#theres no sugar coating it
sicksucculentz · 1 month
Regretavator headcanons: Pest
He's a stag beetle. That's what he looks like to me. I looked it up and apparently adult stag beetles don't eat but they do enjoy saps and fruit juices. Party Noob first met Pest on a random woodsy floor using those big mandibles on his head to scrape and gouge trees for sap. Party Noob started following the strange scratch marks on the trees surrounded by all sorts of bugs also taking advantage of the gouges in the trees. He stumbled on Pest. He froze in shock as Pest peered around the tree glaring at him, a sliver of bark stuck on his mandible. Of course what is Party Noob's first action? try to talk to Pest in a long drawn out way that signaled he thought Pest was some kind of wild beast. Pest just picked the piece of bark off his mandible, threw it at Party Noob and said "What the fuck do you want, go away" Party Noob kept coming back to his floor again and again even though Pest clearly did not seem to enjoy his company.
Pest can still eat as normal he just doesn't do it a whole lot. Most of his consumption is sap and fruits. He does eat and drink things like cookies, cakes, rolls, sweet new growth on trees and ferns, sodas, fruit juice, and sometimes grains. Very rarely does he eat meats but from time to time he will in small amounts.
Pest has in fact gored Party Noob with his mandibles. Pest HATES being touched and well Party Noob didn't know this and....went to try and pat his head. Party Noob found himself getting medical care for punctures in his under arm and armpit area. Pest threw him like he was nothing once he'd gotten a hold on Party Noob with the mandibles.
Pest generally dislikes company, he would rather work or spend his time wondering around. There are people he tolerates and has some form of a weak friendship with. DrRETRO and Spud. Party Noob desperately wants to befriend Pest but Pest sadly just uses Party Noob and treats them like shit.
Over time Party Noob has been able draw at least some soft nature from Pest but it's not an out right friendliness. He let Party Noob touch his mandibles and that's it. Party Noob grabbed one and yanked it up and down moving Pest head up and down. It's now a pretty regular thing to see Party Noob holding both Pest's mandibles and Pest pushing on him, scooting him backwards on his feet along the floor like a bull or something.
Just like any bug he really enjoys hiding in very tight dark places and he can become difficult to find.
His floor he lives on is that of a rather dense pretty and misty forest with a mixture of deciduous and pine trees. It's very moist air with a massive amount of moss growth. He lives in a burrow home 30 or so minutes into the woods from the elevator. He was confused about the elevator the first time, of course he knows what an elevator is but what is it doing here? He stood there in front of the door rapidly looking around while Split, Prototype, and DrRETRO stared back at him in clear confusion and a bit of fear. The doors just closed and he stood there staring at the closed doors before stalking around and around the elevator just...sitting in the middle of the woods.
The burrow he lives is often dark inside sense he tends to enjoy dark places for more. It’s rustic metal framing and wood inside but it does have a rather nice kitchen witch a fridge, oven, microwave, counters, sinks, tables, etc. his kitchen is more geared towards baking and there's almost always some baked good sitting on the table. His place is clean, just a little cluttered but clean enough to be presentable and show he keeps up with tidying. He dosen’t want people in his personal space that is his burrow, no one, and I mean no one is aloud into his burrow. It’s his space, and his space alone to get away from social obligations
He can be greedy. He wont share for almost anything! The coin theft doesn't help ether.
He is legitimately a little scared of Bive. She gives him the creeps and her rambling confuses him
For someone that can be such a thieving jerk he’s shockingly progressive. He’s corrected his pronoun usage mid insulting rant towards someone before. He uses people preferred pronouns and names, he gets it. It’s cannon to his wiki that he uses he/them pronouns.
He’s been to some of Party Noob’s parties. One in particular he showed up, said fuck, ate an entire container of store bought cookies, immediately went to sleep on the sofa, woke up and said fuck one last time before leaving. All in all he said only 2 words the whole time and both of them were ‘fuck’
He’s perfectly ok with other bugs. He likes to admire them. He’s been seen lifting rocks and logs to look at critters underneath. He isn’t some bug whisperer though, the little bugs still scuttle away from him and hide.
He becomes dangerously cranky when he gets sick. The head aches and delirium from fevers just drives him to near black outs and has to be just left alone. He’ll roll back around when he’s ready. He will legit throw things and scream at people when he’s sick.
In his wiki it’s cannon that he’s an inventor and works on machines and such in an underground base. His hand writing is immaculate and TINY
He can smell people far before he sees them so it’s hard to sneak up on him. The most pleasant smell coming from Party Noob, smelling of sweets. He likes the wood smell from Mark as well.
Pest knows of Spud’s story and what happened to that poor man. He does and always has had a soft spot for Spud so he’s PISSED at Gnarpy for what xey did to Spud. He refuses to even look xem in the eye and tries to fight xem constantly. He allows Spud to cower behind him when Gnarpy is in Spud’s line of sight, he even reaches a hand around behind his back for Spud to lean into for comfort.
He has juuuust a bit of a belly. He’s a tad soft. He eats A LOT of sweats and takes in a lot of sugar. His weight can often be seen fluctuating up and down. He’ll pig out, later realize he’s packing on some pounds, cut out a lot of that sugar….then go back to his sugar filled diet once a few pounds are shed.
The first time he realized that Party Noob wasn’t going to leave him alone was when he decided to just take a small nap in a nice relaxing clearing of blooming flowers and lush grass. He was asleep for about 2 hours or so. He woke up to the feeling of something picking his arm up. His eyes slowly blinked open to find Party Noob curiously picking up one of Pest’s hands to look at the exoskeleton like structures along his hand. Party Noob was promptly scratched across the cheek.
He loves loves loves creating blueprints and messing around with mechanics. He can do just about anything including welding. His math skills are amazing! his results are so precise. He's also a fast learner, it's amazing just how quickly he picks things up and puts it all to use.
