#spiritmetal alchemist
star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
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no no, don't shut up, please elaborate
we making a crack fic now? okay we making a crack fic now
Okay so like this is all off the top of my head but what if since New Hyrule is so disconnected from Old Hyrule that the portal he was supposed to go through got a little. fucked up. Idk he drove his train into it or something. And you know all the train imagery from FMA. (He also had Zelda with him at the time because I said so.)
So like he comes out of the portal and almost hits aNOTHER train on the track hes on before wildly swerving to the side and braking really hard. The train he almost hit just happens to have the Elric brothers in it on their way to Central? I think? That happened in the early story right? (sorry im a bit confused on event details its been a while).
So anyway the Elrics come out to see what the fuck was up with the bastard that almost hit them and they find a weird-ass tiny train making its own tracks and you can almost see the stars in their eyes as they gaze upon this wonder of alchemy. (Literally, in Alphonse's case.)(I'm having too much fun with this.)(His eyes operate like Phantom Zelda's because I said so.)
Engineer Link and Zelda climb out of the train after finally getting it to stop and do the. do the crossover fic thing where they lock eyes with the other main characters and each one of them is going "who tf is that" in their heads. Zelda immediately realizes what Alphonse's deal is, Edward is estatic that there's finally someone smaller than him, Alphonse is running threatAssessment.exe, and Link is just hoping he can go home and catch a break all he wanted to do was take a quick trip out with Zelda please-
I just realized I don't actually have a frame of reference for how Ed would act upon meeting somebody Interesting because every time he meets someone in canon it's because they're trying to kill each other—halp
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