dutchimagine · 1 year
pov: Eddie really wants to enter the spiderman bouncy castle but Steve says no.
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walkept · 1 month
introduction: mutant, son of mystique and destiny, member of the superhero team called x-men (and, formerly, excalibur), kurt wagner (aka nightcrawler) was raised in the bavarian alps by a romani sorceress. not formally adopted by her, kurt spent most of his early life in a circus, where his "devilish" appearance was accepted instead of feared and mistrusted. there he displayed a natural talent for acrobatics and soon became the circus' star aerial artist. after a fateful incident involving the owner of the circus and a mob of men, kurt used his powers for the first time in order to escape, teleporting away from danger. when kurt was 20 years old, charles xavier rescued him from yet again another mob and offered him a place in the x-men.
25-30 y / o. what looks to be blue skin is actually a soft layer of fur covering his entire body and that, along with his tail and shining golden eyes with no pupils, definitely makes him stand out. he also has pointed ears and sharper than normal canines, akin to fangs. despite his average height (175 cm) and lithe frame, kurt sports solid muscles in his back, arms and tighs and his spine is extremely flexible.
notes. i've read some of the comics involving him, but not nearly all of them and god knows trying to keep up with marvel comics is out of my league. due to this i will keep his most relevant story beats while adapting the rest to fit with rp partners and personal headcanons.
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+ powers & abilities
teleportation. minor levels of shadow manipulation to avoid being seen. capable of seeing in the dark.
prehensile tail. olympic level acrobat. skilled in hand to hand combat, though fencing is where he excels at. trained in martial arts.
weaknesses: regular diseases and injuries can afflict him; due to kurt being a neyaphem (ancient race of mutants with demonic appearances) angel blood is dangerous for him.
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the choices we make, the chances we take, define us.
+ misc
(i) he is a staunch believer of god and adeheres to his message of compassion and hope. studied teology but never actually became a priest. (ii) he is in possesion of an astral blade (hopesword), which is also the physical manifestation of his own, never faltering, hope. the sword is stored into his body and allows him to undo certain spells (he restored his mother's memories), but it is implied to have a much greater power that has yet to be discovered. similar to the soulsword, created by his foster mother with fragments of his soul. (iii) can speak and understand various languages, but he still has a distinct german accent. (iv) he has only three digits for each hand and two toes for each foot.
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default. as a successful and beloved superhero, kurt has finally found somewhere he belongs and people he can consider family, until he tragically dies to ensure the survival of the mutant race. in the afterlife, kurt encounters his presumed father azazel. after stopping his nefarious plans to attack paradise (with the help of his fellow x-men), he uses his own blood magic to bind him to earth, cutting him off from his armies. that allows kurt to go back to the world of the living. at a steep price: leaving his soul behind. dying and coming back to life takes a heavy toll on him and, save dire circumstances where his help is needed, he distances himself from the hero life. as a result, however, he starts to dabble in the occult more often, navigating the supernatural netherworld.
vigilante. when mutant kind's peace and very existence is shattered, leaving most of them lost and presumed dead, he is brainwashed by the anti mutant organization orchis and forced to publicly kill three heads of state, tainting mutant reputation against his will. disillusioned by these events and the costant warring between mutants and humans, kurt leaves behind his identity and dons one of spiderman's discarded suits to become the vigilante spinnenman (people seem to prefer calling him in more creative ways, such as.. hellcrawler and spidemon). he also reunites with one of his mothers (mystique) and learns the truth about the circumstances that led him to be raised by another woman in bavaria.
general fantasy. tba
urban fantasy. tba.
modern (non mutant). drama student. normal city life. complicated family issues. adopted by a german couple living in america.
alt modern (vicious). eo. fled bavaria after accidentally killing his foster brother. took refuge in a circus for a while but had to escape again when they discovered his powers and tried to cage and sell him.
& more available! always willing to throw ideas around to make interactions easier
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humphreybubbles · 2 years
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buechermadl · 4 years
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Rezension -Spider-Man reist ins Abenteuer-
Spider-Man macht Ferien und entdeckt die schönsten Städte Europas!
Das Abenteuer führt nach Venedig, London und Prag. Auf dem Programm stehen Gondel fahren, lecker Gelato schlecken, die königliche Garde vor dem Buckingham Palace aus der Fassung bringen und in die Oper gehen - mit Spidy wird es nie langweilig!
In diesem fröhlichen Kinderbuch lernen neugierige Kinder drei großartige Familien-Reiseziele in Europa kennen und können jede Menge lustige Details entdecken.
Das Cover ist perfekt gewählt, Kinder entdecken sofort ihre Lieblingsfigur und wollen mehr davon sehen.
Meine Kinder finden das Spider-Man Buch super. Es ist bunt und lustig. Man sieht seine Reise in drei unterschiedliche Städte bzw Länder.
Besonders schön finde ich, dass man seine Reise auch auf einer Landkarte verfolgen kann. So haben ältere Kinder auch gleich einen Lernfaktor dabei und man kann anhand der Karte auch etwas zu den einzelnen Reisezielen erzählen.
Es werden typische Ereignisse und Sehenswürdigkeiten des Landes mit der blau-roten Lieblingsfigur gezeigt.
Immer wieder reisen wir mit dem Spinnenman durch die Welt und das Buch ist in kürzester Zeit zu einem unserer Lieblingsbücher geworden.
Auch jüngere Kinder finden bestimmt Gefallen daran, die Marvel Figur, die sich einmal durch die Luft schwingt, auf Dächern klettert oder ganz normal im Geschehen ist, zu entdecken.
Das Buch begeistert uns und wir hoffen, dass uns Spider-Man noch auf mehr Reisen mitnehmen wird.
Ich danke dem Bloggerportal und dem cbj Verlag für die Bereitstellung des Exemplares. Meine Meinung wird dadurch nicht beeinflusst.
Zum Buch
Verlag: cbj-Verlag
Preis: 12 Euro
Text: Calliope Glass
Illustrator: Andrew Kolb
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djdejong · 2 years
Spiderman pak mee en de kast op klimmen, dag 845
Spiderman pak mee en de kast op klimmen, dag 845
Die gaat is flink van de kast af duiken in de slaapkamer in zijn spinnenmans tenue tamtatam.. [fb-button]
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