He's the type of guy that wears a grey or black bathrobe and dark colored pajama pants/sweat pants to bed. And when he does go to bed he brings a thing of cookies with him, sets up his laptop at the end of his bed, and watches a movie before going to sleep. He doesn't always watch a movie, sometimes he will read things on his laptop, old emails, messages, ads, articles, how to's, recipes, blueprints, whatever catches his attention.
He has claws! claws on both his hands and his feet. They are quite thick and a bit rounded like a talon. He's missing two claws on the pinky finger and the finger next to the pinky finger on his right hand. The two claws were completely ripped off his hand during an accident with a machine he was building. He started bleeding horribly but ultimately took care of the problem himself. He never sought medical attention so the very top tips of those fingers are permanently disfigured. It took anyone like half a year to notice he doesn't have all his claws.
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got-eggs · 4 days
i am slow cooking the most delicious of concoctions in the kitchen rn
(my tags are so long lol whole half ass recipe down there)
#idk its some bastardized recipe for something called mongolian beef#well can it really be called bastardized when i actually fuckin improved it#like all there was originally was fucking soy sauce garlic brown sugar and onion#LITERALLY NO SEASONING#so i took my earned skills and actuallly made it good#the sauce is now flavorful and doesnt taste like garlic soywater#(the meat gets slow cooked in the sauce thats how i know how the sauce tastes)#added a teeny bit of mustard powder and cumin(half TBsp) added some ginger and onion powder(TBsp) and upgraded garlic to black garlic(TB)#it contained 1/2 cup of soy and 1/3 cup of Brown sugar#also replaced the water with beef broth(half cup)#theres also some oil(i did reg Veggie oil cause i dont like Sesame/ 1TB)#you serve ontop some seasoned/fried rice and mixed peppers/veggies thatve been lightly seasoned and fried in a skillet#the meat(1 1/4 Lb.) gets cleaned and sliced into strips#you leave the strips in a heavy salt solution to leach it/tenderize it(you can use other methods but this was what i had on hand) then rins#(you leave it in the solution for ATLEAST 30 minutes)#pat the strips down dry and using a 1/4 cup of Corn starch you coat the strips entirely#you then put the meat into your sauce and stir it around until the meat is entirely covered in it#then slow cook for however long you want(im doing 8 hours for some REAL tender shit)#alot of these measurements were eyed balled (except starch and liquids)[im skilled at this]#i will update yall once ive tasted the finished product#i went a little light on the seasoning but i dont have certain ingredients i want/can obtain so i had to make do(plus my parents cant shiit#DO NOT ADD EXTRA SALT TO THE DISH#leaching the meat and the soy sauce already has enough salt content#THE STARCH IS NECESSARY PART OF THE DISH#you can achieve black garlic by slow cooking regular garlic FOR WEEKS#longer = better#also i recommend using minced Ginger instead of powder for better flavour
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
Tuca and Bertie is a good show
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Gotta admire the patience of my driving instructor, I'd've hit me with a baseball bat by now
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ectoamerican · 1 year
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general. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ — strength 10 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ — offense 10 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ — defense 5 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ — speed 8 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ — durability 10 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ — accuracy 8 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ — agility 7 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ — stamina 10 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ — teamwork 8 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ — stealth 10
specifics. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ — close combat 10 ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ — bladed weapons 2 ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ — blunt weapons 2 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ — ranged weapons 10 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ — superpowers 10 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ — traps / setups 5 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ — medic 0
lasting injuries: he's dead jim none
scars. in ghost form, he has a large branching scar that stretches out from one of his palms into his chest. it glows a toxic green. this is the scar that formed from his death.
fighting style. ( bold any that apply. italicize any that sort of apply ) commander / duelist / honorable / dishonorable / would have others do their fighting / stealthy / long - ranged / mid - ranged / melee / technological / sorcery / superhuman abilities / has fought in a tourney / a lover of fighting / a hater of fighting / cowardly / reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks / renowned for their skill / trained / untrained / keeps skills a secret / won a battle / lost a battle / ruthless / merciful.
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marshmelonfluff · 1 year
trying schezuan green beans again. have the chili crisp my dad told me to try and excited to use it to see if it gets closer to the resturant taste, but also have chili garlic sauce that i want to use up. thought to myself "i'll just use a tablespoon of each in the sauce and see if that gets closer to the taste i'm looking for".
result: i have made a tasty, tasty (very spicy) mistake. my sinuses are much clearer than before i ate dinner though
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troycattribunny · 1 year
"is heroin chic coming back" Do not kid yourself it never left. And I'm not saying this as a "being thin is the only way to live" or "the body positivity movement didn't work" I'm saying fat phobia and the strive for thinness will always be rampant. And that doesn't mean don't strive for a better positive body appreciation, just don't believe "being fat is okay now" is any influencers motto.
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rose-skunk · 1 year
Putting on a nice perfume to spend new years eve alone in my room listening to Visions by Red Vox for when the clock strikes midnight. I'm hoping I'll have it timed so There's a Time will end when the new year arrives
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bukuoshin · 1 year
I'm almost finished making cookies, yayyyyy!
