydragon 3. Mojo FB @Risinretrograde 4. Trio Women FB @witchzenka 5. Bunnygirl FB @sadtinytoaster 6. Corvo Attano FA(s) @romangrydragon 7. Blossom FB @risinretrograde 8. Trio FB  @mister-daybreak 9. Baby FA(m) @sadtinytoaster 10. Tiki Bar SPHPC @blizzweirdo 11. Buttercup ChB @risinretrograde 12. Daybreak CP @mister-daybreak 13. Alton CP @romangrydragon 14. Tagging SPHPC @risinretrograde 15. Briar CP @mister-daybreak 16. Fantasy MPFPC @romangrydragon 17. Charles CP @mister-daybreak 18. -- HS @blizzweirdo 19. -- HB @damionlite 20. -- FB @witchzenka
1. Flowey CP @mister-daybreak
notes: - 5 slots available - the order in which they’re presented above does not necessarily reflect the order that they’ll get worked on or finished
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