#split are you going to eat that bug? -bive
beefywizard · 2 months
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lalalalalala bive and spive lalalalala
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sicksucculentz · 13 days
Regretavator headcanons: Pest
He's a stag beetle. That's what he looks like to me. I looked it up and apparently adult stag beetles don't eat but they do enjoy saps and fruit juices. Party Noob first met Pest on a random woodsy floor using those big mandibles on his head to scrape and gouge trees for sap. Party Noob started following the strange scratch marks on the trees surrounded by all sorts of bugs also taking advantage of the gouges in the trees. He stumbled on Pest. He froze in shock as Pest peered around the tree glaring at him, a sliver of bark stuck on his mandible. Of course what is Party Noob's first action? try to talk to Pest in a long drawn out way that signaled he thought Pest was some kind of wild beast. Pest just picked the piece of bark off his mandible, threw it at Party Noob and said "What the fuck do you want, go away" Party Noob kept coming back to his floor again and again even though Pest clearly did not seem to enjoy his company.
Pest can still eat as normal he just doesn't do it a whole lot. Most of his consumption is sap and fruits. He does eat and drink things like cookies, cakes, rolls, sweet new growth on trees and ferns, sodas, fruit juice, and sometimes grains. Very rarely does he eat meats but from time to time he will in small amounts.
Pest has in fact gored Party Noob with his mandibles. Pest HATES being touched and well Party Noob didn't know this and....went to try and pat his head. Party Noob found himself getting medical care for punctures in his under arm and armpit area. Pest threw him like he was nothing once he'd gotten a hold on Party Noob with the mandibles.
Pest generally dislikes company, he would rather work or spend his time wondering around. There are people he tolerates and has some form of a weak friendship with. DrRETRO and Spud. Party Noob desperately wants to befriend Pest but Pest sadly just uses Party Noob and treats them like shit.
Over time Party Noob has been able draw at least some soft nature from Pest but it's not an out right friendliness. He let Party Noob touch his mandibles and that's it. Party Noob grabbed one and yanked it up and down moving Pest head up and down. It's now a pretty regular thing to see Party Noob holding both Pest's mandibles and Pest pushing on him, scooting him backwards on his feet along the floor like a bull or something.
Just like any bug he really enjoys hiding in very tight dark places and he can become difficult to find.
His floor he lives on is that of a rather dense pretty and misty forest with a mixture of deciduous and pine trees. It's very moist air with a massive amount of moss growth. He lives in a burrow home 30 or so minutes into the woods from the elevator. He was confused about the elevator the first time, of course he knows what an elevator is but what is it doing here? He stood there in front of the door rapidly looking around while Split, Prototype, and DrRETRO stared back at him in clear confusion and a bit of fear. The doors just closed and he stood there staring at the closed doors before stalking around and around the elevator just...sitting in the middle of the woods.
The burrow he lives is often dark inside sense he tends to enjoy dark places for more. It’s rustic metal framing and wood inside but it does have a rather nice kitchen witch a fridge, oven, microwave, counters, sinks, tables, etc. his kitchen is more geared towards baking and there's almost always some baked good sitting on the table. His place is clean, just a little cluttered but clean enough to be presentable and show he keeps up with tidying. He dosen’t want people in his personal space that is his burrow, no one, and I mean no one is aloud into his burrow. It’s his space, and his space alone to get away from social obligations
He can be greedy. He wont share for almost anything! The coin theft doesn't help ether.
He is legitimately a little scared of Bive. She gives him the creeps and her rambling confuses him
For someone that can be such a thieving jerk he’s shockingly progressive. He’s corrected his pronoun usage mid insulting rant towards someone before. He uses people preferred pronouns and names, he gets it. It’s cannon to his wiki that he uses he/them pronouns.
He’s been to some of Party Noob’s parties. One in particular he showed up, said fuck, ate an entire container of store bought cookies, immediately went to sleep on the sofa, woke up and said fuck one last time before leaving. All in all he said only 2 words the whole time and both of them were ‘fuck’
He’s perfectly ok with other bugs. He likes to admire them. He’s been seen lifting rocks and logs to look at critters underneath. He isn’t some bug whisperer though, the little bugs still scuttle away from him and hide.
He becomes dangerously cranky when he gets sick. The head aches and delirium from fevers just drives him to near black outs and has to be just left alone. He’ll roll back around when he’s ready. He will legit throw things and scream at people when he’s sick.
In his wiki it’s cannon that he’s an inventor and works on machines and such in an underground base. His hand writing is immaculate and TINY
He can smell people far before he sees them so it’s hard to sneak up on him. The most pleasant smell coming from Party Noob, smelling of sweets. He likes the wood smell from Mark as well.
Pest knows of Spud’s story and what happened to that poor man. He does and always has had a soft spot for Spud so he’s PISSED at Gnarpy for what xey did to Spud. He refuses to even look xem in the eye and tries to fight xem constantly. He allows Spud to cower behind him when Gnarpy is in Spud’s line of sight, he even reaches a hand around behind his back for Spud to lean into for comfort.
He has juuuust a bit of a belly. He’s a tad soft. He eats A LOT of sweats and takes in a lot of sugar. His weight can often be seen fluctuating up and down. He’ll pig out, later realize he’s packing on some pounds, cut out a lot of that sugar….then go back to his sugar filled diet once a few pounds are shed.
The first time he realized that Party Noob wasn’t going to leave him alone was when he decided to just take a small nap in a nice relaxing clearing of blooming flowers and lush grass. He was asleep for about 2 hours or so. He woke up to the feeling of something picking his arm up. His eyes slowly blinked open to find Party Noob curiously picking up one of Pest’s hands to look at the exoskeleton like structures along his hand. Party Noob was promptly scratched across the cheek.
He loves loves loves creating blueprints and messing around with mechanics. He can do just about anything including welding. His math skills are amazing! his results are so precise. He's also a fast learner, it's amazing just how quickly he picks things up and puts it all to use.
He's the type of guy that wears a grey or black bathrobe and dark colored pajama pants/sweat pants to bed. And when he does go to bed he brings a thing of cookies with him, sets up his laptop at the end of his bed, and watches a movie before going to sleep. He doesn't always watch a movie, sometimes he will read things on his laptop, old emails, messages, ads, articles, how to's, recipes, blueprints, whatever catches his attention.
He has claws! claws on both his hands and his feet. They are quite thick and a bit rounded like a talon. He's missing two claws on the pinky finger and the finger next to the pinky finger on his right hand. The two claws were completely ripped off his hand during an accident with a machine he was building. He started bleeding horribly but ultimately took care of the problem himself. He never sought medical attention so the very top tips of those fingers are permanently disfigured. It took anyone like half a year to notice he doesn't have all his claws.
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