#rae rants#my back hurts from having to lean down to put the dough on the pan;;;#i just have to ice about 1/4 of the sugar cookies and i'll be done... but idw do it rn cuz my back is killing me.#i have to figure out where to put the peanut butter cookies (currently cooling) bc Space...#i have never had him misbehave this bad. he took a frosted cookie (that was out cuz it was drying) and threw it on the floor#and then ate all its legs off. theres still frosting on the tile...#it was a reindeer i forgot to mention that and i only had 5 of those turn out correctly so i was even madder lol#i do think i have a problem of coating shit too much. like a recipe will be like 'make sure its completely coated' so i do but...#my end result always looks so so so different than how its supposed to. and this goes for both my snickerdoodles and how much sugar i#put on the pb cookies. oops. my bad.#also... relatedly. i slipped on one of Kami's toys yesterday and the only reason i didnt get hurt was cuz my right elbow hit this#futon thing i use as a chair. before the rest of my body hit the floor. so. my arm kinda hurts from the jolt.#AND i've been having real bad carpal tunnel the last week. im a mess man...#and my sister literally just told me LAST NIGHT that she'll have her kids for xmas eve so i have to get everything done like. now.#and i have to hang up my bras to dry so i can shower and buy dog food and icing and kitchenware for my sis and presents for my niece#and i have to pick out an outfit for eve now and so on... i'm so busy;;;;;;#AND. I ALMOST FORGOT. I HAVENT SMOKED IN 2 DAYS CUZ ITS SO COLD OUT THAT I HAVE TO WEAR 6 LAYERS TO GO OUTSIDE FOR MORE THAN 2 MINS.#im gonna layer up in a minute here but. i need some time for my back to like. stop hurting.
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iwendix · 2 months
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request: "hi! i'd like to see some kind of possessive and jealous harin x reader when harin saw reader got close to someone or when reader just want to make harin jealous by flirting with someone (like suji) to make harin gets jealous on purpose so theres a smut scene after that .g!p harin if its okay! pls consider my request if u have time. have a gday!!" | me: thank you, I hope you have a good day too!!🩷 btw, I wrote g!p for the first time and it was fun|
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: not proofreaded(probably misspellings, etc), smut with a little bit of a plot. g!p harin, jealous!harin, kisses, hickeys(marking), breasts play, possessive!harin, fingering, blowjob, dom!harin x sub!user, unprotected sex(don't do this in real life), rough sex, harin being harsh and rough but adoring, degrading/praising(harin teasing reader with vulgar and dirty words, but then speaks to her gently and lovingly).
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: you always understood why harin was so obsessed with the game and you knew that the game was very important for her, so you were never against it, and always supported her when she had any difficulties. you were infinitely understanding, but not infinitely patient, so your patience began to wear out when harin began to devote much more time to the game than to you. what's the best way to get attention from your jealous girlfriend? exactly, make her jealous.
game, game, game... everything always about game. It’s not that you’re incredibly needy or ask for too much attention, not at all, but you haven’t been getting even that lately. you snuggle to her, your hands carefully pushing under her shirt, you gently outline her ribs with your fingers and press your lips to her neck, whispering.
"harin... i missed you today..." you softly whisper in her ear, trying to get her attention at least s little. but she just hummed in response and nodded. she doesn't even try to pretend to listen to you, huh?
"yeah, yeah... i missed you too." harin said without taking her eyes off the screen of her phone on which the pyramid game app was open. you frowned a little and decided to go for more reaction from her.
"I'm going to go out with my friend tonigh." you said and fell silent, expecting a million questions about with whom, where and for how long.
"go out?... mhm, delightful we can go out tomorrow if you want..." the audacity!... she's not listening at all? she just listens to some few words from all the sentences and tries to answer so that you won't sulk at her.
"I'm saying I'm going out with friend" you say a bit louder, making accent on "with friends".
"oh. uh, okay? with doah, right?" now she sounds a little more interested but still not enough to your liking. you sighed in annoyance and pulled away, saying something like "forget it" and laying on the bed facing the wall. you like being in harin's house because you can spend more time together but harin just acting like this... with the growing feeling of disappointment you fall asleep, thinking about how tomorrow in school you'll take more serious and provocative measures.
the next day at lunch you sat down at suji's table, starting a casual conversation. you take a bite of the rice cake and a brilliant idea came to your mind. you reach into your lunchbox with your chopsticks, pick up a piece of kimbap and with as innocent as possible smile, hold it out to suji’s lips. for a moment you see how confused she got but her lips parted, letting you place the kimbap into her mouth.
"what do you think?"
"oh. It’s delicious, thank you.” suji says with a little surprised tone of voice, though, the kimbap is really tasty.
"really? I'm glad you like it. you know, I cooked it myself." you say proudly. It wasn't entirely true, of course, but who cared now? clearly not suji who only thought that it tasted really good. you were just taking another piece of the delicious treat with chopsticks and again handing it to suji, when harin noticed with a sideways glance that she had entered the school canteen. you had a hard time not letting your lips curve into a sly grin when you realize that everything is going exactly as you planned, because you noticed how harin is frozed at the entrance and her gaze is directed in your side. you smile again in the cutest way possible, continuing to act as if you didn’t notice harin’s presence.
"would you like a treat? i have some marmalade candies... they are not as sweet as you and not as soft as your sweet cheeks, of course, but still pretty good." you see how suji’s eyes widen in surprise or at how dumbfounded she is by your "incredible” flirting skills, but what matters — harin comes to your table and sits next to you, trying to act casually, unbotheredly, but you see how her hand clenching in fists.
"you never fed me like that." harin says, looking at your chopsticks with her empty gaze. though, you know this look to well, this empty gaze saying more than any words. but you just shrugs and keep going.
"suji-ah, do you want more?" you ask her sweetly and place some of kimbap onto suji's plate. after that you take a napkin in your hands, rise from the table a little and lean closer to suji. you gently touch the corner of her lips with a napkin. "you've got crumbs here. aw, such a cutie, i can help you."
you don’t have time to say another word when suddenly you feel harin’s iron grip on your wrist, and a second later she’s already dragging you through the corridor to the locker room, where she locks the door and pushes you against the wall, making your eyes widen and knocking a gasp out of you when your back lightly hits the wall. you see how the corner of her lips twitches and she bites the inside of her cheek, she literally eating you alive with her eyes.
"what the hell was that?"
"was there something?" you raise an eyebrow, playing dumb. you know how harin hates when you do this, because you’re not stupid at all and she knows it. but you just can't stop yourself, you're too pissed off by how she treated you yesterday.
