#spin your own tale // babette
loomsred · 7 months
@bloodyarn has encountered a problem... The moon was at her zenith, crickets chirping their summer serenade when Attor stepped from his tent. He was in pain, spine arched as he curled in on himself. His thoughts were a cacophony of desires not his own, teeth gnashing as hunger ripped through his guts like knife. And he was hot, boiling, claws raking along his scales as the desire to pull off his own skin crashed into him. -- want the rot want the rot the rot the red rend flesh from bone snap sinew rend tendon break bite snap spill the blood consume the flesh rend the soul give unto Him give share rejoice heed the call heed the call HEED THE CALL bask in the glory live your name your birthright your desires give in squelching squealing piglet people kill them all kill them ALL -- Sweat dripped between his scales and burned his eyes, but he tried to focus. The doll was in his hands, clutched tightly. A lifeline. A link back to the present.
-- give in let go heal the pain drown the pain with blood soak up the crumbs with offal drink deep the cries of the dying of the damned be a Good Boy be a Good Son be His son heed the call gut them like pigs wring their pheasant necks wallow in their misery mire in their filth -- Gods, he hoped no one else had been awoken as he stumbled out of camp. There was a river nearby and maybe the cold water would help. He prayed it would help. Gods please let it help.
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