"you know what i mean!... why did you do that, huh? why the hell did you get along with suji and be so nice to her? you've never even fed me like that!..." oh how jealous harin is... you even notice how she starts to sulk a little. she will probably remember this situation to you for a long time and will force you to feed her for a long time because you did it for suji today, so you should do this for her as well.
"maybe I was just being friendly? or maybe I was just trying to make friends? or maybe I'm just tired of being ignored?" you crossed your arms over your chest, leaning your back against the wall. your eyes are stubbornly directed at harin’s face, not ready to give in and look to the side. It's not your fault, why should you be embarrassed or worried?
"tired of being ignored, you say? ignored by whom? I constantly see how someone looks at you. do you have any idea how annoying this is to me? here is my girl, and everyone is looking at her... why? you're mine, i don't want others to stare at you." she starts out annoyedly, slmost angry, but by the end of the sentence she becomes a little thoughtful. harin is silent for a couple of seconds, and then you notice the playful twinkle in her eyes and the way her lips curl into a sly grin. now you're so close that you can literally feel her breath on you, and now you're literally pinned between the harin and the wall and you definitely won't be able to do anything about it. her gaze roaming over you from top to bottom and from bottom to top and you feel the tension subsiding a little, she adds teasingly.
"though, i shouldn't be surprised, should i? you're such eye candy, no wonder everyone is staring at you. hmm, my bad, baby, it's not your fault you're so beautiful for me that everyone wants to be with you."
you feel your body heating up, blush covering your cheeks and your thoughts slowly dissapearing. you wanted to tell her everything, to tell her how tired you are that she doesn’t give you enough time... oh, it seems that harin has tricked you again. what a devil, she knows how much you love such a sweet talking, and always uses it to get away with everything, always when she says something like that to you, you lose focus and completely forget that she, in fact, was at fault. or you forgot about it at least for some time, good for her too. you’re not sure how everything happened so quickly, but you catch yourself as harin sits down on a chair and pulls you along with her, sitting you on her lap. you gasp, her fingers already working on the buttons of your shirt, while you do the same, trying to take of harin's shirt. your girlfriend succeeds and within a moment there is no shirt or bra left on you, the cool air tickles your skin, making your nipples harden. you can almost feel her grinning as her lips wrapped around one your nipples, as she hears you're cute little gasps an moans. she feels your hands gripping her shirt, which you still didn't managed to take off. her tongue circles around your nipple, you feel harin sucking on it, as her hands roaming all over you body.she occasionally moves away from your chest, only to whisper about how beautiful you look now and how perfectly your body feels under her fingers.
"I feel how you trembling... isn't it funny? just a moment ago you were ready to scream and curse me, and now you’re trembling and moaning on my lap... I think you said you wanted attention, so I'll give you all the attention you deserve, baby"
harin's hands are on your hips, she starts to rock them against herself, making you feel her cock twitching in anticipation through the thin fabric of her pants, amd you feel like you're falling apart in her hands. every touch, every brush of the skin and every grind she did... it's just too much.
"such a pretty little thing you are...you only want me right? mm, you begged for attention from suji so much today that you made me worried. you're mine and mine only, remember? my girl is too good to want anyone else, isn't she?"
her hips make a few light thrusts, again letting you feel how hard she is for you, just the thought about it makes you wet. you want more: more friction, more touching, more attention. you move your hips with upset hmpf, clearly displaying how needy you are for her. you grinding against harin’s thigh, leaving a little wet spot on it through your already soaked with need panties. a satisfied smirk appears on harin's face.
"such a needy girl, all wet just because I let you sit on my lap. it's almost embarrassing. although..." she paused as if thinking about something and then added. "although I love you for how needy you are . I feel powerful because of this, you know? and what could be better than to have power over such a lovely girl like you?"
your cheeks getting warmer, blush spreading across them and you want to say that you feel shy when talking to you like that, but she interrupts you with a kiss. her lips cover yours, and her hand lets go lower, lifting the elastic band of your skirt and panties with her fingers, you feel her fingers pushing apart your wet folds, toying with you and you gasp into her lips. she uses this moment to shamelessly push her tongue into your mouth. you can’t hold back your moan and, and without think you pull away a little, which makes harin have to hold you by the waist, not letting you slip off her lap. your hips already twitching from time to time begging harin for something more significant and she pushes one finger inside you, now unable to hold back a moan either. she breaks the kiss, her lips immediately falls to your neck, she leads a trail of wet kisses along it and occasionally you feel nibbles on your skin and hear harin whispering “mine” into your neck. the movements of her finger are so slow that you feel as if she is deliberately torturing you, just waiting for you to beg... and you will.
"harin, please... more... faster..." you mutter and tilt your head to the said, giving her better access to your neck.
she hummed in agreement but didn't speed up even a bit.
"what exactly you want, hm? tell me and i might consider granting your wish..."
"I want more than your fingers..." you mutter in embarrassment, which only makes the grin on harin’s face grow larger and you feel her dick twitching under her pants, but she is far more patient than you are.
"aww, baby wants me inside? why wouldn't you just say that?" she teased and pushed one more finger inside, moving just enough to make you burn with desire. "if you can't say what tou want, ride my fingers. i think you should earn your treat, after all, you upset me today. or is this too much for you as well? or do you just want someone else? imagining how suji could fuck you, Is that why you were so nice to her? you're such a slut, what a pity... didn't I teach you manners?"
It seems that now you are overtaken by the consequences of your decision to “tease” harin and make her jealous. of course you didn’t want suji, you didn’t even like her, but there was no point in making excuses, the best thing you can do — listen to her. you start rocking your hips up and down against her fingers, moan left your lips, and you speed up, at least, to the pin when you still can maintain balance on her lap. she watches you fuck yourself with her fingers and the previous frown gradually disappears from her face.
"you try so hard to improve, it's almost funny. my sweet girl, doing so well for me, aren't you? just a little more... i want you nice and stretched for me, just how i like you."
she bited her lower lip, this picture where you on her lap, fucking yourself with her fingers, all so needy, guilty, and out of breath, but still so wet, making a mess on her palm. and your eyes covered with a veil of desire and lust. just too much for her to bear, her pants feel painfully tight. harin cursed, her fingers pulling out of your drenched pussy, she lifted you up, making you just stand on the floor and told you to pull her pants and boxers down, and that's exactly what you do. her cock standing proudly right before you, hard from arousal and already covered in precum. you can't help but almost whimper at this view.
"on your knees, baby. being on you knees and sucking me — perfect place for such an attention-slut."
such dirty words, but somehow they make you wet even more, to the point where your slickness slowly flowing down your thigh. maybe because you know that she doesn't mean it seriously, or maybe because you just into this. anyway, you kneel before her. your lips open slightly, you outline the head of her cock with your tongue, licking ans tasting her pre-cum and then you slowly wrap your lips around the shaft. your head moving up-and-down in deliberate motion, and you hear harin's gasp. you trying to take more of her into your mouth, and her hand finds it's way to your head, digging her fingers into your hair, squeezing and pulling it when your lips wrapped around a particularly sensitive part.
"aww, what is it, baby? can't take more?" she teased, her fingers dig into your hair, not painfully, but so that you feel her control over the situation. it's even comforting...
"wanna help? my adorable girl, can’t cope at all without my help, can you?" for a moment her hand lets go of your hair, moving down to your cheek to stroke it. you just look so adorable kneeling in front of her, and how your cheeks suck in when you suck her off and your eyes are full of desire and devotion for her.she gently strokes your cheek, at the same moment your tongue circles around her, you manage to take half of her length, making her moan. you’re really making this difficult for harin, she really wants to “help” you. and she will, she can't hold herself back anymore. her hand finds its way into your hair again, squeezing it, controlling your movements and speed. she forces you to take her entire length, you can feel the head of her cock pressing against your throat. it becomes difficult to breathe but you hold on, trying to please her.
"what is it, dear? too fast for you, huh? hold on a little more... just... fuck!... a little longer..." harin moans and bites her lower lip, it’s just feels too good when you take her all, she loves to feeling when you almost choking on her dick, but still so eager to please her. she loves the look on your face, your teary eyes. your tearful eyes and your hands resting on her hips is all that is needed for her to reach her peak and pour right into your mouth, pulling away at the last second, letting her cum fall on your chest. you feel her release in your mouth and the way it sliding down your throat. you try to swallow, but you only manage to swallow part of it, the rest rolls down your chin and neck in droplets.
"you're such a dummy, baby... didn't I say that you should swallow everything?" harin said in scolding tone, her voice sounds sincerely sad. like she was really upset that you didn't swallow everything.
"I tried to swallow everything, okay? it's just... you know, it was a lot..." you mutter, pouting a little.
she sighed but nodded, you see that she is not upset with you, really, just a little sad but she won't hold it against you. harin tells you to get up and gently pulls you by the waist. she sits, so when you stand up to your full height she has to bend down just a little bit to see your needy cunt. she can't help but hum in delight when she sees you dripping, even the inside of your thighs is already all wet.
"you're so much wetter just because i put you on your knees and you sucked me off? so pretty... you love my cock so much you would beg me for it, wouldn't you?"
all you can do — nod frantically. she wanted her attention abd you getting it. she pulls you even closer, tempting you to sit on her lap. you lower yourself onto her, your hand goes down to your pussy, and you grope harin’s cock and bite your lip, fighting the urge to jerk her off. you point her shaft straight to your pussy and it smoothly slides into you. you moan, you feel so full and stretched, this feels so right, as if being here with harin and shamelessly taking her in school locker room is what you actually exist for. she lets out a satisfied moan, her grip tightening on your hips as she enjoys the sensation of her cock reaching your cervix. she leans forward, nipping at your neck, her teeth grazing your skin as she thrusts harder and faster.
"that's right, feel me deep inside you. fell the attention you craved so much." she growls, her voice filled with lust and pleasure as she feels how tight your pussy is. "feel every inch of me, baby..."
her hips drive into you with furious intensity, the angle allowing her to hit your most sensitive spots with precision. the pleasure builds within you, the intensity growing with every thrust. notuch timepassed before you feel orgasm crashing on you, making your legs tremble. harin climaxed right after you, her warm and stiky load feeling you up.
you are both trying to catch your breath, finding something very comforting and soft in being like this: messy, but so close and happy. you feel harin's hands gently wrapping around your shoulders and her head dropping onto your shoulder.
"i love you" pause "though, don't even think of getting close to someone else."
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is-this-yuri · 4 months
when i was a kid i dumped an ungodly amount of sugar into my cereal every day. like, it would dissolve into the milk, coat the cereal pieces, and thered be a half inch layer of milk soaked sugar at the bottom of the bowl. when i was done with the cereal, i had absolute ambrosia left at the bottom. it was just incredible. i would still eat cereal this way if it wasnt garaunteed to send me into cardiac arrest
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
okay, ya’ll hear me out. a cat demon reader who has a crush on alastor (unrequited) and is jst sittin at the bar with husk trying to talk her out of it
Husk trying to talk reader out of trying to ask alastor out
Long ass title LMAO
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First of all there's no way alastor doesnt already know. He seems to be able to read people fairly well, especially if hes been around them for a while... so theres a chance he might've already subtly rejected you. If not outright denied you the chance to be alone with him or try to be romantic
Husk, similarly.. already knew about your crush on the overlord. And quite frankly hes a little disgusted in you. Really? Alastor of all people? Husk is not shy in letting you know that your taste is kind of trash, and that it's a dumb idea to try to win his affections in the first place. And honestly, if you asked for his genuine input, he'd recommend you stay away from the radio demon
It doesnt matter how you try to spin it or try to make him hear you out, husk is firm on his stance and hes going to try to get you to understand why it's a bad idea.. it might even put a strain on your friendship as husk is not the type to hold back or sugar coat things. And with alastor, he doesnt want you to fuck around and find out like he normally would...
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aryxchse · 2 years
the only sugar daddy i want is pro hero katsuki bakugou.
we all know that he's not good with words and he rather shows his love with his actions and shit, but this man is a whole ass tony stark to his s/o.
allow me to demonstrade;
the price is not a big deal to him because 1: he's the top 2 hero and he's even more famous than deku so yeah, 2; he's not the type to buy some random things to himself. the first thing he did was buying his own house and that was it. some clothes and suits yes but everything else is useless to him.
because he wears his hero costume at patrols, a black classic suit for events and a black shirt with green or black cargo pants for normal days. sweatshirts and coats are not more than 10.
eventually theres so much money thats waiting to be spended and you're the superman here.
he buys everything you ever wanted. even when you not meant to want it, just told that you liked it. he doesnt care, really.
when you like some dress and say its so beautiful but so expensive, he looks at the price and grins. then looks at you and says "i thought this shit was expensive it's only 20.000 dollars"
real bitch for that.
the fact that some dresses are really 20.000 dollars???
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mywonbin · 7 months
wonbin being too scared to go on rides. he hasnt liked them since a little boy—hes never been on one but just looking at all the ups and downs and twists and turns is too intimidating. the gut to throat feeling when going down a really steep and fast coaster doesnt seem like a nice feeling to him. he doesnt understand why anyone enjoys that. wheres the pleasure? he is not the type to sacrifice his own comfort just to prove his image to you. when it comes to something scary—theres no room for discussion. he. is. not. doing. it. he doesnt care if you laugh at him or call him a loser or whatever other name. it wont diminish his ego anyway. hes more than fine to let you go do it alone as he watches from afar. on the ground. behind the safety barrier. maybe even a couple inches back from the safety barrier. just for extra safety. after all it was your idea to come to an amusement park. you knew he wasnt gonna go on the rides with you. like how dare you take your babygirl princess to a place he hates most. . . “come onnnn, ill hold your hand the whole time wonbin i promise~ its gonna be fun” even with your sweet tone he still looks at you with a completely appalled look that youre seriously trying to convince him right now. you grab at his wrists and try pulling him toward the line of the ride. youre stretching his arms out as his feet stay glued to the cement beneath them refusing to move. obviously hes not gonna budge but you just like to tease him. he throws his head back and complains. you laugh at his annoyed reaction. so you take his hands and instead drag him to a churro stand from across your view (which you know he wont reject) . you sit on a bench and share your cinnamon and sugar coated rods of fried dough—wiping the residues off his face every once in a while. you sit and lovingly stare at your boyfriend taking in his gentle nature. hes just a boy who doesnt like scary things and that makes him him
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isa-ah · 5 months
so heres my pitch for what happens before dimple shows up in the icmhwau:
teruki and mob are hanging out in the middle of one of black vinegars soccer fields. its after school and the sky is heavy and grey, but it hasnt started to rain just yet. mob snuck a milk carton on his way out so he could come see one of the stray cats that sometimes wander onto the school grounds. this one he knows from sitting by for terukis soccer practice over the last few months.
while hes bent down, making soft sounds and petting it, teruki is standing behind him, hands jammed in his pockets and sneering bc he doesnt do. exactly great. not being the center of attention. hes tapping his toe and waiting for mob to get it over with so they can go when theres this big crack of thunder overhead and the cat goes skittering off toward the trees- just as the sky opens up and theres one of those heavy late spring downpours.
teruki is taken offguard, bracing for the rain, when he realizes hes still stood there dry. mobs got a hand up, having thrown a barrier over them reflexively, and humming his disappointment. he stands, dusting his knees off, and when he turns around teruki tries to look like he hasnt just been standing there watching the whole time.
"can we go now?" rude. but no more rude than he usually is, so mob doesnt really mind. he hums his affirmation but pauses, and then shakes his head. teruki frowns and turns fully toward him in response.
mob kinda stands there, hands flexing and unflexing cause hes really not good at putting things into words in this au. it drags on long enough that teruki is just starting to pull away with a scoff when he is stopped cold like he took a stone to the head.
that gets his attention in a big way that makes his stomach roil. mobs never addressed him like this before- maybe a soft hanazawa-kun when he needed to, but the nickname cuts straight to the core and he is on guard immediately.
"i.. was thinking."
and now he is feeling outright defensive. a thousand scenarios playing out right like is mob sick of this? is this going to be bad news? is he trying to sugar coat it? and then, worst case scenario; mob steps forward, and starts to reach for him. his hands are small and bruised, little scars and bandages wrapped around his fingers. teruki put those there, and it feels like an intimacy too sacred and mortifying to be broached.
so teruki panics.
"DONT TOUCH ME!" slapping his hands aside. "you just laid hands on that disgusting vermin, its probably diseased."
and mob stands there looking so shocked teruki feels a thrill of success. derailed. whatever was about to happen has been successfully derailed. he preens, starting to turn to pull the lead before mob can recover, but mob speaks before he can get very far.
"cats are actually very good at grooming." tone flat, dry. it gets under terukis skin. mob never objects.
"yeah right. like im going to hear about hygiene from a brute like you." baseless, and mean, the kind of cutting comment he throws around easy but it seems to catch mob off guard this time.
hes frowning, brows turned down and his hair ruffled by a wind that cant reach them through his barrier. teruki sneers and mob shoves him, hands splayed into his ribs in frustrated defiance. teruki scoffs and pushes him tumbling back onto his ass, standing over him.
& its just instinct tbh, at this point, learned experience from watching teruki get backed into corners with his mouth, when mob mutters, "youre mean." and when teruki looks surprised, he continues. "youre a very mean person."
which teruki is taken aback by. "oh, as if! you dont have a high horse, not when youre just some commoner who happens to listen to instruction better than the rest of them. like you havent picked plenty of your own fights, too." that sort of thing. "its embarrassing that youd even try to come after me when youre just some- some nobody."
& its clearly reaching its mark bc as teruki talks, mobs curling his fingers into the grass and bits of dirt and torn blades are starting to curl up into the stagnant, humid air around them. his hairs started to lift and he looks unhappy.
"oh dont look so surprised. you knew what this was. and beyond that- you dont scare me, kageyama. i could kick your ass and still-"
hes cut off by this dizzying woosh, this spike of energy that makes his head spin, and the vertigo only intensifies as he looks around and realizes the barrier is gone; its not that the rain isnt landing on them, its that the rain isnt landing at all.
mob was definitely not radiating unadulterated power like this last time. he may have.. miscalculated his approach.
& you can imagine it from there. teruki panics and lashes out first, which pushes mob over the edge and suddenly theyre fighting and its UGLY. it makes their initial fight look like a joke. it makes the soccer field look like a battleground. it knocks teru half conscious, held by the throat in mobs sweaty, burning grip with blood dripping into his eyes when hes got an abrupt sense of nausea and something eye piercingly green shoots out his nose with an unceremonious, "oh jesus, kid."
im not like, a writer, but you get the idea. fill it in to be better than i could do it LOLOL mob tried to finally put into words, somewhat, what he feels about teruki, which made teruki FREAK because he doesnt know how to be vulnerable like that, he lashes out at mob, mob lashes out back, the autistic immovable object vs the unstoppable adhd force leading into an rsd death spiral. messy. awful. mob knocks the snot (dimple) out of him lololol
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royalsunshinehotel · 21 days
Hello again! Sorry I didnt see that you answered my message tumblr didnt notify me for some reason 🤦‍♀️. And boy do i have ideas for ya boy, our heart and soul, David. (If u still write for him that is).
Picture this: you and david are newlyweds and on a honeymoon. Im picturing something like the channel islands like Jersey, where theres still a nice city aspect but you can get pretty solitary if u want. You run around, do some shopping maybe, goof off together. You both have a cottage that overlooks the water. You both walk by the edge of the water for a bit, completely lovesick and he just chats about how lucky he is that you said yes to him. He keeps telling you how lovely look and you keep teasing him too. Eventually the banter gets very heated and he drags you back to your room in the cottage and ✨️christens✨️ it with you.
This is just an idea btw, not a request or anything so think on this , and have a lovely day!
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A Lucky Cloud (David Copperfield x wife!reader, 18+)
Giddy was the perfect word for it.
It had been exactly two days since you had met David at the church and become his wife. You find it's quite convenient because early that morning, you were able to kiss the top of David's nose to wake him, and instead of leaving, the two of you would take breakfast together. Your husband is quite a handsome man, it simply has to be said.
You watched him, as you always do, take a sip of his tea, large hands, long elegant fingers holding the cup. Those were the same hands you'd felt everywhere the evening before. He had the nerve to bat his long lashes at you, "What are you thinking, dearest?"
"You're all mine." You stated simple facts, David smiled and put his cup down.
"I am, we signed the papers." Til death do us part, though David said longer.
"And I'm yours." You grinned for no real reason, and David moved his chair back, leaving his lap open. It would have been a shame to leave that seat empty, so you pounced.
"You are. Gone soft on me, have you?" He sighed as you sat down in his lap, as if he had been holding his breath. 
"I have. How sad." David takes your chin with his thumb, and brings your mouth to his, kissing your pout. He tasted sweet, from the sugar cubes piled in his tea. He enjoyed your mouth for a moment, hands roaming over clothes, but he pulled away…
"As much as I would like to take you back to bed, I think we should take a walk today, just to say we did." You blinked at him.
"Outside?" You cocked your head. Why would he want to do a thing like that?
"Outside. Maybe just along the water." Oh, David did enjoy large bodies of water, you wouldn't deny him that.
"But not too far." You stated, looking him in his big eyes. 
I’d like to be back in bed within the hour, you thought. 
"Not too far." He confirmed, kissing your cheek. Your husband helps you up off his lap, coughing lightly, ignoring the state of his trousers. 
It's just another moment, that the two of you finished your breakfast, and got changed. You wouldn’t bother to tell David why you’re not putting on your various layers. You’ll just be wearing your overcoat and hoping for the best. 
You squeaked as David kissed the back of your neck, while helping you put on your coat. It was something simple, but you still felt weak in the knees. How strange it was! You weren't a woman who squeaked before you met David, and it still managed to surprise you.
He opened the door for you, and you tried not to wince as the cool air hit your skin. This would be a lovely interlude to what had been an alarming amount of time spent on marital relations. You would enjoy the break, or you wouldn’t let David see that you would much rather be inside, underneath him. 
Overall, you’d say your honeymoon was going quite well. You never saw yourself as someone who could get married, but then David barreled into your life and showed you how wrong you were. 
The autumn sun hit your skin and you sighed lighty, letting the cool fresh air take hold. He was right, as much as you’d hate to admit it. It was a lovely idea. 
You snuggled into your husband's arm, fingers toying with the cuff of his wool overcoat. Jersey was a fantastic choice for the two of you, plenty of good food in town, but plenty of nature too. You knew David grew up with natural life close by, maybe you could give your children the same luxury!
The two of you leisurely made your way down to the stony beach, you released his arm, and let him go to the edge of the water like you know he loves to do. 
“You were right husband, just this one time.” He scoffed at you, giving you a big toothy grin, sticking his hand into the lake. 
You sat on a large log and watched your husband enjoy himself. You breathe deeply, letting the air refresh you, cleanse. David came to sit by you. 
“Do you think our children will come here one day?” You asked, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Our children?” He asked, voice tinged with incredulousness. 
“Tell me you’ve thought of them.” Before the wedding, it was practically all he could talk about!! 
“I have!” Since the wedding, he hasn't. He’d been a little lost in you. But he was thinking of them now.
David put your hand in his own, linking your fingers. 
“Do you want to meet our children sooner?” 
Getting home was both a sprint and a blur. 
As a former chorus girl, you had to be athletic. David, your beloved, was typically not. However, today the power of desire would make him keep pace, behind you like a loyal dog.
A chilly fall breeze blew the two of you through the front door, David slammed it immediately after, as you pinned him against it, about to tear through his coat and shirt to get to him. 
He beamed as you put your mouth everywhere you could reach, frantically, like the two of you were reuniting after a war. He moaned into your mouth, your grip on his coat lapels unforgiving. 
“You’d debase me in the hallway, dearest?” he asked, coming up for air, only for a moment. You scowled at him, pretending to pout. 
Slowly, you backed away from him, and he batted his big eyes at you, “You should run then,” he cocked his head, “Or I’ll start without you.” 
His eyes flash as you strip off your coat, and sprint to the main bedroom, you whirl around and try to slam the door, only for your dearest husband to dramatically throw himself into the door frame. Oh bless him…
He gaped at you, and you laughed at him, “Minx!” he declared, “You’d lock out your husband?” 
“When he’s misbehaved, yes!” How dare he be unwilling to take you in the hallway! It never stopped the two of you before!
“I’d argue it was you who misbehaved!” He tried, as if you hadn’t been suffering on your day out. 
“Then come over here and punish me for it.” 
David stared at you a moment, as if he was trying to make a memory. You huff at this, kicking off your shoes, and flopping back in bed. He wouldn’t punish you, he puts the idea down immediately, as well as falling to his knees. 
“May I serve you?” 
“Since you asked so nicely…” He crawled to you, and you pulled him up next to you on the bed. How ridiculous it was, to have missed someone you had spent the whole day with. 
“I’d like your mouth, husband.” You purred, brushing your nose against his. 
“So take it, wife.” He replied softly, waiting for your next cue. 
You think a moment, about the first time you mounted your David’s face, and how relentless he’d been for you. Only stopping when you said. What a good man you had. All yours, just like he said. 
Your heart skipped as David gave you the goofiest of smiles, before pulling your shared pillows into place. He’s much too tall to fuck around without pillows.
“You’re a very good husband, dearest,” you beamed at him. You had read it was important to share such thoughts. 
“I can be better!” You scoffed, undoing the buttons of David’s shirt to reveal a lovely amount of his chest. The bedroom in the house where you were staying was tightly insulated, the autumn sun streaming through the windows, making the two of you perfectly warm. 
David’s face should have felt more familiar with how much time you spent enjoying it. It was almost unfair how he was designed, looking up at you from two comfortable pillows, expectantly, mouth open. 
You thanked yourself for having the foresight to strip off your heavier clothes, as you migrate in bed, to do what David had so nicely prepared for. 
Your firm grip on his hair, his long eyelashes fluttering, a pleasant, sharp nose. How every lady he set eyes on didn’t fall, was beyond you. 
Properly seated, and your husband’s neck supported, you slowly grinded against his beautiful face. Your husband didn’t stand for this, taking a harsh grip on your ass, and pushing you down further. 
Rolling forward, you took hold of the bed frame, and took one of David’s wandering hands in your own, placing it on your belly, the other supporting your lower back. 
You adored his tongue. You practically married him for it. 
You continued to rock slowly against his face, harder and harder as your skin gets hotter and hotter. David made it so hard for you to contain yourself! You had been so calm and concealed when you met him, and now you were practically about to break his nose! 
A hand wandered up to feel your breast, and he groaned against you when he found it. 
You came loudly, boldly, onto David’s tongue, and you swore you could feel him smile against your pussy. He used his tongue to fuck you the whole way through, wobbling, clinging to the bedframe as tight as you could. 
He was the only one who could do this to you, the only one who stripped you down to your most vulnerable, and lavish you with care and sensitivity regardless of what mess he might see. 
His face was still wet with your release as you leaned back, your knees angry with you for staying still for so long. A lovely floaty feeling settled on the top of your head, like a very lucky, wispy cloud. 
David caught his breath, observing you closely. You crashed, pressing your face into his neck, his grip steady, unrelenting.. 
“Need you,” You mumbled into his hair, and you heard the vibrations of a chuckle in his chest. You really were a minx, and you knew it too.  
He helps you pull your underskirts up to your waist, his forehead pressed to your own as you feel a blunt pressure against your wetness. He’s warm, familiar by now, and it’s absolutely perfect. 
The two of you weren’t rushed by any means. David firmly rolls you back on top of him, your mouth sucking and biting at his neck at your leisure, as if he was some kind  of rare treat.
He thought, for a moment, about the first time he had you, like this, completely calm and unguarded. He vaguely registered you changing your pace as the relief the two of you were chasing got closer and closer. You’d said something so ridiculous he could almost laugh now, “You’re so good to me David, I’m afraid I don’t deserve you.” 
“What utter nonsense.” He said in the bedroom. You didn’t notice his words, completely preoccupied chasing release, faster and faster as you kept his pulse under your teeth. Your breathy little gasps and familiar squelching sounded like music, and your husband thinks to write this down. For personal use, obviously. 
The two of you held each other tightly through the come down, your head firmly resting on David’s chest, and he drew thin lines all over your skin with his fingertips. 
“I think I want to keep my hands on you forever,” He hummed into your hair. You laughed a little, leaning to press a kiss to his throat. His eyes fluttered shut at that, as they always did. 
“You can, you know,” you replied warmly, smiling as he did what he said, running large hands over you. 
“Hmmm…legs,” he traced his hands down feeling you there, as you casually brought your fingers through his dark, curly mane. 
“Hair.” You announced. He brushed his nose against your own.
“What are we doing?” 
“Saying what we love.” You hummed as if it was the most simple thing in the world. 
“Everything.” David sighed into your mouth, “Everything. Us.”
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consulting credits to my dearest @youlooklike-clarabow
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